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Fallen Angels

Page 17

by Terence West

  "Sorry Tom. I just did." The phone went dead.

  "You son-of-a-bitch!" Davis slammed down the receiver on the desk breaking it. Knocking the phone off his desk, he kicked his desk as hard as he could. Grabbing his chair he pulled it over and slumped down into it. Laying his hands on the armrests he leaned his head back and stared at the roof. "It's up to you now Jake."

  * * * *

  Jake lifted his head out of the slime. He tried to wipe it off of his face the best he could as he reached for his now operational flashlight. He looked ahead in the tunnel, and then looked back. Twisting around he started back the way he came. Finally making it back to the mouth of the tunnel he slowly pulled himself out and stood up. He ducked up against the wall as a long shadow appeared from around the corner. He reached for his pistol, but found only an empty holster. I must've dropped it in the slime. He readied himself.

  "Silver?" It was Griggs.

  "Right here!"

  Griggs jogged around the corner. "We've lost contact with PFC. Black. Have you seen her?"

  "No I haven't."

  Griggs stared at Jake. "What happened to you?"

  He glanced over his slime-covered uniform. "I fell in."

  Griggs smiled as he walked past. "Welcome to the Marines, Silver."

  The two men made their way back to where they started. Jake leaned his head out into the cool night air and took a deep breath. Griggs checked his watch. "I lost contact with Private Black almost forty minutes ago. I heard what sounded like a message from her on the comm., but it was very fuzzy and I couldn't make it out."

  "What are our options?" Jake was still trying to get the slime off.

  "The way I see it we only have one."

  "Find her."

  Griggs nodded. "She went down this way," he pointed down the hall with his hand. Griggs looked at Jake. "Let's go."

  * * * *

  Black slowly came to consciousness. Pain shot through her body as she tried to sit up. Reaching up to her chest she felt the bullet hole in her right side. It had ripped through her body just above her right breast. Opening her eyes she carefully looked around. She was still in the center of the circle she had discovered. I should be dead by now. She was confused.

  Looking around her she saw that all the hieroglyphs were brightly lit and emanating some kind of blue light that formed a bubble around her. Slowly lifting herself to a standing position, she glanced up at the top of the bubble just above her head. Reaching up she passed her hands easily through the top. It's not a containment field...

  She mustered her courage and took a step out of the bubble. She dropped to the floor like a sack of bricks. Blood started flowing out of her wound on to the floor. Her mind screamed with pain and she could taste the blood welling up in her throat. She could feel herself dying. Struggling with all her strength, she pulled herself back into the bubble.

  Rolling on to her back, she felt a warm sensation flow over her body as the pain resided. Reaching over, she felt the bullet hole stop bleeding and begin to close. Her mind cleared. This field is keeping me alive.

  * * * *

  Jake and Griggs came to a dead end. The corridor they had followed the entire way was blocked with a large black wall with no markings. "What the hell is going on here? This is the only way she could've come. There were no doors or forks in the road leading here."

  Griggs twisted around and began to recount his footsteps. "It just doesn't make any sense."

  Crossing his arms, Jake shifted his weight to lean on the wall, but instead fell through. Jumping up, he tried to put his hands on the wall. "Griggs?"

  "Where the hell are you Silver?"

  "I'm behind the wall." Jake pushed his hand through for Griggs to see. "It's not real. Just step though."

  Griggs hesitated. "This place is getting really strange." Lifting a hand he easily passed it through the wall. Pulling it back, he lifted one of his booted feet and stepped into it.

  "Fun, huh?" Griggs was not amused. Jake turned around and scanned the room. It was an immense black room. In the center was a tall blue bubble. "What the hell is that?"

  Griggs nodded. "Better check it out." The two men walked briskly toward the bubble. Griggs' eyes widened as they neared it. "That's Black inside!"

  The two men rushed toward her. Jake stopped short of the bubble. "Private, are you all right?"

  She slowly turned her head toward them. "I'm okay." She sounded as if she was talking through glass.

  Griggs looked down at the large pool of blood on the floor. "What the hell happened here and why are you in that bubble?"

  She sat up and looked at them. "This bubble is the only thing keeping me alive."

  Jake ran his hand through the light then pulled it out again. "I don't understand. How is it keeping you alive?"

  "I don't know." She pointed to her wound. "I was shot. I thought I was going to die, but I woke up in this bubble. As long as I'm inside I'm fine, but if I come out I won't make it to the door."

  Griggs knelt down next to her. "Shot? By who?"

  "By me." A voice boomed out of the darkness. "And you two are next."

  Griggs and Jake turned around toward the voice. "Who's there?"

  Altone slowly stepped out of the shadows with his weapon raised. "It's me Major. Private Altone."

  Griggs quickly raised his weapon. "What do you think you're doing soldier?"

  He smiled a devilish grin. "No that it's going to matter in a few seconds, but I'm here to kill the three of you."

  Griggs stepped forward. "You son-of-a-bitch."

  Altone fired off a round hitting Griggs in the shoulder. Griggs moaned in pain as he fell to the floor clutching his wound. "I don't want to hear anything else out of you Major." Jake slowly tried to pull his pistol out of its holster. "Keep your hands where I can see them Lieutenant. Or should I say Mr. Silver."

  Jake reluctantly raised his hands. He knew his secret was out. "You'll never get away with this Altone."

  "Oh yes I will. You have any idea how high up this order came from."

  "No, but I bet I can guess." Jake's eyes wandered down to Griggs who was slowly bringing his weapon to target. He needed to keep him talking. "These men you're taking orders from respect no one. As soon as you return to base you will be disposed of just like us."

  "That's not true."

  "It is Private. They want some one to do their dirty work and take the fall for them." Griggs was almost ready.

  "I've had just about all I can take of—" Griggs jumped up and fired at Altone. He doubled over in pain as the bullet tore through his left upper thigh. He screamed as he jolted up and began to fire wildly.

  Jake bolted toward Griggs knocking him out of the way. Turning, Jake squeezed off several rounds toward Altone. His bullets ricocheted off the wall next to Altone. Rolling to his left, Altone pulled the trigger again. One final bullet whizzed past Jake's head. In frustration, Altone slammed down his weapon and began to charge.

  Before Jake could return fire, Altone was on him. A vicious right jab caught Jake in the jaw stunning him momentarily. Jake returned the favor by sending several quick jabs into Altone's mid section knocking him off. The two men scrambled to their feet. Standing opposite each other, the two combatants stared intently at each other. Reaching behind him, Altone brandished a large knife. The jagged silver blade reflected the blue light of the bubble toward Jake. Glancing down in front of him, Jake caught sight of the weapon that had been knocked out of his hand during the initial struggle. Next to him, Griggs was trying to pull himself up to help in the battle.

  Altone leapt at him again. The blade whipped past Jake's chest then his face. Dodging the blade once again, Jake threw a punch that connected with Altone's jaw. Altone stumbled backwards, giving Jake enough space to tackle him. The two men went sailing to the floor once again. Jake grabbed Altone's wrist and slammed it on the ground repeatedly until the knife tumbled loosely from his hand. Quickly reaching over he sent the blade skidding away from them. Altone sh
ot his hands up grabbing Jake's head then delivering a nasty head-butt. Jake reeled back, blood gushing from his nose. Lifting his boot, Altone kicked Jake squarely in the chest.

  Jake hit the ground hard. Quickly rolling to his left he narrowly avoided another kick from Altone. The two warriors jumped to their feet glancing over to the right where Jake's gun was lying. They jumped. Altone threw a backhand into Jake's face knocking him back. Altone skittered to the floor grabbing for the gun. Turning around Altone pointed the gun toward Jake. Lashing out, Jake knocked the gun from Altone's hands then kicked him in the head dropping him.

  Slowly Jake moved over to the gun and picked it up. Turning around he aimed it at Altone. "Who told you to kill us?"

  Altone sat up and stared at Jake. "Go fuck yourself." He spit at him.

  Cocking back the hammer, he pressed the barrel into Altone's head. "Who gave the order?" Altone said nothing. "You have ten seconds to live my friend. Either you tell me who gave the order, or you will die. 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ... 6..." Silence. "5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2—"

  Altone broke. "Hunter!" He screamed the name. "Colonel Hunter gave the order."

  "Now that wasn't that hard was it?" Altone glared at him.

  A moan from Griggs caught Jake's attention. Taking the opportunity Altone rammed his shoulder into Jake's gut knocking the wind out of him. His gun fell to the floor next to the bubble that was protecting Black. Altone quickly dipped down and scooped up the discarded weapon. Quickly jumping to his feet he drew a bead on Jake's head. "It's your turn PI." He started to squeeze the trigger.

  Jake watched as Black slowly rose to her feet pulling a knife out of her belt. Jake wanted to stop her, but before he could she jumped out of the bubble tackling Altone burying the blade deep in his back. Altone let out a blood-curdling scream as Black twisted the blade deep in his back. Altone shook violently then stopped as he crumpled to the ground. A pool of blood slowly formed beneath him. Black lifted up her head to look at Jake as she ripped the knife from Altone's back.

  "What are you doing? Get back in the bubble!"

  She looked up at him. "It's too late for that now." Blood was dripping from her mouth. "I couldn't just watch you die."

  He knelt down next her and placed a hand on her back. "Thank you."

  She smiled. "Your welcome." She made a gurgling noise. "Get them for me, okay?" Her eyelids slowly closed as she stopped breathing.

  "I will." Standing up, he walked over to where Griggs was lying. "Come on, Major. Break time's over." He slipped his hand around his arm and began to lift.

  "Good job, Silver." Griggs slowly made it to his feet. He slowly pressed his hand against his wounded shoulder. "Damn that hurts. What's your plan?"

  Jake though for a moment, "it's obvious that Hunter is on to us. We need to complete our mission."

  Griggs nodded. "First I need to get his wound bandaged up."

  Chapter 15

  The lights were off in General Perry's office when the two figures entered. His chair was turned slightly toward his large picture window. The light from the moon was creating eerie shadows across his face and the floor. His chair creaked as he slowly twisted to face them. He motioned with his hand for them to sit down. Walking up to the desk, they pulled out chairs and seated themselves.

  "I've called you into my office for a very important reason." Perry sat at his desk across from Anne and his man in black. "Our operative in the field has failed."

  Anne crossed her long legs. She was wearing a white button up shirt with a pair of blue jeans. "What happened?"

  Perry tapped the pen he was holding on the desk. "Private Altone has been eliminated. We didn't count on Private Black being a patriot too."

  The man in black leaned forward. "So they are headed back here?"

  "As far as we know." Slowly he twisted his chair around to face the window again. He watched the buzz of activity on the tarmac in front of the main hangar. They were rolling out two of the silver saucers followed by one of their many stealth jets. "As you both know, tonight is a very important night here at the facility. We are testing both of our newly rebuilt saucers. This test needs to go off flawlessly."

  Anne shifted in her seat. "We understand. What do you want us to do?"

  Perry stared at the two gleaming saucers. "You two will be my last line of defense against these two men. We've found out that they will be most likely trying to rescue Dr. Robinson, and the Anderson girl. This must not happen."

  "What's so important about Dr. Robinson?" The man in black adjusted his tie.

  Perry swiveled around in his chair and slammed his fist down on the desk. "I called you in here to listen not to question!" He stared at his two wide-eyed employees. "I need your complete cooperation in this matter. Your main task is to stop and eliminate Silver and Griggs." He stood up. "Dismissed."

  Anne and the man in black quickly stood up and exited the room. Turning around he stared out his window at the project transpiring below. Men in white jump suits were scattered randomly around the craft. Bright spotlights illuminated the ships and the stealth jet. The advisors, wearing their cheap suits, stood near the hangar door watching the activity. Several of them were conferring and pointing toward the saucers. Perry knew he needed to get down there, but he was enjoying the calm before the storm.

  * * * *

  The base was lit up like a shopping mall during Christmas time. From atop Freedom Ridge, Jake and Griggs flattened themselves to the ground as they watched the activity below. The mountain's terrain was covered with sand and sagebrush while large jagged rocks jutted skyward out of the soft soil. It was a very hostile environment.

  Griggs stared down from the highest point near Groom Lake with a pair of binoculars. "Look at that." He handed Jake the binoculars.

  "What the hell are those?"

  Griggs retrieved the binoculars and stared at the two saucer shaped crafts being wheeled out on to the tarmac. "Those are two of our recovered extraterrestrial crafts. Tonight's the test."

  "What test?"

  Griggs handed back the binoculars. "Several of the military's top advisors are currently at the base. This test is to prove to them that alien technology can be reversed engineered and used in our stuff."

  Jake stared through the binoculars at the silvery ships. "They look very similar to the one we were just in."

  "They are." Griggs moved a piece of sagebrush out of his face. "Tonight will be the first test in all most five years."

  "Why so long?"

  Griggs adjusted the binoculars. "Our scientists are good, but this technology is years ahead of ours. It took them almost ten years to figure out how to get inside one of the damn things."

  Jake snickered. "Our tax payers money at work." He grabbed the binoculars. He slowly panned across the tarmac watching all the men in white jump suits scurry about. He stopped on a group of men standing near the hangar door apparently overseeing what was happening. "Who are they?" He handed Griggs the binoculars.


  "The group of men standing in front of the hangar door."

  Griggs paused as he found his target. "Those are the Advisors, but I'm not sure who the two men are at the end. I've never seen them before." He adjusted the binoculars. "One of them is an older guy wearing a long black trench coat, and the other looks younger," he squinted hard, "he's wearing a leather jacket."

  "Friends of yours?"

  Laying the binoculars down he turned to Jake. "This will be our best opportunity to rescue the doctor. The base will be focused on this test."

  "All right. What's the plan?"

  "We have to assume that by now then entire base has been alerted to us, so they'll be on the look out for us. We're also still a good half hour from the base. We'll have to cross this barren terrain on foot and try not to be spotted."

  "I thought this place had the most sophisticated security system in the world."

  "It does, but they're mostly on the outer perimeter."

  "Why didn't they use it th
rough out the entire area?"

  "They felt if they kept the border heavily guarded, the need for security on the interior would be pointless. And for the most part it is. We've never had anyone make it all the way to the base without being stopped." Griggs looked around the mountaintop. "In fact this whole ridge used to be public property. That changed when every camera crew in the country used to come up here and photograph the base."

  Jake smiled. "For a secret base, it's not very secret."

  "That's part of the disinformation campaign they're running. They've promoted the base in such a way as to give it a mythical quality. Sure everyone knows about Area 51, but they all think the stories about it were made up in some writer's overactive imagination."

  "But they do have regular patrols?"

  "Yes they do. Officers dressed like we are and driving white Jeep Cherokees."

  "They have vehicles," he muttered to himself. Jake snapped his fingers. "That gives me an idea." He stood up.

  "What the hell are you doing? Get down! You'll be spotted!"

  He smiled. "That's what I want."

  Griggs reached up to pull him down then stopped. "I get it." He stood up beside Jake.

  Slowly Jake scanned the area around them. "There's one." He pointed to the west of them. A white Jeep was parked on an opposite peak. "I wonder how long they've been watching us?"

  "Hard to say. One thing's for sure, though, they have back up on the way."

  No sooner that Griggs had said the words than a white Cherokee pulled up behind them. Gunfire erupted. The two men hit the ground and rolled near the front of the vehicle. Jake glanced to Griggs. "You don't think they'll try and run us over?"

  They listened as the Jeep kicked into gear and started to roll forward. Jumping up, Griggs ducked out of the way. Jake rolled to his left away from the vehicle accidentally hitting the edge of the mountain.

  "Shit!" Jake grabbed wildly at nearby plants as he teetered on the edge. His hand snatched the base of one of the sagebrush. Slowly he tried to pull himself up. Griggs and the vehicle were just out of his line of sight. He heard the Jeep's doors open and footsteps approaching him. The sound of machine gun fire broke the silence then it stopped. A soft moan filled his ears. Fearing the worst, he screamed. "Griggs!"


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