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The Viscount's Christmas Miracle

Page 10

by Erin Grace

  ‘Gather your belongings and follow me. You will be shown your room, which you shall keep neat and tidy at all times. No visitors of any kind are allowed in your room. I shall carry out weekly inspections and expect everything to be dusted, swept and in order. Do you understand?’

  ‘Yes, Mrs Godfrey.’

  She reached down, grabbed her bag and followed the housekeeper out the kitchen door, along a narrow hallway then up a shadowy staircase.

  ‘These are the servants’ back stairs. You are to use these at all times, unless otherwise directed by Lady Cecily or his lordship. With regards to Lord Etford, he is resting on doctor’s orders and is not to be disturbed. If for some reason you must contact him, you will see me. Mrs Peel will no doubt explain the servant’s meal times to you. We eat differently to the household to ensure we serve their fare on time.’

  As they climbed higher, her head began to spin with all the intricate details Mrs Godfrey explained, as if there were no end to the rules and regimen of Etford House.

  By the time they reached the very top of the stairs, she was more certain than ever her days as a maid were numbered. She hadn’t the foggiest notion of what was expected of her and it was obvious Mrs Godfrey knew it too.

  The housekeeper picked up the bundle of keys and selected a long block iron one before inserting it into keyhole and opening a narrow door.

  ‘This is your room. You may change the sheeting weekly, which of course will require you to launder them. You are permitted to light the fire, but only of an evening and after you have completed your chores. Polly will ensure it is set with dry kindling every day for you. However, you must fetch your own water for washing and remove your own chamber pot.’

  ‘Yes, Mrs Godfrey. I understand. Thank you.’ She slowly entered the room and was surprised to find it larger than she’d first thought. There was a small window with simple calico curtains, a chest of drawers, armoire, and wooden bed with a faded padded quilt.

  She smiled to herself. The room may not be fanciful but, tidy and reasonably warm, it was heaven compared to her aunt’s cold, cramped attic.

  A twinge of guilt nudged her conscience. Though mother would be watching over Stephaney at night, she couldn’t help but feel she’d somehow betrayed her sister.

  ‘Is there anything the matter, Miss Bowden? The room not to your liking?’

  She cleared her throat at the woman’s caustic tone, turned and gave her a sunny smile. ‘Just the opposite, Mrs Godfrey. I must thank the captain for such comfortable accommodation.’

  A faint scowl etched across the housekeeper’s mouth.

  ‘You have ten minutes to make yourself presentable for your interview with Lady Cecily. And, considering your current state, I suggest you make haste to change. You will find two dresses in the armoire. I believe they should fit you, but you can alter them during your free time. The grey one is your house dress and the brown one is for outings, should Lady Cecily choose to visit friends or journey into the village. In which case, you will be required to accompany her. I will advise her ladyship you are finally here and arrange with her to meet you in the Green Room. It is down the stairs at the end of the hall.’

  The Green Room? ‘Thank you. I believe I know where it is.’

  Mrs Godfrey snapped the lid on her fob watch closed and turned to leave before glancing back at her.

  ‘Then you will have no reason to be late this time, will you?’

  Once the woman was out of view, she put down her bag and went to work undoing her soggy bonnet.

  Good lord. She never thought to ever find someone more horrible than Henrietta, but Mrs Godfrey had come close.

  Then again, whereas she might expect such treatment from her superior, Henrietta was supposed to be family.

  She laid her hat on the bed, took off her gloves and coat then quickly removed the fastenings of her dress. Her corset and chemise were also damp, but she didn’t have time to fuss. Her feet had begun to warm up, but they were still wet, her boots soaked right through. She would have to make do. Before she went to bed tonight, she would fill the boots with paper and sit them by the hearth to dry.

  Perhaps Donald, Mr MacCallister, would be kind enough to find her a small patch of leather she could slide into her shoe instead of the paper card she’d been using?

  She opened the old armoire, reached in and removed the house dress Mrs Godfrey told her to wear. The grey woolen cloth was serviceable, though thankfully not scratchy. And, whoever had worn it before her had obviously taken good care of it. Best of all, as she did up the buttons, she found the gown incredibly warm.

  After dressing, she took stock of her appearance in the small mirror on top of the chest of drawers. Heavens. She really did need to straighten her hair, but she didn’t have time.

  Hopefully Lady Cecily wouldn’t mind?

  But what if the captain was in the Green Room as well? He would hardly approve of her disheveled appearance. She reached up and pinched her cheeks for some color, rubbed her lips together and let out a small sigh.

  It would have to do.

  Chapter 11

  Is she here?’

  The familiar bellowing voice echoing from beyond the parlor door made the fine hairs on the back of Lily’s neck stand on end.

  The captain didn’t sound very pleased.

  The parlor doors near burst open as he strode into the room, riding crop in hand, and turned to face Lady Cecily, who was sitting serenely on a plush deep green sofa by the ornately draped window.

  ‘Isn’t it customary to knock before entering a room, Captain?’ Lady Cecily sipped her tea then glanced up at him, a shrewd gleam in her eye. ‘Indeed, you reminded me of that very fact just yesterday.’

  Oh my. What she wouldn’t give to be anywhere else. Even Aunt Henrietta’s kitchen seemed far preferable.

  All of a sudden, the captain seemed much larger than she’d remembered, every inch of him radiating tension she could feel to her bones, even from way across the room.

  ‘I hardly have time for games, Cecily. Your blasted maid has gone missing. Devil knows what has happened to her. I have searched the woods beyond the gardens and have sent Lester back into the village in search of her. She could be anywhere.’

  She winced and bit her bottom lip. Lester really was going to have her head on a platter, no doubt. Providing, of course, there was anything left after the captain got through with her.

  She should have taken the blasted carriage.

  ‘You really do know how to make an entrance, Gabriel. Why don’t you relax and leave matters with me now?’ Lady Cecily glanced at her and gave her a wry smile. ‘You seem to be taking her welfare very much to heart. She is simply a maid after all.’

  He ran a hand through his hair then removed his great coat and tossed it onto a nearby chair. Flecks of ice and snow shimmered against the numerous charcoal wool capes. How long had he been out there looking for her?

  ‘Maid or not, I assured that blasted vicar’s wife that Lily would be taken care of.’

  Lady Cecily’s mouth popped open. ‘Lily?’

  He tugged at his gloves, uncoiled a heavy scarf and added them to the growing pile of his clothes upon the chair. ‘Miss Bowden. Lily Bowden.’

  ‘Oh, I know what her name is. I was just surprised to hear you mention her with such familiarity.’

  She eyed the doorway with a new-found sense of longing. What were her chances of escaping the room without being noticed?

  ‘Damn it, Cecily. How I choose to address people is my own affair. I will not be lectured to in my home. Now, if you will excuse me, I had better change then pay a visit to the vicar and inform him his niece is missing.’

  ‘Or,’ Lady Cecily topped up her tea cup then paused. ‘Perhaps she is closer than you think?’

  He began pacing across the intricate Oriental rug then stopped as if he sensed something.

  No. Not something. Her.

  He turned his head and she shrank back a step.

  As she met
his icy blue stare, a chill raced along her spine and her knees began to wobble, almost refusing her order to curtsey. Well, at least she remembered her propriety this once. ‘Good morning, my lord.’ Good grief. ‘I mean, Captain. Sir.’ Show no fear. He’s only a man. Albeit a tall, solid, intimidating man who seemed to have a hold on her she couldn’t explain – or was too scared to consider.

  Oh, who was she fooling?

  ‘Lily and I were just becoming acquainted. Weren’t we, Lily?’ Stirring her tea, Lady Cecily gave a broad smile and seemed to enjoy taunting him, making her wonder what their relationship was, or had been.

  Somehow, in the pit of her belly, the notion that the captain and Cecily were more than just acquaintances made her ill at ease. She understood Cecily had been betrothed to the late Henry Holsworthy, but something in Cecily’s candid manner towards him left her curious.

  Jealousy? Don’t be foolish.

  She inhaled a deep, steadying breath, but her throat tightened as his penetrating gaze did not waver for a moment.

  He straightened his posture and gestured toward the open door with his riding crop in hand. ‘Good to see you have made it to Etford at long last, Miss Bowden. I’m sure your mistress won’t mind if I have a word with you.’

  She swallowed dryly as Lady Cecily, appearing to ignore his request, picked up a sugar biscuit from a fine porcelain plate and nibbled at it daintily.

  Fighting her nerves, she twisted her hands together. ‘Actually, sir, I have much to do.’

  ‘Excellent. In my library at once if you please, madam.’ It wasn’t a suggestion. She knew an order when she heard one, and the captain used every ounce of his military prowess to make certain she didn’t question him.

  He began walking to the door and she exited the room before him as if a demon was in her wake. Perhaps one was. For the dark, thunderous expression on the captain’s face could have suited Beelzebub himself.

  She stood in the vast hallway and glanced around. Now, where was the blasted library?

  ‘Keep walking until you reach the first door on the right.’ His sudden reply stunned her. He could read her thoughts now?

  Maybe he really was the devil incarnate.

  The woman was in his home barely five minutes and already matters were not going to plan. He followed her into the library, closed and locked the doors behind him.

  He closed his eyes for a moment, pinched the bridge of his nose and let go a deep breath. ‘Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?’

  She spun around, her eyes wide with the clear knowledge they were alone together. ‘No, sir. That hadn’t been my intention.’

  ‘Intention or not, I’m not accustomed to gallivanting over the countryside in search of a headstrong female who should do as she is directed.’

  Her mouth opened as if to speak, but she closed it again. Silently she stood there, chin raised, as her cool green gaze and steadfast countenance shouted the defiance he longed to hear out loud.

  Long, fiery wisps of hair hung down from various points of her disheveled chignon, making him wonder just how those curly locks would look once let down and allowed to cascade over her bare shoulders.

  Suddenly, his cravat felt far too tight, his jacket stifling, despite having just returned from a cold ride in the icy sleet. ‘Have you nothing to say?’

  ‘No, Captain.’

  Devil take it. He couldn’t bear her cold restraint. He wanted fire. He wanted spark. He wanted the emerald blaze that burned within her eyes the first time he’d met her.

  The delicate, sultry pout of her pale pink lips caused his heartbeat to race.

  Damn it if he wasn’t letting his desires get the best of him. He wasn’t some green cub lusting after his first girl. But, as he gazed down along the soft curve of her bosom to the delicate dip of her waist, he couldn’t deny the familiar heat that rose from deep inside whenever Lily was near.

  He barely knew the woman. Surely, he was going mad.

  She folded her hands and rested them down against her skirts. ‘Will this take long, Captain? Lady Cecily said she wished to change for luncheon.’

  He moved towards her then passed close by, brushing her dress with his thigh as he headed toward his desk. The delicate aroma of rosewater soap and violets followed him, surrounding him with a scent that bespoke her innocence. Holding back from taking her there and then was almost too much to bear.

  ‘Lady Cecily can bloody well wait. First, I wish to clear up a few matters with her maid.’

  ‘Matters, sir?’

  ‘Enough. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, madam. Whilst you are alone with me, I shall have nothing but what is on your mind. Do you understand? If not, please allow me to elaborate. You are not to hold back your opinion, no matter how offensive you may think it is, and especially if it pertains to me. In short, I do not tolerate secrets or hidden agendas, madam. I will have the bare, honest truth from you at all times.’

  ‘Very well.’ Her eyes narrowed a little and tilted her head slightly. ‘What did you wish to discuss?’

  He rested his backside against his desk and crossed his arms. ‘We could start with you riding alone in the snow yesterday.’

  Her cheeks flushed deep rose, as she twisted her fingers together and glanced shyly away. ‘Oh, you mean the incident.’


  She nodded, an earnest smile creasing her lovely lips. ‘It was all quite a silly misunderstanding, really. After near falling from my horse, I mustn’t have been thinking straight. And later, when I reached down to adjust my stirrup, I had felt faint, disorientated. Yes. That’s it. And that’s how I came to accidently put my lips against yours. It should never have happened.’

  He pushed himself slowly from the desk and stalked over to her like some lion on the prowl. And, in many ways, perhaps he was. Devouring her would make a most delicious meal. ‘So, what you are trying to say, in the most convoluted way imaginable, is that you didn’t mean to kiss me?’

  She rested a hand upon her chest, her fingers fiddling aimlessly with the black buttons of her dress. ‘Kiss you? Oh, is that what you thought I had done?’

  He crept closer to her as she began walking backward. Where did she think she was going?

  ‘Yes, actually. I did have that impression.’

  She struggled for words as her back bumped up against the library doors. She gasped and looked up at him, her glittering emerald eyes like fine gems woven within spun gold lashes.

  Heated blood soared through his veins at the magnificent sight. How he longed to lose himself in those deep green depths.

  ‘Then it was wrong of me, Captain. That was not my intention.’

  He raised one hand and rested it on the door above her, then leaned in a little until her body was mere inches from his, her scent enveloping him once more. Intoxicating. Maddening.

  ‘I see. Once again, I have misconstrued your intentions, madam. So, not only had you not meant to kiss me, or more precisely, it wasn’t a kiss, but if you had it would have been wrong?’

  ‘Exactly.’ Good God.

  He fought the smile tugging at one corner of his mouth and inhaled her delectable fragrance, his body tightening at the subtle promise of warm, feminine skin. ‘Then I believe I’m entitled to at least clarify the issue, don’t you think?’

  Her brow creased a little. ‘I’m not quite certain I understand.’

  ‘You agreed to give me complete honesty with your feelings, yes? Then I must kiss you. If, as you say, your kiss was a meaningless mistake then my kiss should confirm this, don’t you agree?’

  ‘I suppose. But, why would you want to kiss me?’

  Where would he even begin? ‘Oh, I think that is my right, considering the circumstances. Don’t you?’

  She licked her lips slightly and nodded. ‘Yes. You are right. It’s the least I can do to make amends, however I fear you will only be disappointed.’

  ‘I doubt that very much.’ He wasn’t certain if she heard his husky whisper b
ut smiled as she closed her eyes and pressed her mouth into a sweet little pout. Tempting, but he wasn’t about to let her go so easily.

  Spying the creamy stretch of her exposed nape, he leaned in, nearly losing himself in her delicious scent and the warmth of her body against his.

  Control was going to kill him.

  Then, with the edge of his cheek, he gently rasped the length of her neck and reveled in the exquisite softness of her silken skin. No precious fabric could be more appealing. And as he nuzzled below her ear, a breathless gasp from her sent a savage thrill hurtling through his taut body. A sudden urge to consume her entirely near took him over, but this wasn’t the moment. No. For now, he needed her to understand he wasn’t letting her go…and that she didn’t want him to.

  He nipped playfully at her earlobe and her jaw trembled whilst whimpering words he didn’t understand. So sweet, so unrehearsed. How he ached to be inside her, as she not only whimpered, but cried out his name with fulfillment and pleasure.

  She stilled as he held her lower back, as his other hand touched her hip, and she shivered beneath his touch. Yes, she wanted him.

  He reached around her, gently pulling her body harder against his. Her breathing quickened, her chest rising and falling.

  He dropped tiny kisses along the smooth edge of her jaw then brushed his cheek against hers, before pulling back just enough so he could see her eyes.

  The deepest green he’d ever witnessed.

  And now they sparked like emerald fire, ready to melt him, scorch his flesh and take him down in a blaze he could have only dreamt about.

  He cupped her chin, stared down at her lips then moistened his own. Then slowly, achingly so, he bent his head, grazed her bottom lip with the edge of his thumb and kissed her.

  Her frame trembled within his embrace as he deepened the kiss, tasting her mouth as though she were a rare wine, sweet and luscious. When she parted her lips on a soft sigh his tongue swept into her mouth and she gasped.

  She’d obviously never really been kissed before.

  The revelation excited him. She was whole and pure, and he would make her his.


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