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Clan Green Bear: Wizards of White Haven

Page 17

by Frances Howitt

  ‘That sounds useful. Anyone can do it?’ Ebony asked sceptically.

  ‘Look,’ Freddie said pushing up his sleeve to show his normal lightly haired bare arm. He closed his eyes and the arm suddenly bore dense greyish white fur.

  Ebony couldn’t help touching the furred arm and evidence. She could also see fur at the neck of his shirt. ‘You’re now furred all over?’

  Freddie partially unbuttoned his shirt in demonstration. Greyish red marled fur was visible but covering a properly human form.

  ‘Yes. We need never be cold again. Well, as long as we have the food to maintain this part shifted shape. Even Gerald managed it. Birds are weird to look at like that.’

  ‘Looks like you’ve a teaching job Freddie,’ Drako said amiably, aware of just how many people were staring Freddie’s way.

  ‘You can do it too?’ Ebony asked her brother.

  Drako closed his eyes and his clothes suddenly looked tight. He pushed back his sleeve to show long dense black fur covered even his fingers. The loose neck of his shirt showed the same luxuriant fur too. Just as quickly, it vanished and he pulled his sleeve back down.

  ‘What just happened?’ Trent asked, pausing on his way past their table.

  ‘Partial shifting. One of the most useful lessons we learned at the academy,’ Drako told him. ‘Freddie and my other warriors all know and can do some teaching tomorrow,’ he added and returned to his food. ‘Remind them belly fur doesn’t tend to be thick enough in the places it matters,’ Drako suggested to Freddie but saw his grin. Some were doubtless in for a little embarrassment.

  ‘Wish I could grow fur, maybe I wouldn’t be cold so often,’ Cassy said softly.

  ‘I wish I could speak to people miles away in my head,’ Drako countered.

  ‘You did today,’ she told him and took his hand, silently flooding his mind with her love and gratitude.

  ‘Eat up you two,’ Freddie interrupted. ‘I’ve seen more meat on a butcher’s pencil than on either of you,’ he added. Cassy reached across and took Freddie’s hand for a brief moment and he felt a rush of warmth and grateful emotion flow from her that he cared about them. His breath caught in his throat. Damn he was envious. He now had an inkling of why Drako was smitten so quickly and so entirely. She was a wizard and could not only talk to someone else with magic, but he now realised she could send feelings too. That between lovers had the potential to be potent indeed. How had they resisted such temptation? Or was this sharing of emotion enough for the moment?

  ‘What did you do to Freddie?’ Drako asked her. She silently touched his hand in the same brief way. ‘Sorry Freddie,’ Drako said, laughing at his dazed expression. ‘She doesn’t know her effect on men.’

  ‘I was only thanking him,’ Cassy said. ‘Now take Freddie’s advice and eat.’ He grinned back at her before tucking in to the roast venison before him.

  13. The Question

  Next morning Drako came through to Cassy’s bedroom early, unable to stay away any longer. He had lain awake most of the night his mind whirling.

  ‘Hello my love,’ Cassy greeted rubbing sleep from her eyes. ‘Is it morning already?’

  ‘Yes, well it is early still. I couldn’t stay away any longer,’ he admitted. He went over to the windows, threw open the curtains and looked out.

  She noticed he seemed anxious, or was that nervous about something, and that he was already dressed. She suspected he had just bathed too judging by his wet hair. ‘Is something wrong?’ she asked quickly and climbed out of bed grabbing her trousers.

  ‘I hope not,’ he said with a quick nervous smile but evaded her hands when she went to touch him.

  ‘You’re still keeping something from me,’ she told him, swallowing the hurt.

  Drako dropped limply to his knees, ‘I knew you would know,’ he muttered sitting by her feet. He looked up at her standing before him in her nightdress, her feet bare. ‘You are so beautiful.’ He moved back onto his knees properly. ‘Cassy I know this may seem impulsive, but I must ask. Will you marry me?’ Only now did he take her hands. He rose to his feet pulled the chain over his head and showed her the ring. ‘This was my mother’s,’ he added and slipped it on her finger.

  ‘This is what you’ve been hiding from me?’ she asked softly knowing he had kept putting a hand to his chest yesterday: to this ring. She turned the ring on her finger astonished, her mind struggling to catch up with the enormity of what he’d just asked. No wonder he’d been nervous. ‘Are you sure about this? It’s very sudden.’

  ‘Of course I’m sure. After what we went through yesterday, I know we belong together. I think one of the reasons dad asked us here was to test how committed we were to each other. He gave this to me last night, telling me mother had meant it for me. He told me I should speak with your father, but that he approved.’

  ‘Yes Drako, I will,’ she whispered and was engulfed in his arms and kissed. ‘Well, assuming my family is ok about it.’ His arms went limp and she felt his sudden fear that they would immediately reject him, that they hadn’t met him and would seek to part them after learning he was a hunted animus. ‘Drako I’m already in love with you. You and I are going to be married,’ she told him and kissed him. She flooded him with her determination that after what they had learned about each other, no one was going to stop them. His prickly beard suddenly turned into soft fur that she could rub her face in. She laughed warmly at his accomplishment and kissed him, thoroughly enjoying the altered feeling of him. Being in his arms and sharing his kiss felt right. She noticed his part shifted state and was highly curious. His thick black fur was soft, luxuriant and very inviting to touch. She unbuttoned his shirt seeing fur here too. She drew it off him and ran her hands over his upper body exploring him. She kissed him again savouring him and the fact that he not only was allowing her to touch him, but that he wanted her to. She had wistfully watched him from afar for so long it was sometimes surreal to know he was truly attracted to her and that she could touch him.

  ‘No fur,’ she asked him. He complied and stood watching her. She had felt him wince just now and she ran her hands over him again, exploring the marks marring his skin. Merged as she was, she knew that some of these scars still pained him.

  ‘Cass I’m ok,’ he said softly feeling her intention.

  ‘Just let me try,’ she told him and urged him to lie down. Amelie was right; the knowledge came to her when she needed it. Soon she had mended the painful broken rib injury that his brother had reawakened. Cassy sat down to rest after that but she could feel his relief. She lay beside him snuggled against his smooth warm skin and was quickly asleep. She didn’t feel Drako pull the blankets over them, wrap his arm about her and relax into sleep too.

  ‘I smell breakfast,’ Drako told her. ‘Hungry?’

  ‘Yes,’ she admitted and climbed out of bed. She found underwear and trousers and slipped them on beneath her nightdress then hunted in her pack for a clean top. The ring glinted at her, its unaccustomed presence making her pause beside her pack. She turned it on her finger admiring it; it even fitted quite well and looked perfect.

  ‘Cass?’ Drako said softly having seen her preoccupation and gone to her.

  She looked up at him standing there a little anxious at her reaction. She drew her nightdress over her head and watched him. ‘Now we both need shirts,’ she commented with a cheeky grin wrapping her arms around his neck pressing against his warm chest and inviting a kiss.

  ‘Cass you’re seriously testing me,’ he admitted.

  ‘I know, that’s probably why I can’t resist touching you,’ she told him. ‘Forbidden fruit and all that.’

  ‘Thanks,’ he said wryly then abruptly lifted her and carried her to her bed. He kissed her throat and touched her soft irresistible skin, working his way down to her breasts. She was a delicious new playground he ached to explore. He could feel her shock at his surprise move but also her appreciation for his boldness and the delicate sensuousness of his touch. He moved down her ribs and
belly and felt sudden nervousness envelop her. He stopped close to the waistband of her trousers to meet her eyes.

  She looked up at her man seeing him afresh. She kept forgetting, or truly, she had no notion of how different an animus man might be. She abruptly remembered Jim’s warning and knew she’d failed. They were quite alone, partially naked and in her bedroom. How could she be so stupid? Drako’s eyes glinted with desire and now she had consented to be his wife she wondered if he was prepared to wait. She suspected animus people were more open and unrestrained about sexual relations and she had tempted him. His touch had done strange things to her knees and the intentness of his gaze was pulling her self-control apart. She suddenly realised he wasn’t avoiding sexual intimacy now. He was ready to take the next step. She had thought he was content to wait until they were actually married, but maybe not.

  ‘Breakfast?’ she reminded pulling at the first thought to come to her.

  ‘You don’t want me to touch you again?’ he asked softly.

  She grabbed her shirt and dragged it over her head. ‘I’m sorry love. I shouldn’t have tempted you,’ she said meekly.

  ‘That wasn’t an answer,’ he told her and raised her to her feet. He felt how unsteady she was on her feet, and the hot desire swirling powerfully through her. Her heart was pounding although he wasn’t sure if that was desire or fear now.

  ‘No,’ she said nervously.

  ‘I’ve surprised you and you’re not ready for that just yet,’ he said quietly and hugged her tenderly trying to calm his own emotions. ‘Let’s go and get that breakfast,’ he suggested.

  ‘Thank you,’ she said and hastily finished dressing. She knew he was watching her closely but she felt lost suddenly. He had changed everything between them. There had been a certain comfort in knowing he would not take advantage of her physically, but this ring had lifted his restraint.

  ‘Please don’t block me out,’ he said a little plaintively. ‘You’re scaring me,’ he added.

  ‘I’m scaring you?’

  ‘Have I frightened you? Oh Cass, I truly didn’t mean to.’

  ‘You’re going too fast again,’ she told him slowly. ‘We do have all the time in the world.’

  He dropped his head. ‘You’re right. It’s just that I can feel how much you love and want me. It makes it hard to back off and take things slowly.’

  ‘I hadn’t thought of that. I’m so sorry. I keep relying on you to have the clear head and know when to stop. It’s unfair of me.’

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her near the ring admiring it on her. Then he led her down to breakfast.

  ‘Are you deliberately hiding it?’ Drako asked her noting her hand remained under the table during breakfast and certainly if anyone came close.

  ‘I don’t want a fuss yet. I shall try and contact my parents when we’re finished.’

  ‘Ah, ok,’ he murmured anxiously again. Now he understood her pretending they were not engaged. If her parents said no, then they had not made any premature announcements. The consideration cut him all the same.

  They ate well and avoided becoming involved in any of the animated discussions taking place in the room, even though many were to do with the new village and who might be allowed to go. Several people had looked sidelong at them hoping they would join the conversation. Back in her room, Cassy moved about making the bed and generally tidying the place. He wordlessly took the clothes he had left back to his own room. He sensed she was not simply tidying, but organising her thoughts.

  ‘Sit beside me,’ she asked patting the bed beside her. ‘I shall need some of your strength to reach them and they will probably want to look at you. Are you ok with that?’

  ‘Yes. Should I speak to your father?’

  ‘Let’s see how the conversation progresses. We have to be brief; none of us has the strength for many minutes. The main thing is for them to meet my animus boyfriend. That and learning the fact you’re a seasoned warrior rather than a soft student may be enough for them today.’

  ‘You’re probably right,’ he agreed, once again wishing they already knew. He and Cassy had been a couple for only a week before his father arrived and suggested she accompany him on this trip. Even now, they had become engaged after a two-week relationship. By anyone’s standards that was rather hasty. She was right to tell him off for rushing her.

  ‘Hold on,’ he said and pulled the chain from around his neck. He took off her ring, threaded the chain through it and slipped the chain around her neck dropping it under her top.


  ‘You’re right; we’re rushing things when there’s no need. Perhaps we should keep this to ourselves for the time being and wait until we get back. I’m sorry. It possessed my mind and I couldn’t keep my intentions from you any longer. I didn’t want something as important as a proposal to get messed up by you hearing my plans in advance.’

  ‘Are you changing your mind?’

  ‘No! However, if that’s not on your finger we can take a step back and slow down. I thought that’s what you wanted?’

  ‘Yes. But you were getting me used to the idea,’ she admitted.

  He laughed in admiration. ‘Your choice,’ he told her seriously.

  ‘Your suggestion is a good one,’ she said slowly but decisively. ‘I love you,’ she added and he held her tightly. Suddenly her equilibrium steadied and her happiness leaped back. He had just proved himself yet again. ‘Ready?’ she asked and then had a studiously casual catch-up chat with her parents.

  ‘You’ve merged with an animus to call us?’ her mother suddenly asked before Cassy had managed to mention him.

  ‘Yes. I’ve been working hard and needed to borrow some strength to reach you. Drako’s my boyfriend. He and I have a link and can call to one another,’ Cassy admitted, knowing that would tell them she was serious about him. She decided that learning of her animus boyfriend was enough for them to swallow today.

  ‘How is that possible?’

  ‘He’s a strong animus; he does have magic of his own remember. Once I established the link, he can speak to me at will too. Shall I introduce you? He’s listening,’ she added and turned to look at Drako so her parents could see him.

  Drako felt the humming silence he now recognised as continued contact but someone not speaking. ‘I’m pleased to meet you both,’ he said, inclining his head and trying to fill the silence.

  ‘Hello Drako, I’m Juliette,’ she managed. ‘Are you a student at White Haven?’

  ‘No, I live just down the road,’ Drako told them simply, not sure what he ought to admit to just yet.

  ‘Why are you in a bedroom?’ Cassy’s mother asked her suddenly. She was shocked. This was a muscular and sensuous looking animus man, not a youth, dating her daughter. She wasn’t sure if she wouldn’t have preferred to see a pimply youth instead. Both could get her daughter into trouble, but this man was stunning enough to turn any girl’s head.

  ‘It’s a guestroom mum. There isn’t anywhere else we could go to contact you without being interrupted.’

  ‘But a bedroom?’

  ‘Oh mum you are being silly. It’s just a room. Drako and I have been going out nearly three weeks now. We have a link; we know each other’s minds quite well. Maybe I should bring him home next holiday so you can meet him properly,’ she suggested. ‘Anyway must go, this is very tiring. Speak to you soon,’ she added and signed off.

  ‘There were a lot of silences,’ Drako observed.

  ‘Mother gets protective, especially looking at a man like you,’ Cassy said with a shrug. ‘I thought that went rather well as a first step.’

  ‘Mm, she is going to wait to speak to you without me in earshot more like,’ Drako added for her. ‘Now you lie down and rest. Using magic all the time is not helping you to regain your strength and it’s adding to the time we have to spend here.’ She nodded, then abruptly straightened, her eyes becoming unfocussed as they had a few minutes ago with her mother.

  ‘Hi mum,�
�� Cassy said verbally as well as mentally for Drako’s benefit. ‘No, I’m not sleeping with him, or not yet anyway,’ she added with a mischievous grin at him. There was a long silence, in which Cassy rolled her eyes; she was obviously getting an earful from her mother for that remark. ‘No mum I’m not coming home. I’ve met his father and sister and they’re good people too. You know there have always been animus at the school. Many of them are my friends and people I would trust with my life. I am as safe at the school as anywhere. They have not been targeted up to now and there’s no reason that should change. I love Drako and I don’t think it right we turn our backs and allow those seeking to persecute him a free rein just because his magic takes a different form. Yes, I’m certain. I’m not running away because of a potential danger. I’m serious about him and he is me. He’s animus mum, aside from his telling me, of course I know for sure. Thanks mum; I think so too. I’m tired, I really must go now,’ Cassy ended and flopped back on the bed.

  ‘You meant me to hear all that?’ Drako asked softly. She held a hand out to him and he sat beside her but that wasn’t what she wanted. She pulled him down onto his back and nestled against him with her head in the hollow of his shoulder. Now he could hear her memory of the whole conversation if he wished.

  ‘Your mum thinks I’m stunning!’ Drako couldn’t help exclaiming and laughed. Then he absorbed the sobering and very real reservations she had that Cassy would be in danger or be caught in the crossfire if the overzealous authorities found out about him and decided to arrest him.

  ‘Now they won’t be surprised when I announce I’m engaged to you,’ Cassy told him in satisfaction. ‘I told you, I’m determined.’

  ‘I love you too,’ Drako told her and hugged her gently. ‘Sleep now, I’ve got you,’ he added and almost immediately, she slept. He too slept, but with a smile on his face.


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