What Becomes of the Broken Hearted: The most heartwarming and feelgood novel you'll read this year

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What Becomes of the Broken Hearted: The most heartwarming and feelgood novel you'll read this year Page 5

by Lisa Hobman

  ‘I think you get my point, Davina. Seth says I can choose my dress provided it’s an Isabella Montenegro dress from an Isabella Montenegro boutique. But what if I don’t want that? What if I want an off the peg dress? What if I want to have a dress made by the little old lady who does sewing repairs at that shop on Sauchiehall Street? What then?’

  ‘But… erm…’

  Cassie heaved a defeated sigh. ‘My point is that this should my choice entirely. I should choose the shop. I should choose the style and I should choose the damn budget.’

  Vina tilted her head. ‘Is that what’s really bothering you? The money?’ She reached and squeezed Cassie’s hand. ‘You do know that Seth won’t be asking your dad for a penny, don’t you? So, you have no upper limit on the budget.’

  ‘That’s only part of the problem, Vina. Don’t you get it? If he’s controlling me this much before we’re married how will it be after? I can’t breathe right now, I feel so stifled. It’s ridiculous,’ Cassie growled in exasperation.

  After a long, thoughtful pause Vina nodded slowly. ‘I do understand. Totally. I’m so sorry, sweetie. I just got carried along in the excitement. And a dress by Isabella is my dream, not yours. You’re right. One hundred percent right. It should absolutely be your choice. Let me make a call.’

  Cassie leaned forward and rested her head in her hands as Vina spoke to Pippa on the phone to tell her there had been a change of plans. They re-arranged their meeting destination and new directions were given to the cab driver.

  In a further ten minutes, they pulled up outside a small vintage clothing shop off Sauchiehall Street and Cassie’s heart began to race. This was just the type of place she would’ve chosen. Thank goodness Vina knew her well.

  Vina smiled as she leaned to open the door. ‘Come on, panicky pants. Let’s go get you a dress, eh?’

  Cassie grabbed for her hand. ‘I’m sorry to be a drama queen. I don’t mean to be ungrateful. I just—’

  ‘Hey, you’re talking to the girl who grew up thinking that the TV only had one channel and that was sports. Seth Noodle-head is a control freak. No one knows that more than I do. But he loves you fiercely, Cassie. He wants you to be happy and if that means we rebel then so be it.’ She winked. ‘He’s just so fixated on everything being perfect, I think he’s forgotten that you’re involved too. Silly sod really is too much of a perfectionist.’

  The friends climbed out of the cab and were greeted by Pippa who gave air kisses in true socialite style. Holding Cassie at arm’s length the stunning redhead raised her eyebrows. ‘Cassie Montgomery, whatever will we do with you? You get the chance to wear the best wedding dress designer in the whole of the UK and instead you decide on some old second-hand thing?’

  Cassie shrugged. ‘I know you both must think I’m potty, but this is just more me.’

  Vina and Pippa linked an arm each with Cassie and Vina kissed the side of her head. ‘Not potty. Just quirky.’

  Cassie scowled. ‘Gee thanks.’

  Pippa nudged her and rested her head on her shoulder. ‘I think Vina means that in the nicest possible way, don’t you, V?’

  The raven-haired woman rolled her eyes for what felt like the millionth time. ‘Well durr.’

  Cassie began to relax and decided that it was actually nice to have her two closest friends with her on this special day, even in spite of how it had started. Friends were something Cassie had few of. Ever since her miserable days at school she had found it difficult to trust people and so kept her circle very close knit. Thankfully, growing up, her dad had been her best friend and she had found she didn’t really need anyone else. Large groups of people made her uncomfortable but now, as part of Seth’s world she was becoming a little more accustomed to it. However, her real friends remained small in number.

  Once inside the shop with its rows and rows of evening gowns, flapper dresses and smoking jackets they were shown through to a room at the back, which concentrated solely on wedding dresses.

  ‘I’m surprised at how clean it smells in here,’ Pippa said as she took in her surroundings.

  Cassie laughed. ‘They may be vintage, Pip, but that doesn’t mean they were dragged out of a skip.’

  ‘Oh. My. Goodness. Look at this, Cassie,’ Vina exclaimed from the other side of the room. ‘It’s you. It’s just so you. Come see!’ The enthusiasm Vina was feeling was audible in her high-pitched tone and Cassie’s heart skipped with excitement now instead of dread.

  The other two friends joined Vina who held up a long half lace covered ivory dress with a sweetheart neckline and beaded capped sleeves. It really was stunning.

  ‘Oh yes. You must try it on, Cassie. It’s gorgeous,’ Pippa agreed.

  Without protestation Cassie took the frock and walked over to the fitting room in the corner—simply a curved rail with a heavy tapestry curtain hanging from it. She undressed and slipped into the dress and stared at her reflection.

  It shouldn’t have been this easy surely? She’d heard of people trawling around ten shops and going back to the first one in the end but this was just crazy. Not only was the dress a bargain at four hundred pounds but it fit like a glove to her curves as if it had been made especially for her. Skimming over her body, the vintage lace that reached to her knees was dotted with tiny crystals that caught the light when she moved. Underneath this were layers of chiffon that swished gently against the floor to the perfect length for a pair of two-inch heels. It flicked out a little at the bottom with a slight train at the back but nothing too over the top. To finish it off perfectly the neckline was tasteful yet sexy. According to the label the dress had been worn by an Edinburgh bride in 1955 and that really iced the cake for her.

  This was it. She was in love.

  Feeling a little less like a Bridezilla, she turned around in the small space and gazed at the detailing on the back of the dress. She knew immediately that Seth would be absolutely blown away by the sight of her in it, regardless of the age or price tag on the garment. She could imagine his face as his hungry eyes devoured her.

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped out of the little fitting area and was greeted by gasps from her friends.

  ‘Oh… my… wow!’

  ‘Bloody hell, Cassie, it’s perfect!’

  Tears of the happy kind stung at her eyes as she told them, ‘I don’t need to try any others on. This is it. It’s perfect.’

  Pippa clapped her hands gleefully. ‘Well in that case I say we go on a bloody shopping spree and have a stop off at a champagne bar to celebrate!’

  Vina lifted the little price tag and made a very unladylike snorting noise. ‘The champers is on Seth I say, considering what was going to cost you four thousand pounds is costing four bloody hundred!’

  Cassie laughed. ‘After what the swine has put me through with his controlling ways I’m inclined to agree with you on that.’

  Chapter Five

  The champagne bar at the Grand Central Hotel was fairly quiet when they arrived; this wasn’t surprising though considering it wasn’t even lunchtime. It was one of the places that Cassie never tired of regardless of how many times she visited. Part of this was down to the Victorian style interior decoration of the place—a great love of hers. The black and white marble tile floor gleamed under their feet as they entered and they quickly found a table and perched on the stools beneath the huge crystal chandelier. A smartly dressed, rather handsome waiter brought a menu and they made their selections.

  The conversation initially centred on wedding plans and Vina told of how excited her brother had been in her recent conversations with him. ‘Honestly, you’d think he was the bride. He’s such a big softy you know. Adores the bloody ground you walk on,’ she told Cassie.

  All of the frustration she had been feeling at the start of the day was waning rapidly and her resolve to chastise him further about his actions was diminishing by the second. The more champagne she drank, the more warm and fuzzy she became until she couldn’t wait to get home and kiss Seth from h
ead to toe. Okay so he was a control freak but he was her gorgeous, sexy control freak. And she was soon to be Mrs Control Freak. Anger was replaced by excitement and temper by a light-headed giddiness.

  Pippa was gulping down the sparkling alcohol elixir as fast as the waiter could replace it and when Vina hinted that perhaps she should slow down she shook her head vehemently.

  ‘No, no I need this. After the way things have been going at home I deserve this.’

  Vina giggled. ‘Pips you’ve had enough, sweetie. You’re whirring your slurds.’

  Cassie burst into hysterical laughter. ‘Vina, you said “whirring your slurds.”’

  Vina paused and a look of confusion appeared on her face. ‘Oh yeah. I did. I did say that.’

  ‘You girls are so fucking lucky. You know that?’ Pippa interjected, her lower lip protruding like a toddler who’d been told there was no more chocolate.

  Vina frowned and patted her arm. ‘Why do you say that, schweetie? Why?’ She leaned her chin precariously on her hand.

  ‘Because… Vina you don’t have to worry about a man seeing as you don’t have one.’ Vina’s indignant expression spoke volumes. Then she turned her attention to Cassie. ‘And Cassie, you have Seth. And Seth is just so bloody wonderful. You both make me sick.’

  Cassie raised her eyebrows. ‘Gee… thanks, I think.’

  Vina attempted to roll her eyes but almost fell off her stool in the process. ‘Pippa, whatever is the matter? You have Jasper and he adores you.’

  Pippa huffed and finished off the contents of yet another glass. ‘Does he? Does he really?’

  Cassie and Vina shared a worried glance. ‘Has something happened, Pippa?’

  Her lip began to tremble. ‘I think he’s having an affair with his secretary. I mean could he be any more of a damned bloody cliché?’

  Vina opened and closed her mouth, clearly unable to find suitable words so Cassie spoke instead. ‘Whatever gives you that idea?’

  Pippa sniffed and picked up a napkin from the table to dab at her eyes. ‘Oh you know, the usual. Working late. Smelling of someone else’s perfume. Oh and the fact that there was a text from her on his phone thanking him for a very special time with a fucking winky face emoji after it. A winky fucking face. How much more obvious could she have been? Can you believe that bitch?’

  ‘B-but that could mean anything, honey. Don’t jump to conclusions, eh? You should speak to him,’ Vina suggested.

  Pippa’s eyes widened and she wagged her finger at her friends. ‘Or spy on them. I could spy on them and see if I’m right.’

  Cassie glared at Vina in desperation. ‘Oh I think speaking to him would be best, Pips. Like Vina says. It could be something very innocent.’

  Pippa regarded Cassie with incredulity. ‘Look, just because the grass on your side of the fence is bloody emerald green and littered with diamonds it doesn’t mean everyone else’s men are perfect. He’s cheated before. He could do it again just as easily.’

  Trying to ignore her friend’s acerbic tone, Cassie gasped. ‘He’s cheated before?’

  Pippa’s face coloured bright fuchsia pink and she lowered her eyes. ‘He was… erm… married when he met me.’

  Cassie formed an ‘o’ with her mouth and suddenly felt very sad for her friend. What had started off as a lie had come full circle by the sound of it. She was grateful that she and Seth were based on a solid foundation of trust and no secrets.


  When Cassie arrived at home she found Seth lounging on the sofa with his laptop. With all her anger from the start of the day forgotten she leaned over and smoothed her hands down his chest, planting a kiss on the side of his head.

  He closed his laptop and covered her arms with his. ‘Good day, poppet?’

  She shrugged and nuzzled his neck. ‘Well I got a dress,’ she mumbled into his warm skin.

  ‘You don’t sound too happy about it. But from what Davina said in her text you looked stunning.’

  She began to kiss him just underneath his ear, a place she knew he liked to be kissed. ‘No, I’m happy with the dress. But… would you take me to bed and make love to me? I need to be close to you.

  He tugged her over the back of the sofa so that she landed in his lap. ‘Happy to oblige you there, darling. But let’s stay here, hmm?’


  The next morning Cassie was looking forward to a lazy day with Seth. There was no dress to search for, no rugby matches to attend and the Sunday papers had already been delivered. Seth had brought fresh coffee through to the bedroom for them and they lay snuggled together reading.

  A text messaged pinged through to Cassie’s phone and she reached across to find out who it was.

  The message was from Pippa.

  Hi. Can we meet? I think we need to talk. Well I know I do. Thanks. P x

  Bang goes a relaxing Sunday, Cassie thought as she remembered the tense conversation about her friend’s marriage the day before. It wasn’t unheard of for Pippa and Cassie to meet without Vina but it was rare. The three were usually found together and it struck Cassie as strange that Vina wasn’t mentioned; after all she too had witnessed Pippa’s meltdown the night before.

  Niggled with curiosity and never one to let a friend down she hit reply.

  Hi Pip. Of course. Where and when? C x

  Another reply came rapidly.

  Jake’s café on Sauchiehall Street. 11am?

  She replied right away.

  Sure. See you there x

  Seth huffed. ‘What was all that about so early on a Sunday?’

  Being careful how she responded she said, ‘Oh… it was Pippa. She wants me to meet her for coffee.’

  ‘But you saw her yesterday. I thought we were having some us time today?’

  ‘We are. I won’t be long, promise. I’m just going to jump in the shower. But I’ll be back as soon as possible.’

  He placed his newspaper down on his lap. ‘What’s wrong with her?’

  Forcing a smile and reluctant to divulge any details until she knew the facts—especially seeing as Jasper and Seth were close friends—she told him, ‘Oh. Nothing. We just said we’d meet up again to chat about the wedding and stuff. You know how it is.’

  He pulled her into his arms. ‘Oh, I do. Once you ladies get wedding stuff in your heads there’s no stopping you. But hurry home, okay? I want you all to myself later.’

  She planted a kiss on his forehead. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll be all yours. No distractions.’

  As she clambered from the bed he gave her bottom a swift smack causing her to yelp and scowl at him. But the grin on his face soon made a grin appear on her own.

  ‘You’re incorrigible, Seth Guthrie.’

  He breathed on his knuckled and rubbed them on his bare chest. ‘I pride myself on the fact.’


  Sauchiehall Street was busy regardless of the day or time and this Sunday was no different. It was one of Cassie’s favourite streets in the city with its cheery shops painted in an array of bright colours and its mixture of modern and nineteenth century architecture sitting comfortably side by side. Her favourite building of all was The Willow Tea Rooms. Designed in 1903 by none other than Charles Rennie Mackintosh, it still displayed many of its renowned design elements after its current owners had lovingly restored it. Cassie wondered why Pippa had chosen to meet her at Jake’s trendy coffee bar instead of the beautiful old building that they usually frequented.

  She arrived at the sage green painted café bang on time and found Pippa already waiting for her towards the back of the main room. It all seemed a little cloak and dagger and as she arrived at Pippa’s table her friend stood and gave a teary-eyed hug.

  ‘Thanks so much for coming. I was worried I had upset you yesterday. And I’m sorry we’re not meeting at the Willow Tea Room but Jasper’s friends often stop in there and I’d really rather not bump into any of them.’ The two friends sat. ‘And I hope Seth wasn’t annoyed at you coming out. I know you said you were having a day
just the two of you.’

  Cassie reached and squeezed her friend’s hand. ‘Oh no, he doesn’t mind at all,’ she lied. ‘Is Vina joining us?’

  Pippa shook her head. ‘No, she’s gone to her parents for the day, remember? They want to introduce her to that wealthy, young bachelor they’ve met. Sounds like a trap if you ask me. Poor V.’ Cassie wracked her brains and vaguely recalled a conversation the previous evening about the man Vina’s parents wanted her to meet. He had a very long and posh double-barrelled name and owned lots of property, including a Highland estate. There had been lots of laughter about the prospect of mono-brows and buck teeth. And Vina had repeatedly insisted she was a woman of the 21st century and no parent was going to tell her who to marry. Yet she had obviously backed down and had gone after all. ‘Anyway, I feel I owe you an apology. I was a total bitch yesterday. I hate to think I ruined your special day, sweetie.’

  Cassie smiled and shook her head. ‘No, no. Don’t be silly, of course you didn’t.’

  A young, smiley woman with tattoos and dreadlocks appeared to take their order and soon left them to talk.

  Once the waitress was out of earshot Cassie addressed her friend. ‘So… how are you today?’

  ‘Apart from hungover?’ She smiled. ‘Oh… I honestly don’t know anymore, Cassie. I think my marriage is over.’

  ‘Is it really that bad?’

  Pippa’s lip began to tremble. ‘I think so. I confronted him last night. He says I’m being ridiculous but I could see it in his eyes, Cassie. He stormed out and refused to talk to me because apparently I was too pissed.’

  ‘And today?’

  ‘Today he’s giving me the silent treatment. Says his secretary is flirty but that he would never do anything about it.’ Her tone was mocking and tinged with disbelief.

  But Cassie grasped on to the tiny shred of hope her friend had. ‘Well there you go. He’d never do anything.’

  Pippa shook her head slowly and grimaced. ‘I messaged the bitch. She says they kissed. That she wants more but he’s not sure what he wants. Well he needs to make up his damned mind. The bastard won’t put one over on me. Not on me.’


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