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Good Girl Gone Plaid: The McLaughlins, Book 1

Page 19

by Shelli Stevens

  “Well, nine years ago outside the pub he tried to rape me,” Kenzie explained almost offhandedly.

  “What?” Sarah could feel the blood draining from her face.

  “Fortunately Ian stumbled upon us. He pulled the guy off me and then proceeded to beat the living daylights out of him,” she continued. “Which is what got him arrested and ultimately convicted of second-degree assault.”

  Kenzie had nearly been raped. The horror of that realization alone left her stomach churning, but knowing Ian had saved her and gone to jail for it…

  “But if he was protecting you—”

  “Ian nearly killed him. Charles was flown to Harbor View in critical condition.”

  “Well the asshole’s obviously fine now,” Sarah seethed. “Did he at least get convicted of attempted rape?”

  “No. The jury wasn’t convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that I wasn’t willing. There’d been times I’d been seen flirting with him and we’d left the pub together after an early dinner.” She hesitated. “But outside, it moved too fast. He was violent. Scary. And I asked him to stop but he didn’t. My fear seemed to get him more excited.”

  “Oh God, Kenzie, he sounds like a monster. I’m so sorry.”

  “At the time I had a bit of a reputation as being a little wild. It’s a small island. The jury knew me—knew my reputation.”

  “And yet another jury convicted Ian of second-degree assault?” Sarah shook her head, furious now. “Our system is screwed up.”

  “Ian never had a chance. My attacker was the son of a respected judge on the island. One who made it a personal goal to charge and convict my brother.”

  No. Oh please no. Sarah’s throat grew tight with tears and her heart pounded far too fast in her chest. It made sense with the way the man had seemed to goad her on the wharf. There’d been a swagger that made Sarah believe he might’ve gotten away with rape had Ian not found them. And the bastard was still out walking free.

  “I-I didn’t know. Oh, God, Kenzie. I’m so sorry.”

  “I am too. But not for myself, for Ian.” Kenzie’s face pinched and she closed her eyes, shaking her head. “I made stupid choices that day. I nearly invited the damn attack, and ultimately Ian paid the price.”

  “Don’t ever say that. I wasn’t there, but to say you invited the attack is ridiculous.”

  Suddenly it flickered through her head. Something Ian had said earlier in the week about how he took the word no seriously. She’d half brushed his remark off at the time, but now it made sense.

  It was personal. It also explained why he’d insisted on driving her home the other night.

  His sister had nearly been raped. His felony was because he’d intervened and taught the guy a lesson.

  And she’d been so quick to judge him. So quick to assume the worst about him.

  Shame flooded through her and nausea had her stomach churning.

  “He doesn’t like me to talk about it,” Kenzie said quietly. “Doesn’t want me to explain why he’s considered a felon. He says if people want to be so quick to judge him, then let them. He only spent three months in prison, but he wears the felon label like a scarlet letter on his chest. He doesn’t think he’s good enough for anyone.” She met Sarah’s gaze. “Especially for you.”

  “Oh God…”

  “And that’s why it’s so hard to hear you judge him. If he hadn’t stepped in that night, he never would’ve gone to prison. He never would’ve had that felony on his record that you and others are so quick to judge.”

  “And then this Charles guy would’ve likely succeeded in raping you.” Just saying the words made her almost sick. Brought up a violence in her that probably was very similar to what Ian had experienced.

  “What if Ian simply interrupted my fate?” Kenzie’s jaw flexed. “Charles is walking the streets free as a bird, and I half suspect he’s done this to other women. He knows now he can truly get away with anything.”

  “I hope not. But I hope you’re not implying that you’d be better off having been—”

  “Of course I wouldn’t be better off, I’d be a mess.” She gave a harsh laugh. “Hell, I’m still a bit of a mess. But maybe if I’d had more physical bruises, if somehow it were clearer what had been happening—”

  “You’re blaming the victim, and if it wasn’t yourself you’d be agreeing with me. You had the cards stacked against you, Kenzie. This guy probably found a way to buy that jury. Or they were too blinded by who his dad was.”

  Kenzie gave a small, sad shake of her head. “It doesn’t matter anymore. Really. I only told you so you’d know why Ian went to prison. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you.”

  “No, he didn’t.” But then, I never gave him the chance. She’d been too busy judging him herself, just as Kenzie had pointed out. Ian had probably decided it wasn’t worth it to try and explain himself.

  “You need to give each other a chance. Get beyond this.”

  She went silent for a moment and then her head snapped up and she made a small gasp of excitement.

  “I have an idea. Since your mom is gone for a few days, why don’t I come get Emily after you guys eat dinner and I’ll bring her back to my place for a sleepover?”

  A night alone with Ian—time to talk about the future—suddenly seemed imperative. And yet…

  “I don’t know. She’s only just met you, it might be too soon for her.”

  “Yes, well, I’m her aunt. Besides, you know me and trust me. And Emily clearly adores me.” Kenzie grinned, her mood obviously lighter now with the change in topic. “Plus I’m her aunt. And she’s ten, not five, so I’m sure she’d love a slumber party. Did I mention I’m her aunt?”

  Sarah let out a bubble of laughter. “Only about a handful of times.”

  “Perfect. I’m activating my aunt privileges from this moment forward.”

  “All right, all right. We’ll check with Emily and if she’s up for it, she’s all yours.”

  “Fuck yeah. I’m going to head out and swing by the grocery store for candy, soda, marshmallows—”

  “If you bring my child back to me hyped up on sugar tomorrow, I will hurt you.” She raised a hand in warning. “And you know you have to watch your mouth around her?”

  Kenzie laughed and headed toward the door. “Heck yeah. Pizza. Chips. Chocolate. One Direction on repeat.”

  “Barf. Have fun with that. You’ll win her over in a heartbeat.” Sarah turned back to the crockpot to check the food. “See you in a couple of hours.”

  But even with her friend gone, Sarah couldn’t stop thinking about what had nearly happened to Kenzie.

  And how Ian had been the avenging angel who’d saved her.

  With a heavy heart, she blinked back tears. Oh, God. She had so many wrongs to make right.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ian had only stepped into fatherhood about twenty-four hours ago, but as he watched Kenzie drive off with his daughter his stomach sank.

  “She’ll be fine.”

  Sarah’s soft comment had him closing the door and turning to face her.

  “I know. Kenzie’s amazing with children, and Emily seems quite taken with her already.”

  Folding her arms over her chest, Sarah gave a small smile. “She is. I thought she might be a little scared to go have a slumber party with someone she just barely knows, but she didn’t even let me finish my sentence before running to grab her suitcase.” She paused. “I think she loves the idea of having an instant family.”

  “How long will she have that instant family if you pull her away from us again?”

  When she flinched and took a step backward, he knew his words had been far more accusing than intended.

  “I haven’t made any decisions yet.” Her gaze searched his, and she seemed to want to say more. Or maybe she was waiting for him to say something. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  “Aye. We do. And it looks like we have the whole night alone.”

  And yet, talking suddenly sounded l
ike the absolute last thing he wanted to do. He couldn’t help but slide a gaze over her and take in the curves of her body beneath the sundress.

  After the caber toss—that moment when he’d kissed her in front of everybody—he’d been filled with the need to have her again.

  Having a whole night alone. It was something that had never even been an issue. He’d been a single man who’d never dated a woman with a child. Being alone with a woman was never a problem.

  And yet now here he was. And this might just be one of the few times he’d have Sarah alone for a while. He didn’t want to take their time together for granted.

  “Oh no. Ian, you’ve got that look in your eye.”

  He took a step toward her. “What look is that, doll?”

  “The one that says talking is the last thing on your mind.”

  “I want to talk. After.”

  “After what?” She swallowed visibly, but he saw the flare of answering heat in her eyes. “We have sex?”

  “Make love. It’s never been just sex with you, Sarah.” He stopped in front of her and caught her face gently between his hands. “Not then.” He pressed a brief kiss against her lips. “And not now.”

  There was a flash of relief in her eyes before she let out a soft sigh.

  “Do you really mean that?”

  “I have no reason to lie.”

  “You have Emily. Maybe you’d say anything to keep us here—”

  He crushed the rest of that offensive sentence with a harder kiss. Slipping his tongue out, he teased hers into an equally passionate response.

  He lifted his head a moment later. “Does that feel like a lie to you?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’ve been thinking about it, and if you don’t want to move to Whidbey, then I’ll accept your decision.”

  “You will?” Pain flashed in her eyes and her words were choked. “Just like that?”

  “Aye.” He gave a sage nod. “But you should be warned that I’ll plan to move to Virginia as soon as possible.”

  Her mouth parted. “But…your shop is here. Your family is here.”

  “I love you, Sarah. I never stopped. And I want to be with you and raise our daughter.” His jaw flexed and he let out a shuddering breath, knowing his words were the truth. “If following you to Virginia is what it takes, than aye, I’ll do it.”

  She stared at him a moment longer, before her eyes filled with tears and she blinked them away.

  Oh shite. That wasn’t good. Now he’d gone and made her cry? “Sarah…”

  “You always know exactly what to say,” she choked out, before throwing herself into his arms. “You’re right, we can talk later. Make love to me, Ian.”

  His chest swelled with the jolt of pure relief, even as the feel of her body flush against his had need coursing through him.

  He caught her hips and kissed her again—more thoroughly this time, as if his leaving or staying would be decided by this moment. The way she clung to him and kissed him back, though, gave him hope.

  The last two times he’d made love to her, it had been too quick. He hadn’t touched her the way he’d wanted to. Tasted her everywhere he’d wanted to.

  Sliding his hand up her back, he found the hidden zipper in the dress and tugged it down. Sarah lifted her head enough to assist him and shrugging out of the sundress.

  When the cotton fabric disappeared from her body, a strangled groan escaped him at the sight that was left. No bra, just the sexy curve of her naked breasts and a thin pink thong with flowers on it.

  “Ah, you’re so lovely.”

  He watched the shiver take her body at his words. Saw the flare of need in her eyes.

  He lifted his hands to cup her breasts, thumbing each dusky peak and watching them tighten in response.

  “I love how they do that, doll.”

  She arched her back, pressing herself firmly into his hands.


  He knew what her soft plea was for, and lowered his mouth to close around one nipple. Her husky moan was all the appreciation he needed.

  Lightly, he played with one breast while bathing the nipple of the other with his tongue. Her head fell back against the door and the small moans she made grew in frequency.

  His own arousal grew with each flick of his tongue over the soft, textured tip. He sucked harder, grazing with his teeth now.

  When her hips slammed into his and she made a sharp cry of need, he knew she was ready for more.

  Sliding a hand between them, he moved his palm down her belly to cup the heated mound of flesh between her legs. The discovery of the damp thong had his cock hardening in response.

  He traced his fingers back and forth over her sex, wanting to bring her higher on that plateau of desire.

  After a moment, she made a cry of frustration and clenched her thighs around his hand. As if to stop the sweet torment. Or maybe a plea for more.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered softly.

  It took a moment before his words even seemed to register, but then she shifted her stance and opened her body to him.

  Ian made another slow pass over her mound, before curling two fingers into the panties and tugging them to the side.

  He slipped his hand over her naked, heated flesh. His groan mixed with hers at the moisture that he discovered.

  Unable to draw out the torment, he slipped a finger deep into her body.

  The hot suction of her flesh had him choking out her name.

  She curled her hands tighter around his shoulders and moved her head to press her lips against his neck.

  While she stoked the fire inside him with seductive nips, he added a second finger inside her and worked them in and out in gentle, but deep strokes.

  Her hips rocked against him and the way her sheath suddenly gripped him, he knew she was so close.

  Too soon. He wanted to draw it out. Please her other ways.

  When he pulled his fingers from her, she cried out in protest.

  “Oh don’t stop,” she whispered raggedly. “Please—”

  “I want to go do down on you.”

  “Oh.” She let out a shuddering breath. “When you put it that way…”

  He picked her up and carried her across the room, before setting her on the table they’d so recently dined at.

  Her eyes went wide. “Wait, here?”

  “Aye.” He couldn’t help the deep, promising laugh.

  Her cheeks reddened with a blush, and he waited for her to protest or push him away. But when he caught the small sides of her thong and tugged them off her hips, her eyes fluttered closed.

  Pleasure, or being caught up in the moment, seemed to have won out.

  “Your dinner was amazing,” he murmured with a lopsided grin, “but I’m in the mind for some dessert.”

  That earned him a snort of laughter that turned into a gasp when he again pressed a finger back inside.


  “I hope to spend my whole life looking at you. Touching you.” He sank down to his knees and pulled her forward, draping her legs over his shoulders. “But I’ve waited too many years to taste you again.”

  And with that he was done talking, and ready to claim her in the most intimate way.

  He nuzzled her sex, before teasing through the slick folds with his tongue. Tasting her slick essence and getting heady on her cries of pleasure. He reached up to cup her arse, squeezing the soft flesh as he teased her clit, stroking the tiny spot over and over, before closing his lips around it and suckling.

  “Ian…oh please…that feels so good.”

  Her hips rose and fell against his mouth, as her cries grew higher and more frantic.

  Beneath his hands her arse clenched and she let out a choked gasp. Ian made a murmur of approval and stayed with her as she climaxed—even as his cock strained painfully against his jeans.

  When her thighs eased up on their death grip and she went lax, he lowered her back onto the table.

ven with her eyes closed, she fumbled to grab his hand and squeezed it.

  “That was incredible.” Her soft words were unsteady. “I may need to return the favor.”

  “I may need to take you up on that. Later.” Right now he wanted nothing more than to be inside her. Having her mouth on him, while would no doubt be fucking amazing, wasn’t what he needed right now.

  He moved swiftly to his feet, already pulling off his clothes. And then, finally for once, he remembered the condom in his wallet.

  “Let me grab protection.”

  She caught his hand again, stalling him. “Don’t use it on my account.”

  Her slowly drawled words had him pausing, their meaning sinking in. No protection? And she was okay with the risk? His mind quickened. Did that mean she was staying on the island? Wanted a future with him?

  “You’re overthinking it.” She propped herself up on her elbows and gave a gentle, encouraging smile. “Just make love to me before I take the initiative.”

  Everything male and primal inside him responded to what was basically a challenge. The image of Sarah pregnant again, and him being there for her this time around, it felt too damn right.

  He placed his hands around her tiny waist and lifted her. Her arms and legs wrapped around him as he carried her toward the bedroom.

  Theirs mouths fused together in another heated kiss. It distracted him to the point where he stopped to hold her against a wall, needing to just slide inside her for a moment.

  Cupping her arse, he supported her weight as he lowered her onto his throbbing cock. Her wet heat welcomed him, and he let out a throaty groan.

  “Oh yes.” Her thighs tightened around his waist and she pressed herself down onto him.

  “Ah…easy there, doll.” He closed his eyes, rocking up into her in smooth, steady thrusts.

  So perfect. Always like coming home when he was with her like this.

  They lasted a few minutes taking it slow against the wall, but as his arousal grew more primitive it wasn’t enough. He wanted to take her faster, harder.

  He moved them again, staying buried deep in her body as he carried her to the bedroom.

  “I want to be on top.” Her lips pressed against his shoulder. “Please, Ian.”


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