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Eluding Fate

Page 16

by Delilah Mohan

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Her hands straightened my bowtie before leaving the silk at my neck and traveling down my stomach, resting close to my hip. My stomach clenched at the contact, my mind willed her touch lower.

  “Relax, you’ve done these events so many times,” she assured me, and I just nodded my head, refusing to admit out loud that it wasn’t the event that had me tense or on edge, but her fingers lightly skimming my hipbone.

  “Do I have to go?” I whined, not above behaving like a child in hopes to get my way.

  “It’s the mayor’s banquet; who wouldn’t want to go?” she countered, removing her hand from my body, taking a part of me with her.

  “Did you want to go? I can take you, all it would take is one phone call.” I knew it was a long shot, but if she were there the task of attending would only be slightly tedious versus atrociously so.

  “Nice try, sir. I already promised Victoria a girl’s night at my place. We haven’t done one of those in a while. She needs it.”

  “But, what about my needs?” I pouted, sticking my lip out farther than necessary and batting my eyelashes.

  “What you need is to get in your company provided car, go shake hands, and come home at a decent time.”

  “What if I come home at an indecent time?” I asked her.

  “Then it’s your loss.”

  “My loss of what?” I wanted to know, no, wait. I needed to know what was at stake here.

  She batted at my chest. “You’re going to be late. The car is already waiting downstairs, you need to hurry.”

  My voice grew husky as I lowered my head toward hers, moving in for a kiss. “Let them wait.”

  “Spencer, this is an important night. Don’t do that thing you do.”

  My eyebrows pulled together in question. “What thing?”

  “You know, that prick thing you do. The one where you think the world revolves around you and you treat everyone around you according to this thought.”

  I fought not to laugh, she was so serious that I was pretty sure it would tick her off. “Fine. I’ll go, but tonight you’re stuck hanging out late with me, you pick the movie.”

  “Deal. I’ll see you later, handsome,” she said, removing her hands from my body, taking her heat with her.

  As much as I hated to give her the satisfaction, she was probably right. I had no time to fool around, not like we ever got past making out anyway. This was a work event, I needed to be on time and represent my employer appropriately. We went our separate ways at my front door, only sparing a moment for a quick peck before I made it my mission to get to the banquet, do my part, and be done with it.

  I thought that once I was there, I’d have a few minutes free to compose and prep myself for the night, it was only dinner after all. But the moment my feet hit the cement, Ashley, my fellow coworker, my counterpart of the night time world, came rushing toward me with Jillian plastered to her side. Microphone in hand and a twinkle in her eyes, she instantly cornered me.

  “I’m sure I can speak for all the female population when I say, it’s nice to see you here tonight, Spencer. And for those females watching who don’t know who Spencer is, maybe you’ve just come home from studying years abroad, or you’ve lived under a rock because Spencer runs the morning show for us at FTS.”

  She pushed the microphone in my face, waiting for me to speak. “It’s definitely nice to be here to show my support for the mayor and learn more about the causes he feels passionately enough to speak about tonight.”

  “Yes, I have to agree, it’s an honor to be a part of something so big in our community. Also, another big community event is coming up, want to tell everyone about that Spencer?”

  I let the sigh come out of me dramatically. “Two weeks from tonight, at the Grand State Theatre, the mayor’s annual bachelor auction will take place. Forty dollars a ticket presale, fifty dollars at the door, with food, fun, music, and men. Proceeds go to help at various events to support children in the community.”

  “I’ve heard a rumor going around that you won’t be there this year, while you alone brought in twice the amount as any other participant in the auction the last two previous years. Is this rumor true?”

  “Yes, I’m afraid I can’t make it this year.”

  Ashley made a pouty face, “Awww. Now there is another rumor going around, care if I address it?” I nodded my head, sort of curious as to what the other rumor was. “Great. There are whispers going around among the ladies that everyone’s favorite bachelor is off the market. Is this rumor true, Spencer? Is there a special someone in your life?”

  I could feel my cheeks heating, unsure of how to respond since technically we hadn’t put a solid label on our relationship. Only, that she was mine, but that was all that mattered anyway. I coughed, trying to buy time. “I’ll be unable to attend this year, but I wish great success upon the mayor and the participants.”

  “I do believe you’re avoiding the real question, Mr. Sully.” She caught my avoidance and called me out on it.

  I glanced around nervously, catching Jillian’s sympathetic eyes. “There is someone I have my eye on, yes.”

  “Care to talk about her? Or him? Is it a him?” She shoved her microphone in my face.

  “She’s amazing, but I don’t feel comfortable talking about her on the air.”

  She did the dramatic puppy eyes again, which was rapidly losing its cuteness. “Aww, sorry fellas, it looks like team X won this one.”

  I nodded my head, “Indeed.”

  Off to my right, the mayor caught her eye, and she excused herself, ditching me in favor of the guest of honor. Jillian settled on my side, taking my arm in hers. “Well, that was brutal. Makes me glad I’m already tied down.”

  “I hope she gets the ratings she wants. She was like a vulture.”

  “Ha, all the night crew are.”

  I led Jillian through the marble arches, past the solid oak doors and into the hall where the event was being held. Each year the event seemed to escalate in extravagance, and while I should be impressed by their ability to surpass their own grandness, I wasn’t. I would rather skip this whole event altogether, maybe sit at home with Mari and watch The Goonies, while consuming a pint of cookie dough ice cream between us, or maybe we could switch it up and go with Rocky Road for nostalgia purposes.

  I was trying to decide when I had become so boring; so dull that one of the biggest events of the year ceased to amuse me, but then I realized I didn’t care. I didn’t care about any luxury or desire to outshine any of my peers. Maybe that used to be me, but I’d changed. I was different, I was someone new, and the new me wanted sweats and ice cream, not hors d’oeuvres and champagne.

  “They’re all watching you,” Jillian pointed out, her head slightly tilted toward the corner. She was looking directed at a group of women, Belen staring daggers in the center.

  “Or they are watching the elegant beauty on my arm,” I whispered back.

  She threw her head back in a laugh, “Stop it. I’m married with three kids; the flattering isn’t for me.”

  “I was hoping it would mean I wouldn’t be dragged over to mingle,” I confessed.

  She sucked in air through her teeth, “Oh sorry, mingling is a must, but maybe we should baby step into a group a little less . . . man-eating. Are you ready?” I nodded my head slightly, the tiniest of shifts only she could see. “Well then, Spencer Sully, paste on that fake smile because it’s showtime!”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Someone special Spencer has his eye on?” Victoria snorted. “Yea, right. Spencer doesn’t date. He barely leaves the house for much of anything, but to hang out with you.”

  I watched Spencer radiate appeal on the flat screen in front of me. I didn’t miss the extra glances his interviewer gave him or the way her eyes traveled down his body, drinking him in. My chest tightened, a pang of jealousy hit me, the knowledge that she was the type of girl he des
erved surfaced and it burrowed in, nagging at me. Of course, it didn’t help that Victoria pretty much said, without actually saying, that she couldn’t picture me with him.

  “Hey, look, can we rewind this? I actually think Spencer is uncomfortable here.” Victoria searched around for the remote, finding it under a stack of her paper cranes. “Wait? Did he just say he does have someone? No way. I’m calling his lies.”

  She rewound the clip and listened again. “What time does this thing end, anyway?”

  I looked at my watch and then did a quick glance at the screen, broadcasting clips from earlier in the evening. “Probably soon, this was hours ago, and I don’t think he had planned to be the last one out the door tonight.”

  “Maybe so, he usually doesn’t even come home after these things. Grandma stays the night.” Another pang, more confirmation that this was his scene, a scene that I had no place in.

  “Well, I guess if he doesn’t come home, you’re stuck with me, kid.” I ruffled her hair, knowing she hated that.

  “Could be worse, at least you feed me. I kind of hope he doesn’t come home now.” She shoved another handful of popcorn into her mouth, just as my front door creaked. “Aww man, I jinxed it.”

  Spencer came into view, his bow tie hanging around his neck untied and hair ruffled like he had been running his hands through it. “Jinxed what?” His voice was laced with his exhaustion, mirroring the circles under his eyes.

  “I just said I hope you don’t come home tonight, but here you are,” she sighed, then proceeded to throw herself back against the couch.

  “Why wouldn’t I come home? I already planned to hang out with Mari tonight.” He took off his jacket, laying it on the nearby chair and my mouth went dry as I took in the crisp white shirt pulling and straining against his shoulders, taunting me with his motion.

  “You usually don’t.” She began to pile her folded cranes into a nearby bowl, attempting to clean up her mess.

  “My date was Jillian,” he clarified.

  “So?” Victoria paused and glared at him.

  “She has a million kids and a husband!”

  “Oh, so you have morals suddenly?” Spencer rubbed his forehead, working out some tension.

  “So, is this how it’s going to go, then? Me doing absolutely nothing, but still somehow ticking you off?”

  “I’m not ticked. Oh, hey, Spencer did you see this?” She picked up the remote and hit play, replaying half his interview before turning and mocking him. “There is someone I have my eyes on.”

  “Are you mocking me?” he asked.

  “No, no. Just curious as to why Mari and I are always the last to know everything.”

  I saw his lip quirk up slightly at the mention of my name. “Is this what the attitude is about? You’re upset because I didn’t include you in my love life?”

  “Oh, Jesus.” She covered her ears, “Please don’t say love life, it hints at more and I literally just can’t.”

  He mimicked her this time, making his voice sound high pitch, “I literally just can’t.”

  “You think that’s funny?” she rewound and hit play one more time, repeating his interviewer's words, “Care to talk about her? Or him? Is it a him?”

  “Victoria. . .” his voice drew out, “I would watch it if I were you.”

  “Or what?” She cocked her hip sassily, giving him the full force of her attitude.

  “Remember when you were little, and I used to do the tickle hand, you really hated the tickle hand,” Spencer said.

  “You wouldn’t.” Her voice took on a horrified tone.

  “Oh, I would,” Spencer promised.

  “Okay, okay, you win.” She held her hands up in surrender. “I won’t mock you anymore, tonight.”

  “And tomorrow?” he questioned.

  She picked up the bowl with her neatly folded cranes, grabbed her tote bag and hiked it onto her shoulder, then began to push past him. “Tomorrow I make no promises.”

  “What!?” he yelled, reaching out to grab her side, working his fingers until she was a squirming, screaming mess. “What do you mean tomorrow you make no promises?”

  “Alright . . .” she gasped, “alright.”

  “Alright, what?” His fingers worked harder into her side, causing her to nearly fold in half, her hair a whipping mess around them.

  “Please, stop,” she squealed. “I surrender, I promise. I won’t make fun of you tomorrow either.”

  “Pinky swear?” he held out his pinky finger, waiting for her to make the next move.

  “Uncle Spens, I’m not five anymore,” she stated, resisting his attempt at sealing their deal.

  “Tell that to the tickle hands.” He looked completely serious, but I was having a hard time keeping a straight face as I watched them interact.

  Victoria groaned, “Fine, I pinky swear.” She reached out and hooked her little finger around his much larger one. When she pulled back, she was serious again, losing the fun moment they had just had. She wrapped her hand around the straps of her tote, pulling it tighter against her body, “I’m going to bed, don’t stay up too long.”

  “Yes, mom,” he teased.

  “You’re an idiot Spencer. I’m being raised by a complete idiot. It’s amazing I haven’t died from drinking bleach or extreme food poisoning, yet.” She pulled open the door with a huff, then proceeded to slam it hard behind her. He was waiting silently until he heard next door’s door slam then he turned back toward me.

  “Well, isn’t she pleasant?!” his voice sounded with an extra dose of sarcasm. He smiled at me, the sight unexplainably beautiful, despite his ragged appearance and the dark smudges of exhaustion under his eyes. “What are we watching tonight?”

  I picked up the remote, trying not to let my face give anything away. “Well, I was thinking we could watch, this . . .” I hit play; the room filled once again with his interview. I repeated the interview word for word, using the fact that Victoria had already played it multiple times to my advantage as I mocked him.

  “You too? You should probably turn that off,” he instructed.

  “I’d rather not.” I rewound it again.

  “Turn it off,” he demanded.

  “Or what?” I shot back.

  “Do you really want to find out?”

  I hit play again, “I’m curious.”

  He sighed, “Of course you are.”

  I smiled sweetly at him, raising the volume so that his awkward interview boomed throughout my living room. He went left to walk around the couch toward me, I went right, determined to avoid him. He stopped, glared at me, trying to hide his smile, before going right. I jolted left.

  “Who is this girl you have your eye on? Oh, wait? Or is it a guy?” I taunted.

  A dash right then left.

  “Just some girl I met over spilled coffee.” He gripped the couch, swaying from side to side, trying to psych me out, not letting on to which way he was planning to move.

  “Just some girl?” I questioned, trying to sound offended as I hurriedly dodged to the left and somehow ended up switching locations with him.

  “The girl,” he clarified as my heart did a summersault in my chest. “The only girl.”

  His admission caused me to pause, giving him the advantage and enough time to jump over the back of the couch and rush toward me. I squealed, panicking and unsure of how to escape the bulk of the man coming toward me full force. His body hit mine, knocking the air from my lungs as his hands found the back of my thighs, lifting me up, and plowing me straight into the loveseat behind me. The weight of his solid body fell on top of mine, pressing me into the cushion.

  His lips hovered over mine, “The only girl,” his voice rasped seconds before he kissed me. His lips came down on mine, not the gentle kisses we snuck in here or there, or the few slow make out sessions we stole when we were sure no one else was watching. No, his lips were rough, bruising, hard. Determined to show me that he meant his words, promising me he spoke the truth, and in that
second, I believed him. I believed every word he ever spoke, every whisper he ever breathed, every thought that ever flinted through his mind, but never formed the words. I believed in him.

  One hand moved from my thigh and traveled under my shirt, stopping on my stomach to pin me down to the couch, while the other gripped my leg, anchoring it around his hip as he pressed his hips into mine. His fingers dug into my skin, taking complete ownership of every inch that he touched, and I was putty, soft and compliant, willing to do whatever he asked. Wished. Demanded.

  His lips left my own, traveling to my neck, as his palm traveled upward, cupping my breast. My body arched toward him, a move completely out of my control, as his thumb began to stroke my nipple through the lace of my bra.

  “I knew.” His drew his tongue downward, “your skin.” His teeth nibbled my collarbone, “Would taste. This good.”

  I gasped, bringing my fingers to his scalp and tugging on his hair, half holding him to me in the process. He moaned a sound that vibrated deep within his throat, sending tremors over my skin. Everywhere his tongue touched left a trail of goosebumps and had me silently begging for more. Lower. Harder. Wetter. Whatever he was willing to give, I was begging to take.

  He stopped his assault on my skin and pulled back, “This isn’t something we planned, I know that but . . .” his voice trailed off, and he got a lost look in his eyes before bringing his focus back to me. “If we go any further Mari, I’m not sure I will have enough control to stop myself.”

  Every nerve in my body was pulsing with need, urging him to let go and be free. I squeezed his hips with my thighs, forcing his body forward, rubbing the heat of my body against his shaft. He sucked in a breath, causing a slight whistle as the air passed his teeth. “I don’t want control.” I confessed, “I just want you.”

  My fingers found the space between our bodies and began to pull at his crisp white shirt, trying to free the material from his slacks. He took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling before halting my hand. “If we do this, we can’t go back. Things will never be like they were before.”


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