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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 10

by Tricia Wagner

  Chapter Eight

  I wake up feeling extremely well rested. Why am I so warm though? I feel the sunlight beaming in on me and I feel the arms around my waist get tighter. Brantley. “Morning.” I sigh, “Morning, Baby. You get the first shower.” Oh. “Kay.” I guess that means he won’t be pushing me to sleep with him again. “Can I ask you something?” Instantly he says, “Always.” Well, that was nice. “Nevermind.” I walk into the bathroom and start the shower. I hear the door click and I see Brantley walking in. He opens the bathroom door and he’s standing there apparently more than ready for a shower. “What are you doing?” He says, “Showering with you” as if that weren’t obvious. I give a slight nod and awkwardly start washing my hair. “Here, let me.” He takes the shampoo from my hands and starts massaging my scalp. That felt nice. I moan into his hands and I didn’t realize that I wasn’t relaxed until he made me really relax. “That feels nice.” “Good.” He rinses it out of my hair and starts for the body wash. He starts washing my body. Every inch of it and after the soap washes away he is licking my skin. Oh my, is that nice. I let out a little moan as his mouth hits my sweet spot. He puts his fingers inside me and starts a pace that is going to get me there way too fast. Just as I feel it coming over me he stops. The next thing I know he is completely inside me. “I love showering with you.” He kisses at my neck, “Best part of my day, babe.” His strokes are long and hard and exactly what I need to push me right over the edge. Three times in a row. He turns me around still mid orgasm and finishes himself not long after. We stand there and let our breathing even out just looking into each other’s eyes. We finish our shower in silence and get out as he dries me off with a towel. We finally speak to each other when he gives me a light kiss on the lips and says “Beautiful. I want that forever.” I sigh at him because I would want nothing more than that myself. We hurry through our getting ready routine and head out of the bedroom. I stop dead when I see Trance, Jason, and Pipe standing there. “Were they here the whole time?” He chuckles, “No, they just got here. Trance is going to take Outlaw.” Wow, he already planned this all out. “We’ll take you to the airport that way both vehicles will be here if someone is around.” I give Trance a nod. “Good idea.” He smiles, “It was all Brantley.” I shake my head. As if I care whose idea it was.

  We get in the car and Pipe and Jason are taking us. I really don’t like the idea of someone else driving my car, but it doesn’t seem I have a choice in the matter. Did it seem that way to you? “Babe, what’s wrong?” I try to explain, “I just, I’m not used to other people driving my car. That’s all.” He quirks his eyebrow, “I drove your car.” Um. “Is Jason or Pipe you?” This bought me a smile “Not that I can recall.” “Exactly.” He kisses me and says “I promise they will take good care of your car. Guys, when you come to pick us up bring my car.” I look to him, “You have a car?” He shrugs, “Of course I have a car.” My mouth gapes open because he says this like “Duhh Melanie.” “How come I’ve never seen this car?” He smiles, “Because you haven’t been to the shop with me yet.” He says this like it’s my fault. “Well, if you don’t take me there then how can I go there?” He raises an eyebrow at me that says I’m being dumb. “If you want, when we get back I’ll take you to the shop first thing. That way you don’t have to worry about it.” I was being a bitch, “I’m not worried about it. I’m just sayin.” He gives my side a shove with his elbow as he laughs. I lean into him for the forty-five minute ride we have before we get to the airport. We bypass all the normal stuff and get on my personal charter. We board the plane and I see Brantley stop dead in his tracks. “Seriously? This is your plane?” I smile, “Yeah, it’s crazy right? It’s bigger than my first apartment.” He lets out a laugh and we get settled on the bench seats. I like to sit there with my legs up and read when it’s a long flight. For this trip home though it won’t be too bad. Plus, we are currently an hour behind them. So when we get there the time won’t really be changing too much. I know that’s really weird right? The pilot comes back and introduces himself to Brantley and then the stewardess gets us drinks as we prepare for take-off. “Do you hate me for having this?” He shakes his head, “No, I’m damn proud though. You’re amazing.” I shake my head. We make it through the whole flight and I felt I needed to say something, so I just blurted out, “I worked really hard for all of this and I felt like one sentence from your dad and it was all gone.” He pecks a kiss on my cheek, “I know, we’re gonna fix it. I promise.” That’s what he said as we got off the plane and started our adventure in Pittsburgh.

  A week later I find myself on the same plane on my way back. I think if I had left Brantley there my parents would have adopted him. He got along so great with my parents and I can’t believe we have to go back to reality tomorrow. The flight is almost over and we are preparing for landing into the Jefferson City Airport. I let out a little sigh as Brantley brings me out of my thoughts. “What’s wrong babe?” I can never get away with anything, “Nothing. I’m just not ready to go back. My meetings went so great and I’m excited to work on the project, but for a week it felt like we were a normal couple. No outside drama.” He kisses my hand, “I love your home, baby.” I smile, “Me too. It was so good to see my parents. It makes me miss them.” He looks concerned as he asks, “Ever thought of movin back home?” I tread lightly saying, “It never really crossed my mind. My home is in Missouri. Although my parents have talked about moving closer. I would love that. They lived there their whole lives though. I couldn’t ask them to do that, just like they wouldn’t ask me to leave mine.” He gives me a nod and kisses me softly. He pulls back as we land. “We’ll get this all figured out and all of our time together will be drama free. Except, of course, when you’re pickin a fight.” I shake my head and shove at him. Rude. To this he of course laughs. We grab our baggage and turn the corner. I see an SUV parked there waiting for us. “I thought you said you have a car.” He smiles, “Yeah, the guys didn’t want to drive it. They said with four people it’s too small. This is my Durango.” I shake my head. Boys and their toys. It’s black and chromed out a lot like the style of the bike that he took me on. “When can we go for another bike ride?” To this he smiles. Huge. “Whenever you want babe.” I give him a smile as we load our stuff in the car. Brantley insists on driving which is no surprise. He makes the guys sit in the back and I give them an apologetic smile. I get in the front seat and the forty-five-minute drive is done in no time. We get unpacked and it feels like we just woke up this morning, even though it’s time for bed. I am exhausted and I know tomorrow will be a crazy day for me. Brantley and I have been doing great though. I have put all thoughts of his dad to the back of my mind. We will deal with all of that when necessary. Until then, I will take all the good coming my way.

  Chapter Nine

  “Veronica, can you move my 8:30 to 1:30 and make sure that anything for this morning is moved to either this afternoon or another day?” She nods at me on my way in, “Yes, Ma’am.” I get to my desk and fire up my computer. I need to figure out a solution by the afternoon. I have one huge client coming in and I know I can’t miss that. I look at my phone again and check the text message. My stomach twists as I read the text from the unknown number “Meet me at the old Winehouse building at 10AM. If you’re not there, then we take Brantley out.” What the fuck am I going to do? Yes, I think this is a time that warrants the eff word. I can’t let them take Brantley out. Another text comes through that says “Come alone. If you even think of warning him, we are tracking your texts and phone calls and we will still take him out.” Great. I can’t even get a message to him. “Veronica could you come in here please?” Can I trust anyone? I don’t even know what to do. “Yes, ma’am?” Think Mel! “Can you make a call for me and setup an appointment.” She agrees instantly, “Sure, what’s the number?” I give her the number and hope they make it in right away. It isn’t twenty-five minutes later and Sophie comes walking into my office. “Sophie, I’m so glad you could make it. Sor
ry about the short notice.” She gives me a confused look and I’m hoping she kept the charade up in front of Veronica. “Yes, Melanie. Anything for you. I’m just glad you decided to go with my company for your website design. We really appreciate your business.” I nod to her as I shut the door. I hand her my phone that has the text messages on it. “Oh my God, what are you going to do? You can’t go here alone.” I point to the second line, “I know, but look at the second one. I can’t take anyone with me. I can’t let anything happen to him. I need you to find him and warn him. I don’t have any other way of communicating with him. Take his number call him as soon as you leave here and make sure he knows exactly what is going on.” She takes a picture of the texts on my phone and sends them through to Brant before she even leaves the office. With that she was gone and I was stuck waiting to see what I was supposed to do. Twenty minutes later there was a knock at my office door. “Come in.” I look up to see a huge display of gerbera daisies. I can’t help but smile. My favorite. It’s been about five weeks since I agreed to be Brantley’s. He has sent me flowers every day I am not with him as a part of his “wooing” since he decided I am worth wooing. I look at the note on the flowers that is clearly in Brant’s writing “Don’t you dare go to this meet. We have a plan. Nothing will happen to you or me. I promise.” I sigh with relief that Sophie got the message. I get myself together and get ready to leave to be at the Winehouse Building for 10AM. What did you think I was going to let him do this alone? I have Veronica call for my driver and tell her that I have a meeting and will be back this afternoon. I hope. Frederick pulls up to the curb and all of a sudden I see him being pulled from the car. I feel something hit the back of my head and before I know it everything goes black.

  Chapter Ten

  I wake up in a room that looks a lot like my bedroom. What the hell is happening? I go to move but see that my legs and my hands are both in shackles. Brantley is going to kill me for getting kidnapped again. I had a huge meeting today and this is not how my day was supposed to go. “Ah. Melanie, so glad you finally woke up. Sorry about the bump on your head, but we can’t be too careful.” Where did that come from? It’s like I am in a movie or something. I know its Jack’s voice, but where is he? “You will see me shortly my dear don’t you worry. It’s almost time for dinner. I will send someone in to have you dressed properly for the occasion.” What. The. Hell. The door opens and Veronica steps in. Is this a joke? “What the hell are you doing here?” She snarls, “Oh, ma’am, did you really think that I was around you because I wanted to be? Your life really is boring did you know that? Jack had me on you for two months. You had been to Club Sage two months prior to meeting Brantley and Jack saw you then. You never gave an in, and then you never went out again until the night you met Brantley. I knew I should have just shot you at the club instead of firing warning shots, but Jack insisted you stay alive. Here’s your dress. Get dressed and make sure you are out there in seven minutes. Or else.” She uncuffs me and walks out the door. Well, I have to say I didn’t see that coming. I quickly get dressed and knock on the door to let her know that I am ready since it’s locked. She comes back in, handcuffs me, and leads me out to a kitchen. This house looks just like mine. Am I at home? What the fuck? I am seated at a table and served dinner. Jack enters the room, comes over to me and kisses me on the cheek. I pull away as best as I can but he has my head anchored in place with his hands. “Don’t touch me. Brant is going to kill you.” He throws his head back and laughs “There isn’t any way that Brantley can do that. I knew you would get word to him and all of his men were prepared to take me down at the Winehouse Building. No one was around to protect you. With Veronica on my side, and a few other friends, I will have no problem keeping you here. Speaking of friends, you may remember my good friend Justin Branson, of course you know him as Timothy Benedict. We met a couple weeks ago when he was thrown out of the Skull Shifters Clubhouse. I brought him in to help since you got the crap beat out of him.” Just then the door opens and in walks a man who resembles Timothy Benedict. His face is swollen and you can tell he has recently been beaten. I gasp at the sight of him. This is so much worse than I ever thought it could be. “He’s here to help keep you in line.” Great. I know that if I hold out hope for Brantley there is a chance he won’t come. I know he will try, but what if there really is no way. Is there a chance that this is how I am going to have to live my life? “I have a huge meeting with a client this afternoon that I cannot miss.” He laughs, “Oh, sweetheart, you won’t need an income so you don’t need to work anymore. I’m here to take care of you. Your meetings have all been properly cancelled by your assistant.” He gives me a little knowing smirk. I knew that there was something off about her, but she always did her job properly so I didn’t think much of it. We eat in silence and my guess would be there is something in the food because before I can finish I am practically falling asleep. I hear “Get her back to her room and ready for bed. Melanie, I will see you in the morning.” Great. The nightmare continues.

  Chapter Eleven

  Six days. I have been here six fucking days and that man is about to drive me up a wall. I am not a woman you control. He told me that when Brantley was at the Winehouse building waiting for him to show up that his “men” ambushed him and had him killed. He knows that if I think Brantley is dead there is a chance I won’t try to escape. Every turn, I have him or this man Justin who, apparently was a con artist, watching me. I haven’t seen Veronica since the day I was brought here and they are only keeping me cuffed when I am out of “my room.” I have to make him his meals, it’s like he is turning me into his “wife.” This is not the kind of wife I would be. Although this is who Brantley’s dad would want me to be. I work for a living; I am so bored most days when I am left here alone in this room. No internet, no phones, no outside contact. It’s all just too much. I have mourned the loss of the man that I have grown to care about so deeply, but I still don’t think that it has hit me that he really is gone. I have just prepared dinner and if the beating and partial rape from the previous night tell me anything, he is probably not going to like his burnt steak. I swear I heard him say that he would beat me into submission. This way I would love him undividedly. I will never love this man who claims to be the same kind of man as Brantley. He is crazy. When I said that Brantley was dangerous it was NEVER the kind of danger that I see in this man’s eyes. When he is beating me you can see that he isn’t holding back. My face is bloody and cracked. My eyes are both almost swollen shut. I’m fairly certain that I have multiple broken ribs and there are bruises up and down both sides of my body. He hasn’t forced me to have sex with him, but that hasn’t stopped him from touching me inappropriately. Luckily, Jack isn’t the kind of dangerous who shares. He said that he won’t fuck me until I am begging him to. Which is good for me, because that will never fucking happen. Ever. When we sit down for dinner I’m chained to a table. Sitting across from a man that I want absolutely nothing to do with. Being held against my will to serve him as he sees fit. To be honest, if I thought the consequences were worth it I would burn his food every day, just to prove to this man that he really doesn’t want me. Maybe he would let me go back to my life. The life I had before I met Brantley. Could I go back to a life before those baby blue eyes breathed so much life in me it was hard to breathe? Had I ever known anyone like him? No. That was a hard no. I knew the day I agreed to be his that my life would never be the same. Now, I sit across from a man that is the complete opposite of him. A man that is far more dangerous than Brantley ever could be. Would Brantley’s Club find a way to get me out of here? I couldn’t hold on to that hope. Jack says that they know the score. If they come near the place, I die and so do all of them. Just as he takes his first bite into the steak I see by the look on his face he is unhappy. I hear glass breaking and wood splintering. I see him breaking his glass and throwing his chair across the room. He comes at me and starts beating my face again. Oh God. I scream out in pain, but nothing comes out of my thro
at. Just before my one good eye closes I see a bright flash and the look of shock on Jack’s face registers in my brain right before my chair falls backwards and everything goes black.

  Chapter Twelve

  I hear beeping and I feel someone’s fingers brushing down the side of my face. That’s when everything comes back to me. Am I still with Jack? Oh God, is that him touching me? I try to open my eyes, but they won’t budge. I try to pull away from the fingers on my face and say something, but nothing will come out of my throat. That’s when I hear what sounds like an angel, “Baby, it’s me. You’re safe. Please stop struggling. You’re in the hospital. I got you baby. No one can hurt you. I’m going to call the nurse and get you some water. Stay calm baby. You’re ok.” I feel my breathing even out and start to relax. I still don’t understand why I can’t see anything. Am I blind? Is that what this is like? Is that really Brant? How is he here? I feel movement at my side and a hand comes back to my face and I flinch. “Sorry, baby. It’s me I have some water I’m going to sit you up so you can drink ok.” I nod my head because really there isn’t anything else I can do. I feel the bed rising and I take a sip of water. “Just sip at it Ms. Doran. I am Jennifer, your nurse. You gave us all quite a scare. We expect you to make a full recovery though.” I finally feel like I may be able to speak, but I don’t recognize the voice that comes out when I say “Am I in heaven?” Jennifer responds, “No ma’am. Your face took quite a beating. Your eyes are currently swollen shut, but they look better than yesterday, so I suspect by late this evening to tomorrow morning you will be able to start to open them.” I’m not in heaven. “Thank you. Um. Jennifer?” “Yes.” I lightly sigh, “Can you do me a favor?” “Anything.” Well that was nice. She probably wouldn’t feel that way after I ask my favor. “The man sitting over here?” “Yes.” I feel Brant’s hand go tight. “Is he really here? I don’t understand?” I can hear the smile in her voice as she says, “Yes, Melanie. He is very much here and hasn’t left your side.” I turn in the direction I think he’s sitting, “But, B-b-Brantley.” He squeezes my hand again, “Yes, Baby.” I lose it, “He said you were killed. Oh my God you’re really alive?” “Yes, honey. I’m here all in one-piece baby.” I look back toward Jennifer, “Oh God. How good does he look right now?” Jennifer almost laughs, “Well, I mean in terms of his outside appearance, aside from the obvious of him being good looking, he looks a little run down. You have been here for five days. He hasn’t left your side, but to shower and take a few phone calls.” That felt way too good. “Is there any way you can tell him not to look at me until my face looks normal again?” I hear a light chuckle from both him and the nurse. “Well, Ms. Doran if I may say so, I think that even if I asked he wouldn’t listen.” She knows him already. “You’re probably right about that. Ughhhhh. Brantley.” “Yes, Baby?” I shock him with, “Go home.” He sounds shocked, “What?” I try to explain, “Go home. I’m awake now. I am in good hands. You don’t have to feel obligated to be here.” He’s close to my ear, “You think that I am here out of obligation?” “Well, yeah. Maybe.” Jennifer jumps in saying, “Ms. Doran before you continue I am going to step out. Please press this button if you need anything from me.” She pushes a remote into my hand and shows me where the button is. “Thank you Jennifer. And please. Call me Melanie.” “Sure, Melanie.” She walks out and I am left alone with Brantley. “You scared my nurse.” “How?” He’s pissed, “I can feel the tension rolling off of you from here. I’m sure she could see it. My guess is you are mean mugging it right now.” I hear another light chuckle. “Babe, you have no idea how good it is to hear your voice. Even if it is sassin me.” If I could I would put my hand on my hip, “I’m serious. You have been here non-stop for five days. I was gone for six. I’m sure you haven’t slept.” He holds my hand tight, “I tried, but without you it was impossible. Baby, I am so sorry that all of this has happened to you.” Not ready to go there yet, “Please, can we not talk about this right now? I am not ready to relive this. If you aren’t leaving can you at least tell me how big this bed is?” He chuckles, “It’s a little bigger than a normal hospital bed.” I look around even though I can’t see, “Is it a private room?” “Yeah, babe. Why?” I start to scoot to one side opposite of where he is sitting and pat the side that is empty indicating that I want him to hop up. “Babe, you have four broken ribs. I can’t get up there without hurting you.” Four? “Please, I just want to feel you close for one last time.” He growls out, “What do you mean one last time?” Woops. That isn’t going to go over well. “I think we should stop seeing each other. After you get up here and hold me for a little bit.” He doesn’t do as I ask, instead he says, “You want to stop seeing me.” “Yes.” I wish it would have come out a little more convincing. “You’re lying.” “Sort of, but not really.” “You wanna be a little more specific as for your reasoning?” I decide to go with, “Not really. You’ll laugh and tell me it’s stupid.” He laughs, “Well, if that’s the case then you just need to know that I’m not goin anywhere and you definitely aren’t seein anyone but me. Ever again.” Seriously? “If my eyes were open you would be able to see that I rolled them at you just now.” He chuckles again. “Well as soon as your eyes open you’ll be able to give me the answer I’ve been waiting for.” Huh? “What does that mean?” He doesn’t explain, instead he says, “You’ll see babe. Now I’ll get up there with you to hold you, but if you make even a little noise that you’re hurting I’m getting back down.” He climbs in and I do my best not to make any noises that indicate pain. He was right though. Definitely four broken ribs that I hadn’t noticed until now. I feel his body and his warmth and I have to say I couldn’t be more comfortable. “Baby, you ok?” I snuggle in closer. “Perfect.” He mutters out, “God, I missed you baby.” Sigh. “I missed you too sweetie.” He gives me a light squeeze, “I promise with everything in me I will protect you. Nothing like this will ever happen to you again.” I sigh heavily and wince at the pain. “Take it easy baby. Just sleep.” I nod because I don’t want to cry. I settle into his body and I hear his breathing even out. Poor guy. He was probably exhausted. I, however, have been sleeping for about five days. I was wide awake I just couldn’t open my eyes.


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