Book Read Free

Survival Instinct

Page 23

by Declan Conner

  “Ahhh, T.M.I., too much information. Lucky I found some Diacalm. Here, there’s a glass of water on the coffee table. Just take one tablet and lie down on the sofa. God what a first date,” she said still laughing.

  “Jesus, I am so embarrassed,” said Jamie. Gertrude walked into the room stopping at the sight of Jamie prostate on the couch. After a brief hesitation, she jumped up and nestled between his legs. Looks like the only female I’ll get between my legs tonight.

  “Not to worry,” Mary said. “There’ll be other nights; you can’t help being ill.”

  “Are you reading my mind now?”

  “No, why, what are you thinking?”

  “Oh, nothing really, just please don’t tell Betty or the others at work. It would kill me.”

  “Don’t even think about it. It’s not the sort of thing I’d ever want to broadcast.”

  “What time is it?” asked Jamie.

  “Just before midnight, why?”

  “I need to be getting home. I can’t see this passing for some time.”

  “Yeah, no problem. Do you want me to phone a taxi?”

  “No, I’ve not really had much to drink, better if I drive.”

  Mary saw him to the door and stopped there. He took her in his arms and they enjoyed a passionate kiss.

  “Hmm, Jamie Jameson, I wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “Me too, this is destroying me, having to go home. I’m really sorry.”

  Mary put a finger on his lips.

  “Not another word. Now go home and get a good night’s rest. I’ll see you tomorrow. At least we’ve broken the ice.”

  “I don’t know about breaking ice, I sure broke up the night breaking wind.” They both laughed and Mary closed the door as Jamie headed for his car.


  The door closed, Mary went back into the lounge and picked up her cat.

  “Jamie and I finally got together and guess what? He made a bigger stink than you,” she said laughing and put Gertrude back down. “Good thing he left. I would’ve gone all the way,” she said. She turned off the light and made her way to bed with a smile in her heart.


  What must she think? He held his head in his hands, shook his head and sighed. Life can be cruel. He took his cell phone out of the glove compartment and switched it on as he drove away. It beeped and he stopped at the end of the road to see who’d been calling.

  Five calls from Bill, one from Ellie’s mobile and one from a number he didn’t recognize. Jamie phoned Ellie but it went directly to message. He cancelled the call and phoned home, but the line was dead. That’s strange. He phoned the number he didn’t recognize.

  “Hello, police.”

  Jamie cancelled the call. “For Christ’s sake what do they want now?” Reluctantly, he phoned Bill but received an away message.

  Better I should turn the phone off, just in case the police phone again.


  Rude awakening

  On the drive along the road leading to his street, Jamie noticed the sky was clear. The full moon stood guard over the night, surveying all in its light. Jamie suddenly became aware of flashing lights in the area near his street, as if a rock concert where taking place. A beam from a helicopter angled in from overhead. His heart sank and panic seized his gut.

  “Damn what have they found?” he said talking to himself. “Don’t say my DNA’s a match. Oh well, better face it, whatever it is.” He turned onto his street and almost crashed into an ambulance as it tore toward him, siren blazing. His brakes made a screeching sound as he stopped; the scene before him looked more like a movie set. He pulled his car over and climbed out as his mouth dropped wide open. The entire street blocked with police cars, his neighbors stood together in pajamas and robes like their houses were on fire. Making his way to the blockade, he pushed through the throng of the gathering crowd.

  “Come on people, please go back home,” shouted a police officer to no avail.

  “What’s going on?” asked Jamie.

  “Just move along, sir,” he said.

  “It’s your house, Jamie,” one of his neighbors shouted.

  “What? My house?” Panic set in as he recalled the ambulance. He side stepped the officer and leaped over the hood of a police car. “My kids, where are my kids?” he screamed as two burly police officers tackled him to the ground. “Let me go you idiots, that’s my house.”

  His skills hadn’t deserted him as he quickly wriggled out of their hold and put both of them on the ground, only stopping when surrounded by a circle of officers with pistols drawn. The searchlight from the helicopter temporarily blinded him. A figure broke through the circle, but in the blaze of the searchlight, he couldn’t make out his features.

  “Leave him alone, stand down,” the man called out.

  “Chief Hogan, where are my kids? Are they okay?”

  “There fine, Jamie, come with me,” said Hogan.

  “Cuff him,” shouted a figure behind Hogan.

  “I said stand down!” Hogan screamed.

  They hesitated, confused about whose order to take. Jamie recognized Agent Hammond, his handcuffs at the ready as he walked behind him. It was all over in the blink of an eye. Jamie relieved him of his gun holding him by the neck pressing the gun firmly to Hammond’s temple.

  “Jamie, please don’t do anything stupid,” said Hogan calmly.

  Jamie was remarkably calm.

  “I won’t just as long as you tell me where my kids are.”

  “The kids are fine, I told you. They’ve been taken to a hospital as a precaution, but there’re fine.”

  Jamie released his grip and tossed the gun to Hogan. Agent Hammond staggered away trying to catch his breath.

  “I said stand down now,” Hogan gave Hammond a glare. “Follow me, Jamie.”

  As they passed Hammond leaning on the hood of the forensics wagon, he was barely audible.

  “Attempted kidnap. Assault with a weapon. Arrest him, Chief.”

  “When you’ve changed your diaper, you can wipe the egg off your face. Feel free to join us. Come on Jamie,” Hogan said.

  Jamie followed him to the operations wagon with Hammond tagging along, careful to keep his distance. Hogan leaned over and whispered.

  “Glad you’ve not lost your skill, just apologize and leave it to me.”

  In the wagon, they sat down and Hogan passed the gun to Hammond.

  “Sorry, Agent Hammond, but my kids are more important than being locked up. Sorry if I hurt you,” said Jamie and Hammond grunted.

  “I’m sure Agent Hammond will understand under the circumstances. Now what can you tell me about Bill Davis?”

  Jamie heard another ambulance, the sirens deafening.

  “Is that my kids?”

  “No, they went in the first ambulance. That will be Bill Davis.”

  “What’s he doing here?”

  “We suspect he’s the Crossword Killer. Looks like your kids fought back. He’s taken a stab wound in his chest. Punctured his lung.”

  “The bastard. . .I hope he dies!”

  “He may yet, now what can you tell me about him?”

  “Look I’ll tell you everything I know, but in the meantime, what’s he done to my kids?” Jamie raised his voice.

  “Steve has a concussion, looks like he was bashed over the head. He still had his computer headphones on. We found Ellie handcuffed and tied to the bed with duck tape over her mouth. She’s traumatized but otherwise unhurt.”

  “What about a message? Did he leave a message on the mirror?”

  “How do you know about the messages?”

  “I saw the board in the operations room when I was looking for my keys.”

  “Ah, understand. Oh incidentally, your DNA is clear.”

  “To hell with my DNA, when can I see my kids?”

  “We were unable to interview them. After you tell us about Bill, we’re going to the hospital and you can follow.”

  “Will he be at
the same hospital?”

  “Yes, but he’ll have a police guard. Punctured lung or not, we’ll have him chained to his bed.”

  “Good, because if I get my hands on him I wouldn’t like to think what the outcome might be.”

  “Chief Hogan, we’ve finished the forensics. The knife and the rest of the evidence are bagged,” reported Jeff from the forensics team.

  “Arrange for it to be dispatched to FBI forensics,” said Hammond. “I’ll make my way to the hospital and I’ll meet you there, Chief Hogan.”

  “Sure, see you there, As soon as I’ve finished up with Jamie, I think you and me. . .we need to have a private word.”

  As Hammond left, Jamie could feel his stomach starting to cramp.

  “Is it possible for me to use my bathroom, I’ve a stomach upset.”

  “Sorry Jamie, it’s still a crime scene.”

  “Okay, but don’t blame me if I pebble dash your wagon.”

  “Just let him put some gloves and booties on and make sure he doesn’t touch anything,” said Jeff.

  “Are you that desperate, you’re not going to take anything away like the plastic cup?” Hogan said laughing.

  Jamie raised his eyebrows but didn’t answer.

  “Please I’m desperate. I promise I won’t touch anything.”

  “Come on then, I’ll go with you.”

  As they made their way to the house, Jamie started to tell what he knew about Bill.

  “I first met him two weeks ago at the singles’ club. I wish I’d never filled in the application form now. My life has gone to hell ever since.”

  “Did you have to fill in a membership form by hand?”

  “Yeah and provide a photograph.”

  At the front door, they met Frank, and Jamie slipped on some surgical gloves and booties.

  “Frank, phone Margaret from the singles’ club and head over there,” said Hogan. “We need Bill’s original membership form, and get it to the handwriting experts.” He turned toward Jamie. “Carry on.”

  “He seemed like a regular guy. . .well not exactly regular. . .a little on the flamboyant side.”

  “Did you notice anything odd about him?”

  “Hell yes! Everything about the man is odd. As soon as I’ve finished in the bathroom I’ll fill you in.”

  Jamie went to his room followed by Hogan and went to the bathroom. He heard someone calling out, “Chief Hogan.”

  “Be right down,” Hogan replied.

  Jamie could hear his footsteps walking down the stairs. He made his way out of his bedroom and slipped into Ellie’s en suite in her bedroom. On the mirror was a message. Jamie took a pen and some paper from her computer desk and wrote down the message. “It’s quite fun in its entirety, One shows worry, Rusting Hebrew toy even excites?”

  Jamie put the pen back and rushed back to his room. He was just about to go into his bathroom as he heard Hogan and he flushed the toilet.

  “Is it okay to change clothes?”

  “Yeah, it can’t do any harm. Go ahead, I’ll wait outside.”

  After Jamie changed, he took the paper with the other messages from his work suit and put them together in his wallet. Then he opened the door and made his way out of the house with Hogan.

  “Will I be able to sleep here?”

  “Sorry, we’ll have to close the house off for twenty-four hours.”

  “Do you mind if I pack some clothes for work then?”

  “Yeah sure, go ahead.”

  As they made their way back to his bedroom, he continued to relay what he knew about Bill.

  “It sounds like he’s our man, and we’ve caught him in the act.”

  “How did you know what was happening?” Jamie asked. “Did you have me under surveillance?”

  “No, your next door neighbor phoned it in. He heard someone in your back garden. When the officer arrived, he found a pane of glass removed from the back door and the back door was open. Your neighbor was ranting on about your house being a drugs den.”

  “I know who that was,” said Jamie, annoyed with himself for not suspecting Bill earlier. He recalled the day the pane of glass was broken. He had a terrible thought and stopped packing his bag, his face contorted in anguish.

  “He didn’t... rape her... did he?”

  “Until the doctors see her, we don’t know.”

  “Oh my God, my baby!” Jamie’s head exploded at the thought. Grabbing his bag, they hurried outside to his car.

  “See you at the Hospital, Jamie.”

  Jamie phoned Mary and she answered.

  “Sorry to wake you, but when I arrived home the police were there.”

  “What? Don’t tell me they’ve arrested you.”

  “No, the serial killer tried to kill Ellie and they found Bill here.”

  “What? No . . . Oh my . . . What’s Bill doing there?”

  “He’s only the serial killer. Ellie and Steve have been taken to the hospital.”

  “Are they okay?”

  “The police say they are. I don’t really know until I get there.”

  “Do you want me to meet you?”

  “No, I may be there all night. But you could put me up on your sofa if you don’t mind. My house is sealed.”

  “Of course. Look, I’ll put the key under a stone at the back door and you can let yourself in. I’ll leave a blanket on the sofa.”

  “You’re my angel, thank you so much.”

  “If you need me at the hospital, just give me a call. I want to help.”

  “Thanks. Will do. Have to go, I’m following Chief Hogan.”

  One of the police cars in the barricade reversed to let him out and the crowd parted as Hogan flicked on his siren switch. Jamie blocked out the scene around him and followed. He began to wonder how Bill could have fooled him into getting into his home. It must have been Bill who broke the glass in the kitchen door. He knew it would be easy to remove the pane before the putty hardened. But, why would he set me up with an alibi by phoning Sandra? Jamie deliberated as he followed Hogan.

  Doesn’t make any sense, unless it was to put me off the scent for what he had planned with Ellie. Then there’s the hunting knife and handcuffs. It has to be him, for goodness sake, they found him at the scene.

  The route to the hospital was almost free of traffic, and what few vehicles there were moved out of the way with Hogan’s siren blaring. Arriving at the hospital Jamie abandoned his car in a Doctor’s parking space and ran to the lobby with Hogan clipping at his heels.

  Jamie frantically rang the bell on the desk to no avail as Hammond approached from the corridor.

  “Ellie and Steve are on the tenth floor, Ward 15A, Mr. Jameson.”


  Agent Hammond waited until Jamie was out of earshot. “Chief Hogan, could I have a word?” Hammond asked as Jamie hurried off into the elevator. “Look, I know you think our Mr. Jameson’s out of the frame, but I haven’t discounted him yet.”

  “Give it a rest. We have the culprit. What are you suggesting; he would arrange to harm his own children?”

  “He could be working together with Bill. I’ve found out they were in the army at the same time. I’ve had CIA pulling strings to get hold of their army records and maybe we’ll find something to tie them together. This whole event could’ve been their way of pulling us off the trail, but it went wrong. Maybe Bill Davis planned to run away, but the daughter managed to stab him before he tied her up.”


  “It just seems strange they started to hang out together and Bill magically recorded his conversation with Sandra before one of them killed her. The thing is, Chief Hogan, I was reviewing the case and noticed the writing on the mirrors on the first two murders looked different from the last two. I had FBI specialists look at them, and I just received confirmation. Their experts say it’s definitely two different sets of handwriting.”

  “Christ, so now we’re looking for two perps? Okay I’m not saying we should rule him out, but we have to be
sure. Just bear in mind what the DA said.”

  “Well just in case I’m wrong, I put two FBI agents on Bill’s room,” Hammond said rubbing the back of his head. “I wouldn’t want to be Bill if Jameson gets to him. God knows what he’s capable of.”

  “Good move. Should I put a tab on Jamie?” Hogan asked.

  “Already arranged it,” Hammond beamed. “We’ve got a specialist surveillance team on the way.”

  “Have you interviewed Bill or any of Jamie’s children?” Hogan asked.

  “No,” Hammond answered. “Bill’s still in surgery. The doctors are refusing to allow us to speak to Steve and Ellie. Ellie’s heavily sedated and asleep. Steve can’t talk because of his dressing and he’s still out of it.”

  “So what are the chances of speaking to any of them tonight?” Hogan asked.

  “Zero, I’m afraid. I think we should both get some sleep. It looks like we’ll be busy tomorrow. We can radio the guards to phone us when we can speak to them.”

  “Yeah you’re right, I’ll get going then.”

  “I’ll be right behind you. I just need to wait for the surveillance team and then I can go. They’re bringing the army records. Maybe we can find something.”


  The long night

  Jamie made his way to Ward 15A, pushing open the swing doors. The head nurse was busy at reception, as he gathered his breath. His face rouged with anxiety.

  “Excuse me, nurse. You have my son and daughter here, Steve and Ellie Jameson. I’d like to see them.”

  “Could I see some identification?”

  “Sure, here,” said Jamie pulling out his wallet and showing her his driver’s license. How are they, is everything okay?”

  “Don’t worry, Mr. Jameson, they’re both doing fine. Neither is in any danger, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to talk to them. We’ve had to put them both under heavy sedation.”

  “What about my daughter, has she been sexually assaulted?” asked Jamie, unable to use the word “rape.”

  “No, but she’s obviously had a bad experience. Come this way; you can see them, but don’t try to wake them up, doctor’s orders.”

  “Fine, where are they?”

  “They’re in adjacent, private rooms. I’d keep your license handy. The police are guarding their rooms and will need to see your ID,” she informed him as they turned a corner down a hallway.


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