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Clan Green Bear: Wizards of White Haven

Page 28

by Frances Howitt

  ‘The reddish one is Freddie the alpha. I’m not sure of the two grey ones, but I think the dark wolf is called Rupert.’

  Laurence watched her go to the window, probably to have a proper look at them before she returned to his side. A serious pang of jealous anxiety hit him, but he pretended his wince was from his injuries. One of the new students, who had recently joined the animus class from clan Green Bear, had expressed his surprise that Laurence, as a dog, was able to keep the interest of a wolf girlfriend. Wolves ranked higher, and were accorded more respect, than the meeker dog forms. The lads might tease him that he wasn’t the “man” of his relationship with Kathy; that he followed her, but he thought she was worth it. There were no other wolves in the school so he hadn’t worried too much he might lose her. He had noticed her interest however, when others talked in awed tones about the pack of wolf warriors now turned hunters, but they were not students and were rarely in the school where they might see Kathy. They had clearly seen her now though, but worse still, she had seen them.

  ‘They’ve gone,’ she told him. They then had a brief and rather one-sided chat about their classmates and who had won which contest. Laurence was a pale shadow of his normal self and was tiring quickly. She knew he hated being alone though, so whilst his eyes were open she stayed by his side holding his hand and trying to calm and distract his mind. Soon he fell asleep and Kathy restlessly wondered what she should do. She felt utterly useless. Lunch would be starting soon. She was hungry and certainly did not want to go without, but there was no one she could send for food. She was also due in class shortly.

  The door opened quietly and a dark haired motherly woman entered. She was a stranger but had a kind face. Her rather shabby worn clothes and weathered features told Kathy she was clan from the village and probably animus.

  ‘Hello. Kathy isn’t it?’


  ‘I’m Donna. I’m here to take over sitting with him.’

  ‘Thank you for the offer; but I don’t know you and you’re not one of the nurses,’ Kathy said feeling wary and protective of Laurence’s defenceless body.

  ‘You are a wolf!’ Donna exclaimed noting with approval the girl’s defensive posture. ‘Excellent. You are quite correct, I am clan and I take the form of a dog. I often come up and sit with people when they’re seriously ill. I know it frees the nurses to have someone available to keep an eye on patients. Since I lost my own son, I like to feel I have some uses. I also like the company, even when they’re not awake,’ she added glancing at the prone teenager. ‘He’s a dog I believe?’


  ‘What’s his name?’

  ‘You were told his form but not his name?’ Kathy asked in surprise.

  ‘He is a dog; he needs company, especially when injured. That and that he only had a wolf student to care for him were the critical information.’

  ‘His name’s Laurence. Thank you for volunteering to watch over him Donna. Who called you by the way?’

  ‘The hunters,’ Donna responded, watching Kathy’s reaction to that. Normally they never interfered, especially with any matters going on inside the school, but she was wolf. They were doing this out of consideration for her, not Laurence.

  Kathy nodded, surprised but grateful they should have thought of this. She withdrew her hand from Laurence’s slowly and got up.

  ‘I’ll return after lunch then.’

  ‘You’re ok with me being here?’

  ‘If Freddie called you then he must trust you. That’s good enough for me,’ she said and was surprised that she meant it. They might not approve of her seeing Laurence, but she was sure they would not wish him any harm.

  ‘Pop in after lunch by all means, but I can stay until lessons are over this afternoon. We can talk then. You’d better hurry before you miss your lunch,’ Donna added hearing the bell.

  ‘Thank you so much,’ Kathy said and hurried off. She sat with her class as usual at lunch, and was bombarded with questions on Laurence’s progress since the accident. A server hurried past her table and she caught the scent of the wolves. It hadn’t occurred to her that the hunters might also be present for lunch in the hall today. She hadn’t met them in human form so didn’t really know what they looked like. Now she breathed in their scents, turning to locate them. It was their stillness and that they looked directly back at her, which caught her gaze. She thought one looked familiar; ah, that one was often in Drako’s company, he must be the alpha Freddie.

  ‘Who are they?’ Janice asked curiously.

  ‘The hunters I think,’ Kathy responded, realising Janice had followed her gaze after she’d failed to respond to a question.

  ‘They look dangerous.’

  ‘Do they? What makes you think that?’ Kathy asked her in surprise. She felt drawn to them and thought each very attractive indeed. They were experienced warriors but she hadn’t sensed any cruelty in them. Earlier, the dark wolf in particular had been so considerate and supportive. Which of those men was Rupert? Instantly she felt guilty even wanting to know, to be able to identify him.

  ‘They’re looking at us like we’re something to eat,’ Janice explained uneasily.

  ‘You would think that. What do you expect though? You’re a deer and they are a pack of wolves,’ Kathy laughed.

  ‘That might be a factor,’ Janice conceded. ‘But don’t you feel threatened by them? I mean as a woman? They are grown men after all and single.’

  ‘Ah. Not really; they know I’m with Laurence.’

  ‘Not right this minute you’re not. Be careful,’ Janice urged, before someone claimed her attention and diverted her.

  Kathy avoided looking at them for the remainder of the meal. She knew Janice had a point and she was not ready to test these strange men. She didn’t know them and at the moment when her need for reassurance and company was high, she felt it unwise to get any closer. However, she did need to talk to them. This public place and the fact they were here now was ideal. She knew which one was the alpha. She met his gaze and got up as soon as they were allowed to leave the tables. Keeping her gaze on him, she noticed him say something to the others, who resumed their seats and then all turned to watch her approach.

  Kathy felt rather unnerved by four pairs of direct eyes staring at her. She nervously ignored them, concentrating on Freddie.

  ‘You’re Freddie aren’t you?’ she asked although now she was closer she recognised his scent. Her nerve abruptly failed her; she could also scent that she had unconsciously chosen to stand at the shoulder of the one who had been the dark wolf. She couldn’t look at him though, he was too close. She concentrated on the alpha. ‘I have to ask, did you send Donna to sit with Laurence?’

  ‘Is that a problem?’ Freddie asked.

  ‘Not if you know and trust her.’

  ‘We do. We thought he would rest easier with company.’ Freddie glanced at Rupert aware he was staring at her. Rupert had been the one to suggest calling Donna. He had obviously been giving Kathy’s situation plenty of thought. Kathy had come to stand beside Rupert’s shoulder but hadn’t once looked his way. She was closer to him than anyone else and her nostrils were flaring. She seemed to have no trouble nodding at Dustin and Johnny opposite. She was undoubtedly nervous.

  ‘You’re right. Thank you, all of you for today,’ she said softly.

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ Freddie responded.

  ‘You can call on us any time,’ Rupert added and for the first time she actually turned to look at him. She met his eyes properly for a long intense moment, her gaze wandering over his face and his breath caught. She gave him a quick smile before rushing off.

  ‘You’ve scared her,’ Freddie chided Rupert lightly.

  ‘I didn’t mean to,’ Rupert said defensively.

  ‘I know, but you’ve certainly made sure she knows you exist,’ Freddie observed.

  ‘So what’s wrong with that?’ Rupert asked. ‘She might have a boyfriend but she isn’t married. Shouldn’t her dog expec
t some competition?’

  ‘Not when he’s so gravely ill. It’s hardly playing fair.’

  ‘I’ve done nothing out of order. Besides, today was far too good an opportunity to pass up to meet her and actually talk to her.’

  ‘You’ve been watching her for some time have you?’ Freddie probed in surprise.

  Rupert shrugged, trying to appear casual, but even now, his gaze followed her until she left the room.

  ‘Just don’t get your hopes up too much with Kathy,’ Freddie warned him seriously. ‘She’s wolf; you saw how protective she was of Laurence. They must have feelings for one another. She’s highly unlikely to abandon him whilst he’s injured and needs her.’

  ‘Her family instincts are strong and are a credit to her. But a dog will never be her equal, you know that.’

  ‘I do.’ Freddie affirmed. ‘She’s noticed your interest; be patient.’

  ‘She didn’t come over to speak to Rupert just now, but only to check out Donna.’ Dustin pointed out, disliking the suggestion she was already Rupert’s intended and that the rest of them should not pursue her. ‘You could have introduced us.’

  ‘She has enough on her plate to deal with today. She is unavailable to all of us,’ Freddie reminded. ‘She’ll seek us when she’s ready. I know it sucks that there are so many young magical women up here and we’re stuck in the forest alone all day,’ Freddie acknowledged. ‘I’m not sure what I can do but I’ll try to get us more involved with the school so we can come up more often.’

  ‘That would be welcome,’ Dustin responded. Freddie was the alpha and he was alone too. They had to take advantage of any opportunities that presented themselves to meet eligible women.

  ‘Assuming they’d look twice at an animus,’ Johnny interjected. ‘There’s only one single animus woman here and that deer is terrified of us.’

  ‘The wizards aren’t much better,’ Rupert said sourly.

  ‘Drako found Cassy,’ Dustin said.

  ‘No, she found him,’ Freddie corrected. ‘So don’t ignore these wizards. We might all have a Cassy out there waiting for us. Drako proves it can work,’ Freddie added, trying to be positive. They were all lonely and watching Drako with Cassy forcibly reminded them of what they lacked. It had rarely come to mind while they had been living all together in the close confines of a tent and constantly worrying about attack. They each had real solid homes now and private space to call their own, but all too often all they saw was an empty house and lonely bed each evening.

  23. Trapped

  Jim noticed Amelie suddenly go still, her gaze turning and fixing onto something far away. ‘What is it?’

  ‘I think its Stripe, the dragon. He’s calling me. He’s in pain and angry. He’s trapped,’ Amelie said trying to explain the rush of impressions coming to her mentally alongside that anguished call.

  ‘Where are you?’ she called back.

  ‘You hear me?’ There was hope and glad surprise in Stripe’s voice. He sent her an image of the place he had been taken to. A flood of impressions followed, focussing on the little ones, now vulnerable without him to protect them. ‘Come quickly my queen, protect the little ones.’

  ‘I will, but you need to guide me to you. I don’t recognise the place you showed me.’

  ‘You cannot feel my location?’ the dragon asked in surprise. ‘You hear me, but cannot find me?’

  ‘Exactly. Give me a heading,’

  ‘I am due north of your position. Is that what you need?’


  ‘What just went on?’ Jim asked anxiously. ‘You blocked me out completely.’

  ‘I was talking to him. Wizards have him trapped. He was defending one of the little ones but now they are alone and vulnerable, especially to those wizards. He’s asked me to go to them,’ Amelie explained quickly and searched Jim’s eyes anxiously for understanding.

  ‘If wizards have him then it may not be safe for you to go alone to face them. They must be powerful indeed. Where is this place?’ Jim asked.

  ‘Due north of here but I don’t know how far. He did show me a view of the place and it looks rather like this academy, but older and bigger. I’m not sure it was a school though. I must go quickly,’ she apologised. ‘Can I leave Daisy with you?’

  ‘Of course she must stay here, but I’ll be right behind you. I’ll let Drako and Cassy look after Daisy; you know they’ve offered to babysit before. It’ll give them a chance to practice their parenting skills!’

  Reassured, Amelie handed over her precious daughter, kissed her round cheek before shedding her clothes. She stuffed the minimum of clothing into a small bag and changed into her golden eagle. Jim opened the window for her and she flew out, her bag clutched in her talons.

  Amelie flew swiftly, keeping to a high enough altitude that she was virtually invisible from the ground and certainly out of bow reach. This also meant she could see a long way all around her. She hoped she would be able to spot his location and not miss it. She was worried that wizards had trapped him. The fact they had not immediately killed an adult dragon implied they had something in mind for him. How could she free him? Experienced wizards would have any number of tricks to call on, especially those strong enough to bring down a dragon. She was unlikely to be able to best them. She knew very well that whilst she had plenty of magic of her own, she had been having lessons for less than a year. Wizards of unknown power could easily trick and trap her if they chose, particularly since there were many of them and she was alone.

  Hours of flight had passed and she was getting weary by the time she recognised the place from the image he had sent her. It looked like an old fortified estate or college and was set in a valley against sheer cliffs. The settlement contained an odd assortment of small buildings flanking a large central house. It was surrounded on three sides by a crumbling but still substantial wall with large gates. The cliff served as the fourth wall.

  Sensing some kind of questing presence above the compound, she veered away from the perimeter quickly. Were the wizards on the alert, looking out for something flying to Stripe’s rescue? Perhaps they thought to catch the little ones or even their mother. She knew that since she could detect a wizard or animus presence nearby, these wizards would probably be able to detect her as well. She needed to remain at a distance until she knew what was going on. The dragon had given her an image of a ridge nearby. That was where Tania had been cornered and where he had rescued her to his own detriment. She found the place and flew high above it, her eagle’s eyes acute. Finally deciding no wizards or humans were lurking near the ridge, she flew down and landed in a large tree.

  ‘Jim,’ she called mentally feeling for his personal signature. His presence latched on to hers, his relief in being able to speak with her obvious. Had she been blocking him?

  ‘Where are you? What have you found?’ he asked quickly.

  ‘Look through my eyes,’ she invited and felt him turn inward to do just that. ‘They’ve got some kind of warning flag over the compound searching for anyone or anything magical approaching. I don’t think I triggered it but on the basis I felt it, they may have been able to detect me. I’m feeling well out of my depth here. Where are you?’

  ‘I’m coming,’ he assured her and let her see out of his own eyes. ‘But since we’re going to be visiting wizards I thought it was probably sensible not to travel super-speed; that kind of magic does blaze like a beacon and how would we explain our urgency? The timing of our arrival, just after they capture a seriously rare magical creature but without capturing his dependents, is going to look suspicious as it is.’

  ‘I’m going to search for the little ones,’ Amelie advised. ‘I’m at the spot he was captured. The dragon was implying he knew whereabouts I was and was surprised I couldn’t find him in the same way. He will know I’m close by. He expects me to concentrate on taking them to safety and protecting them for him.’

  ‘Please be careful love,’ Jim said seriously. ‘I don’t know how they manag
ed to best an adult dragon. They also must have some reason to capture him rather than simply kill him to remove a threat. They must be powerful and determined.’

  ‘Same thought crossed my mind. I’ll try not to fall into any traps,’ she told him wryly and sent him a wash of love before breaking the connection. She checked her surroundings carefully, using magical senses as well as her eagle eyes. Knowing this was where he had been captured she warily took to the air suddenly feeling the need to leave the ill-fated spot. It was only when she was high up that she spotted movement below; two men were walking stealthily towards where she had been. She had not seen or smelt them before; they must have been approaching her position from downwind. Did they already know she was there? She followed her instinct and turned to head north again. She flew slowly and at sufficient altitude that she was only a dot in the sky and little could reach her from the ground. She did not intend to make her capture easy, if she had been spotted.

  ‘Do you have them, my queen?’

  ‘I haven’t seen them yet. I went to where you were captured and saw men stalking my position. I got away before they saw me, I think. I’m flying high now so I’m out of reach from the ground but it makes searching a little more difficult. Can you guide me to them? Are they all together?’

  ‘They are very close to you now, northeast. I cannot tell if they are all together,’ he admitted slowly. ‘The humans are doing something that’s making it hard for me to concentrate.’

  ‘Show me how they got you inside and where you are,’ she asked quickly. ‘I see it. Now let me see these humans through your eyes, maybe I can figure out what they’re doing.’

  ‘Don’t be concerned for me,’ he objected, but was secretly happy she was and did allow her to use his eyes.

  ‘They’re trying to bind you,’ she said in alarm seeing the row of wizards merged and staring at the dragon from quite a distance across a massive cavern. ‘I’m going to try to counter it, but I’ll need you to maintain the spell for as long as you feel them attacking you. Ready?’


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