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Change (The Stork Tower Book 3)

Page 25

by Tony Corden

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  She moved to the edge of the pass behind some rocks and logged out. As she arrived in the Tower, Gèng said, “You have messages from Amy, Thad, Wisp, James, Zack, Peter, Stephen, Susan, and John. I sent a short reply saying you were busy and would talk with them when you returned. They are all waiting for your return and have requested that I tell them when you arrive home. What shall I do?”

  “Invite them all to the Tower if they are free. Tell them I am having a swim and they are welcome to join me. I’d like you to join us as well if you would like to.”

  “Thank you. I will do that. I have passed on your communique, and they have all accepted. I suggested that they arrive in ten minutes. That should give you some time to prepare.”

  Leah changed into her one piece and ran to the pool and had finished several laps when she heard Amy yell, “Atherleah! If I didn’t love you, I’d kill you. Why didn’t you tell me you were the map holder?”

  Leah just splashed some water at Amy who dove in and swam over. She gave Leah a huge hug and said, “I did guess though, yesterday when I read the news. I placed a Platinum on you as the map holder at 300 to 1. It was the most they would let me bet. I won. Also, I’ll have you know that even though I do love you, I will not join your fan club. I absolutely refuse to join fan clubs. Besides, I already did. I am fan number three. Beaten by Thad and Wisp I bet.”

  Just then the others began arriving, and they all splashed and swam for a while. Thad gave her a huge hug and kiss and told her that he would have been her number one fan, but Wisp got there first. John was the last to arrive, and he swam slowly out to the centre and said, “Leah, you should have warned me of the publicity. The free channels in the Switch carried the announcement, and we’ve been inundated with people coming to see you.”

  Leah sighed, “I’m sorry John, I didn’t know until the last minute that it was going to be broadcast so wide. They say they’ll be broadcasting all my gameplay from now on for most of the year. I guess we’ll have to boost security.”

  “Boost, more than boost! I expect we’ll need to triple it at least.”

  Finally, they all left the water and sat around chatting. Leah said, “Thank you all for coming. It is great to have friends. I realise I should have said something, but I’ve been busy. I’ll try and keep you in the loop. Besides the map, the first thing I have to prepare for is a combat challenge against the others. I imagine I will be busy. During this Odyssey, I will be able to have some companions, but I don’t need to choose them yet. If you are interested, then let me know, but be aware you’ll need to be tougher and stronger than ever. I have some ideas of places to search for new dungeons, but I don’t think I’ll be travelling. If I did then our levels at the moment are too far apart, and we would be competing for the points and prizes.”

  One by one they left until only Thad remained. He said, “I’d like to take you on another date. Tomorrow is Friday and in anticipation of you agreeing I’ve pre-booked my surprise at four in the afternoon your time?”

  She looked up at him and wrapping her arms around him said, “I’d love to go on another date. I’ll be ready at four. What do I need to bring?”

  “Nothing, they have everything you need. Be prepared though for a work out.”

  Before she could reply, he logged out. She had lunch and was bombarded with questions from her family about the Odyssey. They were pleased to finally see what she looked like in the game. Both parents were a little disheartened at the obvious disparities between her and the other contestants, and it took some time for Leah to explain that she had not shown all her cards. When she was able to extract herself, she logged in for two hours deep sleep. Afterward, she had another large meal and logged into Cosmos Online.

  Leah arrived in her quarters on the Annoyance and made her way to the bridge to continue sorting through the star charts. She was starting to see the immense size of the Cosmos Online universe. The information she had didn't cover even ten percent of the available playing space, and she knew she would not have time to visit every star even if she did nothing but play Cosmos Online. After an hour John arrived, and he continued to sort through the Gorgian battle plans hoping to find some way to throw a spanner in the works.

  They took a break every hour and had time to talk, but they were quick to get back to work; both were highly driven. In one such break, John said, “Leah, over the last few days I have done some research on different worlds which teach various martial arts. I know you are doing a little Tai Chi and that has increased your flexibility and moves. I think you should try several other styles and increase your range of moves. I’d like you to join a Krav Maga class and either a Muay Thai or Silat class.”

  “When? I’m running from here to there, day in day out.”

  “I remember when you were younger, you had your day organised to the minute. You need to do that at least till you get through this Odyssey.”

  “Fair enough! I think I can do that for a while at least. It’ll mean I’m on a tight schedule, and I can’t help much with things around here, but it is possible. I need to get my dragon hatched and levelled up, Mĕi as well. Would it help to have any more guards trained that way?”

  “Yes, but I don’t think you should just pay for Pods for everyone. I’ll talk it over with the guards and choose two who it would be good to train and maybe help in Cosmos Online as you’ll need more pilots.”

  They talked for a few more minutes and then got back to looking at the data. Leah had begun noticing patterns and began adding speculative notes to the star charts in front of her. She was pleased when later reading began to show that her speculations had some basis. From what she was looking at, that there were several algorithms in play to help the Cosmos Online developers seed the galaxy with the resources necessary to build a flourishing space culture. Anyone not having these charts would almost certainly never have enough data points to form even a rudimentary pattern. She, however, did have a large sample of surveys done on a significant number of star systems. It was clear that the Gorgians had well-defended bases in the richest of systems but what if the extrapolations showed true for un-surveyed systems? Leah could potentially access almost unlimited resources. She began to have Gèng help and add data from player forums to her growing data map.

  After the full three real-hours in Cosmos Online, she logged out for a large meal and then went to check with the guards. Everything had calmed down, but they all had big smiles when they looked at her. She chatted about the Merkize Odyssey and the various games and then headed inside. She had another day to wait before Ehil could return and decided to explore the mountains. She was sure that her ability to teleport would soon be common knowledge, so she decided to use that to explore. She logged in and found herself once more at the pass.

  She equipped her armour, and after checking her various maps, she realised that there was a goblin mine somewhere near the settlement and she doubted the dwarves knew of it. From the map, it appeared to be further up the range. She could make out the symbol for a cave and what looked like a steep escarpment. Looking around, she visualised appearing on the peak of a nearby mountain and teleported.

  As she arrived, she stumbled a little, then looked around at the nearby peaks. Only one looked like it had a sheer edge, so she decided to head for it next. The cool-down period was now less than ten minutes, and she soon teleported to the top of the escarpment. It was cold, and snow was visible under rocks and deep in crevices. She searched along the top but found no evidence of any goblins or places to mine. She constantly checked her surroundings but was still surprised when a Snow Leopard ambushed her. The first she knew of it was a glimpse out the corner of her eye of a form speeding toward her.

  She turned and managed to deflect the jaws which were aimed at her neck and instead latched onto her right shoulder. The fangs penetrating deep and cracked both her clavicle and scapula. Her health dropped below half, but her left
hand held a knife which she drove deep into the huge cat. Although it was hurt, the cat held on and dragged her to the ground. Reaching across her body, she grabbed the head and cast Freeze. The cat slumped in death with the jaws still clamped on her shoulder. Her health continued to drop as the pain and bleeding buffs continued to draw away her health. She knew people were watching and didn’t want to reveal her Mist skill, so she used her knife to pry open the lower jaw and pull the teeth from her shoulder. She swallowed a restore potion and then began to skin the Snow Leopard. This was the first time since the Spiny Maned Boar that she had skinned an animal instead of harvesting it.

  When she had removed the pelt, she brought Mĕi out and let her feed. She imagined that this would be interesting for the viewers. It had been a while since Mĕi had been able to play and after finishing the carcass, she began to investigate the surroundings. Mĕi was still young, but the growth hormone had helped her achieve almost a full adult size. Leah was wondering how long it would be before she might be able to take a ride on Mĕi. After a while, Leah knew she had to resume her search, and so she moved closer to the edge and peered down the escarpment. Mĕi in playfulness jumped off the edge and began to glide down parallel to the escarpment. She was about a third of the way down when she disturbed something on the cliff face. Leah scanned the area and finally found some well-camouflaged goats resting against the edge of the cliff.

  ROCKY MOUNTAIN GOAT (Level 270) 72900 HP 13500 EP

  She studied the rock face for similar footholds, or goats, and found a series of small steps about 200 metres down that she felt would give her enough purchase to check for mining or to defend against a goat. She checked the information on the gloves, and after equipping them, she scuttled over the side and down the cliff face to the footholds. On arriving she pressed herself against the edge of the cliff and looked around. The goats turned in her direction and one, the largest, was already moving towards her. She equipped a mining pick and could see several areas near the goats which appeared green in her sight. Intending to stay and mine, Leah equipped her bow and prepared to defend herself against the goat which was now forty metres away and within the range of her bow. When it was twenty metres from her, she fired two arrows, one into each shoulder. She assumed that would prevent it from jumping closer.

  There were two footholds between her and the goat. It jumped and was only ten metres away. Two more arrows, both head-shots, and the goat began to tumble off the cliff. Leah dove forward, and with one glove anchoring her to the wall she reached out and harvested the hide, horns and hooves of the goat as well as two vials of blood (4.5, 2). She quickly regained her place on the stepping stones and watched the other goats. Instead of coming toward her they began to make their way down the escarpment in the other direction.

  Mĕi flew close, and Leah smiled at her playfulness but also worried a little in case she ran off while Leah was mining. Leah moved closer to the green areas and began to mine. It wasn’t easy. She had to press herself against the rock face each time she swung the pick. Still, within the hour she had cleared a small entrance and harvested several low-quality pieces of gold ore. Once she had a ledge to work from she was able to move quickly and clear out the large arched entrance. Suddenly she broke through into a natural cave which continued into the mountain. She stepped back out and called Mĕi, who was just able to fit inside the arch. Leah returned Mĕi to her statue form and then stepped into the cave. A message appeared

  Level 4 Named Personal Achievement

  Find a Gold Mine - First 1000 (3, Emerald)

  Reward 1: 500 EP x 258 = 354750 (+175%) (1550000/1550000) (136750/1600000)

  Reward 2: 10 Gold x 3 = 30 Gold

  Reward 3: +1 % to Experience Points

  Reward 4: 50 Fame Points (152755 FP)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  Leah noticed there was no option to retain her privacy.

  Atherleah, this deposit/mine has not been claimed.

  Do you wish to claim this mine for Clan Guàn?

  [Y] [N]

  Leah checked [Y].

  Atherleah, you have claimed the Daglar Duman Gold Mine for Clan Guàn.

  The position of the mine has been marked on your map. You have thirty days in which no-one outside your clan may contest this claim or mine in this location. After this amnesty, you should be prepared to defend your claim.

  We hope you enjoy the experience.

  Leah headed out of the mine and continued to survey the escarpment, looking for any indication of somewhere else to mine. Further down the cliff she caught a hint of yellow and using the gloves made her way down. There was a small shelf where some dirt had collected over the years, and a small yellow flowered plant had bloomed. Leah had seen this particular flower in Falsi’s book, it was deep yellow and was shaped like the tip of a claw. She looked closely to check that she was correct.


  Taking out the book, she examined the flower again and read the instructions. Very carefully she used a knife to clip each of the flowers from the plant and placed them in a small bottle. Falsi’s book said they were useful for developing a salve that helped protect from dragon fire.

  After harvesting the flower, she continued to search the area and eventually found a crevice camouflaged in the rocks. She slowly moved inside the fissure, having to turn sideways to be able to move further in. Soon she was lying on her front and wriggling through a tunnel that was just large enough for her to squeeze through. She knew that if she was in trouble she could simply mist but wanted to keep that a secret if she could. After maybe fifty metres the small tunnel began to get a little larger, and it was then that she could make out a serpentine face just metres away. She stretched one hand out in front of her and cast Chain Lightning. As she felt the spell coming to an end, she gathered her will and continued to push her mana through her hands and toward the snake or whatever it was. Suddenly in a rush, the lightning bolt doubled in size and then trebled. She tried to cut the flow, but her mana had emptied in a moment.

  She gazed ahead and saw that the snake had been burnt to a crisp. When she identified it, she was amazed at its level:

  GOLDEN CAVE VIPER (Level 290) 84100 HP 14500 EP

  She harvested it and was pleased to get a skin of golden scales and two vials of venom and two of blood (4.9, 3). Just past the twenty-metre snake, the cave widened, and she found a nest with a collection of coins and four eggs. She placed the eggs in her bag and looked at the coins. There were six copper and two silver. They were minted with an image of the Goblin Gold Mine at Daglar Duman. She continued through the nest and found another tunnel. Soon she was able to see the flicker of small torches just ahead. As she crept forward, she found herself at a small hole at the top of a long tunnel. Three Level 250 Goblin Miners were picking away at a small seam in the rock face.

  Leah carefully lowered herself into the tunnel, and the said in Goblin Patter, “Hello Goblins, please don’t attack as I don’t want to kill you.”

  They turned around and without hesitation attacked. Leah equipped her swords and killed them without much difficulty. She harvested the goblins, and in addition to the usual, she also received a vial of blood from each of them (6.2, 3). After harvesting them, a message appeared.

  Level 3 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (11, Ruby)

  Atherleah (Level 259), you have discovered a hidden Level 3 Area:

  Goblin Mirror Mine of Daglar Duman

  You are the first player to access this area. This is your eleventh, 'First 1 (Ruby)' achievement.

  Reward 1: 1000 x 259 = 714840 (+176%) Experience Points (891610/1600000)

  Reward 2: + 2% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 11 x 1 Platinum = 11 Platinum

  Reward 4: Increased probability of valuable drop. Luck is increased by 5 whenever you are in this Cavern. During your first time in the Cavern, the probability of all drops
is increased to 0.5.

  Fame: 500 Fame Points (153255)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  She looked around and it was clear that she was at the beginning of the tunnel. The ore was low-grade gold ore, and after collecting what the goblins had mined, she moved on. For the next five hours, she moved through the mine, killing the goblins and cave mites. At each level, the number of miners or guards increased as did their levels and the quality of ore and gems collected. In each room on the final level, she encountered five guards and five miners with an average level of 270. She began by shooting three and then cast Circle of Sloth then Chain Lightning. She the equipped her swords and finished them off. After collecting all the coins, treasure and ore, she received the message:

  Level 3 Dungeon Achievement: First 1 (12, Ruby)

  Atherleah (Level 261), you have completed a hidden Level 3 Area:

  Goblin Mirror Mine of Daglar Duman

  You are the first player to complete this area. This is your twelfth, 'First 1 (Ruby)' achievement.

  Reward 1: 1000 x 263 = 723250 (+178%) Experience Points (919660/1800000)

  Reward 2: + 2% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 12 x 1 Platinum = 12 Platinum

  Fame: 500 Fame Points (153755)

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: This achievement will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  After reading the message, she noticed a small doorway appear. Walking through the door, she found a tunnel which led to the base of the escarpment. After exiting the goblin mine she turned back and was unable to see the exit. She teleported to the pass and then set up her tent and logged out.

  Arriving back at the Tower she logged out and headed into the kitchen for a late snack before logging back into the Tower to review her options for MIT. She checked the course outline for the course they wanted her to complete. She read through the information on each professor in both the mathematics and physics departments. She finally narrowed the list of possible professors who might be approached to be her advisor. She then re-read all their details and began reading a more detailed précis of each one.


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