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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

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by Tricia Wagner

  Chapter One

  “It’s a new day Melanie. Big breath’s. You are a successful, beautiful, and smart woman.” I look in the mirror deciding today I am making a change. I don’t know what it’s going to be, but I do know that today is the first day of a new me. A “me” who is not going to be so OCD and straight laced. This morning I woke up just like any other day and started to get ready for work. I showered, did my hair and makeup deal, got dressed in my fancy work clothes, and now I am headed out the door. Dressed to the nines in my tight pencil beige skirt, my frilly creamy blue top to match, and killer four inch heels. Yes, a change was definitely necessary, but first, I needed to get into the office. What? I can’t change everything; a girl needs an income! Besides I own my own architectural firm and it’s not going to run itself! So baby steps are the beginning part of my plan, but tonight it is on. I get to work and my new assistant Veronica calls out my morning schedule. After a few important meetings with potential clients I am ready to plan my evening. I call my best friends in the whole world Kristina and Sophie on a three-way call. “Hey girlies, I need some advice and hopefully two wingwomen.” “We are so there, what is up?” Now or never Mel. “I want to go the Club Sage tonight.” “What?” This was Sophie. She knows I hate going out. “I know, I know, but hear me out.” “I’m in already, Mel. No explanation needed.” This of course was Kris. She loves going out. I laugh because this is exactly what I expected. “Ok girls listen I feel like I am twenty-six and not living my life. I need to get out there, and put myself out there. I live like a fifty-year-old woman.” Kris jumps in with, “Wow, I think we may have heard this before. Where could we have possibly heard those words? Soph, do you know where?” Sophie instantly responds with, “Hmmmm, maybe she recognizes this conversation because we tell her every weekend of her damn life she needs to get out there and stop acting like a fifty-year-old woman!” Kris immediately agrees, “Yes! That must be it. Damn girl, it is about effin time!” Typical. “Ok, Ok I get your point. I’m making a baby step ok. I want to go out and have a good time. Please say you’ll come and have my back?” “Of course!” And “It’s on.” Were shouted at the same time into the phone. I chuckled again and setup a time for us to meet at my house to get ready.

  The rest of my day flies by and before I know it I am standing in my closet looking at the vast selection of LBD’s that I have. Kris smiles, “Girl, go with numero uno, little black dress, please! That one is off the charts hot.” She was not lying. My number one LBD was a scorcher. Almost indecently short, but classy, it has tiny spaghetti straps and the back was held together with a string of diamonds leaving the back completely open all the way down to the very top of my booty. Like I said almost indecent, but super clingy and super sexy. With my long tan legs and some killer heels, I shouldn’t have an issue pulling it off tonight. I nod my head in agreement to Kristina. “You’re right. Go big or go home right?” I honestly am not sure why I have this dress. I’ve never worn it and to be honest it kind of makes me nervous. I have a problem, if I see something I love I buy it on impulse. This is something a normal twenty-six-year-old should be wearing out though. So I bought it on a whim and honestly couldn’t be happier that I did. This dress did things for me. Magical things for my body. Even though I worked out religiously there was no stopping these curves. So the clingy part was clingy in all the right places and looser in all the other right places. The girls cheer in their excitement as we start hair and makeup processes. An hour and a half, and a bottle and a half of wine later we are ready to get the night started. It’s about 10:30 and I am so glad that we had a late dinner. I can tell this wine is already getting to me and I only had two full glasses.

  I call for a car and they arrive within ten minutes. My driver takes us right to Sage where I got us a VIP booth on the upper floor. We walk right passed the line of people and the guy lets us in with my name. We head up to our booth as the bottle service arrives. We get our drink on and an hour later the girls are getting restless to dance. I reluctantly agree, I know this was my idea, but there really is a reason I stay away from these places. I hate crowds of people bumping and grinding against each other. Just because I want to dance with my girls does not give a stranger permission to grope me. I mean really? Is this America? We head downstairs to the dance floor and I see it is pretty crowded. Sophie gets close and says, “Girl, you look hot and I swear every guy in here is staring at you.” I blush a little remembering what I was wearing. She scolds me, “Don’t blush! You look hot. Embrace it.” Easy for her to say. My best friends are beautiful inside and out. They are both better at this scene than I am.

  We stand there dancing the night away and I love my girls because every man or group that has come to dance they tell them it’s a girl’s night, “No Dicks Allowed.” I love them for it even though I’m sure they would love to be macking on some of these guys. “Don’t hold back because of me ladies! Just do what you would normally do. I’m out to have fun. I’m letting loose, and I don’t have to work tomorrow which is a definite plus!” Kris smiles, “You sure? Because that last guy was hot.” I nod, “Yeah for you! Go for it!” Just as I say that someone wraps their arms around me from behind and starts dancing on me. I look to the girls to see if he’s good looking. They give me a thumbs up and I try to turn around in his arms, but he doesn’t let me. I see them start to dance with other guys. I can feel this guy getting a little handsy and I go to end the dance when a slow song comes on. Convenient. He turns me in his arms and I look up to see what he looks like. He’s good looking, but something behind his eyes is off. I don’t know what it is. I pride myself in reading people, a must in my business and this guy is giving me the creeps. “Hey, I’m Jack.” I reply with, “Melanie.” He smiles and says, “Beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” I shoot my eyes to the ground for a second. Normally, this is a nice thing to say, but this guy is putting out a major creeper vibe. And his hands are wandering a little too much for my taste. My need to be polite jumps in and I mutter a “Thank you,” as he asks if I would like to dance. Still wandering his hands around my body. I need to stop this right now. I start to push his hands away and say “Thank you, that’s sweet, but…” I’m interrupted by, “She’s taken.” My head snaps up to the side and I look into the most mesmerizing blue eyes I have ever seen. “Babe, is that true? You’re with him?” I look back to Jack and start to speak, but Mr. Blue Eyes says, “I said she’s taken. She’s with me so get the fuck off of her.” Whoa. His voice left no room for argument. The creeper doesn’t let me go right away and I squirm and twist trying to get out of his grip. When he holds on tighter I let out a little shriek because his hand was digging into my side. The tall stranger jumps into action and punches the guy in the face. This causes the creeper to release me as my hero takes my hand and starts guiding me off the dance floor.

  Don’t ask me why I followed. And definitely don’t ask me why we were still holding hands. “Babe, that guy is not a good guy. What is a good girl like you doin with a guy like him?” I stutter a little with, “Um…I wasn’t exactly with him.” He points out the obvious with, “Yeah, well if you were dancin with him like that to be polite please feel free to be polite to me anytime.” Um. What? “My girls gave me a thumbs up. I didn’t know he was a creeper until he opened his mouth.” Did he just smirk at me? “Names, Brantley.” I looked up at him wondering if he was expecting me to respond. I started to look around to see where the girls were. I can’t believe they have left me alone for this long. “Babe. Name?” I stutter again, “Um. Melanie.” He tugs at my hand, “Full name.” What? Why? “Melanie Doran.” Now why did I just give him that? “It’s nice to meet you Melanie Doran.” I nod
my agreement when I realize we are still holding hands. I try to release it but his grip only tightens. What is with this guy? “I just need to go find my friends. It was nice meeting you Brantley.” He tugs my hand again, “I’ll help you find them. Wouldn’t want you gettin caught by that creeper again.” Yeah we wouldn’t want that. I nod my head again. What is wrong with me? This man is literally so breathtakingly gorgeous that I can’t speak around him. He does however release my hand, and for some reason I can’t decide if I miss it or not. That’s odd.

  I then realize I don’t have to decide because he places his hand right on my lower back, and I feel a burning sensation on my back where his fingers are lightly touching my skin. Oh God. How long has it been since I have been touched by a man? Too long that’s how long Melanie! It took me a minute to realize that Brantley had two guys following closely behind him and I looked around the club to see that there were quite a few eyes on us. What the heck? “Um. Brantley?” He turned his head to me, “What’s with the goon squad? Body guards?” He smirked at me again. God, he is good looking. “Somethin like that.” Hm. That’s weird, right? “Um. Ok.” I took a second to take him in again. He was wearing a tight black Henley that did not do a very good job of hiding the fact that he worked out. Hard. It had some type of vest over the top, but I couldn’t see what it said. He had on worn jeans that fit in all the right places. As I made my eyes work their way back up to his face I realize he was looking at me. Woops. I think he caught me staring. “Like what you see?” Yep, definitely caught me. “Um…” I don’t have to respond because Kris yells, “Mel, there you are! We’ve been looking all over for you! Come on let’s go! Shots!” Kristina, completely oblivious to the male perfection standing to my right grabs my hand and pulls me up the stairs to our VIP booth. Apparently, Brantley wasn’t ready to be done with me because he followed. “Uh, I’m kinda just here with my friends tonight. Ya know girl’s night and all.” He raises an eyebrow, “Yeah, I saw that until they left you to the fishes out there.” Well, he had a point there. “Mel, who’s the hottie?” Well thanks, Sophie for that. “Um, girls this is Brantley. Brantley this is Sophie and Kristina. My best friends.” He nods to them, “Ladies.” Oh good lord he had a great voice. Find a flaw. Find a flaw. He’s dangerous. It’s in his eyes. I can see it. I just don’t know why that turned me on so much. Me. Straight laced, always prim and proper me. Turned on by the danger in this man’s eyes. I could feel his heat at my back and his head get close as he whispered in my ear “Babe, your legs they go on for days. You’re sexy as hell, but you should only ever wear that dress when you have a man with you who knows how to protect it.” Um what? Who does this guy think he is telling me what to wear? “Well, actually I was doing just fine. When you interrupted I was just about to tell that creeper where to go. I didn’t get the chance because you somehow felt it was your duty to interject.” This bought me a smile. And oh my, was it a smile. Perfectly straight beautiful white teeth. “I like the fire in you, babe.” Retreat! “I think it’s actually time I get going. Girls, I have had a blast. You two stay I’ll just call my car and have them take me home. Do you need a ride home?” Sophie pipes in with, “I thought you were off tomorrow?” Crap. “I am, but I still have stuff to do.” She hesitantly agrees, “Ok, well we will just catch a cab. No biggy.” Perfect. I nod my agreement since it’s so loud in here I can barely hear.

  We exchange hugs and as I turn to head out of the club I see that I have an entourage. “Um, Brantley that meant you too. It was really truly great to meet you, but I’m leaving…alone.” I hope he caught my sarcasm since he has put a quick end to my fun night out. Truth be told I was really ready to crawl into bed. “I’m walkin you out. No way am I lettin you walk out there like that alone.” Is he for real? “Seriously? My car is picking me up out front. I can take care of myself. I’ve been doin it for years.” His hand is at the small of my back again, “Babe, humor me.” I roll my eyes as he smirks at me and I continue to make my way to the door. With, I might add, his burning fingertips on the small of my back. What is that about? And seriously what is with the two guys following him around? Who was this guy? Finally, I make it to the door and unfortunately for me my car is not where it is supposed to be. I grab my purse to pull out my phone and Brantley has me spun around so I am facing him. “I’m just calling my driver.” He nods before he starts to lean in. It looks like he’s going to kiss me. What. The. Hell? I whip my head to the side and pull my phone to my ear. I hear Brantley chuckle as I say, “Frederick, I am at the front of the club, where are you?” “Stuck in traffic ma’am. I apologize, I will be there shortly.” Great. Just effin great. “Ok. Thank you.” It was then I realized I should have put my foot down and told Brantley that I was fine to leave the club alone. Here I was standing in a stranger’s arms. “Babe, told you that you needed an escort. You would be standin here alone if I hadn’t walked you out.” I scoff, “Yeah, instead I have you, who is overly assertive, and your goon squad. Seriously, is it just that you travel in packs?” Hot, every single one of them. I should have gotten their names and introduced them to my girls. These guys were a serious kinda dangerous hot. They would have loved it. “No, babe we don’t travel in packs. This is my VP and my Sargent in Arms.” Um. What does that even mean? Who is this guy? “Who are you?” He replies as if it’s obvious, “I’m Brantley, President of Skull Shifters MC.” Oh, as if that’s exactly what I needed in my life. Attention from the local motorcycle gang. Great. That’s my cue to leave. “Like I said really great talking to you. But I’m sure my driver will be here any second. So you can move along.” He chuckles lightly as he gets into my space. “Babe, I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m the kinda guy who when he sees somethin he wants, he gets it. And I see a whole lotta somethin that I want.” Lovely. How did one night out discovering myself turn into me being something that a President of a gang wants? “Well, I don’t know if you have noticed, but I’m not exactly your everyday biker babe.” Saved by my car. “And there is my car, so if you’ll excuse me…” He grabbed my hand and started walking me to my car. That was when what sounded like gunshots rang out and people started screaming.

  I was pulled into Brantley’s long lean body and it was then I realized he was covering me. “Is this your car?” I could barely process his words even though he was yelling. “Ye, Ye Yes.” He nods, “Get in and get home, NOW!” The door was opened for me and I told Frederick to get me home immediately. The question is, why did it feel like they were shooting at me? Frederick did his job thoroughly that evening. He even walked me to my door, and made sure that I was in safely before leaving. I was on auto pilot. Seriously, I’ve never been shot at before. My body was still shaking from the night’s events and I couldn’t decide if it was the man or the shooting that was making me that way. No one in my twenty-six years had ever made me feel so safe. Although, I can’t decide if he was the reason that we were getting shot at. I mean stuff like that happens all the time in gang’s right? I decided on a nice bubble bath, so I set my alarm and started my bath. After I checked in with the girls to make sure they were ok, I headed back to my bathroom. Just as soon as I sank down into the hot water I heard my driveway beeper go off. That’s weird. Then there was a knock at my door. Who on earth could that be? Maybe the girls decided I didn’t sound as ok as I said I was. I hurry out of the water and throw on my silky robe. I start heading for the door but wonder how anyone got passed the gate without me buzzing them in. Then I started to get scared. No one could get passed my security system without the code.

  I kept walking but grabbed my gun out of the drawer in my entrance way. What? A girl can never be too careful. I call out “Who is it?” just as I am getting to the peephole. As soon as I see his face I grow extremely nervous. It’s Brantley. And my seeing this is followed up with “Its Brantley. Please, open the door.” What. The. Hell. Was. Happening? I unset the alarm, undo the chain and deadbolt, and open the door. He does a once over taking me in and that’s when I remember that I am weari
ng next to nothing and I’m holding a gun. Woops. He gives me an amused smirk and says “Babe, I think you got more biker babe in you than you realize.” That was probably true. “What, a girl living alone can’t be too safe.” He smiles, “You’re right, but I breezed right passed your gate code.” This was definitely true. “Yeah, how did you do that? I’m going to have to meet with my security team about that first thing tomorrow.” He looks around the foyer, “I have my ways. I can show you tomorrow how to fix it, but then I wouldn’t be able to get to you when I want.” I scoff, “Yes, that would be terrible. What can I help you with? Or if you’re coming in just let me go throw on some clothes I had just ran a bath.” He does another once over, “This I can see. I don’t want to keep you from your bath though, so please carry on.” Yeah. Right. “No, it’s fine. Please come in. I’ll be just a minute.” He nods and I walk off to my room.

  I’m tired, I’ve been shot at, and I’m pretty sure any buzz I had was gone the second I heard those gunshots. All of those things combined, I decide to throw on some yoga pants and a comfy sweater. Considering the male perfection in my house right now I probably should put in a little more effort, but I just don’t have it in me to care. I head back out still having my gun because I need to put it back in the hall. “Ya know, I’m not gonna hurt you darlin. You can put the gun away.” I shake my head at him, “I was just putting it back.” He gives me his “I wet all panties” smile and I head to the drawer in the hall. I lock the gun back up and head toward the kitchen. I find Brantley making himself at home and sitting on one of my stools. “So, what can I help you with?” He looks to me, “I came to check on you.” Um. Okay? “How did you find where I live?” His eyebrow lifts, “It wasn’t hard babe. I gotta say, when you google you there’s a lot out there.” Great. Celebrity status. I roll my eyes and start to walk to the fridge. “Want something to drink? Water, coke?” He gives me a nod, “Water would be great thanks.” I feel so casual as I ask, “So, were they shooting at you or me?” He gives me a questioning look, “Is this somethin that’s happened before? You’re extremely calm for the night that you just had.” I laugh a little at that, “I’m not really sure what to do with all of the information so I’ve decided not to think about it tonight.” He smiles at me again. He really is too good looking. I can’t help but smile back. I grab two waters and sit across from him at my bar.


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