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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

Page 22

by Tony Corden

She quickly collected the few things Fiore had left behind, nodded and followed Korucu as he began to head down the tunnel toward the Kraken hunting grounds. It was another hour before they reached the end of a long tunnel and Korucu said, “We mark this as the start of the Kraken Hunting Grounds. From here the number of Cave Mites, Slimes, Scorpiders, Hell Beetles, and sometimes even Rock Manders begin to increase. The Kraken feasts on them as they feast on each other. I shall return to Father Eilif now. If we hear the death cry of the Kraken, I will return.”

  Korucu disappeared, and Leah was left standing in the dark on her own. She took a few breaths and had Gèng relay a summary of each creature. She understood Cave Mites and Slimes. Scorpiders were eight-legged creatures much like spiders, but they had two front arms like a Scorpion, and instead of pincers they each had a venomous spike like a Scorpion tail. Hell Beetles were sightless beetles shaped like a ladybug, the size of a beach ball and they spat acid to kill and digest their victims. Rock Manders were shaped like Salamanders but had rock for a covering like armour. They blended into the surface of tunnels and caves, they were fast, vicious, and spat a liquid like napalm which burned on contact with living flesh.

  Leah allowed her fangs to grow and her claws to extend. She would now sense blood, and she also noticed a faint light where she had touched a wall. Her eyes, she reasoned, could also sense faint changes in temperature. She was about to step through into the next section when Gèng said, “Leah, I noticed this before when you extended your fangs to watch for Bloodarrow_007, your need for blood increases dramatically in this form. I suggest you either kill some of the creatures and take their blood or you should drink some of the vials you have stored. At this rate, your desire to feed will become overwhelming in just over three hours.”

  “Thanks, Gèng, I’ll try a cave mite and see if it makes a difference. I imagined it would gross me out, but I remember eating bugs as a kid and it's just like that. I just hope there is no pain involved.”

  As she stepped into the tunnel, a message appeared

  Level 3 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (9, Ruby)

  Atherleah (Level 243), you have discovered a Level 3 Area:

  Quest Continuation - Redeem a friend’s honour

  You are the first player to access this area. This is your ninth, 'First 1 (Ruby)' achievement.

  Reward 1: 1000 x 243 = 629370 (+159%) Experience Points (1080000/1080000) (247383/1090000)

  Reward 2: + 2% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 9 x 1 Platinum = 9 Platinum

  Reward 4: Increased probability of valuable drop. Luck is increased by 5 whenever you are in this Experience. During your first time in this Dungeon Experience, the probability of all drops is increased to 0.5.

  Fame: 500 Fame Points (140705)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum. Do you wish to retain your privacy?

  [Y] [N]


  Leah cast Echolocation and slowly made her way down the tunnel. After maybe fifty paces she recognised the shape of a mite on the roof above. Just before she passed underneath it, she hit upwards with Merdiven and knocked the Mite off the wall. When it landed she held it down with her staff and looked at it with her Vampire vision, she could see a faint circulatory system and a small patch near its head which seemed to draw her in. She quickly grabbed it with both hands and plunged her fangs into the highlighted patch. Automatically she knew how to draw the lifeblood from the Mite and she soon held a lifeless husk. When she tried to harvest it, she found nothing. A message appeared

  You have fed on the blood of a Level 10 Cave Mite (0.5, 1):

  Your speed and agility are increased for 10 minutes.

  Note: Although you have previously drunk blood, this is the first time you have fed. Each creature has a potency number and a volume number. The higher the potency number, the longer the blood will satisfy your hunger. The greater the volume, the longer the blood will satisfy. A number is calculated by Potency x Volume x Level and the unit is termed BSP (Blood Satiation Points). This cave mite provided you with (0.5 x 1 x 10) 5 BSP. To fully satisfy your hunger from the lowest point before you give in to the craving, you require a total of 80 BSP [Barbarian Human 8.5, Forest Elf 11.5, Volume 8 Vials] for each Level you have achieved (Currently you require 19520 BSP to be filled from your lowest point. For example a Level 87 Barbarian Human has Potency 8.5 and usually provides 8 Vials of Blood and so would provide 5916 BSP.

  Leah took out a Vial of the Manather Blood and identified it

  Level 242 Manather Blood (6.5, 1):

  This provides a two hour buff which allows you to absorb the magic of any magical attack.

  She calculated that it would provide 1573 BSP. She had Gèng measure and calibrate her current state and discovered her current level was (6743/19520). Either way she had to keep moving and Cave Mites were not going to do it. Within the next kilometre she had killed and harvested twelve Cave Mites. She killed them with her sword and merely kept the vials of blood just in case. The next creature she found was a Level 40 Hell Beetle. In her vision it showed up as hot and bright. When harvested it not only provided a vial of potent acid but also a Vial of Blood (2,1) which gave Leah a buff against Acid burns for a 10 minute period.

  Each of the creatures she faced when harvested gave her a vial of blood and some form of buff. She could understand how people might choose to start as vampires. The only creature which provided no blood was the slimes. The further she went the larger the creatures and the higher their levels. The highest so far had been a Level 110 Scorpider (2.5,1) and she reasoned that a few more of those and she would find a creature worth drinking the blood from.

  Altogether she had been walking and hunting for two hours and had yet to see, hear or feel the Kraken. The tunnel rarely divided and when it did the branches led to dead end caverns. In one she was attacked by four Hell beetles at once and although the experience points were negligible, she was getting used to stepping through shadows and fighting in the dark with only vague indications of where her attackers were. She decided that her hearing was improving for she imagined she could feel the swish of the attacking spikes more than see them.

  The hardest to deal with had been the one Rock Mander which she had only noticed at the last minute when it opened its mouth to spit at her from a distance of just under a metre. She had seen the heat as its lips parted and only a drastic sideways leap saved her, the liquid-like napalm splashed against her side and ignited. The pain was horrific but much less than she had experienced in the change. Her health plummeted as she turned back to the Rock Mander and cast Chain Lightning which had no effect and just arced over the skin. She saw the mouth widen for another shot and brought the Morningstar down on the skull. The creature darted aside and she only caught it with a glancing blow. This was enough however for it to shift to get a better shot. In that moment she drove Baris into a crack in the rock covering which had opened at a leg joint. The Rock Mander shifted again, this time in pain and Leah was able to find another crack in its armour. It was able to spit the fiery liquid twice more before she finally killed it; fortunately it missed both times. Besides harvesting two vials of Rock Mander Blood (3.4, 1) she also received a vial of the liquid fire. As she healed, she took out the Ingredient Doubling Box and made another vial.

  When her Blood Satiation Level (BSL) dropped to 930/19520, she removed four of the Scorpider Vials and drank them. Altogether they added only 1,180 BSP and forty minutes immunity to poison. She drank five vials of Hell Beetle blood for a further 1092 BSP and fifty minutes immunity to acid burns. She now had a BSL of 3202/19520 and hoped to reach the Kraken before needing to drink the Cave Mite Blood.

  Leah reached an area with fewer creatures and she became even more cautious. Her Echolocation was outlining the next ten to twenty paces and her vampire vision added to this by displaying blood and heat. She travelled carefully and moved from Shadow to S
hadow using her vampire skill. The use of vampire skills hurried her need for blood, but they were a protection against being ambushed. After her next step through Shadow she cast Echolocation and noticed a tentacle lying on the floor. At the same time as she noticed it, it reacted to the sound waves and shifted as if looking for a better position.

  Leah remained still and watched with her vampire sight. She could just make out the slight twitch as the tentacle searched for her. She waited patiently until it lay still and almost disappeared from sight, she could still make out the slow movement of blood through its system. She carefully, and extremely slowly, stepped into the darkness and along the tunnel. Even so, her movement was recognised by whatever sensors the tentacle possessed. It twitched and began contracting and sliding along the tunnel in her direction. She waited until it was still again and took another step. This time the tentacles movement was more agitated and exploratory. Again Leah waited. She was now almost twenty paces from the end of the tentacle and, she imagined, about a third of the way along its length. She looked at the section before her and was able to identify the Kraken's level. She was concerned by what she saw:

  ROCK KRAKEN (Level 642) 2,646,093HP (321,000EP)

  Still, it was now or never. In one movement she equipped Baris and struck at the tentacle before her. The sword neatly sliced it in two and the ends sprung apart. A loud roar came from further down the tunnel and she teleported back to the far end of the tentacle. As she arrived at the end of the severed tentacle, it speared toward her. Only a reflex blocking movement deflected it off centre to glide across her right side instead of impaling her. As it passed, she could feel the hooks dig in, and the tentacle convulsed and began to wrap around her. Leah placed both hands on it and cast Ki Freeze. She found herself encircled and trapped in seven or eight paces of frozen tentacles. She had several deep gouges around her torso and upper legs and was not free to move. She slowed her breathing and misted free before reforming and taking several restorative potions.

  After checking that the tentacle was dead she began moving toward where the Kraken’s roar had come from. With her vampire sight, she could see a warmer patch of blood and splatter where she had cut the Kraken. There was a trail leading further down the trail and she moved a little faster not wanting it to get away. The trail was all she could find of the Kraken until she came to the end of the tunnels and into an open expanse. She risked using Echolocation and was unable to get any sense of a roof or back wall. The Kraken could be anywhere.

  At full health she slowly followed the smeared blood deeper into the cavern, no longer using Echolocation. Finally at the edge of her vision she could make out several thick hooked sections about ten paces in front of her, each twitching as if looking for her. She hesitated and turned her head to look left and saw several arms there as well. She hoped her plan worked. She prepared her spells, cast Echolocation, and then cast Ki Lightning before immediately swallowing several restore potions. With an intense look at the Kraken outline, she cast Grow. Her body grew until she was ten metres in height; the diameter of the Kraken’s torso. The electricity had arced into the Kraken and run along the skin as well as digging deep into it.

  The Kraken roared loud enough to bring several rocks crashing down from the roof and its HP was under 50%. With her five metre reach, Leah waded forward slicing and slashing, aiming for the places where the arms joined the torso. She attacked each arm, driving her sword through the eyes and killing each rudimentary brain. She had to cast Echolocation three more times before all the arms, and the two tentacles were completely detached from the Kraken.

  Stepping forward she saw the body still had over 500,000 HP and small arms had begun to grow from the stubs. She checked her Mana and mainly because of the belt of Zeka Irfan she still had over half remaining. Leah calmed herself, reached forward and for the first time double cast Rain of Fire. The fire balls fell as a blanket of fire that covered the Kraken, scorching the torso and cauterising the stubs, but still, it lived. Finally Leah took Baris and thrust it deep into each eye, hoping to find the brain of the beast. Finally the HP bar flickered red and disappeared. Leah was exhausted.

  She allowed her body to return to its regular size and checked her stats. She took another Restore Mana and wondered how she was going to examine the cavern, she supposed she would need to map it using Echolocation but that would take forever. Calming herself she remembered how she had first used Ki to heal and to move faster without knowing the prescribed rules. Most of the spells she cast were now second nature and occurred almost an extension of her will. The Dunyanin world took her will and applied it in a specific way with certain rules. She compared the feeling of Mana leaving her body when used to heal, to freeze, to generate electricity, and to compress or destroy stone, the feelings were all similar.

  She wondered if the world would submit to her will if she tried to direct the mana in a different way. Taking a deep breath Leah considered what she knew of light and heat and she willed mana to exit her body to form a ball of light in the centre of the cavern. She felt as if she was pushing hard against a barrier and then closing her eyes she pushed harder.

  Suddenly, like a torrent, mana rushed from her until she was completely drained. She sat down with a thump and opened her eyes carefully to see a ball of light fully three metres in diameter floating in the middle of an enormous chamber. It was several minutes before she became accustomed to the light but when she did she could see the dead Kraken and she could make out seams of Gold, Silver and Mithryl. She could see gems embedded in the walls and floor. As she looked a message appeared.

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Skill - Mana Manipulation - First 10 (1, Diamond)

  Atherleah (Level 244) You have learned the skill of manipulating mana to conform to your will. This is your second Level 5 NPA: 'First 10 (Diamond)’.

  You are one of the first ten players to learn this skill, further development can only be achieved by careful practice or by finding a Mentor.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 245 = 3197250 (161%) Experience Points (1100000/1100000) …(81635/1130000)

  Reward 2: 10 Platinum x 2 = 20 Platinum

  Reward 3: +3% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 500 Fame Points (141205 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Mana Manipulator

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Smiling, she took a luck potion and harvested the Kraken

  You have harvested:

  2 Rocks Kraken Drills*

  3 Vials of Rock Kraken Blood (5.3, 2)**

  4 Rock Kraken Eyes***

  1 Spell of Cloning

  A collection of undigested gems and minerals found in the Rock Kracken’s Stomach

  * Note: These can be used in mining operations after some adaptation from a Master Smith.

  **As a vampire when you drink this you will have the ability to sense every living thing within 10 metres of your body for a period of one hour.

  *** A rare ingredient used in potions to increase the takers sense of perception

  Level 5 Named Personal Achievement

  Singlehandedly Kill a Rock Kraken - First 1 (1, Painite)

  You have completed the Achievement Kill a Rock Kraken Singlehandedly. You are the first player to gain this achievement. This is your first Level 5 NPA ‘First 1’

  Reward 1: 10000 x 248 = 6547200 (+164%) Experience Points (1130000/1130000) … (758835/1300000)

  Reward 2: 1 Diamond x 1 = 1 Diamond

  Reward 3: +4% to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 1000 Fame Points (142205 FP)

  You have achieved the title: Kraken Killer

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  She hurriedly drank a vial of blood and increased her BSL by 6,805 BSP. Leah grabbed one of her mining bags and in the glow of her amazing light she searched the floor and walls of the cavern for anything that was loose. The Kraken had not been a tidy house guest and she was able to fill it with gems and pieces of
pure ore. In one part of the room she found a piece of Mithryl as large as her torso and in another she discovered a dwarven hammer and war axe and a small book. When she looked at their characteristics, she read

  The Smithing Hammer of Tufek Horozu

  Tufeck Horozu is considered one of the ten most gifted Smith Grandmasters in the History of the Dwarven Kingdoms. His skills were sought after throughout the known world. Originally from the Continent of Shenqi he travelled throughout the continents making weapons, armour and statues for emperors and kings. Rumour has it that he met his demise on the continent of Vatan.

  Minimum: Level 250 (S 200, C 200)

  Skill Level: Apprentice Smith

  Binds on pickup

  The War Axe of Tufek Horozu

  Tufeck Horozu is considered one of the ten most gifted Smith Grandmasters in the History of the Dwarven Kingdoms. He was commissioned by the great Dwarven Warrior Eksen Lerinforn to create a War Axe without compare. It took Tufeck months to find the right materials and to forge the mighty weapon. Before it was completed Eksen was killed in battle. Tufeck carried the weapon with him in his travels, reluctant to part with the mighty weapon until a suitable warrior could be found.

  Minimum: Level 250 (S 200, C 200, A 250)

  Binds on pickup

  Designs for the Forge by Tufek Horozu

  Tufeck Horozu is considered one of the ten most gifted Smith Grandmasters in the History of the Dwarven Kingdoms. Throughout his life he made notes detailing his technique and particular trade secrets. This book is a manual to greatness as a Forger of Weapons and Armour.

  Skill Level: Varied, for full use must be Grandmaster.

  Binds on pickup

  Leah placed all three in her bag and continued to fossick. After an hour she heard the sound of multiple footsteps which stopped as they approached the Cavern. A voice yelled out, “Lady Atherleah, is the creature dead and what is making the light?”

  “The Kraken is dead and the light is mine, I use it to examine the cavern. It is clear to enter.”

  Slowly, beginning with the Patriarch who was closely followed by Korucu, a stream of dwarves entered the Cavern until fully a hundred Vampire Dwarves had filed into it. Leah checked the light and saw it had reduced in diameter and was now only two and a half metres wide. Still it shone into every crevice and crack throughout the Cavern.


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