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Clan Green Bear: Wizards of White Haven

Page 23

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Perhaps we should line the gateways with wood, that would safeguard the innocent,’ Drako suggested.

  ‘Yes, that would work,’ Jim conceded and he noticed Drako’s relief. Was his lion being too callous? Well if he was, he felt justified after the attacks this evening.

  19. Decisions

  Jim fell into one of the armchairs he had built for Drako and watched Cassy settle diagonally across Drako’s lap. His arm ached terribly despite Amelie’s healing earlier, and he felt every one of the bruises inflicted by the bomb blast. It felt like a long walk back; he was glad to sit and recoup for a few minutes.

  ‘Where’s Ebony?’ Jim asked, not sensing anyone else in the house.

  ‘She seemed glued to Max last I saw her,’ Drako remarked with a small smile.

  ‘I thought they’d make a good pair,’ Jim said. ‘Are they a pair?’

  ‘I really don’t know,’ Drako admitted. ‘Father told her he liked Max when he was here last. She’s got permission.’ Drako noticed Jim’s gaze slide to Cassy and away. He knew Drako had permission too.

  ‘Are you reading more into it than there is? I don’t know that she’s had the chance to even look at anyone else.’ Cassy remarked. ‘She’s been tucked away down here so much.’

  ‘As I recall, on her first evening when Drako abandoned her at dinner,’ Jim said, with a grin at Drako, ‘she’d already noticed Max before being introduced and seemed happy to remain in his company all evening. I believe Max had been staring open mouthed, from her first moment in the hall, until she came over. Their attraction looks genuine to me. That reminds me, she found the bomb in my office; I’m assuming she went there to speak to me. Any clue what about?’

  ‘No idea, sorry,’ Drako said and cuddled Cassy closer. Jim was about to leave and he’d probably insist Cassy went with him.

  ‘Do you think the catchers will come again tonight?’ Cassy asked anxiously.

  ‘Well, that team are dead, so no. If they had backup, I can’t imagine they would be in a rush to attack immediately, after seeing what became of their people. There is no real way of knowing though,’ Jim shrugged. She had not climbed the ladder and looked over the wall when they did. Those catchers had died instantly but violently. They would be a dire warning to any who found them. ‘We’ll have to get rid of the evidence tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, I’ll get a cleanup crew organised first thing. No sense leaving them there advertising that a team of catchers died right outside our walls,’ Drako conceded.

  Jim noticed Drako was staring at her and in particular the hand clutching something through her jumper. Now he thought about it, she kept doing that whenever she was anxious. ‘What have you got there?’

  Cassy eyed him and dropped her hand. She realised Drako had noticed too. ‘Drako gave me something precious,’ she said simply. ‘So, what happens if the accomplices do rush over all vengeful? Would we have any warning down here?’

  ‘Assuming the wall itself doesn’t stop them, I have set triggers on the wall so I’ll know if anyone manages to cross,’ Jim told her.

  ‘Will anything alert you if the ones breaching the wall are the plain catchers? You know, those without any magic’

  ‘They’d be unaffected by the wall spell, true enough, but my triggers should still flag them up as large intruders.’

  ‘Good; that’s a relief. I’m just worried that we’re talking of out-smarting trained wizard assassins. Your knowing of intruders won’t be of any immediate help down here, should they figure out a way to bypass your security. Surely it’s better to be able to alert someone on site able to act quickly against wizards,’ she told him.

  ‘You have a point,’ he conceded, ‘although my defences should give me enough warning to get here.’

  ‘I need to stay and protect Drako. That wizard was targeting him particularly and could have killed him. I only just managed to stop him,’ she added and burst into tears, hiding her face against his chest.

  ‘You need to protect me?’ Drako queried lightly holding her close. ‘That’s a novel feeling.’

  ‘I know. It’s usually you that protects everyone and takes care of me, but not this time,’ she told him meeting his beautiful dark eyes. ‘He called me a traitor for defending you and then attacked me,’ she added, still shocked by that.

  ‘That didn’t endear him to me, I must admit,’ Drako commented drily.

  She snorted softly and stroked back his loose hair that he had forgotten to re-tie after his change. She could feel raw emotions still coursing though him after the frights of the evening. He had a primal need to keep her close where he could protect her. He did not want her to return to the school while a saboteur potentially lurked undiscovered. The strange wizard he had fought should not have been able to wander about in the school unnoticed. There were enough clan members enrolled at the school to smell an intruder’s fear. Clan members knew to be wary and challenge anyone unknown. Whilst it was also possible that the wizard had put a student into a trance and forced him or her to plant the bombs, how had he reached that student in the first place? Would they ever know who it had been?

  She followed his thoughts but was also aware he was making a conscious effort, and one that was very difficult for him, not to insist she stay. It cut him to grant her freedom, but he was determined not to scare her by rushing her prematurely. However, he thought her worth the wait nonetheless, and there were no reservations in his love for her. She hugged him tightly. This man was someone worthy of fighting for; he was someone to treasure.

  She pulled the chain off over her head and drew the ring into her fist. She unclipped the chain and withdrew it from the ring. Then she gave him the ring. ‘It’s time,’ she said simply.

  ‘Cass, are you sure?’ Drako whispered; his heart in his mouth. She had shut him out while they sat here, but with Jim present, he had not been able to ask her why and now this.

  ‘I’m sure,’ she said softly meeting his intent gaze. He didn’t hesitate but slipped the ring gently on her finger, his dark eyes filled with emotion.

  The kiss they shared was the sweetest thing Jim had ever seen. He got up quickly, knowing he was intruding. Engaged! That news, for all he already knew the depth of their feelings for one another, was unexpected. ‘Congratulations to you both. See you tomorrow,’ he added and left.

  ‘Well that got rid of him,’ Drako murmured in amusement. ‘I feel like locking the world out,’ he admitted, particularly now Cassy was, for the first time, agreeing to stay with him. After the shocks of this evening, he felt a strong need to hold her close, to protect her and keep her safe. He now realised she felt the same need. Either one of them could have died tonight.

  ‘Good idea. Ebony will just have to knock loudly,’ Cassy told him. She watched him close the shutters, securing them and the doors. Then she went round magically locking them. Suddenly Drako swept her into his arms and carried her upstairs, but on entering his room, he hesitated, suddenly uncertain as to what she really wanted or was ready for. He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth and put her down. He swiftly went round checking nothing else was lurking before locking the shutters in the upstairs rooms. He did not close the glass in his room; they needed be able to smell or sense anything approaching.

  ‘Fancy a bath my love? We need to unwind and I want to see where you were hurt,’ Cassy added. ‘You’ve a nice big bath,’ she added knowing four people could sit in that smoothly tiled pool in comfort.

  ‘Room for two?’ he asked tentatively.

  ‘That’d be nice,’ she said and his hesitation vanished. She led him into the bathroom and set the water running adding the remains of the packet of bath salts she had not remembered leaving here.

  She undressed him slowly admiring his body. His skin was several shades darker than hers, contrasting with her hands. She had been ill when she had seen him before and she had certainly never seen him entirely. Naked he could not hide his desire and didn’t even try. She swallowed nervously and hastily turned her attention
to examining his wounded arm. She rinsed off the dried blood revealing a long red line but the skin was sealed and smooth. Jim was a good healer.

  ‘You might not even scar from this,’ she said. ‘Does it hurt?’

  ‘Not now. It did at the time,’ he admitted. ‘I suppose I’m glad Jim’s such a bully I let him heal it.’ He watched her turn off the water, gesture and the water suddenly steamed with warmth. He shook his head again, he would never get used to her amazing abilities. She was staring at him again and he felt a little self-conscious; she was still fully dressed. ‘My turn,’ he told her and slowly removed her clothes, daringly removing everything from her skin. He kept his touch light and casual, she seemed nervous and he really didn’t want to rush or frighten her. She had agreed to a bath; that was it so far. He knew if they kissed, his remaining fragments of control would rapidly evaporate. All she now wore was his ring; perfect. He stepped into the water sucking in his breath at how unexpectedly hot it was, then turned to take her hand to assist her in.

  ‘I suppose it is a little hot,’ she admitted noticing him wince and her feet go red. She simply added more cold until she felt him relax. She swirled it round and he quickly sat down trying to hide his eager body. She pretended she hadn’t noticed since to do so would be inviting attention she didn’t feel ready for. She sat quickly too, very aware of his roving eyes. She let him turn her and pull her back against his chest. His arms held her loosely and she closed her eyes happily. His company and the hot water felt simply perfect. They sat together for quite some time relaxing after a very fraught evening. They also relished the unaccustomed sensation of being together in the privacy of his home, with no rush for her to leave and no one insisting they remain apart.

  His hands slowly began running over her, gently exploring her body. His increasingly erotic thoughts however were a real revelation. He was making her forget her weariness and crave his touch. There was no way she could stay still any longer. His hot bare skin touching hers, and still so undiscovered, called to her. She turned and tentatively began caressing him, exploring his glorious body. She watched his reactions to her touch, felt his passion mounting fast, and knew he was having difficulty keeping still for her. Knowing she was just going to ignite them further, she still couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss him. She had been dreaming of doing this for such a long time. She wanted to know everything about him, to know how to pleasure him. She also wanted to replace their earlier fear with something good. She wrapped her arms about him melting under his every touch. His kisses grew ever more passionate and it felt different with her bare skin pressed to his. She wanted him so badly she could barely think.

  ‘Drako, I need you,’ she whispered.

  ‘I love you,’ he responded, holding her tightly and basking in her emotions. She had chosen to stay and accept his suit! Her possessive need to claim him had his bear roaring in primal triumph.

  He shared her gasp as he slowly entered. Extraordinary sensations flooding his mind from her mind augmented their pleasure. He was just where he wanted to be, so deeply a part of her she would never get him out. She was his. He kissed whatever part of her he could reach, relishing the knowledge that she shared his desire and sense of wonder at how deliciously right it was between them.

  He shifted them so he could move and she cried out at the new flood of exquisite sensation. His hunger and heated passion fed hers, fanning the existing flames higher into a scorching inferno as they moved together. She listened to what exactly he was feeling and knew he was listening to her. Sharing their minds as well as their bodies was incredibly intimate.

  ‘Let go, my love,’ he whispered urging her past her shyness. He pushed at her mental walls gently. ‘Let me into your mind fully.’ He swamped her in his emotions, opening his mind to her without reservation. He felt her heart leap then pound quickly in response; suddenly the wall in her mind was gone. He gasped at the depth of feeling she held for him. He realised she still felt disbelief at her luck that he returned her love. He swallowed, overwhelmed by the unbelievable intimacy and strength of her feelings. He reciprocated by swathing her in his love and fiery desire. He caught her response with both hands and used it as fuel to take them to further soaring heights, feeding a scorching passion that matched his own.

  ‘You knew we could have this, yet you still waited for me?’ Cassy asked, still floating from such an astonishing high.

  ‘It wouldn’t have been like this if you hadn’t been ready,’ Drako told her gently. ‘I knew it the day I gave you that ring. That’s why I knew we should wait. I think it was worth the wait.’

  ‘Definitely!’ She pulled the plug and climbed out of the pool. She gestured and the water on her skin and in her hair steamed and was gone.

  ‘Another neat trick,’ he commented joining her. She gestured at him and a wave of heat flew over him taking the water from his skin. ‘Wow. That felt weird, but useful,’ he conceded. He swept her up in his arms and carried her to his bedroom settling her in his bed. ‘No more spells tonight my love.’ He stood for a moment absorbing the sight of her finally here in his home, and in the bed he’d built to share with her.

  She held out her hand to him and he sat down beside her.

  ‘Mm, that’s better. That bathtub wasn’t at all comfortable; all hard surfaces and little room to move. It’ll be better next time love,’ he promised. ‘We’ve got all night alone together to practice perfection,’ he added with satisfaction and a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  ‘Sounds good to me,’ she told him and watched her beautiful man slide under the covers beside her. Commander Drako, a lord’s son, a leader and an animus warrior of great respect was now hers. She still could not believe her luck. He was perfect and the things he had already made her feel so far exceeded what she had even been able to imagine that she was floating. She snuggled into his arms, feeling his tender regard. Knowing they shared a powerful love for each other was glorious. She was now at home.

  20. Preparations

  Cassy woke next morning sensing someone animus approaching the house.

  ‘Drako wake up, someone’s coming to the door.’

  ‘Damn,’ he grumbled, ‘you’ve leaped out of bed.’

  Cassy laughed cheerfully and hastened to dress, prompting him to do so too. He pushed back the shutters and bright morning sunshine flooded the room.

  ‘I bet we’ve missed breakfast,’ she told him.

  ‘I think you might be right. It’s Ebony and Amelie,’ he announced peering down the lane. He watched Cassy concentrate and heard creaks from downstairs. ‘You’ve just released the doors?’

  ‘Yes. Brush your hair; you look like you were making love all night.’

  He laughed happily and kissed her. He tied his hair even as he trotted downstairs. He opened the shutters, flooding the rooms with light. The women walking slowly up the drive were obviously in deep conversation. He suspected they had not even noticed the closed shutters. He stoked up the fire in the lounge; a chore Cassy was also doing in the kitchen. It felt so right for her to be here sharing his morning routine.

  ‘Are we going to tell everyone now or wait until we can speak to your parents?’ he asked.

  ‘What do you think is best? It would be nice to be able to do it properly with a formal announcement. Your dad isn’t here yet either.’

  ‘You’re right, we’ve waited this long. Let’s pick our time, assuming Jim hasn’t already said anything.’

  ‘Jim, can you hear me?’

  ‘Cassy? Where are you?’

  ‘At Drako’s. Have you said anything to anyone about us?’

  ‘No, I didn’t think it was my place to. Is there a problem?’

  ‘Not at all; we’d just rather wait until we’ve spoken with my parents and Trent is here.’

  ‘Ah, good. You had me worried for a minute there. No problem, I’ll keep quiet. Lessons are due to start shortly, are you coming up? On second thoughts, it might be better for you to spend the morning there, drawing up some plans
for extending the village.’

  ‘Yes, those strangers were able to wander around unnoticed too easily for my peace of mind, too. I’ll see what I can come up with.’

  ‘Good, keep me posted.’

  ‘Thank you,’ she said and disengaged contact.

  ‘He hasn’t told anyone,’ she said with relief. ‘He suggested I stay here this morning and help out by drawing up the next lot of plans.’

  ‘That will be useful.’ He glanced outside again but his sister and Amelie looked comfortable on the swing seat, playing with Daisy and soaking up some wintry sun. He took them mugs of tea and left them to it; they would come in when they were ready.

  ‘We should start thinking of the things we can do to stop strangers sneaking in and out of the village so easily,’ Cassy said taking a sheet of paper and her tea to the big dining table and sitting in a patch of sunshine. ‘Now they can’t climb the perimeter wall and sneak in behind us it’ll be easier to defend. The village entrance through the hedge still doesn’t have gates. We should get someone tasked with rectifying that. Of course, anyone travelling up to the school can see the hedge around the village is incomplete and therefore easily bypassed. Jim was suggesting another hedge, sufficient to keep all but the most determined out, might be best. A nice dense prickly hedge full of blackberries would be good. Many fruit bearing bushes have useful thorns; they could make a serious barrier without being obvious. We also need to consider that more of your people would dearly like to come if we can make more places for them. You know all the houses are now full. Pretty much every spare room, except in your house, was taken as soon as the snow cleared enough for the roads to be passable.’


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