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Page 10

by Tricia Owens

  “Coastal Indy. The racing event in Southern California that you’ve just partnered with.”

  “How did you—” Randolph rolled his head back on his chair, laughing softly. “I shouldn’t be surprised. I shouldn’t. This is why I came to you, after all. You’re as conniving as I am.”

  “I prefer the term ‘well-connected’. The ink isn’t dry on the contract, but it’s as good as done. The Elite Poole Worldwide is going to handle the security for that event from this point forward.”

  Randolph, still smiling, sat forward. “You know I can’t promise that. They have a contract already in place.”

  “I believe you’re capable of doing whatever you like, Axel. You’re bringing in the money. That grants you a certain amount of leverage.” Max smirked. “In most cases.” Not in The Elite Poole’s, of course.

  “You’re going to strong-arm me into this, aren’t you?”

  “It’s to our mutual benefit.”

  “I’m beginning to think I underestimated what I got into with you.” The billionaire investor didn’t appear to be that bothered by Max’s aggressiveness, though. More like delighted. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Max nodded with satisfaction. “I wouldn’t expect anything less of my mentor.”


  Considering all the things Merrick could have asked for—and Ethan had been mentally braced for nearly anything—what his friend and former lover wanted from him turned out to be not much at all.

  “Just stand there,” Merrick had told him. “Somewhere in the restaurant where I can see you.”

  “That’s all you need for moral support?” Ethan asked, dubious. “Mer, I can probably be actually helpful if you’ll just—”

  “Nope. That’s it. That’s what I need from you. Or are you trying to tell me this is too much?”

  Of course it wasn’t, which was why Ethan was currently doing as requested, standing at the edge of the main dining room at Oscar’s Steakhouse, trying not to block the view of Downtown for the other diners and suspecting, by their annoyed looks, that he was failing. Earlier, a host had tried to convince him to sit at a table and watch his client from there, but Ethan had used his charm to convince the man that it was necessary that he be standing. Just in case.

  Just in case, nothing. Merrick isn’t in danger, but I guess I can’t tell Max that.

  He turned his head and gazed out through the large windows at the glittering lights below. The view was fantastic, and the room was equally impressive, just as they had been in the movie, Casino. Ethan looked back at the booth where Merrick sat with the client whom he wanted so badly to impress. Judging by the second man’s smiles, Merrick was so far succeeding.

  Good for him, Ethan thought fondly. Merrick’s obvious nervousness as they’d driven here from the Venetian would have been funny had Ethan not felt so bad for him.

  “Is this account that big?” Ethan had asked him.

  Merrick adjusted his shirt collar and then did the same with his cuffs. “It’s just…it’s something that strongly interests me.”

  Beside him, on the next seat, sat a large canvas portfolio. They had made a stop at a local printer to get some last-minute presentation materials printed. Ethan hadn’t seen them, but Merrick had seemed satisfied as he’d emerged, carrying the portfolio.

  Ethan motioned at it. “What’s the campaign for? What product?”

  “A little of this, a little of that,” Merrick hedged, grinning slightly at Ethan’s roll of the eyes. “I don’t want to tell you in case I don’t get it. It won’t sting as much this way.”

  “What does it matter if I know? I’m not involved.”

  “You’d understand what a huge missed opportunity it is. This spares us both the devastating disappointment.”

  “Okay, whatever. Keep your secrets.”

  And Merrick had.

  Ethan rolled his neck before deciding a little movement was in order. He had no problem standing for hours in one spot, but Merrick probably didn’t know that. He wouldn’t find it unusual for Ethan to take a casual stroll through the restaurant, passing by the other men’s booth as he went.

  His discreet glance at the table between them yielded no clues as to what this client’s product was, unfortunately. Merrick had folded up the portfolio and set it somewhere on the padded seat beside him. Both men glanced up at Ethan, though he pretended he didn’t notice. He was only taking a walk, not being nosy. Right.

  He walked a loop, taking his time, conscious of Merrick and his client tracking his movements. He wasn’t sure if Merrick had ever used the services of a bodyguard before, but it was unlikely. Having Ethan here was probably a unique experience. Ethan wasn’t surprised he was being stared at.

  The other man, the client, was around Merrick’s age, overweight and wearing a tailored suit Max would have approved of. He’d been casually dismissive of Ethan when Merrick had introduced him at the restaurant. Ethan hadn’t taken offense, well used to the response. Many people tended to view bodyguards as part of the furniture in a space, a body you avoided walking into but mostly ignored for the sake of whoever else was present.

  Ethan was definitely being focused upon at this moment, however. Curious about the extended attention he could feel, he looked over his shoulder at the men. Merrick smiled and nodded as soon as he caught Ethan’s eye. He even gave him a thumb’s up for whatever reason. The client didn’t react as enthusiastically, but the way he studied Ethan wasn’t with the same disinterest that he’d exhibited at the beginning of the night.

  The mood at the booth seemed positive, so Ethan was hopeful that the night ended well for his friend.

  A potential problem existed if he did succeed, though. If Merrick closed the deal tonight he would have no further use of Ethan, not that he honestly required his services now but at least Merrick had had the thinnest of excuses for needing Ethan’s presence. But with the deal done, Merrick would only be hanging around Las Vegas for fun. Ethan didn’t have a problem being his companion for the duration, but would Max mind? Especially once he learned that there was no real purpose for Merrick to pay for his company? The contract, if it went the distance, was lucrative, but that meant nothing to Max in this instance. In his eyes, Ethan would be acting as little more than a paid escort, and that was a big no-no.

  Let’s play it by ear, Ethan told himself. Who knows if Merrick’s even getting this guy’s business. They could both be happy because the cocktails are strong.

  Dinner lasted another forty-five minutes, by which time most of the diners in the restaurant had grown accustomed—or just plain resigned—to the blond guy standing around by himself. Ethan couldn’t help being relieved, anyway, when Merrick called for the check. He paid, and soon the men were on their feet. Ethan drifted back to them.

  “Hope you haven’t been too bored,” Merrick said, clapping Ethan heartily on the back. He seemed jubilant, even gripping Ethan’s bicep impulsively as though he yearned to give him a hug. “Al and I got carried away and lost track of time.”

  “I’m glad you had a nice dinner,” Ethan said, smiling politely.

  The client, Al, nodded. Then he did something surprising. He gave Ethan the blatant once-over. “We had a very good dinner, indeed.”

  Ethan kept the smile on his face, but alarm bells were ringing. Al’s look couldn’t have been mistaken for anything other than one man checking out the attractiveness of another. Just what sort of business had the two men concluded? Were it not so preposterous, Ethan would have accused Merrick of pimping him out to this man.

  But that was preposterous.

  Wasn’t it?


  Ethan quietly let himself into the condo, even though it wasn’t that late. Just after ten p.m. But sometimes on a weeknight, Max and he went to bed early. There was a chance the dark-haired man was already asleep.

  He eased the bedroom door open and slipped into the darkness.

  One of the nightstand lamps clicked on, revealing that Max was very muc
h awake.

  “Good evening,” he said quietly.

  “Hey, Max. Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you.”

  "You're fine."

  Ethan shrugged out of his suit coat and headed for the closet. He took his time hanging it up and toeing off his shoes, putting everything away so that the closet looked like part of the showroom of a high-end men’s clothing store.

  When he emerged, Max was sitting fully upright, back propped against the headboard. The sheet lay in his lap and the dim glow of lamplight fell flatteringly across his bare upper body. He had, Ethan was pleased to note, the beginnings of bed-head. Max had trusted him and attempted to sleep, rather than waited up for him like a suspicious lover would.

  “I’m going to hop in for a quick shower,” Ethan told him. “Will that keep you up?”

  “I took one an hour ago,” Max told him. “I’m more awake than asleep at this point, so don’t concern yourself with me.”

  Ethan cocked a brow at the information, but said only, “I’ll be quick.”

  In the shower, under the spray, he washed himself thoroughly, though he wouldn’t admit to himself why. Instead, he thought about what had occurred earlier in the evening, after delivering Merrick to his suite at the Venetian.

  “I got the deal,” Merrick had told him as soon as Ethan shut the door, granting them complete privacy.

  “I got that vibe, yes. Congratulations, Mer. I told you worrying was a waste of energy. You’re great at what you do. Any reasonable client would see that immediately.”

  The older man sat on the end of the bed and fell backwards with a sigh. “You flatter me, but we both know there are other factors involved.”

  Ethan took the chair at the desk and rested his elbows on his knees. “Such as what?”

  Merrick tilted his head to peer over at him. “Such as what kind of campaign I pitched this time. I may be a creative genius, but even I come up with losers every now and then.”

  “I doubt they’re losers. Just not a good match for the client at that time.”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Same thing.”

  The portfolio Merrick had brought to dinner lay on the bed beside him.

  “May I see it now that the risk of failure has passed?” Ethan asked.

  His friend sat up eagerly. “I agree. It’s time.” He handed over the portfolio. “Tell me what you think.”

  Tell me what you think.

  I think this is a problem, Ethan thought now.

  He shut off the shower and absently dried himself with one of the plush towels. Max’s presence in the next room throbbed like a beating heart, one that belonged pressed against his own. He skipped pulling on a new set of boxers and re-entered the bedroom.

  Max didn’t remark on his nudity, though his dark blue eyes roamed appreciatively over Ethan’s body as he came to stand beside Max’s side of the bed.

  “Hi,” Ethan murmured with a small smile. He braced his hands against the headboard on either side of Max’s head. “I know I saw you a few hours ago, but I missed you.”

  Max brushed his fingers along the outside of Ethan’s hip. “That makes perfect sense to me, since I experienced the same.”

  “We might be co-dependent.”

  Max scraped his nails lightly over his hipbone. “I believe ‘addicted’ might be a more accurate description for us.”

  “I like that. Sounds true.” Ethan bent over him, his mouth hovering just above his. “Feels true.”

  “Mmm.” Max moved his other hand to brace Ethan’s hips between them. The slow drag of his thumbs up and down sent blood pooling in Ethan’s cock. “How was your evening with our client?”

  “Fun. Interesting.” Ethan moved closer still, until each word he spoke caused him to caress Max’s lips with his own. “He’s not after me.”

  “He’s a fool, then. But I’m relieved.” Max darted his tongue out, surprising Ethan with a flick across his upper lip. “Is there another reason for this amorous mood of yours?”

  Ethan touched the flicking tongue with the tip of his own. “Yes. I saw a handsome man lying in my bed.” He shivered as Max’s hands slid forward, palms cupping his hipbones, thumbs smoothing along the indentation where his thighs met his groin. Ethan’s cock began to rise between that warm frame. “I thought maybe I’d get lucky.”

  “You live in Las Vegas," Max reminded him. "The odds favor the house.” Ethan tightened his grip on the headboard as Max shifted and leaned forward, bringing his lips to Ethan’s chest. “I happen to be the house. That means in the end, I’ll win.”

  “Not sure I’ll mind losing in this case,” Ethan whispered. He shut his eyes and bit his bottom lip as Max dragged the tip of his tongue across his left nipple. “I might even enjoy it.”

  He reached to cup the back of Max’s head but at the touch of his hand, Max murmured, “Place your hand back on the headboard.”

  A shiver rode hard through Ethan. “Yes, sir.”

  He felt Max glance up at him before resuming his languid torture of his nipple. “The house most certainly is in control this evening.”

  Ethan just gripped the headboard and struggled not to squirm as Max took his time licking his nipple to firmness before moving to the other and licking a slow, sensuous circle around the aureole. Ethan tilted his head back and closed his eyes, humming with pleasure as wet heat finally sealed around him and gently suckled.

  “Oh, yeah. Feels so good.”

  He sucked in a breath when Max cupped him between the legs and caressed his balls.

  “Tight,” Max murmured against his chest. He licked another circle around his nipple. “Firm and eager to blow.” He closed his teeth around the pearl of flesh and bit down.

  Ethan whimpered and thrust his cock against Max’s palm. The sharp pain around his nipple eased.

  “I’m not stroking you,” Max told him. True to his word, he moved his hand down to the sheet covering his lap and pushed it off, revealing the thick tumescence of his cock. He settled back against the pillows, eyes heavy lidded like a predatory cat’s. “You’ll suck me off and if you do a satisfactory job, I’ll consider fucking you with a vibrator.”

  “Shit,” Ethan breathed, his cock jolting happily. “I’m more than happy with that scenario.”

  Max’s smile was devilish. “Then get to it.”

  Ethan quickly scrambled up onto the high bed and stretched out on his stomach between Max’s legs. His mouth watered when faced with the beautiful, dark curve of his husband’s cock.

  “This makes me hungry,” he whispered before closing his eyes and sliding his tongue down the stiff length. “Wish I could have this in my mouth twenty-four hours a day.”

  “Impractical, considering how greedy you are. You’ll also want it up your ass at some point.”

  Ethan couldn’t stop himself from humping the bed. But he forced himself to stop. He didn’t want to come that way.

  “Whatever you think I deserve,” he breathed. He dipped lower to lap at the heavy, taut balls hugging the base of Max’s cock. “Choke me on your cock or stuff my ass with it. It’s up to you.”

  He felt the pulse of blood in Max’s cock. With a groan, Max caught Ethan by the hair and dragged his face to the tip. “Suck it. Suck all of it.”

  He forced Ethan down over it, not that Ethan resisted the flesh as it tunneled past his lips and across his tongue. Even when it breached the back of his throat he didn’t fight. He only moaned and clutched the sheets as his own cock swelled with longing. Max held him there, stuffed full, as Ethan trembled and struggled not to come. Then, with a heavy sigh, Max released him, allowing Ethan to draw off and pull in a breath, before he bent to his task in earnest.

  It didn’t take long for Max, which Ethan was surprised and delighted by. All too soon, he felt the familiar twitches in the strong thighs bracketing him and heard Max's rising groans. Ethan cupped his balls and played with the orbs as he swallowed Max down again and again, his own moans muffled around the thick flesh.

  A hitch of breath and then
the first spurts struck the back of Ethan’s throat. His own body tightened anxiously as the hot liquid spilled down his throat and over his tongue. The salty, musky bitterness was familiar and drugging. The taste of it was enough to push him to the edge of his own release.

  Fingers tangled in his hair, tightening briefly before smoothing clumsily as Max came down from his high. When Ethan eventually pulled off him with a smack of the lips, Max murmured approvingly. He used his thumb to trace the swollen circumference of Ethan’s mouth before dipping inside to press against his tongue.

  “You did very well,” Max said, breathless. “You deserve a reward for that, I think.”

  “Please,” Ethan panted around his thumb. He sucked the tip for a moment before letting go. “Please make me come.”

  “Fortunately for you, I’m in a good mood tonight. Over my lap. Like a good boy.”

  Ethan hastened to obey, wincing slightly as his sensitive cock rubbed against Max’s thigh. Beneath him, Max shifted to reach into the nightstand. Ethan was highly aware of the generous contents of the drawer there. With his forehead pressed to the bedsheet, he listened to Max rummage through the items until he found what he wanted. Moments later, he heard a click. Then fingers were at his ass, spreading his cheeks apart.

  The first touch of a lube-slick fingertip to his pucker made him gasp and arch his back. Max chuckled and spread more of the slickness around his hole. A finger eased into him and Ethan moaned unashamedly. When a second finger glided inside, joined by a third, he gritted his teeth to hold back the orgasm that felt like it was about to crest over him at any second. While it would feel phenomenal to come, he wanted Max to be able to complete his promise to him.

  The fingers gently slid out and he sighed with relief. Blunt pressure at his hole had him relaxing to allow the vibrator to slide inside, stretching him nicely.

  “I will never tire of watching me penetrate you,” Max said huskily. “Whether it be with my cock, my fingers, my tongue, or my toys.” He pumped the vibrator, pushing it smoothly in and out of him. “You’re my beautiful hole that I obsess over filling.”


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