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Shifting Life (Skull Shifters MC Book 1)

Page 17

by Tricia Wagner

  I walk away and meet the girls in the great room. “Here, we’ll go to my bedroom. We need to catch up on a few things quickly it seems.” Kris says, “Ok, let’s start with you. What is going on with you and Brantley?” Ugh. “Well, I paid off his mortgage and the clubhouse’s mortgage.” To this they both throw their heads back and laugh. “Oh shit. That had to be an uncomfortable conversation.” “Kris, that doesn’t even begin to cover it. I won’t go into all the details, but I almost left. For good. He started acting like his dad. I swear it was like I’m supposed to just sit here and look pretty. Never have I ever let a man make me feel the way that Brantley did tonight. We obviously, have had a few heated conversations and he begged me to stay. I mean to the point of almost being in tears. I sent Erick away, I’m staying and we’re going to work on it. He has a lot of making up to do. I don’t know what is going to come in the future, but for right now we’re working on it.” Sophie the forever optimist, “Girl, that is terrible. You were just trying to be nice.” I nod, “I know, but the guys don’t see it like that. They tried to say they were going to pay me back and until they did, put my name on the deed for the club.” Kris says, “You’re shitting me?” I shake my head, “No, definitely not. For obvious reasons, that made our second conversation not end well.” “Clearly.” “Enough about me. Kris, what is going on with you and Trance? Sophie you’re next don’t think I don’t see the looks between you and Jason.” They both roll their eyes at me. No wonder Brantley hates that. Kris starts, “Ok, well there isn’t much to tell. I’m not really all for his macho man bullshit. He needs to just move forward without any thoughts of me. We had a moment, once. Or twice, but that is neither here nor there. I am not interested and he can’t force me to be. It’s like he thinks that he walks on water and I am here to tell him he is not the cat’s meow.” To this we all laugh. “Ok well, I can tell you this much. He thinks you are.” She scoffs, “What?” I chuckle, “Brantley mentioned something, but then told me to stay out of it.” She shakes her head, “Well, it doesn’t even matter.” Yeah like I believe that. “Sophie. You’re up.” “Ok, well Jason is…really sweet.” We both look at her like she just grew an extra head. I mean they’re all nice, but sweet? “Well, sweetie that’s great. So what’s the problem?” She looks scared, “I don’t know. Nothing. I just can’t decide if he actually likes me. Sometimes I totally feel it and think that he’s going to pursue it, and then I can physically see him shut down in front of me. It’s like he doesn’t think he deserves it. Then he asks you questions like this morning and it just confuses me. I’m not trying to be hot then cold. I’m just trying to go with his flow. His flow by the way, is all over the place. I don’t know if I can keep up.” I smile, “Try, I promise, he’s worth it. When I was having my nightmares he mentioned something about still having them himself. I’m sure he is still experiencing things he doesn’t want anyone to know about. That’s going to make him push you away. Don’t let him.” “I’ll try.” She gives me a nod and Kris stands. “Well, I’m still going to be a bitch and leave.” Sophie says, “How?” She scowls, “Shit, I don’t know. Maybe I can have Dillon come and pick me up.” Hold up, I needed to make sure that didn’t happen, “Please, don’t do that. You know how that’s going to end and then Dillon is right in the middle of a war.” “You’re right. Shit.” “If I hadn’t already had Erick here and gone twice now I would let you use him.” She sighs, “It’s fine. I’ll call a cab.” “Honey, this isn’t the big city. There are no cabs readily available.” “Fine, I’ll stay. I’m sleeping in your guest bedroom though. Not anywhere near Trance. If he so much as thinks that is happening I will set him straight.” “No need. I think he gets it.” We all smile and group hug. God I missed my girls. “I’m so lucky to have you bitches.” We all stand up and head back out to the fire. We stand there for a second and it doesn’t take long for the guys to notice we are back. “Who wants to do another shot?” This of course was Kris. I guess if she was going to be here she was going to embrace it. I hear a few “ME’s” from the girls around us and we all get together and do another shot of tequila. Well nothing like feeling that burn. Kris loads us up again and before I know it the whole bottle is gone. Woops. At some point I had sat down, but now I needed to use the bathroom so I go to stand up and instantly can tell how all of that just went to my head. I guess it helps when drinking that much if you eat a little bit.

  I didn’t even realize that Brantley was so close to me. “You ok?” I snap my head up and to the side. “I’m great.” He lets out a light chuckle and grabs my hand. “Where ya headed?” “To pee.” Probably didn’t meant to be so blunt, but what do you do? He gives me a slight nod and walks with me. We go into the clubhouse since it’s closer and I go to use his bathroom. I’m quick and head back out to see Brantley standing there waiting for me. “All done.” He walks up to me in two strides and before I can protest his mouth is on mine. Holy shit. That was hot. It’s like all of my fight had left me and I wanted only one thing. Brantley. I feel his hands at my ass as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. He has my back against the wall and I can feel him hard on me. “Brantley.” “Yeah, baby.” “Please.” “I’ll give you what you need baby.” With that he has somehow gotten my shorts off and his pants down and he’s inside me. Sweet Lord. I cry out in pleasure and it doesn’t take long for my whole body to just shatter. Holy Shit. “Yeah, I know.” I must’ve said that out loud. Woops. Brantley follows quickly behind and says, “Babe, I’m sorry I just couldn’t resist you.” “I wanted it. It’s ok.” I slide down his body and pull my shorts back on. What did I just do? I just completely gave in. The alcohol let’s blame the alcohol. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing. I just forgot that we weren’t exactly on doing that terms.” “Babe, I’m sorry that’s on me.” “No, I was there too. I just…forgot that you’re an asshole today.” He shakes his head slightly and I stand up to leave. He pulls me back into his body and gives me one more kiss. “Thank you for that baby. It’s always perfect.” I give him a slight nod and head out the door. I’m sure looking like a total “just fucked” hot mess.

  I sit back down on the log bench and see that people are starting to disburse. Everyone is probably off having the time of their lives. That is when I hear Kris. “I am staying here Trance; I am not leaving. You can’t make me.” I look to Brantley who sat down next to me. “I told her she could stay in the guest bedroom tonight.” He nods. He looks over and sees what I see. Trance looks like he is about to carry her off. Not exactly the move I would make when a person says no. Although, I’m sure Brantley would. I don’t know whether to jump in or butt out. “I can see you’re strugglin with yourself here babe. I don’t know how to help. He’s my brother and I know he would never hurt her.” I nod, “Yeah, but she’s my sister. And she’s pretty bull headed. I don’t know what she needs.” I see her looking around in a panic. “Kris?” “Yeah?” “Do you need me here?” “No, I can handle him. Trance, I already told you I’m not leaving with you and you can’t make me.” To this I see Trance bend over and get Kris right in the belly. He has her over his shoulder and their walking away with a spitting mad Kris. I see Sophie appear to the side of me. “Not being mean, but I think she needed that.” Sigh, “I hope so, I offered to butt in.” Sophie giggles, “Yeah, I know. I enjoyed it. I don’t know what has her hiding away from this, but I think Trance is exactly what she needs.” Ugh. “I really hope you’re right here Soph.” She gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Jason is going to take me home since Kris is leaving with Trance. Do you need anything else from me? I’ll be back tomorrow to help clean up.” “Girl, you don’t have to do that. Also, why don’t you just stay here? Jason has been drinking too. I just wanna make sure you’re safe.” I look to the side and see Jason standing there. “She’s right, you’re more than welcome to stay Soph.” I hear Sophie sigh. She’s conflicted. I see her give a slight nod to Jason as he beams a smile at her.

  They sit back down and we do a couple more shots. After ab
out four more I feel Brantley get close to me. “Babe, are you gonna be coherent.” I slur out, “For what?” “I was hoping we could talk.” “Fuck talking. That ruins everything.” To this he chuckles. Jason nudges Brant, “She’s totally shit faced.” “Yeah, she is.” I look up to see a smiling Jason. “Sophieeeeeeeee! Oh Sophhhhhhhh!” I hear her respond, “Melanieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Oh Melllllllllllllllllllllllll!” Brantley says, “They’re both gone.” Jason chuckles, “I just hope there is no hair holding involved.” I put my hand up, “I don’t puke from drinking. Soph is a champ too. We got this.” I run to Sophie and we start dancing around the fire. I see a few stragglers left sitting at the fire laughing at us. That’s when I dare Sophie to jump of the fire with me. This is not our first rodeo. I told you that these girls are my partners in crime. If you think this is the first time we’ve jumped a fire you’re insane. We both get this look on our faces that couldn’t be denied as up to no good. We step back away from the fire and take a running start. I hear lots of shouting and I see Brantley and Jason jumping up out of their seats. Too late. We’re in the air and over the fire on the ground laughing hysterically. I feel someone pull Sophie off of me and I look to see a pissed the hell off Brantley. Oh what else is new? I don’t stop laughing as I sputter out “Girl, that fire was bigger than the last one we did that too.” She laughs through, “That. Was. Awesome. Kris is never going to believe that happened.” “We have witnesses!” I still feel Brantley’s hands running over me to check and make sure I don’t have any injuries. I am still laughing. “Melanie, what the fuck are you thinking with that shit?” I bust out laughing again. Yep, still definitely drunk. Not helping a spitting mad Brant calm down though. I turn to see Sophie getting scolded as she turns to face me and busts out laughing again. Woops. “Brantley, I’m fine. Please. We’ve done that before, although I must say looking at the fire now it is definitely bigger than any of the others we’ve jumped through.” I hear Brantley growl as a laugh takes over my body again.

  I go running over to help Sophie escape Jason’s pointing finger. “Excuse me Mr. Badass I need to borrow my fire jumper here for a minute.” Jason glares at me and Sophie starts laughing again. Yeah, we’re wasted. I walk over to the food table to get a cookie that I have been dying to eat since this morning. I grab it and take a bite as Sophie starts to talk. “What do you think they’d do if we did that again?” I laugh, “Aw, I think that might kill them babe. Once was probably too much.” We laugh together. “Soph. Do you think I’m crazy here? I should’ve stood my ground and left huh?” She shrugs, “Sweetie, only you can know that. I can tell you this. That man over there looks at you like you hung the moon. I honestly think he regrets what happened today. It would take a lot for the big bad president to admit that he is wrong and from what Jason said he admitted that to all of the guys at some point tonight.” I look to Brant, “He did?” She nods, “Yeah, but he told you that right?” Hmm. “Yeah, but I thought it was a line. So it isn’t stupid if I just had hot steamy sex with him against the wall in his bedroom of the clubhouse?” “Oh, God. Now you have me all hot and bothered. No, it isn’t stupid. Anyone would’ve done exactly what you did.” “Yeah, but what am I setting myself up here for?” She smirks, “A lifetime of hot steamy sex against a wall? I mean can you really go wrong here Mel?” I laugh. Hard. “Probably not. So you and Jason?” She stops laughing, “Well, I mean I’m going to stay here with him. He took me aside though and told me he wasn’t expecting anything from me which was sweet. I just pray to God I don’t jump him in the middle of the night. Especially after your little story there.” I roll my eyes at her and we walk back to the guys. I hear Def Leppard’s Pour Some Sugar on Me come on, so Sophie and start dancing to it. When I catch Brantley’s eye he is burning my clothes off with his eyes. That was hot. He comes and stands in front of me and I see Jason approaching Sophie. I don’t even hesitate to start dancing on him. I don’t think we’ve ever been in a position like this before. It was kind of exhilarating knowing that I had this kind of effect on him. I bend over in front of him dropping it like it’s hot and slowly rise back up and shake my booty on his manhood. Oh God, he’s hard already. I turn in his arms as his hands go right to my ass. He comes to my ear and whispers “Say good night, Melanie.” Instantly I repeat, “Good night, Melanie!” Woops. He chuckles and lifts me in the air carrying me the whole way to our bedroom. You may think I’m weak, but I don’t even care. If you were me you would do the exact same thing. I see Jason taking Sophie the other way to his room in the clubhouse. Nice. Drunk, makeup sex is probably the best we’ve yet to come across. Although, if we were actually making up was still to be determined.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The pounding needed to stop. “Please, stop pounding on the door. Go away.” I hear a chuckle beside me, “Babe, there is no one at the door. That’s your head.” My head? “Why does my head hurt?” One word. “Tequila.” Oh yeah. “Shhh. Don’t say that word.” I feel him chuckle as my entire day’s events come to me from yesterday. Shit. “Uh oh, did you just have a flashback of yesterday babe? I know your head is hurting, but we need to talk.” I don’t think so. “No. No talking. Please.” “We have too.” “No, we don’t. We really don’t.” I feel him moving away from the bed and come back two seconds later and I know he’s standing there looking at me. I open my eyes and feel needles pricking into the back of my eyes as the sunlight hits them. He hands me an aspirin and a water. “Thank the good Lord above.” He smiles, “You can thank him too, but what about me?” “Thanks.” I stick out my tongue as I throw the pill in my mouth. I swallow and set the water down on my nightstand. Oh god. This seriously can’t be happening. I sit up and try to gather my whit’s about me. I keep my eyes closed and gain some sort of ground where I think I might be ok. I open them and see Brantley patiently standing there. Completely naked I might add. “Can you please put on some clothes? If you’re insisting on talking I need you to be clothed.” “Fine.” He stalks away and I get myself together while he’s gone.

  He comes right back in front of me and starts to jump right in. “First, we will get to the other stuff, but if I ever see you jump a fire again I will spank your ass.” My mouth gapes open because I wasn’t expecting to start with that part of the night. I had actually forgotten that we jumped the fire. I fight a smirk and lose. He is so dead serious too. “This isn’t funny.” I laugh now, “It is a little funny. Brant, I was wasted first off. Second, we used to do that all the time in college. I know straight laced me it’s shocking, but my girls bring out this side of me that is hard to control when I have drunk almost an entire bottle of tequila on my own.” He ignores me and says, “Don’t do it again. Next, I need to know you know I meant when I said I was going to fix this. Starting today, we’re going to work on us. On me. We will make it through this, but unfortunately today is going to be tainted a little because we’re having lunch with my parents.” “What?” Yep, I shrieked to the point where I gave myself a headache. “I know, but I need you there with me when we celebrate our engagement or else you wouldn’t have to come.” Shit. “Brant, is that a good idea when you and I are so rocky.” “I need you there Melanie. My mother insisted or else it wouldn’t be happening.” “Is your dad going to be there for sure?” “Yeah.” “Can’t you make him take a conference call around lunch? It will be perfect.” He gives me a look that says I’m crazy. “Fine, what’s next on your list of things to discuss?” “The next one is more of an action.” I probably just gave him the funniest look and I don’t realize what he’s doing until it’s too late. His mouth is on mine and I am kissing him back. This is going to be really hard to break off. I break the kiss and start to talk. “Brantley. You’re making it really hard for me to break up with you.” “That’s good because that isn’t happening.” I shake my head at him. “I need to shower if I need to be presentable for Lord and Lady Silverman.” It was his turn to shake his head at me. He gets up and walks away and I hear the water turn on in the shower. I stand up and go straight
into the bathroom taking my clothes off. Brantley gets out so I can shower in peace and I feel like I could fall asleep under the water. I hear a click at the door and I wipe the steam away. I don’t see anyone though so I keep rinsing my hair out. I hear the shower door open and I turn and see Justin standing there watching me with hungry eyes. I go to scream, but his hands fly to my mouth. “Soon, you will be mine again. I can’t wait until you get what’s coming to you.” He runs his free hand over my body and I fight back not throwing up. I bite his hand and once he lets go I let out the loudest scream as I fall to the ground and huddle in the corner. Eyes closed. I hear Brantley come busting through the door and I feel him get into the shower and turn the water off. “Baby, what just happened?” “Ju-Ju-Justin was in the shower.” “No, baby. He’s not here. I promise he can’t get to you.” “No, he was right there. The shower door, was it open when you came in here?” I look up and see that he is completely dressed and completely soaked. “Yeah, baby. You must’ve opened it.” “No, Brantley he was here. He had his hand over my mouth and said awful things as he ran his hands down my body.” I see Brantley’s face get tight and start to shake involuntarily. I hear someone at the door mortified that I am naked and huddled in the corner of the shower. “Brantley I need a word.” “Jason, Mel said that Justin was here. In my goddamn house. I’m kind of busy figuring out what the fuck is going on.” “Yeah, it’s about that.” Shit. Was he really here or was I hallucinating? I feel my body shaking and I see Brantley give Jason a nod and he turns and leaves the bathroom. Brantley turns and gets me a towel. He dries me off and helps me into the bedroom. He does a once over of the room before turning back to me. “I need to talk to Jason. I’ll be right in my office baby. Just one second.” I nod and huddle into a ball.


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