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_________. The New Grove Stravinsky (London: Macmillan, 2002).
Wangermée, R. (ed.). Paul Collaer: Correspondance avec des amis musiciens (Sprimont: Mardaga, 1996).
Weeda, E. (ed.). Yuriy Mandel’shtam: Sobraniye Stikhotvoreniy (The Hague: Leuxenhoff, 1990).
Wellens, I. Music on the Frontline (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002).
White, E. W. Stravinsky: the Composer and His Works (London: Faber and Faber, 1979).
Wilson, E. Shostakovich: A Life Remembered (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994).
Yuzefovich, V. (ed.). “Chronicle of a Non-friendship: Letters of Stravinsky and Koussevistzky,” trans. by Marina Kostalevsky, Musical Quarterly, 86 (Winter 2002), 750–884.
Fondation Théodore Strawinsky, Geneva: family tea at the orangery; Catherine Stravinsky with her granddaughter (photograph: R. Heyd)
Paul Sacher Stiftung, Basel: Milène and Mika in the 1930s; Mika with her husband; with Victoria Ocampo; with Nadia Boulanger; in the Disney studios; with George Martin, Dagmar Godowsky, and Mercedes de Acosta; studying the score of Persephone (photograph: Ruth Orkin); opening scene of The Rake’s Progress (photograph: Erio Piccagliani); with Jean Cocteau (photograph: Studio Lipnitzki); rehearsing The Rake’s Progress (photograph: Erio Piccagliani); with Ernst Roth, Venice; with Craft and Pierre Boulez; with Darius and Madeleine Milhaud (photograph: Centre Culturel Américain); world premiere of Threni (photograph: Giacomelli, Venice); conducting in the early sixties; with Lillian Libman (photograph: Esther Brown); with Robert Craft, 1962; with Rimsky-Korsakov; proposing a toast; with Tikhon Khrennikov; with his niece Xenya; applauding Pierre Monteux’s Rite of Spring (photograph: Daily Mail); in his studio at 1260 North Wetherly Drive; orchestrating Bach (photograph: Dominique Cibiel)
Getty Images: rehearsing Ebony Concerto; Christopher Isherwood and Aldous Huxley; with Balanchine, Hollywood, 1966 (photograph: Arnold Newman); with Milène, Hollywood, 1966 (photograph: Arnold Newman)
Martha Swope: rehearsing Agon with Balanchine
Lady Berlin: Isaiah Berlin and Nicolas Nabokov
No credit: Igor and Vera Stravinsky in Cincinnati (photograph: Eugene Goossens); studying the Symphony in C with Craft and Alexis Haieff; Stravinsky arrives in Venice for The Rake’s Progress; Dylan Thomas at a book-signing (photograph: Jeff Towns / Dylans Bookstore); listening to Craft rehearsing the Canticum Sacrum (photograph: Columbia Records); with Pierre Souvtchinsky; with Robert Craft at Paestum (photograph: Robert Emmet Bright)
STEPHEN WALSH is a critic and musicologist who has written and broadcast extensively on Stravinsky and other aspects of twentieth-century music. He was for some years a music critic with The Observer, and he has also reviewed regularly for the London Times, the Daily Telegraph, The Listener, and most recently, The Independent. The first volume of his biography of Igor Stravinsky, A Creative Spring: Russia and France, 1882–1934, was published in 1999. He holds a personal chair at Cardiff University.
Family tea at the orangery, Voreppe, 1933: Catherine and Igor Stravinsky, Anna Stravinsky, Walter Nouvel, Ira Belline, Soulima, and Theodore
Catherine Stravinsky with her granddaughter, Kitty, 1937
Milène and Mika (Lyudmila) Stravinsky in the 1930s
Mika with her husband, Yury Mandelstam, Château de Monthoux, 1937
With Victoria Ocampo, onboard ship, Montevideo to Rio de Janeiro, 1936
With Nadia Boulanger, onboard the Paris from New York to Le Havre, 1937
Igor and Vera Stravinsky in Cincinnati, November 1940
In the Disney Studios, Hollywood, with Alexis Kall (far left), Balanchine (center), and Walt Disney (to Balanchine’s left), 1939
With George Martin, Dagmar Godowsky, and Mercedes de Acosta, Hollywood, c. 1941
Rehearsing Ebony Concerto with Woody Herman and band, New York, February 1946
Studying the score of Persephone with James Fassett and Robert Craft, who has sneaked into the photograph, New York, 1947
Studying the Symphony in C with Craft and Alexis Haieff, New York, 1948
Stravinsky arrives in Venice for The Rake’s Progress, September 1951, with Auden (left) and Kallman, and greeted by the Biennale director, Ferdinando Ballo (right). Vera Stravinsky is behind Auden; Robert Craft is in the background right.
Opening scene of The Rake’s Progress, Venice, 1951
Rehearsing The Rake’s Progress, Venice, 1951
Dylan Thomas at a book signing in New York, 1952
With Jean Cocteau, Paris, 1952
Christopher Isherwood and Aldous Huxley, Los Angeles, 1954
With Ernst Roth, Venice, probably 1956
Listening to Craft rehearsing the Canticum sacrum, Venice, San Marco, September 1956
With Craft (standing) and Pierre Boulez, in the control room during Craft’s recording of Schoenberg’s Serenade, op. 24, Hollywood, March 1957. Lawrence Morton is in the background.
With Darius and Madeleine Milhaud, Paris, 1957
With Pierre Souvtchinsky, Paris, October 1957
Rehearsing Agon with Balanchine and the rehearsal pianist, Nicholas Kopeikine, New York, December 1957
World premiere of Threni, Scuolo di San Rocco, Venice, 23 September 1958
With Robert Craft at Paestum, October 1959
Conducting in the early sixties
With Lillian Libman listening to the Craft rehearsal for the Carnegie Hall Rake’s Progress November 1962
Isaiah Berlin and Nicolas Nabokov on the lawn of Headington House, Oxford, in the 1960s
With Robert Craft, 1962
With Vladimir Rimsky-Korsakov at dinner in the Leningrad Composers’ House, October 1962
Proposing a toast to the Soviet Minister of Culture, Yekaterina Furtseva, and to Dmitry Shostakovich and his wife, Irina, Hotel Metropole, Moscow, 1962
With Tikhon Khrennikov on Moscow television, September 1962
With his niece Xenya in the Kremlin Theater, Moscow, September 1962
Applauding Pierre Monteux’s fiftieth-anniversary Rite of Spring in the Royal Albert Hall, London, May 1963; Robert Craft is in the anteroom
In his studio at 1260 North Wetherly Drive, c. 1963
With Balanchine, Hollywood, 1966
With Milène, Hollywood, 1966 (photo: Arnold Newman)
Orchestrating Bach, New York, 1969
Copyright © 2006 by Stephen Walsh
All rights reserved. Published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, a division of Random House, Inc., New York, and in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto.
Published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd., London.
Knopf, Borzoi Books, and the colophon are registered
trademarks of Random House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Walsh, Stephen, [date]
Stravinsky: the second exile: France and America, 1934–1971 / Stephen Walsh.
p. cm
eISBN: 978-0-307-75621-3
1. Stravinsky, Igor, 1882–1971. 2. Composers—Biography. I. Title.
ML410.S932W355 2006
[B] 2005047231