Survival Instinct

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Survival Instinct Page 31

by Declan Conner

  “Hang in there Stacy, try and stay awake. We’re short an office temp, and the job is yours if we make it out of this,” said Jamie hoping his words would encourage her to hang on. “Don’t move whatever you do.”

  Jamie lay back on the floor and extended the hole in the shoebox under Stacy’s chair. Working first on one box and then the other, he slowly removed the duct tape holding the lid. Satisfied there was no pressure switch, he took off the lids in turn, careful not to move them for fear of triggering a motion sensor. Both were identical with wires running from the electronic timing device under a false compartment in the box. The ten wires in each running from Mary and Stacy were lying loose on the top compartment apart from two that ran into the false compartment. He had beads of sweat running down his forehead and wiped them with the back of his hand, rolling over to lie on his back.

  Jamie heard a noise and could see Steve pushing a ladder trolley under the steel girder holding the CCTV camera and a loose roll of cable. Jamie looked at his watch, two minutes to eight. Whoever it is wants me to watch Ellie die. He won’t blow me up before I’ve seen the recording. The very thought made it hard to concentrate. He watched Steve return to the computer and connect a cable.

  “Steve, what the hell are you playing at?”

  “This is no game, dad,” he said as he worked away on the computer. “I need you to come to the office. Don’t worry he won’t notice us missing. I’ve been recording you for the last fifteen minutes on the lap top and looped the recording through to the camera. He’ll still think your working on the bomb.”

  “Where did you find the cable?”

  “I ripped it out of the old TV cable from the office.”

  Jamie sprang to his feet.

  “Bear with us, Mary, stay still, back in a minute,” said Jamie and they ran to the office.

  Steve arrived first and sat down at the computer, swiveling the screen on its base to face toward Jamie.

  “How did you find this?” asked Jamie, looking at the screen in disbelief. There was a picture of someone sitting at a desk with his back to the camera.

  “I had one of my hacker friends email me the code for Peeping Tom.”

  “What the hell’s ‘Peeping Tom’?”

  “Some hackers wrote the software and named it as a pun against Microsoft Office. All I had to do is return an email to the guy from the one he sent you, with the code hidden in a cartoon picture.”

  “How does it work and what’s the cartoon?”

  “The code enables you to access the target’s camera software. Providing their computer is on. It gives you full control of their camera to see and hear everything in the room. The cartoon was a guy holding dynamite.” When he clicked it, the word BANG appeared.

  Jamie raised an eyebrow.

  “Look Steve...there, in the corner. . .can you zoom in?”

  “Sure,” he said and zoomed in on the image in the background.

  “My God, it’s Ellie! She’s still on the hospital bed, but where are they? Quick, turn up the volume.” Jamie glanced at his watch. “Five past eight. We don’t have much time. Zoom out.”

  They could see it was a warehouse and six men came into view by a stack of barrels.

  “The goods should be here soon; we need to get ready,” Jamie heard.

  “I’ll just check on our friend,” said the figure, in a heavy accent. With his back to the camera, he swiveled around to look at a TV screen to his left showing his profile.

  Jamie looked on in horror, and images flashed through his mind of the heads of his army buddies from his time in Afghanistan.

  “Dad, do you know him?”

  “Boris. . .it’s Boris Baranski,” he said with a gasp. “What the hell is he doing in the U.S.?”

  The six men joined him, and then three others came into view. Jamie recognized Boris immediately from the scar on his face from all those years ago. But it was one of the six that intrigued him most.

  “They’re in the warehouse next door,” Jamie said. “That guy with the tattoos and the shaven head, I saw him enter.”

  “They all have tattoos. Christ, dad, look at the number on their tattoos; it’s the MS-13 gang. See there, the guy with the shaven head? His tattoo says ‘Trece’, that’s Spanish for thirteen.”

  “As soon as the goods arrive,” they heard, “I have a small matter to attend to after you’ve left. But before you leave, I can assure you the quality will be far higher than any of your Italian friends can supply. None of the heroin will be cut, and with every shipment, I’ll send Russian handheld anti-tank rockets so you can take out your competitors.”

  “Hell, dad, how do you know people like that?”

  “Afghanistan. . .no time to explain. Can you hack into the city building records?”

  “Sure, piece of cake,” said Steve. He worked away on the computer. “Here we are, I’m in. What do you want to know?”

  “Find the plans for this warehouse and the one next door.”

  Steve located the plans and Jamie studied them.

  “There, a service duct underground carrying pipes and cable,” said Jamie. “Take a quick look at Boris.”

  Steve changed screens and they could see the man looking at his watch. Jamie looked at his.

  “Ten past eight, we need to move.”

  “What about . . .” asked Steve as they hurried toward Stacy and Mary.

  Stacy had slumped out of her chair, and the shoebox had turned on its side. Jamie pulled out the hunting knife as he ran. Arriving at Mary, he grasped the wires and sliced through them all.

  “Dad!” screamed Steve turning away and holding his ears. After a pause, he turned back around.

  Jamie sliced the wires connected to Stacy.

  “Dad, how did you know?”

  “Just a hunch. Boris doesn’t want us dead yet,” Jamie said. “Mary can you help Stacy to her feet and get her out of here and up those stairs?”

  Mary stood up and helped Stacy to her feet.

  “I’ll be okay, but what about you?” she looked worried.

  “Mary, just get to the security barrier and telephone for an ambulance. I’ll be with you shortly.”

  As Mary made her way to the stairs, Jamie and Steve located the metal grid covering the service tunnel and removed it.

  “Wait here,” said Jamie as he went to retrieve the rifle and the two shoeboxes.”

  “What do we do with those?”

  “Never mind. Just carry one and follow me. Two down one to go,” said Jamie.

  They dropped down into the tunnel to make their way to the neighboring warehouse.


  Revenge is sweet

  Hammond pulled up at the security gate to West Dock and flashed his badge. He followed the directions given by the security guard. Stopping his car just before turning to the warehouses, he got out and went to the trunk calling out to Hogan.

  “I’ve got two armored vests here. You better put one on.” He pulled out an automatic rifle and cocked it. “Take your pick.”

  “Christ, that’s some arsenal,” Hogan said as he picked out a pump-action shotgun. Putting on the vests, they headed toward the warehouses on foot.


  From their vantage point on the roof, agent Moody’s operative spotted them.

  “Sir, you’d better take a look,” he said passing his binoculars.

  “Damn! It’s Hogan and Hammond. Those fools! What the hell are they doing here?” he snorted and picked up his radio. “FBI and police are in the area. . .hold your fire.”


  Hogan could feel the adrenalin. It was like going into combat.

  Hammond took the lead as they headed down the alley following the sign for the office entrance.

  “Shit, Greg... bodies,” Hogan said.

  “Someone’s been busy.”

  Hogan covered Hammond as he climbed the stairs and then joined him at the top. They both stood back and Hammond flicked the door open. He entered aiming his rifle with
Hogan behind. Hammond held his hand up and signaled for Hogan to stop as they heard a dragging sound. They peered over the gantry and saw someone dragging a body. Agent Hammond stood up.

  “FBI!” he shouted. “Put the body down and lie on the floor or I’ll shoot.” The figure put the body down and Hammond made his way to them under Hogan’s cover.

  “John, get down here and give me a hand. I think it’s our two-kidnap victims; one is wearing a robe. It’s okay lady, you can stand now. What’s your name?”

  “Mary Staining, and this is Stacy. She needs an ambulance.”

  Hogan made the call and they helped Stacy to her feet.

  “We’d better get them out of here,” said Hogan. They headed back to the car. “Mary, where’s Jamie?”

  “He’s in there somewhere with Steve looking for Ellie.”

  “Steve? Not Steve Jameson, he’s at the hospital.”

  “Not anymore,” said Mary with a smirk.

  Hogan recalled the message he forgot to pass on to Hammond about Jamie’s car moving from the hospital.

  “Mary, wait here for the ambulance. We’ll go and look for Jamie and Steve. Damn it, Greg, I’ll have that officer’s badge,” Hogan said stamping his foot. “How can anyone lose two patients and a car in exchange for a dead body?”

  “What do you mean?” Hammond asked.



  From the rooftop, Moody spotted them returning to the warehouse. He looked at his watch. This mission has turned to shit. I need Jamie to take out our target, and those assholes are going to screw it up. How am I going to explain using civilians as bait? He was hoping Jamie would get his revenge and save CIA the trouble of assassinating Boris Baranski. The kidnappings, which Moody could have prevented, merely added icing on the cake to lure Jamie in. The cause was well worth a few lives lost here and there. This was Moody’s chance to put Boris out of action for good and cut off the supply of weapons to the Taliban. At the same time, it would stop Boris from monopolizing a direct supply of heroin to America. The last thing he wanted was for the bastard to go to prison. Some smart-assed attorney would gain his release. Or even worse, his associates would set him free. He was a menace, and assassination was the only reasonable solution.


  Hammond retraced his steps and surveyed the warehouse.

  “No one here, John. Let’s check the office,” said Hammond as he kicked the door open. “FBI!” he shouted, but the room was empty.

  Hogan followed him in and slumped in the chair at the computer.

  “I could sleep on a clothes-line, Greg. Do you think this day will ever end?”

  “Yeah, I feel the same. I’ll sleep for a week when this is over,” he said and sat on the desk.

  They heard a voice come from the computer.

  “What the hell?” Hogan looked at the screen.

  “Damn it! Where’s our shipment? It’s fucking late. I need to be killing this girl.” It was a thick Russian accent.

  They both looked at each other as Hogan reached over and pressed a button on the keyboard. A video picture appeared on the screen revealing the face of a man with a scar from his ear to his mouth. He was holding a machete.

  “Greg, look at those guys with tattoos. Any idea how to zoom in?”

  “Yeah, move over.” He clicked on the symbol to enlarge the image. “I see what you mean, look there.”

  “Christ, they’re all MS-13,” Hogan said. “See the thirteen tattooed on their foreheads?”

  “What are they doing dealing with Russians?” said Hammond. “They usually deal drugs with South American countries.”

  “There’s a ship due in from Russia, remember?” said Hogan.

  “That must be what they mean about a shipment being late,” said Hammond. “Or it could be the ship from Brazil. They’re not just any old MS-13 thugs. Those symbols on their tattoos signify they’re all top dogs!”

  “Look in the corner. . .a hospital bed. Holy bejesus! That must be Ellie! But where are they?” asked Hogan.

  “Look at that symbol on the bottom of the screen,” said Agent Hammond as he clicked on the bar. An architect’s drawing of the building appeared. “Why would they be looking at that?”

  “Beats the shit outa me. I can’t see no connection,” said Hogan.

  Hammond switched back to the video screen. “Look at the barrels next to the bed. That looks like Jamie. Wherever it is, he must be holed up in there.”


  Jamie peered over the barrels and could clearly see Ellie. She was so near he could almost reach out and touch her. This was like no other mission Jamie had ever encountered during his army days. There were no emotions to play with in those days. This time my daughter’s life is on the line. His heart pounded. He counted the six from the truck and four more including Boris. Ten total and all heavily armed.

  Jamie noticed Boris fidgeting with a mobile phone. He repeatedly spun it on his desk with a nervous finger. A cell phone rang and Boris reached into his pocket, took it out and set it on speakerphone. The volume was so high even Jamie could hear.

  “The Russian shipment is unloaded and on its way. . .times to kill the girl.”

  “Can you wait until we’ve gone,” asked the guy with the shaven head. “We don’t want no part in killin’ girls.”

  “Sure, I can wait,” Boris smiled at him.

  Boris opened his left arm to embrace the skinhead, pulled out a silenced pistol and shot him in the gut. As the big man staggered back with a look of pure shock, Boris shot him in the forehead in a spray of blood and brains.

  “I don’t deal with pussies. Is that clear?” he said looking at the others. His henchmen pointed their weapons at the five remaining.

  They all raised their hands and one spoke.

  “It’s all cool, man. . .we got it. Go ahead and kill the bitch, we don’t care.”

  Jamie squinted at one of Boris’ men. He was portly now, but the eyes gave him away. It was the same bastard he recalled carrying the severed heads of his colleagues. He scanned the area. The line of barrels they were behind led down to the steel doors creating a corridor. Jamie signaled to Steve. Not a word passed their lips, but Steve seemed to understand and positioned himself next to his dad. Boris moved toward Ellie, his machete drawn and raised like a madman. One of his henchmen followed his movement with a cell phone camera, ready to record Ellie’s slaughter.

  Jamie moved swiftly down the line of barrels and pushed a stack of them over with a thunderous noise, then darted back to Steve. Gunfire erupted in the direction of the commotion, and Jamie and Steve pushed the barrels in front of them with all their might. Steve grabbed the trolley pulling it back into the corridor of barrels and pushed it with all his strength toward the steel doors. The distraction worked. Jamie fired his automatic rifle to draw their fire and dropped four of them as the rest scattered for cover. He moved to another position as they fired back and waited for Steve to reach the doors.

  Boris crouched down behind his desk, and Jamie heard a voice coming from the speakers on the CCTV system.


  Boris looked at the TV monitor, his expression showed the realization it was a recording and called out.

  “Jamie, my friend, we meet again.”

  “Did you set me up for those killings?” Jamie called back directing his voice to echo off the cement wall to his side. He signaled Steve to wait as he poised himself for action.

  “Who else?” Boris laughed. Then his tone turned dark. “I wanted you to suffer as I have suffered with the scar. Every day for twenty-five years, I’ve looked in the mirror waiting for this moment to get even. And now I have her, your sweet little daughter.” He laughed like a lunatic, “Jamie, my friend, I’m going to cut her in half. There’s no way out for you or her.”

  Jamie could see Boris signaling one of his men to work his way around to the flank.

  “Come on, Jamie, just you and me!” shouted Boris.

  Jamie was having none
of it. He waved to Steve. He pushed over a row of barrels, fired a burst and changed positions. Pushing another row of barrels and firing, he dropped two of them who broke cover. Jamie felt a searing pain as a bullet grazed his arm. He hit the floor and rolled over firing a long burst at the henchman who tried to flank him. He could see light from the open door and hoped Steve had made it out with Ellie. He counted eight down and two to go.

  Jamie moved his head so he could see his son. Steve was pushing the doors with the bed when they flew wide open. Jamie was shocked to see Agent Hammond and Chief Hogan pulling the doors from the other side. They stepped inside and gave Steve cover as he retrieved Ellie. Bullets were spraying everywhere, ricocheting off cement and metal walls. Jamie hit the floor. Then it all went quiet as he called out to Boris.

  “Put your guns down, and we can walk out of here,” Jamie said.

  “What? You think I’m stupid, my, friend.”

  Jamie heard a single gunshot. After a pause, he was startled when something flew over the top of the barrels, and he dived for cover. Thinking it was a grenade, he covered his head and rolled up in a fetal position. There was silence as Jamie counted to five, then. . .then. . .then nothing. Jamie jumped up and saw what it was.

  “If it’s revenge you want, my friend, there’s a token.”

  Jamie looked at the severed head of Boris’ henchman lying at his feet. Kicking it away, he heard the sound of Boris moving positions. He seized the opportunity and made his way through a space in the barrels toward the desk, which Boris had vacated.

  Jamie rolled on the floor. He grabbed the cell phone Boris had been spinning on the desk. Slipping it in his pocket, he ran for the open door zigzagging for all he was worth.


  Steve, Agent Hammond and Chief Hogan left Ellie with Mary and were running back to the warehouse with Steve in the lead. He wanted nothing more than to get his dad out of there alive. He ran with wild abandon and rounded the corner for the warehouse door. Miracles upon miracles, his dad was alive and running his way.

  “Dad!” Steve screamed out.


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