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The Stipulation (Volume Six)

Page 4

by M. L. Young

  “Nope, not that I can think of. The picnic and boat ride will take up most of the day,” he replied with a blank face, as if he wasn’t getting my hints.

  “All right then, let’s go,” I said with an almost sarcastic tone.


  Roman and I, on our way to this so-called park, stopped at a few small markets and picked up some picnic food. The hotel offered to put together a basket for us, but Roman said he wanted to be like a true Parisian and not be coddled by the hotel staff. The problem was, though, we didn’t speak much French and the markets were crowded, hot, and filled with the banter of natives. Other than looking at something and hoping you knew what it was, we were lost, and I desperately needed to be found.

  “This looks tasty,” he said as he picked up some sandwiches.

  “Oh, yeah,” I replied, wondering why he wanted sandwiches when the hotel, a five-star hotel, would’ve prepared us some great dish.

  Roman picked up the sandwiches, along with some baguettes and other small snacks and pastries. I could see we were going to be going heavy on the carbs, but I was on vacation, and was pretty sure carbs didn’t count when you were on vacation.

  “So how far until we’re at this park?” I asked.

  “Not that far. The staff said it was fairly close by, and they said to just follow this road down until you get there. Can’t miss it,” he replied.

  We walked for a few blocks, bags and drinks in hand, and finally arrived at the end of the street and into a big intersection, where a park was laid out on the other side of the road.

  “Looks like that’s it,” he said as we walked to the stoplight to wait for our turn to cross.

  I looked around, hoping to see a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower somewhere, anywhere, but I didn’t see even a shard of it. Not even the tip or a piece of metal was visible in the skyline, and my hopes and dreams of being surprised with a trip and picnic in front of the Tower were dashed and stomped on. I guess this really was just a picnic, and I was going to have to wait a couple years until I was hopefully able to come back to see it.

  Roman and I were lost in the sea of people crossing the street, as we came to the other side, walking forward into the large park where dozens of other Parisians were sprawled out having picnics and just lounging.

  We found a clear spot about midway into the field, which it really was, and Roman tossed down a blanket that the hotel staff had given him. We sat down and placed all of our plastic bags on the blanket, as we unloaded everything and set it out like we were having some giant feast. There were sandwiches, croissants, some type of chips, water, muffins, and even cookies. This was definitely the worst meal I was going to have in a while, but being in Paris everything was freshly made, so I knew I would at least be happy while I got fat.


  “So how are you liking Paris?” Roman asked as we were eating our sandwiches.

  “I love it. It’s so beautiful and the old buildings really give it a charm that I never see back home. How do you like it?” I asked.

  “I love it. I’ve actually been thinking of buying a vacation home here for quite some time, but I’ve just never really come enough to justify spending the money. Now that I have you, though, maybe I’ll have a reason to come back,” he said as he looked at me and smiled.

  Butterflies filled my stomach and my cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink as I tried to chew my food without a gigantic grin being plastered across my face. Roman actually made me feel important and worthwhile, and that was something only he could do. He was willing to buy an apartment here, just for us, so that he could give me the experiences and happiness I so desperately desired. Maybe seeing the Eiffel Tower on this visit wasn’t so important if the trade-off was a beautiful apartment in a historic part of the city. I think I could let it slide, even though I really did want to see it.

  “You’d do that?” I asked.

  “Of course, I’d do anything for you. Besides, I know it would appreciate in value as the years went by and it would also be great to not have to stay in a hotel every time I come to this area. Having my own bed to sleep in instead of the hotel beds would be a godsend,” he replied.

  “Maybe I could even come with you on one of these trips. I know you just go for business and everything, but having a little company wouldn’t be a bad thing,” I suggested.

  “I would absolutely love that, Natalie. I’m my happiest when I’m with you, so it only makes sense that you’d come along. Who knows, maybe my increased mood might even help my business,” he said.

  I smiled, took a sip of water, and crawled behind him to wrap my arms around his neck, with my hands resting on his softly beating chest. I loved being close to him, both physically and emotionally, and holding him the way he always held me made me believe what we had was real. We were in love: madly in love. We completed each other’s sentences, always spent every second together when we could, and our experiences in the bedroom were no less than mind shattering and amazing. We were meant for each other, and I wanted nothing more than to be with him for the rest of my life.

  Roman and I watched the cars and people walk by, as we whispered to each other about the crazy things people were saying or wearing. I always loved to people watch, and it was only when you sat down and really examined people that you saw how crazy they could be. Roman pointed out, far in the distance, a mime that was on a street corner, wearing the typical garb and face paint, as if he were straight out of an old movie. I laughed, snorting loudly, as everybody around us looked at me like I was some insane American girl. I guess there weren’t a lot of snorters in France.

  It started to seem as though our picnic was over, for we had eaten most of the food, and were just messing about as we tried to make time go by sooner. I almost suggested a quick trip to the Tower before this boat ride, but I didn’t, thinking instead that he would get annoyed or just brush it off like he did with every other hint that I had given him. As I was still behind him, taking everything in, I noticed next to our bags that we still had two perfectly good baguettes on the ground, uneaten and untouched by our gluttonous hands.

  As Roman was looking at a traffic jam off in the distance, I slowly grabbed one of the two we had, and picked it up in my hands before bonking him on the back of the head with it and laughing.

  He leaned forward quickly, grabbed the back of his head, and looked back at me as I slid back and laughed with the baguette held firmly in my hand like a sword.

  “Did you just hit me on the head?” he asked in shock.

  “Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. What’s it to you?” I asked with a grin.

  Roman quickly grabbed the other baguette firmly in his hand and stood up, prompting me to quickly jump up as to not risk being bopped on the head from above. You always have the advantage with the high ground, and I wanted to make sure I wasn’t the sorry person down on the ground.

  I put my baguette up like a sword and Roman did the same with his, putting it against mine as if we were about to duel.

  “You don’t want to do this, Natalie. I’ll beat you,” he said with a smirk.

  “Bring it on,” I replied before winking.

  Everyone turned and began to watch us as we went back and forth, trading strikes of our baguette swords. Roman was pretty good, but I began to hold my ground, until he started to turn up the heat and swing his baguette faster. Even though these things weren’t heavy at all, Roman had more strength and larger hands, meaning he could grip it easier than I could. I began to lose my footing, and started to back away, before I turned and started to jog.

  “Come back here!” he said as he began to chase me.

  I started laughing, the snorts coming out in full force, as I tried to get away and not get bonked on the head like I had done to him. The laughing began to slow me down; however, I couldn’t catch my breath, and it was then that he caught up to me and overtook the battle.

  “Got you,” he said laughing as he grabbed me from behind and wrapped his arms around mine so I cou
ldn’t do anything.

  “Ahh!” I yelled out playfully as I struggled and let him kiss me on the cheek.

  I started to calm down and everyone around us, some who were smiling and others who looked annoyed, started to turn their attention away from us as the show was over and all went back to their own things they were doing before our little outbreak happened.

  Roman grabbed my hand and we walked back to our little picnic site, putting down the baguettes and rolling everything up in the blanket, which we were able to stuff inside one of the plastic grocery bags.

  “I think we better go and get ready for tonight before we cause too much of a scene here, Miss Baguette,” he said with a smile.

  “Yeah, you’re just mad that I beat you. Yeah, that’s right, a girl beat you,” I said, then stuck out my tongue.

  “I let you win,” he replied.

  “Sure you did,” I said smiling as I gave him a wink.

  “Just come here,” he said, as I went to him and he put his arm around me, with the other arm carrying the white plastic bag.

  We got to the stoplight to cross the busy street, and I looked up at him, staring at his masculine jaw and tanned skin before planting a small, yet powerful kiss on his cheek. He smiled, looked down at me, and kissed my forehead as his arm was still wrapped around me.

  I was definitely in love.

  Chapter Seven

  Roman and I had taken a small nap before getting ready for this boat ride he had been raving about. He wouldn’t tell me much about it, only that it was on the River Seine, and we would be dining aboard, which made me a bit nervous. I already wasn’t that great on rocking boats, and eating a meal on one made me pray I wouldn’t have to throw my head over the side and vomit into the river. That wasn’t quite the way I wanted to end our fabulous vacation. We were set to leave tomorrow in the early afternoon, and with this being our last excursion out into the city, I wanted to make it was memorable. The best way to leave Paris was on a happy note.

  “You look so incredibly beautiful,” Roman said as I walked out of the bathroom in my dress.

  The dress was one that I had brought with me, and was very red and figure flattering. Roman had bought it for me about two months ago, at the start of summer, and I hadn’t found a reason or chance to wear it until now. I wore my hair with soft and subtle curls, and the small diamond necklace Roman had bought for me. Roman was dressed in a strong and graphite colored suit; his crisp white shirt stiff underneath. He adjusted his platinum lined watch and smiled, showing off those pearly whites, as I went over and did a little twirl for him, so he could see every angle and every curve.

  “You look pretty handsome yourself,” I replied as I picked a few pieces of rogue lint from his jacket.

  “Jean Claude will take us to the drop-off point, and we will get on the boat from there. We don’t have it to ourselves, but I was told there are only a few other couples there, so I don’t think it will be a problem,” Roman said.

  “Not a problem at all. Besides, I want to show you off,” I said as I slipped my heels on.

  “Show me off? I think you mean that I want to show you off. I know that every guy there is going to be looking at those curves, and if they don’t, it’s only because they know their wives will catch them staring,” Roman said.

  I grabbed my purse, looked at him, and smiled before we walked together to the door, and then out to the elevator. Let’s just hope I didn’t get sick.


  Jean Claude dropped us off at the boat, which was a two-story covered white boat that had a certain old charm. The boat must’ve been decades old, but it appeared to be in really great shape. They had dim lighting, and a few couples were already on board having drinks and walking around.

  Jean Claude didn’t ask when to come back, and Roman and I just got out of the car and approached the wooden ramp, where a man was waiting to check people in.

  “Good evening, monsieur and madam. We welcome you to our humble vessel and shall be taking you on a lovely voyage on the River Seine to see the sights and sounds of Paris. May I have your name so that I may check you in and update our passenger lists?” the man asked.

  “My name is Roman Parker,” Roman said.

  “Ah yes, Monsieur Parker, we have been expecting you. Please go on board and help yourself to the bar, or take a tour and see our vessel. We are waiting on two other couples, and will depart shortly after their arrival,” the man said with a smile as he held out his hand to motion the way up onto the boat.

  Roman and I walked up the steep ramp and onto the ship, as the crew made final preparations off in the distance. I could hear the clamoring of pans in the kitchen, but didn’t see where it was. There were a few signs and a set of stairs leading to the upper deck. Roman and I made our way up to the deck where the other couples were sitting at their respective tables, enjoying their drinks.

  Roman and I sat down at an empty table, before a waiter came over and introduced himself as Christian. He took our champagne order and quickly left, so Roman and I could admire the spectacular views of the city. The lights on the deck dimmed. The city lights tinkled and people were walking and laughing, as the Parisian night was both hustling and bustling. Everybody was out to have a fun night with friends and dates, and we had the clearest view of all.

  “This is so beautiful,” I said.

  “It is, isn’t it? I’ve never been on the river before, but I heard a lot of great things about it, so I thought that we had to try it,” he replied.

  The river was calm, meaning the boat wasn’t rocking back and forth and causing me to get sick, like I had feared.

  After about fifteen minutes of sitting and chatting about the trip, a man over the speaker—presumably the captain—announced that we would be leaving the dock and starting our cruise. Within a minute, I felt the boat rock and push off, and the engines began to rumble far down below before we took off and started to cruise down the river.

  The menu for dinner was already set, and it was of course seafood. We were served salad, soup, fried calamari, a white fish entrée, and dessert. I started to regret wearing such a form fitting dress once the food came out, and it almost seemed to just keep coming out, even if you couldn’t eat anymore. Everything was on expensive white china with a gold trim, and the sterling silver cutlery was hefty and strong.

  After dinner, they served coffee, although most people got up and walked around to see both the boat and different views of the city. Roman and I walked around the perimeter of the boat hand in hand, and were lucky enough to go up to the front, which was unoccupied and completely empty. I leaned against the hull of the ship, and Roman got right behind me and wrapped his arms around me, almost as if we were playing out a scene from Titanic.

  “I’m sad that our trip ends tomorrow,” I said as Roman nuzzled his chin into my shoulder.

  “I know, baby, I’m sad too. I’ve had such a great time with you, with no work or school getting in the way. It’s been just us this entire time, and it makes me wonder what it’d be like if we could have this kind of time together all of the time, and not just on special occasions,” Roman said.

  “Well, we could always have it someday. I know it’s not perfect, but it’s our life, and that’s good enough for me,” I replied.

  “Good evening everyone, this is your captain speaking. We are going to be docking within ten minutes, so please remember to grab your things and watch your step as you depart the ship. We have highly enjoyed having you all aboard with us tonight, and hope that you enjoyed both the food and the views. Thank you once again, and have a great rest of your night.”

  “It looks like our trip is over,” I said with a sad face as Roman pulled away.

  “At least it was magical while it lasted. The night isn’t over just yet, though. I might still have a surprise up my sleeve,” he said with a smile as he held his hand out.

  I grabbed his hand and walked confusedly with him toward the exit of the boat. What did he still have in mind for
tonight? It was dark out, we were in nice clothes, and we couldn’t just go mess around in the city.

  The boat docked and we got off, only to start walking into the city. I was lucky that my heels weren’t that high, and I was comfortable walking in them for more extended periods of time, even though I’d prefer not to. As I held his hand, I looked at the buildings and sights, trying to get a clue of what we were doing. Roman seemed to know where he was going, as we took the streets and corners as if we were traveling on a track.

  “Where are we going?” I asked as we got into a busier part of town.

  “We are going to a place that is right around this corner,” Roman replied with a huge grin.

  “All right,” I said cautiously.

  Roman and I turned around the corner, and there it was…the one thing I had wanted to see since I got here. The Eiffel Tower was, in a word, towering in the distance, and was lit up in all of its glory and grandeur. I had never seen something so beautiful before, and it looked even more magnificent than when I saw it on the rooftop of that restaurant.

  “Are you ready to see it and go up to the top?” Roman asked.

  “We can do that?” I asked in shock as we began walking.

  “Of course. They have an elevator and observation deck. I wanted to save the best thing for last, and I knew how much you wanted to see it. I wanted to tell you so many times that we were going to see it, but it needed to be a surprise. I’m sorry if I made you mad or annoyed,” he said as we began to get closer.

  “You did, but I don’t even care anymore. This is all that I wanted to do and see, and now that I’m here, I can’t imagine it happening any other way,” I said with a smile.

  We walked for a couple minutes before approaching the Tower elevator. The line wasn’t long, and we were soon up to the front of the line and taken up, seeing the buzzing skyline flying about outside as we went up farther and farther.

  The doors opened and my breath was instantly taken away as I felt the breeze hit my face while the lights twinkled in the distance.


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