What Becomes of the Broken Hearted: The most heartwarming and feelgood novel you'll read this year

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What Becomes of the Broken Hearted: The most heartwarming and feelgood novel you'll read this year Page 6

by Lisa Hobman

  Oh shitty shit. What could Cassie say to that? The secretary had admitted the infidelity with Pippa’s husband. And even a kiss is a betrayal of trust. She reached for Pippa’s arm and placed her hand gently upon it. ‘I’m so sorry. What will you do?’

  Pippa shrugged. ‘Well… they say revenge is a dish best served cold… so let’s just say I’m biding my time. But if he thinks he’s getting away with it he’s sadly mistaken.’ She sighed and then fixed Cassie with a stony gaze. ‘It just shows you though. It shows you that even the best men are bastards, Cassie. We can’t trust any of them. They’re all the same. All of them.’ The emphasis she placed on the word ‘all’ sent a disconcerting shiver down Cassie’s spine but thankfully it was fleeting. She didn’t say so but she knew that Seth was nothing like that. Her man was faithful to the core. And she was incredibly fortunate to know that with a marked certainty. Okay, so he was a control freak and a perfectionist but he was loyal to a fault. And she was at the centre of his world. This she knew without a doubt.

  The cheery waitress returned and placed their drinks on their table and left them once more. Cassie took a sip of her coffee and pondered on what Pippa had said.

  Choosing to ignore the blanket comment she made about men she tentatively asked, ‘Do you think you’ll leave him?’

  She burst out laughing, a reaction that shocked Cassie to the core. ‘You’re joking, aren’t you? I’m financially invested in this damned marriage. Why should I lose out just because he can’t keep it in his pants?’

  Cassie scrunched her face. ‘But… how will you trust him? And… God forbid what if he leaves you? I know that’s a horrid thing to suggest but it’s possible. This… fling might be something more.’

  Pippa leaned forward conspiratorially and after a quick glance around her she said, ‘He wouldn’t dare. I know his business dealings. I know absolutely everything, Cassie and I could ruin him if I chose to. He knows this. He’s scared. And anyway, what is it they say? If you can’t beat ’em… join ’em.’

  Horrified, Cassie opened her mouth to speak but struggled to find the words initially. Mirroring her friends manoeuvre she leaned forward too. ‘You’re going to have a… a…. threesome with them?’ The thought made her feel a little nauseated and she failed to see how anyone would benefit from that particular situation.

  Pippa almost choked on her mouthful of coffee as she descended into a fit of giggles once again. ‘I don’t mean literally join them, you daft cow. Oh come on, Cassie, darling, surely you’re not that naïve?’

  Completely and utterly confused by the entire conversation, Cassie shook her head. ‘Honestly? I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. I think you’ve lost your marbles, Pips.’

  Pippa grinned and rolled her eyes and reached across the table to squeeze Cassie’s arm. ‘God, I love you. You know that? You’re hilarious. And I mean that in the nicest possible way. You’re so sweet, Cassie. And your relationship is so bloody perfect you can’t see beyond your rose-tinted specs.’

  Slightly affronted at her friend’s patronisation, she huffed. ‘Look, I think we’ve ascertained that you think I’m an idiot so just get to the point, okay?’

  Pippa pouted. ‘Oh I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to offend you. Please don’t be cross? What I mean is… I’ll have my own affair. Then we’re even.’ She held out her hands as if she had just stated the most obvious solution to her problem.

  Cassie shook her head vehemently. ‘Pippa, that’s not the way to deal with this. You need to talk to Jasper. Work things through. And if things don’t improve, you should leave him. You know as well as I do that you will both end up hurt if you go down that route.’ She couldn’t believe her friend’s ridiculous logic. She adored Pippa but she clearly had some crazy ideas when it came to relationships.

  ‘Oh fuck, now you’re judging me, aren’t you? You’re not going to tell Seth, are you?’ Her eyes widened.

  Cassie sighed and shook her head. ‘No, you’re one of my closest friends, Pippa, I won’t breathe a word. I just think you’re making a huge mistake. That’s all.’

  Pippa smiled and tilted her head to the side. ‘I love that you’re so concerned about me, Cassie but I’m a grown woman. And divorce just isn’t an option. But while he’s dipping his wick in the work ink I’m letting him nowhere near me. And I’m a woman in my prime. I need sex.’

  Wishing she was at home now Cassie asked the one question she didn’t really want the answer to. ‘Have you already met someone? Or are you intending on trawling the bars? Because I’ll tell you now, I draw the line at accompanying you on those nights out.’

  ‘No, I haven’t met anyone… yet. But I don’t need a wingman, sweetie. I’m bold enough to find my own boy-toy.’ She winked and Cassie’s stomach rolled.

  ‘Pippa, please be careful, okay? I mean there’s unwanted preg—’

  Pippa held up her hand in a halting motion. ‘I’m thirty-one. I’m well versed in all things STD and I have no intention of letting anyone but Jasper impregnate me. But only once he’s got this bimbette out of his system. Ooh, I know, why don’t we have carrot cake whilst we’re here? I’ve heard it’s divine.’ And just like that their bizarre conversation was over.

  Later on, once she reached her apartment once more, Cassie found Seth surrounded by the Sunday papers, his glasses perched on his nose. He looked up as she walked in to the lounge and dropped her bag on the sofa.

  ‘Oh, there you are. I was wondering if I should send a search party. How was Pippa?’ He rolled his eyes dramatically as he asked.

  She climbed into his lap and kissed him long and hard before answering. ‘She was… erm… fine. But I missed you so I said we had plans and I came home.’

  He smiled lovingly at her. ‘Ah well, you’re home now. How about we head back to bed for a while?’ He feigned a yawn. ‘I could do with a nap.’

  She smiled. ‘Oh really?’

  He raised his eyebrows. ‘Really. Anyway, what was all the drama about with her? Jasper says she’s been accusing him of all sorts lately.’

  Thinking on her feet but hating to lie she clambered off his lap and stood. She began to undress and she backed away. ‘Oh, I don’t think we need to talk about them, do we? Surely we have other things to occupy ourselves with?’

  Seth didn’t need any further encouragement. Jumping to his feet he gave chase and Cassie squealed with delight as she ran towards the bedroom.

  Chapter Six

  Mondays always came around too soon, especially when Seth was leaving on business. This time he was heading to Seattle in the USA, a place Cassie had always wanted to visit. After all, it was the city that had sparked the era of grunge music. And even though many would gasp at discovering it, Cassie was a huge fan of some of the bands that made up the genre.

  Her musical tastes were very eclectic and whilst she loved to listen to Debussy and Mozart with Seth, she adored bands such as Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. Seth wasn’t at all keen on what he called ‘that noise’ whenever she was cheeky enough to slip in a CD. Then he would make some joke about being an old man and Cassie would tell him how she loved their differences as it gave them so much to talk about. Although music wasn’t a topic they covered very often. Unless it was a trip to the opera and Seth was telling her about the first time he heard a particular piece. She often wished he would give her favourite bands as much kudos as she gave the orchestras he loved but it wasn’t something that worried her too much.

  As he gathered the things he needed, she begged him to make a trip to see some of the places she wanted to visit and to take lots of photos, places such as the Crocodile Café and Neumos where some of her favourite bands had played. And the Terminal Sales Building where the Sub Pop record label began. And although she wasn’t particularly keen on modern art she managed to convince Seth to visit Isamu Noguchi’s ‘Black Sun’ sculpture seeing as she wouldn’t get to see it herself. After all, Seth hadn’t invited her along much to her disappointment.

He was going to be away most of the week and although she knew she’d miss him like crazy, it was a great opportunity for her to get through some of the work from new clients that had been piling up since Seth’s proposal had tipped her world on its axis—but in the best possible way, obviously.

  Determined to make a go of her new proofreading and editing business she had told Seth that working was what she’d be doing when he was meeting clients and taking in some of her suggested sights.

  ‘You know you don’t need to work don’t you, poppet? I want to look after you, remember?’ he told her as she sat on the vanity beside him where he fixed his tie.

  ‘I’m aware of that and I really do appreciate the sentiment but I actually like my work and business is really taking off, so I want to stick with it. And I don’t need you to look after me. I’m an adult, remember?’ She made a face at him.

  He grinned. ‘Oh yes, very adult behaviour.’ He tapped her nose and then kissed her on it. ‘Well, maybe when I get home we could go away for a few days?’ he said with his concentration now focused on his reflection.

  She cringed. ‘Oh, I don’t think I have the time just now. What with the wedding on the horizon and work…’ Her words faded as she watched his expression change to one of disappointment. She noted a few extra wrinkles around his eyes and flecks of grey in his hair. All making him far more distinguished looking and sexy.

  A line appeared between his eyebrows and he turned to face her. ‘It sounds a little like you’re putting your hobby before our relationship, Cassie.’

  She scrunched her face and anger spiked with her. ‘Hobby? It’s not a hobby, Seth. It’s my business.’

  He huffed. ‘Okay so bring your work with you.’

  She flared her nostrils. ‘Did you just stress the word work like you meant it in air quotes?’

  He chuckled and stepped towards her, nudging her thighs apart so he could step into the space they created. ‘Oooh, I love it when you get all shirty. You’re sexy as hell when you’re annoyed.’

  Not wanting him to leave under a cloud she rolled her eyes and bit back her annoyance. ‘I’m sure you say these things to wind me up.’

  He leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. ‘Perhaps I do. Maybe when I get home you can work on me?’

  ‘Well you certainly need work, Mr Guthrie. Anyway, I’d better go get ready if I’m coming to the airport.’

  ‘Oh, I wouldn’t bother, poppet. You said you have work to do so why not make a start? No time like the present, eh?’

  He made a very good point so she pushed down the disappointment at not waving him off. ‘Okay. If you’re sure. I do have lots to do.’

  He stepped away and walked towards the bedroom. ‘By the way, mark your diary, next week we’re going wedding cake tasting. My mother insisted. I’ll email you the details.’

  ‘Oh? Is your mum coming too?’ She didn’t manage to hide the hint of disappointment tinging her voice.

  ‘Yes. She’s far better at these things than I.’

  ‘But I’m good at eating cake,’ Cassie told him playfully.

  ‘Ah yes, but this needs a discerning palate, darling. Not one that enjoys blueberry muffins from takeout venues.’

  Cassie huffed and was on the verge of a sarcastic retort about his comments when he appeared in front of her again in his full suit and almost took her breath away.

  ‘You’re staring, poppet,’ he told her as he bent to kiss her lips.

  ‘I’m not… okay I am but… I was hoping we could choose a cake between us. Just me and you.’

  ‘Aww, my sweet Cassie. My mum wants to be involved. Let’s just give her this one hmm?’

  In her mind Cassie screamed, ‘I want to be involved too but you don’t seem to be bothered about that, do you?’ But instead she nodded and let him hug her tight.

  ‘Now, you behave whilst I’m gone, okay?’ He winked and she smiled in response.

  ‘As if I would ever do anything else.’ A thought sprang to her mind and she blurted out without giving it any thought. ‘Ooh, I forgot to mention, I have a two-day course in Edinburgh the week after next.’

  He scowled as he gathered up his case and passport. ‘And you’re choosing to tell me this now? Look, we’ll discuss it when I return.’

  Cassie folded her arms defiantly and tried to ignore the regret niggling at her for the outburst. ‘Nothing to discuss. It’s all paid for. I’m going end of discussion.’

  His nostrils flared. ‘You’re so bloody stubborn, Cassie. The sooner we get those marriage vows sorted the better as far as I’m concerned. See you soon.’ He kissed her swiftly and headed for the door.

  ‘Love you!’ she shouted. ‘And I’m still not saying I’ll obey you!’ she continued, realising that the door had already closed so he couldn’t hear.


  Two days of Seth’s absence had seen Cassie plough through a huge pile of work. Her favourite so far had been a novel about a time travelling soldier who had fought in many wars but had chosen to stay in the present day when he’d fallen in love with a nurse in a 21st century war zone. On top of that, she’d received some excellent feedback from a potential new client who had informed her that some work would be forthcoming soon. She was buzzing and ready to celebrate so when Vina called and invited her out for drinks with her and some friends she jumped at the chance.

  When they arrived at their favourite champagne bar they were met by a large group of Vina’s colleagues but there was no sign of Pippa. Cassie immediately regretted coming out. The last she wanted was to spend an evening with a group of people she didn’t know when she could’ve stayed home and read a book in peace. As she searched the group trying to spot a familiar face she absently wondered if Pippa was off with her new lover or out hunting for one.

  Vina ordered their drinks and they all congregated at one end of the bar.

  ‘Have you heard from Pippa recently, V?’ Cassie asked as discretely as possible.

  She took a sip of her bubbling beverage and shook her head. ‘I was going to ask you the same question. I haven’t heard from her since we went dress shopping. I texted her to check she was okay the day after and she said everything was fine but I haven’t heard from her since. I messaged and invited her to meet us but she didn’t reply.’

  Cassie sighed. ‘I’m a bit worried about her. She’s been acting… well… she doesn’t seem herself.’

  Vina shook her head. ‘I’m not surprised with what she told us though. Are you?’

  Cassie didn’t want to divulge the details of the conversation she’d had with Pippa so she simply shrugged and changed the subject. ‘So, how did it go with Mister Framlington-Smythe? You’ve avoided answering me by text and now I have you as a captive audience.’ She giggled.

  Vina’s cheeks coloured pink. ‘His name is Harry Heathcote-Thurlow, you daft bat.’ She pulled her lips between her teeth. ‘And oh my God, Cassie, he’s gorgeous!’

  Cassie widened her eyes and gasped. ‘You’ve been holding out on me!’

  Vina leaned closer. ‘I don’t want to jinx it, Cassie. He’s just about the most perfect man I’ve ever met. And I’ve got some pretty bloody amazing men in my life to compare him to.’

  Cassie flung her arms around her friend. ‘I’m so happy for you. When are you seeing him again?’

  ‘I’ve actually had a sneaky date with him this week already. And before you get cross, I didn’t tell you because I wanted to be sure he liked me too.’

  Cassie decided to forgo the telling off she would normally give Vina for keeping things so quiet. ‘And?’

  ‘And… the way he kissed me the other night tells me he’s as smitten as I am.’ The girls simultaneously squealed like they would have in their university days and jumped up and down on the spot, while hugging.

  Later in the evening they walked along the bustling city streets of Glasgow which was alive with groups of singing party-goers and the aroma of food concessions selling burgers and kebabs to drunken passers-by. They eve
ntually arrived at an exclusive nightclub down an alleyway. Smartly clothed bouncers assessed everyone closely before letting anyone inside. It seemed the more money you appeared to have and the more beautiful you were assisted access greatly. Cassie was relieved to be with Vina who underwent less scrutiny than others and even knew the bouncers by name. The two burly men looked Cassie up and down but didn’t pay much mind to her really. Clearly Vina’s seal of approval was all that was needed.

  Cassie was a little tipsy by this time and whilst Vina shouted over the music that she was going to order a jug of Sex on the Beach, Cassie gestured towards the ladies. Once in through the door she was taken aback by how luxurious the room was. Gilt mirrors faced her as she approached the stalls and the sinks themselves seemed to disappear into the walls somehow, like those infinity pools you see on TV, she thought. There wasn’t a single paper towel in sight. Instead there was a neatly folded pile of what appeared to be the best Egyptian cotton towelettes, which were placed in a discreet linen bin after use. Crikey, how the other half live, she mused, only realising moments later that she was soon to be part of that so called other half.

  She walked into a stall and closed the door behind her and, staring at the marble floor, she tried to decide just how drunk she was. Maybe she should switch to soft drinks?

  ‘So you really think he sleeps around on her? I thought he adored the bloody ground she walked on.’ Cassie held her breath, feeling a little guilty for listening in on the gossip coming from outside her stall. She recognised the voices of two of Vina’s colleagues.

  ‘You’ve seen her, haven’t you? She’s so bloody demure it’s sickening. I’ve heard that he’s only with her because he likes a challenge. It’s like something out of “My Fair Lady”. But I’m sure she loves his money.’ The two women cackled like witches stirring up mischief around a cauldron.

  ‘I think you’re right though. I wouldn’t have put them together. She’s just too…’ There was a pause.


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