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by Tricia Owens


  Sin City Book 11

  Tricia Owens

  Copyright © 2018 Tricia Owens

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Read more from Tricia Owens at

  Sin City series

  Dom of Las Vegas

  Limited Liability

  Acceptable Sacrifices

  High Roller

  Most Wanted

  Lessons in Obedience

  Death Defying Acts

  The Doms Club

  Easy Money

  Significant Other


  Power Plays: Stories of Sin City

  A Pirate's Life for Me series

  Book One: Captain & First Mate

  Book Two: Island Paradise

  Book Three: Pirate Triumvirate

  Mr. Anteros

  Juxtapose City series

  Fearless Leader

  In the Blink of an Eye

  The Battle for Black

  The Ultimate Team

  My Lover, My Enemy

  The Sound of Truth

  Shattered Alliance

  Exchange of Power

  Prodigal Son

  The Mind Spy

  Tempted by Darkness: Stories of Juxtapose City

  A:R Earth series

  Angel: Reversed

  Angel: Redeemed

  Angel: Released

  Heaven series

  Territory of Angels

  Spoils of War

  Standalone Novels

  A Pirate's Honor

  The Bucket List

  Christmas Cookie Charmer

  Between the Marshal & the Vampire

  Favorite Flavors Short Story Collection

  Hunter and Hunted

  Master of No One

  On Target

  The Guardian

  Moonlight Dragon Urban Fantasy

  Descended from Dragons

  Hunting Down Dragons

  Trouble with Gargoyles

  Forged in Fire

  Rise of the Dragon

  I Dream of Dragons

  The Specials Urban Fantasy

  Demon Leap

  Vertigo Vampire


  Chapter One

  Ethan casually looked over the assembled agents of The Elite Poole (now Worldwide) and had to marvel for what felt like the hundredth time at how attractive the group was. Not only were his fellow agents good-looking, they were physically fit and trained to defend themselves and their clients. Plus, they were all extremely intelligent. It was an impressive group and one to admire, and he was proud to count himself as one of them.

  Unfortunately, not everyone here believed he should.

  Three weeks had passed since the bombshell reveal that Ethan was sleeping with the boss. So far, the information had been kept within the walls of The Elite Poole and spread no farther. Max hadn’t come out and requested or demanded that his employees not share the news, but perhaps out of a sense of loyalty and respect, the agents had kept it to themselves anyway. Maybe some were aware that Axel Randolph, the new partner in The Elite Poole Worldwide, had disapproved of the announcement of Max and Ethan’s marriage. Maybe they didn’t want to exacerbate the friction by discussing it publicly. These agents weren’t merely employees—they were friends and colleagues and were one hundred percent loyal to Max.

  Loyal to Max being the key.

  Had some begun to look at Ethan differently?

  Unfortunately, some had. Ethan had assured Max that it would take a week for things to settle down in the office, but nearly a month on, he was ready to eat his words.

  There were those agents who were apparently titillated by the idea of a gay relationship between Max and him. Ethan glanced at those women now, though they weren't currently paying him any attention. The female agents tended to smirk whenever Max and Ethan were in the same room, and sometimes Ethan thought he caught them whispering while looking his way. He didn’t sense anything malicious or envious about their responses, though. Just curiosity and an odd delight.

  Where he’d felt the stirrings of tension was in his interaction with a handful of the male agents, as well as two female ones. Ethan wouldn’t label their reactions to him as hostile, cold, or even impolite. He wasn’t even sure it was tainted by any degree of homophobia. But because he knew these people so well and worked with them on a daily basis, he could tell that something had changed in their perception of him, and not for the better. The caution in their responses and their behavior around him was noticeable. He wouldn’t call it out unless it became a problem that interfered with productivity, but it still left him unhappy that apparently these people didn’t believe he’d earned the right to be here.

  When depression threatened to set in, he reminded himself that having to face these attitudes was a good thing. This was practice for dealing with the rest of the world when the truth spread beyond these walls. Because it would leak out eventually, and Ethan knew he’d need to be tough when that time came. Finding a way to smile at an agent who thought Ethan had slept his way into a job would be a piece of cake compared to what might lie in store for him later.

  He abandoned his musings when Maxmillian Poole entered the room. The tall, dark-haired man moved purposefully and ominously to the front to address the gathered agents. Then again, Max merely sitting and reading the newspaper could be construed as purposeful and ominous.

  "This serves as a reminder,” Max began, “that The Elite Poole Worldwide’s new partner, Mr. Randolph, is holding a party to introduce us to his other business interests and clients. This event is scheduled for this evening at eight p.m. at the World Market pavilion. Do not be late.”

  Someone whistled softly. Ethan had known about this party for over a week and remained impressed by the scale of it. Randolph was going all out and making this an ‘event.’ As a self-made billionaire, he certainly had the bankroll to do so, and Ethan was still having trouble getting used to the idea that The Elite Poole now had access to those funds, too.

  “Attendance is mandatory for those not on assignment at the time of the party," Max reminded them, his dark blue gaze sweeping across the room. "You will be paid overtime for your participation, as usual. Are there any questions?"

  Ethan surreptitiously looked around, but as he'd expected, none of the other agents in attendance spoke up. They knew the drill, having participated in numerous similar events in the past. A good chunk of an agent’s time was spent at parties and other gatherings where clients needed to be or be seen.

  "Sounds great, Maxmillian," Giuliani spoke up cheerfully. "Looking forward to a night with my friends."

  "You will be networking," Max reminded him.

  The Italian agent waved his hand carelessly. "Oh, I know. That's what we do best, right? Charm the clients?"

  "Within reason. The goal is friendly professionalism, not eyebrow wagging and innuendo. This is an introduction, not a solicitation of services. I trust you’ll make it memorable for the right reasons."

  “What I do best,” Giuliani agreed.

  Ethan hid his smile.

  "Sir, has the policy on companions been clarified?" asked James. “I apologize if it has. I’ve been on assignment until today.”

  Ethan tensed slightly, though he told himself he nee
ded to stop acting up whenever someone mentioned personal relationships.

  "No dates or significant others," Max replied.

  Of course, Ethan immediately noticed the quick glances sent his way, which he pretended not to see. Apparently Max saw them, too.

  "To clarify that point,” he said coolly, “if your significant other is not employed by The Elite Poole Worldwide, they are not permitted to attend. While I hope you enjoy yourselves, you will nonetheless be working this event."

  Heads nodded, though Ethan thought it a missed opportunity for a joke. Too bad Max wasn't inclined to comment about his relationship with Ethan jokingly or otherwise. Since outing them both, Max's behavior around him had become, if anything, more impersonal.

  Ethan was disappointed, to put it lightly. He’d enjoyed the growing intimacy between them at work and thought it had helped Max to relax. But Ethan also wasn’t exactly surprised. Max had taken an enormous step out of the closet. Inviting public scrutiny of his private life was absolutely abhorrent to the man, and here he’d made an announcement of his feelings to a crowded room. Ethan told himself he should be glad that a return to stoic professionalism was the worst that had come out of the incident. Max could have freaked out and distanced himself emotionally, as well.

  Heck, he could have fired Ethan.

  “Is this party sort of a ‘coming out’ for The Elite Poole Worldwide?” asked Verona, one of the female agents.

  An uncomfortable silence fell in the wake of her question. Her eyes rounded as though she’d suddenly realized her thoughtless wording.

  “I meant our premiere on the global stage,” she quickly amended.

  Max revealed nothing of what he was feeling beyond a mild annoyance. “It’s that and more,” he said curtly. “Any further questions?”

  Wisely, if anyone had any, they chose to save it for another time.

  With a last, impassive look over his agents, Max strode from the room.

  “While that could have been worse,” said Erik, as he walked with Ethan out of the meeting room, “I’m not entirely positive I didn’t avoid frostbite at the end.”

  Ethan laughed, trying to keep his tone light. “One thing’s for sure: everyone is going to be on their best behavior at the party.”

  “Just don’t call it a ‘coming out’ party,” Verona said, sidling up to Ethan’s other side. “Do you think I’m going to be fired?”

  “Most likely.”

  She laughed and bumped shoulders with him. “Even when I’m on my best behavior around Mr. Poole I still manage to put my foot in my mouth. How do you manage to have a relationship with him without him murdering you?”

  “I think he’s grown used to me being an idiot, so he doesn’t listen to half the things I say anymore.”

  Erik snorted, his lips curling with amusement. “Not that I’m saying you’re an idiot—far from it—but when I picture the two of you together I see it playing out exactly as you say.”

  “Ooh, you picture them together, too?” Verona teased.

  The big Nordic blond reddened. “That’s sexual harassment, Verona.”

  “Ugh,” she groaned, her eyes rounding once again. “You’re right. I apologize for that, Ethan. That was inappropriate. Would it help if I say I was trying to imagine you and Max just holding hands?” She blinked hopefully.

  Ethan laughed. “It’s fine. Just don’t do it again.”

  “Cross my heart,” she promised.

  It wasn’t the first time one of the agents had subtly attempted to get more information out of him regarding his relationship with Max, and Ethan didn’t blame her for trying. If he were on the outside looking in, he, too, would have had a difficult time envisioning Max’s behavior with a loved one. Their boss was an intimidating, cool customer who revealed next to nothing of himself while at work. To learn that he was human and had needs, and that he could fall in love…it was borderline scandalous.

  But to reveal any details—even what Max preferred to drink with his breakfast—would be a mistake Ethan knew better than to commit. Max had briefly lowered a wall and swiftly raised it again. The last thing Max wanted was to appear vulnerable or relatable or—god forbid—cute to his agents. Max’s notion of authority was crystal clear: he possessed it, while everyone who worked beneath him submitted to it. Nothing could be allowed to undermine that authority.

  Ethan heard the phone begin ringing in his office. Excusing himself from the others, he jogged to his office and picked up, fighting off the smile that wanted to curl his lips.

  “You couldn’t tell me five seconds ago while we were in the same room?” he teased.

  “In my office,” Max said curtly and hung up.

  Ethan laughed, but it was forced. It took effort to appear relaxed as he entered the boss’ large office.

  “You’re paranoid,” Ethan accused mildly as he took a seat on the other side of Max’s enormous mahogany desk. “You’re allowed to talk to me in public without people assuming you’re making plans to have sex with me, you know.”

  Max didn’t immediately respond, which made Ethan nervous. Truthfully, lots of things Max did still had the power to make him nervous. Ethan kind of liked that.

  Sitting tall in his leather chair, Max was all darkness, with only the glitter of his platinum cufflinks and his sapphire eyes offering Ethan a lifeline. Unlike the cufflinks, those eyes weren’t cold. Not in the slightest.

  “Until the agents cease monitoring your every interaction with me, you and I will remain professional. This has gone on long enough.”

  “No one has a problem with us,” Ethan assured him. “I think you might be looking for trouble where there isn’t. After all, if anyone did take issue with us they would have resigned by now.”

  “Whether or not they have a problem, their behavior is atypical, and it’s because of us.” Max’s eyes shuttered. “I never wanted this.”

  The admission stabbed Ethan in the gut but he wasn’t surprised. Max was feeling violated, his privacy pierced—and it was made worse by the fact that he had brought it on himself.

  “I understand,” Ethan said gently. “For the record, I never wanted to be the subject of gossip, either. You know I would have been content if no one ever knew. But they do know and I’m proud that they know.”

  “This has nothing to do with pride,” Max retorted, but his tone was warmer.

  “Maybe not. It’s about who knows what. The information is out there now, and we can’t pretend it isn’t. Things won’t go back to the way they were. The new status quo is you and I in a public relationship. They’ll get over it. So should we.”

  He watched Max lower a hand to the desk and slowly drum his fingers. He had an expensive manicure. His left wrist was encircled by a Breitling watch. Ethan wished Max was also wearing his ring, but he knew better than to bring it up now.

  “Our relationship cannot exist within these walls,” Max said, his voice low. “I need these agents to look at me as their boss. Full stop. Not as their gay boss.”

  “That’s not how they—”

  “Yes, Ethan. It is.”

  Ethan wanted to argue, but hadn’t he been experiencing exactly what Max claimed with other agents trying to learn more about them as a couple? The intimidation factor surrounding Max would never disappear, but maybe with this reveal it had diminished in power. Agents were considering Max in a new light that had nothing to do with his intelligence or his ability to run a business. They wanted to know how he treated Ethan. They wanted to know if the two of them held hands. Ethan didn't kid himself: the other agents wondered about their sex life.

  “Alright, so we’ll keep it professional,” Ethan stated, holding Max’s gaze. “We’ll go back to how it was between us when I first began working here. No more funny stuff. Will that make you feel more comfortable?”

  “This is not a matter of my comfort. This concerns performance and attitude.”

  “Of course, Max.”

  The narrowing of Max’s eyes showed that he didn�
��t appreciate Ethan’s attempt to placate him, but as they were at work, there wasn’t much Max could do about it. Ethan had to smile slightly at how Max had inadvertently handcuffed himself.

  “You’re amused,” Max observed, “because you know I won’t be able to torture you here.”

  “The thought did cross my mind.”

  “A riding crop might cross your ass once we’re home.”

  Ethan’s breath caught. “That’s not very professional. Not that I mind!” he blurted quickly.

  But it was too late. Regret and castigation raced across Max’s handsome face.

  “You’re correct, Ethan.” He sighed in a rare moment of vulnerability. “I apologize for sending you mixed signals.”

  “I’m really fine with it,” Ethan said, but he knew the fun was officially over.

  Max picked up his Mont Blanc and studied the pen critically, as though it had done him injury. “I’m sorry that this is happening. Have you been subject to any—”

  “No,” Ethan cut him off, because they didn’t need to go there. “Things are fine and they will be fine. I’m on board with whatever you want me to do or say, Max. I’m serious. This is your company. I want you to enjoy being here and to feel proud of what you’ve accomplished with it. You’re right that no one should look at you in any light except a professional one. You deserve respect.”

  “With such effusive praise, one would think you were my husband.”

  Ethan’s insides did a funny little flip at the small, pleased smirk Max sent his way.

  “One would think I’m your proud husband,” he corrected. “And I am. We’ll make this work, and with no regrets.”

  Max looked pleased and satisfied, which in turn made Ethan feel like he’d done his best here. This was all he wanted, in the end. A happy husband and a happy marriage.

  “Are you excited about the party tonight?” Ethan asked, eager to change the subject to something less personal. “Randolph sounds like he’s going all out.”


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