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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

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by Tony Corden







  Chapter One - December 1, 2073

  Diary December 1, 2073

  Chapter Two - December 2, 2073

  Dairy December 2, 2073

  Chapter Three - December 3, 2073

  Diary December 3, 2073

  Chapter Four - December 4, 2073

  Diary December 4, 2073

  Chapter Five - December 5, 2073

  Diary December 5, 2073

  Chapter Six - December 6, 2073

  Diary Decmber 6, 2073

  Chapter Seven - December 7, 2073

  Diary December 7,2073

  Chapter Eight - December 8, 2073

  Diary December 8, 2073

  Chapter Nine - December 9, 2073

  Diary December 9, 2073

  Chapter Ten - December 10, 2073

  Excerpt from 'Rescue' Book 4 of the Stork Tower

  To the one who has been my best friend,

  To the one on whose love I depend.

  You’re the love of my life,

  My most beautiful wife.

  Why you like me? I can’t comprehend.


  The Stork Tower # 3


  Tony Corden

  Copyright 2017 Tony Corden

  Kindle Edition

  Cover image from

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.


  It was the advent of safe electromagnetic neural manipulation in 2021 which led to the rise of a viable and sustainable virtual reality industry. Within thirty years almost all leisure, education, and work-related activity occurred inside virtual reality constructs. Individuals were suspended in a neutral buoyancy liquid which had a gel-like consistency. Their bodies were held in induced quasi-comas, while their nervous system was manipulated to provide a virtual sensory experience indistinguishable from reality while constantly stimulating the motor neurones to prevent muscular deterioration. The variety and complexity of the devices developed was frequently changing yet the market continued to refer to all such devices as Neural Interface SIM (Sensory, Integrative and Motor) Pods or SIM Pods.

  Many regulatory bodies, conservatives, and sceptics initially raised the problems of privacy and security. They were worried about the potential for brainwashing, for thought control, or even of subtle thought reform. In response, the VR industry developed and introduced an intelligently controlled interface which included a self-adaptive firewall. This device was controlled by the user and capable of protecting personal privacy and safeguarding the minds of the growing number of people both working and living in virtual space. With many users wanting even greater control over their virtual experience these interfaces quickly matured into personally managed, and owned, Artificial Intelligence Chips. The AI chips were physically implanted adjacent to the nervous system and able to protect, inform and assist individuals both inside and outside the virtual world. The chips micro-manipulated the auditory and visual cortices making it possible for the owner to hear and see implanted information, even in the real world.

  Various interest groups including parents, educators and civil libertarians raised concerns over the appropriate age for POD immersion. In research commissioned by the International Institute of Applied Neuroplasticity, there was clear evidence that extended immersion in SIM Pods was detrimental for those under the age of fifteen. Further studies led to International guidelines banning POD use for those under the age of five and limiting their use until age ten to two hours per day, then to four hours daily until age fifteen.

  At the Dubai Convention for Virtual Modality in 2050 the United Nations’ ‘Declaration of Human Rights’ was modified and the changes formally adopted the following August by the UN General Assembly. These changes asserted that the access to a personal AI was a fundamental human right for full access to modern society. The right to education was amended to include the right to access the virtual environment.


  Atherleah Carroll grew up in a negative-tax family in the gang-controlled suburbs of Brisbane at the end of the twenty-first century. From the age of six, she decided that she wanted more and with the help of her local gang-leader, she learned the skills to escape the relentless pressure to accept a life of mediocrity. On her sixteenth birthday, she was inadvertently implanted with a Neural Enhancement Chip instead of the free Government provided basic level personal AI. This mistake not only removed the limits placed on the AI but also broke some of the Government instigated control parameters. Leah’s life rapidly became a battle, both in the virtual-multiverse and in real life.

  On the advice of the local ‘boss’, Leah began playing the virtual fantasy game Dunyanin to earn the money she needed to live at the local POD facility and help with her education. With the help of her rapidly evolving AI, she has not only thwarted attempts by the government to limit her opportunities but evaded kidnapping by virtual slavers. Co-opted by several Virtual Security AI Leah has helped shut down a virtual sweat-shop which used mind-controlled players to farm for resources. The family, which runs the virtual crime syndicate, has cornered Leah in the depths of a virtual-mine and sent twenty player-mercenaries to capture her. Fleeing through a hidden doorway into a mirror mine operated by goblins Leah hopes to escape her pursuers.


  Leah’s escape from her pursuers catapults her into a multi-dungeon Odyssey which promises challenges and rewards beyond anything she has yet faced. She invites her new virtual friends along and together they are melded into a team. In the real world, she is blocked by people within the Government who want to prevent her rising from her set position in society. Some in the Government are allied with her enemies in the crime syndicate and force her to relocate from the public POD facility. They also try to put an end to her academic aspirations.

  She attends a meeting with the Matriarch of the syndicate on a space station in a new virtual universe. When she uses her childhood skills to pickpocket the Matriarch’s head guard she inadvertently steals something of immense value and exacerbates the conflict. In Dunyanin Leah embarks on a journey to fulfil the only timed quest she has. The route includes a visit to both heaven and the place of the dead. She changes history and finds herself rewarded in the court of the High Elves. The reward sends her on a detour and a confrontation with a clan of vampires.

  Through all of this, Leah finds time to go on her first date.


  December 1, 2073

  When Leah opened the door to her suite at the Ebony House she saw two Champions standing outside as if on guard. She said, “Good morning, may I help you two at all?”

  One of them replied, “No Lady Atherleah, Father requested that we provide some security while you are here. If you wish we can Mist so as not to disturb you.”

  “No, that’s fine! I’m thankful for the consideration. I won’t be here long anyway. I was hoping to see your Father if he is available. I want to wish him well before I leave.”

  “He will meet you in the foyer Lady Atherleah. Please follow me.”

  Leah followed the vampire down the internal stairs and found the Patriarch talking with her three friends. As she approached, he turned and said, “Good morning Lady Atherleah, I trust you had a profitable sleep as you travelled to other lands.”

  “I did, thank you Namus. I wish to say goodbye and trust that this new era for your clan might bring peace and prosperity. Well, maybe not total peace, you are vampires.”

  “Indeed Atherleah, indeed we are. Before you go, I have some gifts f
or you all. First, for your companions: Travellers, I know you came with the hope of treasure and have taken a loss by my agreement with Atherleah. I am certain that she was going to meet this loss herself, but please allow me to reimburse you. Here is one of each type of coin I have minted in my domain. Also to each of you, I give one small vial of my blood. This is precious and rare as very few Patriarchs are killed at the hands of the unchanged.”

  Eli, Elsa and Matt were stunned and thanked the Patriarch profusely. He continued, “If you three will wait outside, I wish to give Lady Atherleah her gift in private.”

  As they walked out, Leah said, “That was a generous gift, Namus. Be assured, I was willing to fulfil my debt to them.”

  “I was certain of that Atherleah. Nevertheless, it is a small thing for me, and after learning a little of your adventures from your friends, I imagine you will need your resources more than I. Now to your gifts. First I give you the same as they. Secondly, I make two offers concerning your journey. The first offer is not mine but that of my daughter, Rana. She wishes to see the world and would join you as a companion.” He indicated to a female Champion who was standing nearby.

  Before Leah could respond a message appeared

  Atherleah, an NPC of Dunyanin wishes to become your companion.

  Rana, daughter of Namus, a Level 220 High Elf Vampire, desires to travel with you as a companion. Companions in Dunyanin travel with the player and can be relied upon to help defend the player they have bonded with. The bond can be annulled at any time by either the player or the companion.

  The companion is automatically in a group with the player and receives a proportional share of all experience based on level. If the companion does not participate in an action, then they receive nothing. The same is true if the player does not participate.

  Players are permitted a total of three companions within Dunyanin. The companions are a part of Dunyanin but will resurrect after 48 hours if killed. They will resurrect at your resurrection point and are responsible for finding you if you have moved on. You must verbally accept the offer for it to become official.

  Leah turned to Rana and said, “Rana, daughter of Namus, I would be honoured to have you accompany me, but I am concerned that many people in our travels will seek to kill you when they identify you as a vampire.”

  Namus smiled and said, “Rest assured Atherleah, there are many times we go among the unchanged unaware. Rana can change her appearance to suit almost any circumstance. Consider, Rana the high elf!”

  As Leah watched Rana’s appearance transformed as the eyes lost the slight tinge of red, her fangs withdrew, and her skin darkened a little to become more golden.

  Namus said, “With appropriate clothing, she may also appear as a human, or heaven forbid, a dwarf. Does this satisfy your concern?”

  “It does, thank you. I look forward to knowing you better Rana.”

  Rana nodded and said, “And I, Lady Atherleah. But for now will you excuse me as I prepare for the journey? It will only take a moment as I am already packed.”

  Leah nodded, and Rana left the room. Namus said, “Now to my second offer. Lady Atherleah. I, Namus, Patriarch of Clan Namus, offer to change you.”

  Leah was stunned and before she could respond everything froze.

  Emil appeared and said, “You, Atherleah, are a bloody nuisance. Only you would have this happen.”

  “What’s wrong now?”

  “You have a wooden account, so you can’t be a vampire. That race is reserved for Platinum members. You’re a halfbreed. Vampires are always pure-bloods. You will soon have a dragon mount, and vampires are the eternal enemy of dragons. What will we do when a vampire wears the dragon armour, huh? You are a healer and an all-purpose mage, and vampires have been restricted to Blood, Shadow and Fire Magic. We can’t take your skills away from you, it’s against the rules.”

  “So, you want me to say ‘no’?”

  “I can’t answer that question.”

  “What happens if I say yes?”

  “I can’t answer that question either.”

  “Can you tell me the upside and downside of being a vampire?”

  “Not really, look, this type of offer usually only happens when a player starts the game. They choose to start near a Vampire Clan. People don’t just befriend vampires.”

  “Surely it’s happened before?”

  “Nope, not once, we checked.”

  “So, if you can’t advise me and you won’t do anything but let the programming work it out, why are you here?”

  “Because I needed time for the developers to come up with something. I’m trying to stall what happens, that’s why.”

  “I like your honesty.”

  “How is this for honesty? At the moment I almost wish someone else would take over your case.”


  “Yeah, almost! It is almost fun seeing what you’ll do next. Ok, they’ve patched something together. Bye!”

  As the room started to move, Gèng said, “There are a few vague references to this offer in the forums. A few people decided at the last minute not to go with their chosen vampire race and rejected the offer. In all cases, they were killed immediately, and their reputation with vampires became Eternal Enmity.”

  Leah smiled and looked at Father Namus and said, “I thank you for the honour you show in this offer. To decide wisely, I would ask that you please explain your reasoning and how the change occurs.”

  Namus’ face tightened but then slowly relaxed. He said, “For a moment I was offended at your question, but on reflection, it is wise. I make the offer out of respect for your actions and concern for your future. I would be honoured to have you as a daughter, and other clans would be careful not to cause you offence. It is somewhat self-serving as it would satisfy the clan for the Ebony House to be owned by a relative. Additionally, I will not lose standing in any enclave for giving up my home, or for making deals with the unchanged. The benefits to you are multiple. You will have faster regeneration and greater protection from death magic and poisons. You will be able to move with greater stealth through the shadows and in darkness. You will have an affinity for Blood, Shadow and Fire Magic. It is possible that you the change will give you a weakness to silver and divine magic. The change is affected by a transfer of blood, yours to me and then mine to you. I take from your neck, and you take from my wrist. The change begins immediately, and although there is a period of intense pain, this fades quickly. The complete change takes place over several days.”

  A message appeared

  Atherleah, Patriarch Namus has offered to change you into a vampire.

  This change is unprecedented in Dunyanin, and the administrators and developers are not sure how the change will progress. Unfortunately, the changes we hurriedly applied have been removed as they caused too many internal and logical conflicts.

  Our legal team has advised us that we cannot remove any of your skills or experience without your agreement and may not restrict your game play. Usually, the players think through the event and are aware of all consequences. However, this is seen by the Dunyanin AI controllers as a conflict situation, so you cannot log out.

  Leah turned to Namus and said, “I thank you for your offer. I have three further questions if you will please indulge me. First, I know that vampires respect the purity of blood. I am half human and half elf, and while I am proud of both heritages, I do not wish to shame you by my heritage. Second, I have a task to the dragon islands and wear dragon armour and hope to ride a dragon mount. I know of your enmity with dragonkind, and though I feel no animosity to either, I do not wish to shame you nor destroy my chances to interact with dragons. Finally, I am a healer and already know some Earth magic and Life magics, among others, and I hope the change will not cause conflict within me.”

  Namus smiled and said, “Again you honour the clan and me by your thoughts. I honour your complete heritage, and those who hold it against you will earn my enmity. I suspect the dragons will n
ot welcome you, but I am content that if you can negotiate with me, they will succumb eventually to your reasoning. Finally, although there have been no developed mages who have been changed, no one that I know of have lost any abilities in the change. I suspect, but cannot guarantee, that you will not suffer loss by this. My offer stands.”

  Leah really couldn’t see a way out and said, “Namus, Patriarch of Clan Namus, I thank you for your offer and I accept.”

  He stepped forward and held her shoulders. She looked into his eyes and then turned her neck to the side and allowed him easy access to her jugular. She felt a small sting as his fangs slid through the skin and then she felt a pressure as he drank from the cuts. The pressure continued for almost a minute, and then he stood back and handed her cloth. He said, “The wound will heal, but the fangs have an anticoagulant.”

  She said, “Would it offend you if I heal it now?”

  “Not at all, please do so.”

  Leah healed her neck and wiped her neck clean. He held out a knife and said, “I would be honoured if you would make the incision. I shall tell you when you have enough.”

  Leah took the knife, and he traced the spot on his wrist. Leah made a quick cut and leant down to drink. To Leah, it seemed she was drinking for ages, but it was only a minute. When he tapped her shoulder, she reached forward and healed him. He said, “Thank you for that courtesy. In a moment I expect you will feel some pain from the change, but it should be bearable and not last long.”

  Leah nodded and felt her neck begin to tingle. Suddenly her body exploded with pain. Every nerve, every muscle, every bone was on fire, her mind shattered. Within moments she could not breathe, her back arched and she fell to the floor. A scream tore from her throat as she continued to convulse in agony. Mid-scream she suddenly found herself back in the Pod, the pain less, but her body still squirming with remembered agony.


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