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Daddy In Charge_A Billionaire Romance

Page 52

by Natasha Spencer

  I don’t even know how to masturbate, she thought in despair. It’s not to say she had never tried before. She had. Countless times. With all she could get her hands on. But it wasn’t of any use. She’d never orgasmed in her life.

  Not once.

  Maybe Aaron could – oh her, God! No!

  She was a mess inside in every way. She was horny, shy, and inexperienced. If she had to subject herself to such torture then she should’ve been a nun instead.

  She looked at the time. She’d gotten up way too early according to her schedule. She had an hour to catch some more sleep, but she knew it would be impossible with the dream she had. Also…

  She needed to change the sheets. So she heaved a sigh and pushed herself out of bed, ridding herself off of her clothes to take a shower first. There was no way she could let the housekeeper, Tyra, see this when she came in two hours to help around.

  The shower was no help apparently because her thoughts ran amok there, too. She felt like smashing her head against the tiled walls repeatedly. She couldn’t get the image out of her head. She didn’t think she could imagine something so hot in the first place. She’d watched porn, but she could never get herself to watch the penetration. Her fear was absolutely irrational…

  Well, maybe not. Her past experiences with numerous sexual assaults left her wary and battered to the thought of achieving such comfort and intimacy with anybody at all. But it was weird how willing she was to let Aaron in the way she wanted him to.

  She had no problem imagining it, definitely not. But it just seemed impossible for it all to come true with someone, anyone at all. It was all better off in her head.

  A few distractions needed to be in order if she was going to make it through the day productively at all. The thoughts lingered deliciously in the crevices of her mind, reaching out to her seductively. But this new design her client needed was due in a month and would need absolute concentration. A one floored villa with traditional Italian accents and modern interior, an indoor pool and waterfall. She liked working on those. Along with the architecture, she also took responsibility for the interior design.

  The concept drafts took up space on the bulletin board before her drawing table, coming together in themes that complimented each other. And it wasn’t too long before she was absolutely engrossed in her work. So engrossed that she didn’t notice the time passing by, her housekeeper leaving after finishing her duties, and the familiar breath of someone down her neck.

  Aaron watched her work. Her hand was quick and lithe over the papers as they sketched out various designs. And with each unhappy scribble, she’d crumple and throw it away. There was one particularly good one of a staircase he liked. Even Mina paused to study it, hands on the either side of it as she bent over it like a prey. Aaron almost chuckled, but held his breath and watched her carefully. She sighed, shook her head and moved to crumple it. But his hand shot out from behind her and slammed itself onto the drawing.

  “This one is good!”

  “HOLY SHIT!” Mina screamed, and Aaron swore his eardrums popped. She turned around and her knee came right into his groin. He squeaked in pain, eyes crossing over as his hands held his privates, falling to his knees.

  “Oh her… OH HER, GOD!” she screamed even more, “AARON, I AM SO FUCKING SORRY!”

  “It’s fine,” he forced through his constricted throat, but, hell, it hurt.

  “I mean, if you’d only told me you were-” she stopped short as something dawned onto her, “You broke into her house!”

  “Tyra,” Aaron wheezed, and Mina sighed. Tyra must’ve met him at the door as she was leaving and let him.

  Mina dropped to her knees beside him and gave a childish ‘hmph’ and started to scold him, “What was wrong with letting me know you were here in a normal way?”

  “Are we ever normal?”

  “Not really no.”

  “I’ll be fine,” he patted her arm with a hand, “give me a minute, okay?”

  “Take all the time you need,” she said with a roll of her eyes, “But honestly, why the fuck would you even pull something like that on me? You know I have reflexes.”

  “Very impressive ones at that,” he nodded his head appreciatively and Mina battled to contain her smile. Shaking her head, she pinched his nose.

  “Ow ow ow!” he cried, “Mina! You’ve probably incapacitated me from having children! Spare her sense of smell, okay?”

  “I’m pretty sure you’ve been kicked in the nuts before, too.”

  “They’re as bad as period pains.”

  “Except that you probably asked for it,” she countered with a raise of her brow.


  Mina only shook her head and lifted herself off from beside him, “Look, I have a quota to fulfill today, so make yourself comfortable. This should take me around an hour until I get her break time.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he sighed and finally rolled onto his knees carefully, “That’s the bathroom, right?”

  “Yes, Aaron,” she chuckled, “Please leave the seat down before you leave. And wash your hands.”

  “All right, geez, mom,” he rushed into the bathroom, locking it.

  Aaron was lounging in the living room scrolling through Mina’s movie list. She had a knack for animated, sci-fi, and horror. And anime.

  …and Kpop, too. He leaned forward looking at thumbnails of Korean girls in tiny shorts and skirts, and boys with colorful hair and gentle features. He noticed that they all had a theme to go with each album, and that some bands had similar themes in different ones.

  He recalled Paige having a phase. Well, not really a phase, it had become more of her personality and she still liked it. She’d been nuts for them ever since she was sixteen, her room splattered with posters of people very familiar to the ones he was seeing right now. She travelled to Seoul, South Korea whenever she got the chance for a break, and occasionally to Tokyo, Japan. Like Mina, Paige was obsessed with Korean and Japanese media, technology, language, and art. If he recalled correctly, Mina and Paige were exchanging words of secrecy in either language. Sometimes he wished he knew as many languages but as much as he appreciated them, he didn’t hold the interest and stamina to study them.

  Mina, on the other hand was staring at her window, trying to decide her next move. There was a man in all black suspended before her window, a gun behind it poised to aim right at her head.

  She knew she was fast, but she did not want to risk creating a commotion and inviting Aaron to the scene. He wouldn’t be able to engage in combat.

  She didn’t think she had much time on her hands, but she recognized the fact that he really wasn’t going to shoot her. He would’ve done so already if it was his intent. She knew this was just a threat for now. So she moved, flipping her table over and ducking. The bullet pierced through the glass and against the table, the bullet bouncing against it. Now she knew the gun wasn’t as dangerous as she would’ve expected it to be.

  She rolled under the window and prayed Aaron heard nothing. But she knew it would be impossible, with the way the man kicked away the glass to unlock the window and slide the frame away to the side.

  He jumped inside and Mina jumped straight for his feet, tackling him and managing her way onto his stomach, punching him out cold.

  Meanwhile, Aaron had her Beats over his ears as he tested out Mina’s Kpop collection, dancing a little. He seemed to like it a lot. His phone, though, buzzed away on the couch. And he was completely unaware.

  Mina got hold of his gun and checked the bullets. It was full, save for an empty slot. She had to make sure whoever this man was there weren’t more of him breaking in from elsewhere. She had to make sure nothing happened to Aaron. Running out of her room and jamming the lock, she rushed to the living room where she saw Aaron indulged in her music, deaf, dumb, and blind to all that was happening this whole time. She almost shot herself out of frustration, but she was glad because it kept him from coming into her room.

  She went
over to him and dragged the headphones from over his ears.

  “Hey! Why’d you do that?” he demanded.

  “There’s a break in!”

  “What?” he blinked at her dumbly, but her eyes widened at the scene behind him.

  “Get down!” she cried pushing him to duck and aiming her gun at the intruder coming in through the balcony, shooting him in the leg and shoulder. He fell with a painful groan and Mina wasted no time in dragging Aaron to the guest bathroom. She pushed him and followed, locking it behind them, not daring to turn the lights on. Her phone buzzed, silent from her work timings. She declined the incoming call from Aaron’s secretary and texted him instead.

  Break in

  Hiding in bathroom

  Her phone buzzed back in no time, Help is 10 seconds away.

  “Praise the lord,” she whispered. She felt Aaron’s breath and knew he was about to speak. Her hand flew to cover his lips, the other hand placing a finer over her own, signaling him to stay quiet. Aaron nodded.

  5, she thought, 4, 3, 2, 1.

  There was a loud crash and a person yelling orders. A few gunshots and screams.

  “NOBODY MOVE!” A voice of authority roared through the apartment. Sounded female.



  Mina wondered how anyone could have so much power in their voice. Her thoughts were cut through with a gentle knock on the door.

  “Mister McCarthy?” his secretary’s familiar voice came through. Mina released a breath of relief and unlocked the door, opening it to reveal Gale standing in his usual office attire. His face was neutral but they could tell he had been extremely worried. His eyes grew light at the sight of them unharmed, and he escorted them to the security force.

  “They’re all right,” he announced.

  Mina had expected the place to have become an absolute mess, but it wasn’t really. It was a clean and smooth job, with only bloodstains and broken glass on the carpet to worry about.

  “Could any of you explain what happened?” a black woman approached them and Mina recognized the voice that was yelling relating to her. No wonder it was powerful.

  “I can,” Mina stated and the woman, Rhonda, suggested they take the conversation elsewhere in a safer area.

  Gale picked up Aaron’s phone and dusted it off, coming forward to hand it to him and following him down the hallway alongside.

  “Why didn’t you pick up your phone, Sir?”

  “Don’t ask,” Aaron grumbled, absolutely embarrassed by the helpless role he played in the whole incident. He had no clue whether to walk faster and catch up to Mina, or slower and fall behind with the armed security he had prepared for such incidents. He couldn’t bring himself to face either of them. He hadn’t felt so humiliated in his life.

  They stepped out of the building and into a familiar black truck where the guards usually come in to the scene. The lights turned on and guard took positions outside and closed the doors.

  “Tell me all that you can remember, okay?” Rhonda said almost gently. Mina nodded and went on to explain what had happened. She’d put up a visibly strong front, but in seclusion she was very nervous, and quite shaken from the ordeal. Rhonda eyed Aaron as the pieces fell together in both of their heads. This was Tyler’s doing. And he’d definitely managed to get a little more help this time.

  Chapter Eight

  The security team had done an incredible work of immediately inspecting the place and covering up any evidence of break in or damage done to Mina’s apartment. It looked good as new under an hour or so, and Rhonda reassurance was through making sure her number was on speed dial in Mina’s phone should she ever be in need of any assistance. Rhonda was very impressed with Mina’s analysis and the way she had handled the whole situation. Meanwhile, she couldn’t decide whether to be angry or laugh at Aaron.

  “I was listening to Kpop,” he admitted with shame.

  “You were…listening to Kpop?”

  “Yes, I was listening to Kpop.”

  “Okay, all right.”


  “Uh-huh, nothing that makes a witness report look ridiculous, but okay.”

  “Rhonda, please.”

  “Aaron, we don’t blame you for anything. You couldn’t have done anything either way and that is nothing to be ashamed of. Just makes way for a job for her team,” Rhonda finished and winked at Mina, who chuckled, although still a little nervous. Aaron only grumbled at himself, drowning in shame for his lack of masculinity.

  “There’s nothing wrong in not saving a damsel in distress,” Mina nudged him in the ribs playfully, “At least now you won’t have to worry about her security knowing I can handle herself. I’m a strong cookie.”

  There was no way Aaron would never not worry about Mina’s safety. Not with this little slip up that allowed for an attack for the first time since he implemented it. Not now. Not anymore.

  “We’d already sent guards with Dave and Heidi,” Rhonda continued, “but we’ll alert them to keep an eye out for danger.”

  After all the reports were wrapped up, Rhonda gathered her team to leave. She gave Aaron a knowing look and he knew he had so much explaining to do.

  The door creaked shut and Mina winced at how loud it was. Aaron sighed.

  “Mina,” he started gently, “I don’t even know where to begin…”

  “Just tell me who those men belonged to,” she said softly, not meeting his eye. It was clear she was shaken.

  “A man called Tyler Morgan,” he answered carefully, “He’s Greta’s older brother who’d been cast out from his family.”

  Mina rubbed her hand nervously and he scooted closer and covered them in his, “Hey, Mina, what’s wrong?”

  “I-I just don’t feel safe here anymore,” she whispered, “I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep at night. They know where I live.”

  “Let’s move into her place.”


  “Shh, no buts,” Aaron said firmly as he let go of her hand called out to his secretary in the kitchen who was fetching himself a glass of water, “Gale? Could you arrange for Mina to move in with me?”

  “On it!” Came his faded reply.

  “All right, then,” Aaron breathed, “let’s leave now and you don’t have to worry about a thing. He’ll get every important little thing of yours to her place.”

  “Okay…” she whispered and stood up slowly after him. He took her hand and gently pulled her close into his arms, holding him securely to his chest. Her small hands grabbed onto his shirt. She was trembling. Well, she’d been trembling the whole time, and not out of fear.

  Mina was hurting that she would have to leave this apartment of hers she worked so hard on. It was her first ever project after she got enough money to do so. Now she’d have to see it go simply because of one envious little girl who hid behind her brother wanting to hurt her for Aaron making his own choices.

  Aaron slowly pulled away from her as Gale walked into the room busy on his phone. The three of them left together. Mina didn’t even let herself have one last look around the place.

  It wasn’t hard to let go of things for her. But it hurt so much.

  It occurred to Aaron, though a little guiltily, that his desires had come true in the most unexpected of ways. There was Mina in his room getting for bed.

  Now how could he hold her in his sleep?

  She’d been feeling subdued the whole day and couldn’t even work on her designs when brought to her. Aaron suggested she really needed a nap and she followed through with it. But she seemed too curious now about his house to want to sleep. His bedroom was the last to be explored. She observed the lights, the walk-in closet, the automatic drawers in them, the taps with sensors, everything. She seemed to like the place. A little.

  “This is a nice place for lazy people,” she said lightly, a little humorously. Aaron knew she wasn’t feeling it, though, and it made him kind of sad she was trying in
an effort to not let the negativity of today get to her. Yet it was still admirable.

  So he went up behind her and wrapped his arms around his small body, “Are you feeling any better?”

  “I don’t feel unsafe anymore,” she mumbled leaning back into his chest. He only held her tighter and his face dipped into the crook of her neck.

  “That’s a step to it, I guess,” he sighed, “Adjusting here.”

  Mina shuddered in his hold. It had been a long time she had felt protected with someone. And she was so willing to give into his touch and let him do whatever he was feeling like, knowing she was better off in his hands than anyone else’s.

  His hands spread down over her arms gently, crossing over her stomach to hold her by the waist and turn her around. He leaned down to gently rub his nose against hers, tracing it over her cheek, down her jaw, over her chin, and back up as his lips brushed against hers ever so lightly. Hi hands came to rest lightly right before the curve of her butt, tracing softly with his fingers. Mina didn’t move. She wanted him to make all the moves, knowing he was experienced and that she might make a fool out of herself.

  He took a small step forward and closed the gap between them, lips closing over hers and an arm coming to wrap around her, while the other hand travelled lower to gather her soft bottom in between his fingers. She moaned softly into his mouth and his hand travelled up and down her side, feet nudging hers slightly to the bed. She took small steps backwards until the back of her knees hit the edge and she fell into it. Aaron was quick to crawl over her, caging her between his arms and looming over her, looking into those large eyes that were absolutely melting him to the core with need.

  Kissing her again, his hand travelled places, exploring, taking his time to make her feel how it felt to be touched. Sneaking under her shirt and past her bra, she sighed as he pushed the cloth away from her breast and let his fingers play over her nipple, tracing around them, brushing over the tip, and giving it a small squeeze every now and then. His lips moved away from hers, trailing slowly down her jaw. Then her neck, and then her cleavage. He lifted his head and went straight to her full chest, licking her sensitive peak.


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