Book Read Free

Red Sun Resort

Page 6

by Carl Hamlin

  “Yeah, you’re right. But I still don’t think I understand how or why you have such a hard time going in there.”

  “Jim, all my life…” Jim could hear her voice trembling. “I’ve always had this…thing, I guess you’d say…this thing about being spanked or paddled. I don’t know what it feels like, but…”

  Jim ran his fingers through her long brown hair. “Please. You can talk to me. Go ahead.”

  Sammi took a deep breath, and hesitated to speak. “I…. uhm…I find it so scary. At the same time, the thought of it just makes me feel all crazy inside. Like… I might like it.”

  Jim shook his head as he petted her back. “What if you would? So what?”

  Sammi’s eyes filled with tears. “Being turned on by that, it makes me feel…odd…strange. I feel like it’s something I shouldn’t feel. But I can’t help it. It’s been inside me for a long time.” She put her arms around his neck. “I’ve never told anyone about this.”

  Jim held her tight and could feel her shaking. He slightly rocked her back and forth to calm her. “Sammi, what was it like for you when I whacked Cindy and Debbie?”

  Before she spoke, Jim could hear her sniffle. “Well, when Cindy was bending over and you were whacking her with the big paddle…well…yeah, it really got to me. But when you took Debbie over your knees and tanned her with the small paddle…”

  “Go on.”

  “That got to me even more. I mean…a lot.”

  Sammi raised her head and looked into Jim’s eyes. “I wanted to be her.” She placed her head back down on his chest.

  Jim petted her back some more. “What do you want to happen now?”

  He could feel Sammi start to giggle. “I don’t know if I can even say.”

  “Yes, you can. You can say it to me. And I won’t tell you it’s wrong. I won’t laugh or make light of it. Please, what would you like to happen now?” The rain became intense once more, drumming against the walls and roof.

  Sammi buried her face in Jim’s chest. “Ohhh, I want…I want you to take me into the office. I want you to…take that small paddle in your hand and wait for me. Then, when I’m standing next to you, I want you to take me over your knees.”

  Sammi took a deep breath. “Then, I want to you to pull down my swimsuit bottom, and then start paddling me. Light at first, then gradually harder until I can’t take it anymore.”

  She lowered her face to his chest once again. “Then, I wan t you to bring me back here, and make love to me.”

  Jim ran his hand over her cheek, and brushed away a tear. “You haven’t scared me away yet.”

  Sammi sighed with relief. “I can’t tell you how hard it was to say all of that and how long I’ve held these things inside me.”

  Jim stroked her cheek again. “Well, now you have the freedom to experience all of it…if you want.” He laughed. “You’ve witnessed what I’m capable of.”

  Sammi moaned. “There’s always a chance I won’t actually like it. The fantasy may be better than the reality.”

  Jim shrugged. “One way to find out. I’m game.”

  Sammi raised her head and looked down at him. Then she squeezed her eyes tight. “I’m going to do it. I’m going to do it.” She opened her eyes and displayed a meek smile. “Paddle me.” She rolled to the side and began to stand up.

  Jim stood, and then kissed her. He reached around and gave her a mild swat on her bottom, then led her to the doorway. As they entered the hall, he felt Sammi hesitate for a moment, and then they walked into the office.

  There was one window, and it was made of thick translucent glass block. While no one could see in, the light was sufficient, even thought it was still raining heavily.

  The small paddle still lay on the desk, and Sammi momentarily froze at seeing it. Jim picked it up, and then sat down on the edge of the desktop, just as he had when paddling Debbie.

  Sammi stepped next to him, and she felt lightheaded and full of anticipation. Over twenty years of yearning and curiosity was about to be fulfilled.

  Jim reached to take her arm, and she felt herself compelled to move forward, to bend over his lap and welcome the pain and the sensations she had fantasized of for so long. Resting on his knees while allowing her face to hover just above the desk, she felt calm at the contact with him.

  When Jim reached his fingers inside the top band of her swimsuit bottom, she felt an exhilaration that was as frightening to her as it was pleasurable. The excitement only reached a new height as she felt the nylon piece being lowered, and when she felt that her bottom was totally bare, she felt emotions that were previously unknown to her.

  She glanced back and saw Jim’s left hand transfer the paddle to his right. Seconds later, she felt the cool wood press against her flesh, then begin to circle the center of her bottom. She was stunned at and aroused by the thrill that rippled in waves through the midsection of her body.

  The paddle left, and then met the soft flesh with an impact just sufficient to generate a mild sting. The sensation both frightened and aroused Sammi, and the second contact was more solid. The third was just a little harder, but Sammi was beside herself from the combination of the sound of the smacks and the sting that was just beginning to build.

  Another, more firm spank landed, and Sammi realized that each one seemed to make her relive the prior ones. The fifth involved a significant increase in force, and she cried out in response.

  As he rubbed the paddle back and forth, he also rubbed her back. “Are you liking this?”

  Sammi looked back and shook her head. “I’m liking this…a lot.”

  Jim began to apply a whack every few seconds, and as Sammi had requested, each was a little harder than the one before. The paddling continued, every few seconds another crack of the wood against her soft bottom, until each one resulted in an audible expression of pain. When Sammi had endured the twenty-fifth swat, she finally stood upright, her eyes full of tears. The lower portion of the swimsuit that had been at her knees fell to the floor and she stepped out of them.

  Jim kissed her and simultaneously unhooked the swimsuit top. He tossed it to the floor and they awkwardly made their way back to the layered sleeping bags, both working to finish undressing him as they went. Once his jeans were off, Jim reached down to find his wallet and carried it with him.

  In a frantic dance of urgency, they tossed themselves onto the bags, and Jim fumbled in his wallet for the condom packs.

  The rain had eased to a soft patter on the windows. In the dimly lit classroom, Jim and Sammi felt hundreds of miles from anyone else.

  Jim sighed in relaxed pleasure. “See…I didn’t need any little blue pills.”

  Sammi giggled. “No signs of erectile dysfunction…either time. I’m impressed, cowboy.”

  Flashes of flames from the stove licked at Sammi’s bare body. She held the empty condom wrappers in her hand and seemed to examine them as she rubbed them back and forth.

  Jim laughed. “Tell me why you want to save the wrappers. A souvenir of your ruthless conquest of a helpless man like me?”

  Sammi smiled and sighed. “Tomorrow morning, they will be my proof that this was not just some lovely dream. If it were, I don’t know how I would bear the disappointment.”

  Jim kissed her on the neck. “I promise you…this really happened.”

  Sammi ran her hand over his chest. “I hope I was good for you. I haven’t done this for a long, long time.”

  Jim nuzzled her neck. “Actually, it’s probably been a lot longer for me.”


  Jim sighed. “I mean it. The last time for me was a really long time ago. My work kept me busy, and I knew I would have to move around a lot. And I was raised to believe that this is something you only do with someone you deeply care for.”

  Sammi shook her head. “And my ex was my only other.”

  She pulled herself to him. “I forgot what it felt like. But it was worth waiting for.”

  Jim smiled then kissed her. “And
was that paddling okay?”

  Sammi giggled. “More than okay. Really, really good. I’ve been waiting for that for a long time, too. And it was well worth waiting for.” She began nuzzling his chest. “Jim, thanks for doing that.

  He gave an appreciative growl. “It was my pleasure…. literally.” He began to chuckle. “Just think - in one week I paddled the bottoms of three real babes.”

  Sammi purred. “So…. you really liked doing that?”

  “Well, I really did enjoy paddling you. I have to admit it was a turn-on. Knowing that it was turning you on, that was the greatest part of it all.”

  Sammi giggled. “ was just right. That sound, that loud smack…. It’s just so exciting. Then the sting starts this warm, slow burn. But the actual feel of the smack…. I can only describe it as this…this…stinging kiss of the paddle.’

  “It’s funny. It hurts, but at the same time, I was always anxious to get the next one. And knowing it would be a little harder - wow. It was arousal…anticipation…fear…most of all, desire…all wrapped together.”

  They embraced tightly one again and simply rested in silence. They listened to the crackling of the fire, and enjoyed the soothing sound of the now lightly falling rain.

  Jim saw that Sammi had drifted off to sleep. As carefully as he could, he got up, and found their clothing. He dressed as she slumbered, then went to the office and put everything back to normal, ready for the next group of visitors. He knew that he and Sammi would now have a difficult time keeping a straight face during one particular portion of that tour.

  Just as he was finished dressing, Sammi stirred. She looked absolutely radiant to Jim, as the flickering touches of light from the flames in the stove danced across her form. Jim placed the swimsuit pieces and the cover-up next to her, then she sat up and began dressing, a process interrupted several times as Jim knelt down to kiss her.

  They rolled the sleeping bags up, Jim setting aside the one upon which they had made love, so that he could take it to the house. He carried the rest back to the classroom closet.

  Everything was back in place. He put his arm around Sammi’s waist and they walked out onto the front porch. The rain was now just a light drizzle.

  Jim stopped before they stepped off. “Do you want me to start keeping that paddle in the house?”

  Sammi looked at him with a grin overflowing with mischief. “Actually, I think I would like to be told to go and get it. I think that would prove to be a very enjoyable little stroll.”

  They both laughed as they walked toward the house. Jim patted her on the bottom. “Did you get those wrappers? I sure would not want to have left them behind.”

  “Uh, huh. This cover has a little pocket.”

  Jim nodded. “Of course, I have more in the bedroom now.” He stopped her as they entered the front door of the house “Let me know if you decide to collect another.”

  They walked into the house, and as soon as they had closed the door, Sammi walked to where she had left her purse in the dining room. She reached in and pulled out her cell phone. “How about I call home and tell them I’ll see them in the morning in time to get their breakfast?”

  Chapter 6

  Over the next couple of weeks, Sammi was to stay at the ranch house for a few more random nights. No one among the following groups of guests had asked any questions regarding their relationship. Most guests were too absorbed in their activities to pay much attention. Saturday nights were the only times they had the resort to themselves.

  Some of the guests had asked to see the old school building, and as they were escorted through, the arrival at the office each time resulted in Jim and Sammi exchanging winks above their reddening faces. When Sammi had attempted to speak of the instruments of correction hanging on the wall, she felt her midsection begin to flutter, and she nearly stammered as she spoke.

  On one of those wonderful, free Saturday nights, one week after their tryst in the schoolhouse, they had found themselves in the afterglow of another steak dinner by candelight in the living room. Late that afternoon, after the guests had left, Sammi had driven to her parents’ house to check in on them. To Jim’s delight, she had returned wearing the little black dress she had spoken of. He was surprised, as the day had been unusually chilly for that week of June. To combat the chill, Sammi had brought along a lace shawl to put over her shoulders and arms.

  As they sat in the flickering candlelight, they felt the need for each other building. The room had a fireplace, and the heat was beginning to take the chill from the room, but Sammi still pulled the shawl around her.

  The dinner over, they sat and talked for an hour, about everything and nothing in particular. Jim noticed that Sammi had begun to remove the shawl.

  “Finally warm enough, now?”

  Sammi nodded and winked. “Except, I think my fanny still feels cold. Think you could find a way to warm it up for me?”

  Jim arched his eyes and nodded. “In the mood for a paddling tonight, are we?”

  Even in the dimming light, Jim could see that Sammi’s face was a dark pink.

  She leaned forward and took his hand. “Uh, hum. A good one, too.”

  Jim deepened his voice, and attempted to speak in a menacing tone. “Young lady, I want you to march right over to that school office and bring me a paddle to use to teach you a good lesson.”

  Sami giggled. “Oh, my…yes, sir. But which one?”

  Jim laughed and rubbed his hand over his chin. “Your fanny. Your choice.”

  She stood, then leaned down and kissed him. “My fanny, my choice? My fantasy?”

  Jim took a sip of his coffee. “Except, your ass is mine.”

  Sami stood upright. “Ooohooo. Be right back.” She swayed provocatively to the door, and then as she went through, gave her backside an irresistible shake.

  She walked briskly to the schoolhouse in the cool air. She nearly sprinted to the office, no longer feeling anything but yearning when entering that room. She walked slowly to the back wall, and then hesitated.

  She began to reach for the small paddle that so aroused her during her first taste of playful corporal punishment. However, on this evening, she was feeling a bit more willing to push her limits. She trusted Jim, and decided to allow herself to follow through with the images she had entertained in her imagination all day. She took the larger paddle from the wall and left the office.

  All the way to the house, she was arguing with herself. She had not originally felt any sense of the erotic when imagining herself bending over to receive whacks. She had seen paddlings administered to the young guests in both manners. Only the over-the- knees scenario had initially revved her libido.

  Something had changed that. She wondered if it was the ease with which she had tolerated the sting of the smaller board, but in any case, she needed to satisfy her curiosity and desire.

  When she stepped onto the front porch, she was feeling giddy with her sense of sexual excitement and anticipation of the unknown. She felt her hand shaking as she reached for the door handle.

  Inside, Jim was nowhere to be seen. She walked slowly to the large master bedroom, where she found Jim closing the shades. He displayed a wide smile of anticipation in his own right.

  She did not at first realize that he was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts adorned by cartoon characters. Sammi shook her head and laughed. “You certainly can set the mood.”

  He began to turn to model the shorts. “If I recall correctly, one time I almost broke my neck getting undressed fast enough. This is simply for my safety and your expedience when in the throes of passion.”

  When he saw that she had brought the large paddle, his eyes widened. “Well, now. That is a bit of a surprise. I was expecting you to bring me that same little fanny-smacker we used before.”

  Sammi walked over and kissed him. “Well, it certainly accomplished its mission. But this time, I was told to report to Mr. Halder for some more realistic paddle whacks. I mean, sort of realistic. You understa

  Jim began massaging her shoulders. “I understand. And just who was it that told you that you had to suffer this punishment?”

  Sammi giggled. “I got this idea from this very naughty woman I saw in the mirror this morning. I could tell that the idea of getting her fanny whacked again was getting her very turned-on”

  “Did she happen to have a very pretty face?”

  Sammi began lightly tapping the paddle across her open palm. “Uhhm…I like to think so.”

  “Did she have long brown hair?”

  “As a matter of fact, I’m certain that she did.”

  “And a great rack on her chest?”

  “Absolutely. It was nothing but breathtaking.”

  “And a figure that could make a man faint in lust?”

  “My, my. You must know her.”

  “And I bet she has this backside that just cries out to be whacked.”

  “Correct, cowboy. Not another one like it for fifty miles around. It even has its own insurance policy.”

  Jim sighed. “I know I’ve seen her somewhere.”

  He took the paddle from her. “Okay…I’ll try to read your mind as we do this.”

  They kissed again and Jim gave Sammi a swat to the backside. They walked a few feet away from the bed. Sammi winked at Jim, gave her bottom another exaggerated shake, and began to bend over. She looked back over her shoulder as her fingertips slid down her shins, wiggling all the way down until those fingers were resting at the tips of her toes.

  Jim reached for the hem of her black dress and tossed it onto the small of her back. He smiled to himself at the sight of the elegant black satin panties with the lace trim all around. “Samantha Regan, if I didn’t know better, I would think that you were anticipating that I would see your undergarments tonight.”

  Another shake made him laugh. “I have no clue as to what you mean, cowboy.” Yet another set of shakes made him smile.

  Jim stepped away and tapped the paddle against her bottom. “I also suspect that you’re trying to arouse me, Miss Regan.”


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