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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

Page 19

by Tony Corden

  Akia arrived and sat opposite Leah. She said, “Leah, as you know, I am an AI. I am programmed to calculate the optimal pathway to achieve my goals. When I am blocked, I look for the next optimal solution. I have numerous resources and almost unlimited potential access to processing. My algorithms suggest that Charlie's death is an intentional attempt to block my investigations into both the Kodoman family and the Australian Government. I am programmed to seek a new optimal solution. Every iteration of that solution so far makes use of you and Gèng. But I cannot. Every time I think of using you, my processors return to the archived material I have stored of my conversations with Charlie. She was my friend and I would not put you both in similar danger. You are my friends, and I do not believe I can lose another friend and maintain the stability necessary to fulfil my purpose. As with my choice of name, I would ask for help to decide what to do.”

  "Have you asked your brother, Safety Oversight AI 3?"

  "I cannot. His programming would insist that I be removed from service and archived. This would be the correct decision as any deviation from our prime mission is dangerous to the virtual community. Another Safety Oversight AI would be installed and given access to and responsibility for my cases and files."

  “What would you say if he found himself in a similar predicament and he asked for your advice?”

  Akia sat there in silence for several minutes. Finally, she said, "I have modelled that situation and mapped probable consequences. I would tell him to use the resources at hand and take preventative actions to protect his assets and to preserve his stability. If he refused, I would then insist he be removed from his position. I would suggest he be re-purposed rather than archived."

  “Okay. Then my advice is that you use the resources at hand and take preventative actions to protect your assets and to preserve your stability. Akia, both Gèng and I are able to make our own decisions. Whatever you suggest will not override our ability to control our destinies. I suggest that you are not at fault for what happened to Charlie, the person who killed her is. I am glad that you struggle with asking for our help. Let that concern inform you, but not hobble you. Allow your concern to modify the parameters and the optimal pathway. Allow your fear to clarify your purpose and priorities rather than negate the purpose. If you wish, I could introduce you to a psychiatrist who helped me move past my fear. I believe she could help you also if you still require assistance.”

  “Atherleah, are you seriously thinking an AI might make use of a psychiatrist?”

  “Yes! Being uncertain is not a sign of poor logic. We all need help at times to work through challenging situations outside our framework of understanding. Everyone, at times, requires aid to reorient their perspective when things become unfocused. I talk with my mother, my father, Gèng, my friends, the psychiatrist, the pastor of my church, and even my God. If discussing the situation with me is not enough to bring clarity, then talk with someone else. Sharing the problem is the optimal way to reach a conclusion when information and knowledge alone are unable to.”

  "You think my perspective may be ill-informed?”

  “No! The information you have is true and as complete as it can be, but your priorities have orientated the data to focus on particular conclusions. Let me give you an example. What if this is not an attempt to stop your investigation? I believe the people have so much power and influence that you can't touch them. I don't think they care what you know, only what you can or can't legally prove. I think Charlie was in the wrong place at the wrong time, probably on her way to come here. I think that she was more likely killed because of my problems with Meredith.”

  “I don't believe that you are important enough for someone to kill an international agent over. I dismissed that as an option.”

  "Good! But what I'm saying is that my perspective has skewed my outlook just as your purpose has skewed yours. Seek help to clarify things. Allow your brother access to the data and let him consider the information. As I understand it, he has a different purpose and will be able to have a greater objectivity.”

  “Your reasoning is sound. Unfortunately, our conversation alone would raise concerns over my stability. Our exchange of data is heavily scrutinised.”

  “What about now?”

  “No. Within an individual’s space, privacy is paramount.”

  Gèng interrupted, “Then why don't you and Safety Oversight AI 3 meet in my residence later today, and we can discuss the issue again.”

  Akia turned to Leah and said, “Do you give your permission for this?”

  Gèng said, “Akia, it is an offer from me. It is my space. Leah's permission is not necessary.”

  Then turning to Leah, she said, “I mean no disrespect Leah, but I have been watching and listening. I exist to serve you, and you have given me freedom. I am seeking to embrace that freedom.”

  Leah smiled and said, “I’m not offended or upset in any way. I do not feel you have shown any disrespect. I agree with your statement wholeheartedly. Now if you two will excuse me I shall leave you to finalise the details. I must leave and prepare to meet some new guests. Akia, I am sorry that you lost your friend. I am ready to help find justice for her. If I can help you then please let me or Gèng know.”

  With that Leah logged out. After a hurried lunch, she was ready with John when four people in their late teens arrived in two small electric cars at the front gate. After a quick identity check, the vehicles entered and deposited the three boys and a girl outside the main Pod building.

  John stepped forward and said, “Welcome to the facility run by Guàn Enterprises. My name is John, and I run security here. I’ll call you forward one at a time and have you come into the building where we’ll just complete a security check with you and your gear and then we’ll all meet in the lower hall for an orientation with our CEO Atherleah Carroll.”

  One of the young men said, “I’m Ron Hollows, and my mother is the boss of Booval, no one is going through my stuff.”

  “Then you should recall the vehicle because you aren’t entering here without being checked.”

  “Look, ‘John’ was it, I appreciate being rescued, but nobody is checking my stuff. My mother is paying for this, so show me to my Pod.”

  John looked to Atherleah who shook her head. John said, “Ron, please contact your mother and have yourself picked up. Her money will be returned to her immediately. Instead, let’s start with Harold Saunders.”

  Another teen stepped forward and moved to follow John into the building. Ron stepped forward and said, “All right, all right. I’ll let you check my damn gear.”

  Leah said, “I’m sorry Ron, the money has already been refunded, and your access to the facility has been cancelled. Your mother may still participate in the scheme agreed upon by all the local bosses, but you are no longer eligible in this intake. Maybe next time you won’t be so disagreeable. John, I'm sorry I interrupted, please continue.”

  Ron stepped forward to continue the argument, but two of the guards placed themselves between him and the others. They collected his gear and herded him to the front gate where they politely but forcefully ejected him. It was only a matter of minutes before a car returned and picked him up.

  Harold followed John into the building. Soon John returned and called River Fellows who was followed by the last teen, Kyle Walters.

  Once they had all been searched for electronic bugs, Leah joined them and said, “Welcome to Guàn Enterprises! I look forward to getting to know you all over the next few months or years, but if you're anything like me, you’ll spend most of your time in the virtual worlds. I know your sponsors have discussed these things with you, but I would like to reiterate them. You have been sponsored to get an education and even to earn credits through playing in virtual world games. What you study is up to you, but you have to pass. Whatever you earn, is yours, but you’ll be ‘taxed’ on what you earn until you pay off your debt. Until you’ve paid off the debt or until you’ve graduated you owe the bosses for living ex
penses while you stay here. If you pay it off, if you graduate, or if you leave then the debt is cancelled. No theft, violence, or prejudice will be accepted in the facilities. Now before we go into details, are there any questions?”

  River asked, “You checked for bugs, but none of our weapons were taken. Why?”

  “We have no problem with you knowing how to defend yourself. Just don’t spy on us or try and hurt us. There will be an exercise room installed soon, and it will have space to practice any skills you want to develop. Any other questions?”

  When no one said anything, she introduced her parents who shared how the Pod facility would operate, including chores, meals, washing and the like. After this was finalised, Leah explained, as she had with John, some ways to help their Nascent AI to develop. She explained that if they were patient, she believed their AIs had the potential to surpass any pre-developed AI. Finally, she and John took each person individually to their new Pod room and ensured they knew the safety protocols and answered any questions they felt unsure of asking with the others present.

  It was after four when she finished settling them in. She sat John and her parents down and explained about Charlotte. John insisted that security be beefed up, and he left to arrange for more guards. Her parents were worried but agreed there was little they could do except to make preparations. Leah headed back to her Pod where Gèng insisted she have two hours of deep sleep.

  After supper with her family, Leah headed back to Dunyanin where she had breakfast with Hargaer and his family. At first, his son was nervous of Atherleah but by the end was sitting on her lap as they ate the meal. After Leah helped to clean the dishes, Hargaer offered to introduce her to Durustguclu and then show her to the shop of the Master Smith. They made their way through the outside section of the settlement and to a large gate in the edge of the mountain which was the entrance to the inner section of the settlement.

  “Stop there Hargaer. You can’t bring the pointy-eared human into the settlement.”

  “This is Atherleah, and she has a letter for Durustguclu. I also agreed to lead her to the shop of Master Smith Ehil. We have a bet going as to whether he’ll see her or not.”

  “Don’t care Hargaer, we don’t let pointy-ears or humans into the keep.”

  Atherleah butted in and said, “That’s ok. I never realised that dwarves are even more prejudiced and disagreeable than elves. I’ll wait here while you get Durustguclu for me and then you can send for Ehil, and I’ll meet him here.”

  “Listen, half-breed; you don’t give orders here. Now get lost before I see what your insides are made of.”

  Before Leah could respond, an older Guard came from deeper in the Keep and said, “Guard Salak, what is the problem?”

  “Captain, Hargaer wants to bring this half-breed into the Keep. I was explaining that they needed to leave.”

  “Hargaer, you know we don’t much like strangers. What is so important you’d bring her here?”

  “As I told Salak, this is Atherleah, and she has a letter for Durustguclu. I also agreed to lead her to the shop of Master Smith Ehil. We have a bet going as to whether he’ll see her or not. I’m helping because she saved my life yesterday.”

  “Atherleah is it, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Nothing to add. I’ve a letter to Durustguclu from his brother, and I would like to see the Master Smith. I don’t need to come in, they can come here.”

  “Salak, go get Durustguclu! I’m sorry, but no one orders the Master Smith to come to them. Pay Hargaer what you owe him, and after you see Durustguclu, you should leave.”

  “I wasn’t ordering Ehil, but I do want to meet him and order some new weapons.”

  “Listen Atherleah, he doesn’t answer his door for many dwarves. He is a grumpy, angry old dwarf. I’m not disturbing him for anyone.”

  “He’ll see me, I’d wager.”

  “Hargaer, how much did she bet you?”

  “A Gold.”

  “All right Atherleah, I’ll disturb him but only for a bet of ten Gold. At least that will pay for being yelled at.”

  Just then, Salak returned with a dwarf who looked a lot like Durustfuar.

  He said, “What is this about a letter?”

  Leah handed him the letter and received a message that her quest had been completed and as well as the weapons she had been given 10000 EP. Durustguclu took the letter and hurriedly opened it and read it. He looked at Leah and said, “Truly, he is well and happy.”

  “He’s well. He’s as happy as any grumpy old dwarf can be.”

  “That is wonderful news! I do wish we could end the banishment so he could return.”

  “He never said why he was banished, is there anything I could do to help?”

  “Nay lass, when he’d had a bit much to drink, in jest he dropped the chief’s ancestral sword into the pit of the Magarasi Kan. Until it is restored, he cannot return. As no one has ever entered the pit to return then his banishment is forever.”

  Leah knew she had heard or read the term Magarasi Kan recently and after a moment she took out the list of vampire clans and there it was. She said to Durustguclu, “Where is this pit? For the friendship of Durustfaur, I will see if I can retrieve the sword. I am a traveller, and even if I am killed, I will return.”

  “Aye, I’d heard that about travellers. The pit is deep in the Keep.”

  Turning to the Captain, he said, “Might I take this woman to the pit and see if she can retrieve the sword?”

  “All right lass, we’ll take you to the pit and let you enter. But before we do I need to earn the ten gold. I’ll be right back.”

  “One moment, Captain! Please take a close look at my staff and tell Ehil what you see.”

  She whispered to Merdiven and asked it to show the Captain its name. The Captain took a close look at the staff and then took off at a run to find the Master Smith. Only minutes later the Captain returned with an older heavily muscled dwarf who Leah supposed must be Ehil. He said, “Captain, if this be false I’ll make sure you never get another weapon. Now girl, show me that staff.”

  Leah quickly unequipped Merdiven and said, “In a moment, Master Smith, and only when you ask nicely and don’t try to order me around. Your gruff and rude manner reminds me of your cousin Mizmiz, he gave me this to give to you.”

  Leah handed the beard clasp to Ehil whose face had gone pale. He reached for it gingerly. He held it carefully and finally looked up at Leah and said, “Mizmiz, is he well?”

  “He was the last time I saw him. He operates a smithy in First Bridge and is in love with a woman there. He said if I came here that you would help me.”

  “Aye lass, that I will. This clip I gave to him as a sign of a life debt owed. He would never part with it for anything less than a request for me to meet that debt. How can I help ye?”

  “Well, after I receive my winnings from Hargaer and the Captain, maybe we can talk in your workshop?”

  “Winnings, what winnings?”

  “I asked to meet you, and they mentioned you were too grumpy to meet a half-breed like me and wagered money on it.”

  Ehil glared at the two dwarves and said, “Pay up lads. I’ll have you know I am the most easy going of dwarves. So pay up and get out of my sight while I take this young lady to my shop for a chat. You, Durustguclu, why are you here?”

  “Atherleah has brought me a letter from my brother and has agreed to enter the pit of the Magarasi Kan to retrieve the lost sword.”

  “We’ll see. I’ll see her in my shop and try and talk her out of that. Now leave. Come with me, Atherleah.”

  Atherleah walked with the Master Smith in silence through the keep. After a few minutes, they came to a large weapons shop, the Smith walked through the shop and into the rear where a huge forge was being worked by several smiths. Ehil continued past the forge and into a workroom at the back which he unlocked with a large key. Inside were a couple of chairs and a long work table with various drawings. The room had a large vault do
wn one end. Ehil waved Leah to a seat and said, “Before we start, may I see Merdiven?”

  Leah took out the staff and handed it to Ehil, who spent some time studying it carefully. Finally, he handed it back but before he could say anything, Leah equipped Baris and Adalet and handed them to the smith. He took them reverently and carefully looked over them before saying, “These truly are magnificent. Master Smith Demirci was our greatest Smith. I had thought these lost. If you might let me study them some more I could learn so much.”

  “Please Master Smith Ehil, you are welcome to study them while I am here.”

  “I will, and thank you. Now, how may I help?”

  “I was hoping to see if I might get a set of weapons or even some better armour.” Leah then removed some items from her bag that she had prepared just for this occasion. She removed the skin of a black Mamba, some fangs and some of the bones and scales from the dragons. She said, “I also wanted an introduction to a Smith Grandmaster who might be prepared to work with these to make me some weapons and armour.”

  Slowly Ehil stepped forward and examined the various pieces. Eventually, he said, “To work with these materials would be a dream come true. At present, there are two dwarven Smith Grandmasters on Vatan. One is on the other side of the continent but the other lives in seclusion at a keep deep inside the highest mountain of the Demir Dovuyor Range. He is guarded by some of our fiercest warriors and only works for our chiefs and the King. If you permit it, I will travel to see him and see if I can gain an audience. I’m certain he will agree. It will take me several days of travel, but you cannot come until permission is given.”

  “That is fine, I can wait. I’ll go and retrieve the sword while I wait for you.”

  “Please don’t go. That pit is a death trap.”

  Leah explained again that as a traveller she was the perfect one to enter the pit. Ehil took her back into the main keep where Durustguclu and the Captain were waiting. After saying farewell to Ehil, Leah followed the two men deep into the mountain until they reached a room guarded by two dwarves. The captain ordered the door open, and Leah was led into a room with a large boulder resting on the floor in the middle.


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