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Gilded Wings

Page 8

by Cameo Renae

  “Thank you,” Alaine smiled, but her smile looked a bit sad. “As you have become part of ours. But I’ve quickly realized it’s not safe here for us anymore. This house is too large and I cannot make sure of everyone’s safety with so many ways to enter. I will be sending Courtney and Caleb to stay with a friend of mine in Washington. She offered help if I ever needed it. The rest of us will have to find another safe house. Someplace we can put a barrier over. Someplace where we can fight easily, if needed.”

  “I think I might know of a place,” Dom said, his face became serious. Everyone turned their attention to him. “It was used as a safe house a long time ago. It’s far from civilization and located in the Oregon woods.” He turned to Alaine. “It was set up by your birth father, to protect and keep your birth mother safe during her pregnancy. It’s the place your life started, Alaine. It’s been unoccupied ever since, but there has been someone assigned to the place, who has been caretaking it.”

  “How do you know this, Dominic?” Alaine asked.

  “It was also the place where my bonded was murdered. She fought, defending your mother, and gave her life to save hers.” Dom’s lips trembled and his eyes bore so much sadness. He dropped his head down. “It’s a safe house. An option, in case you need it.”

  Alaine walked up to him, leaned over and took hold of his hands. “I’m sorry for the pain you’ve endured, Dominic. I know what it feels like to lose a soul mate. I never expected mine to come back to me. She must have been an outstanding woman, and I will be forever grateful, to both of you. I will consider this option, but it might be too painful to revisit, for both of us.”

  “Thank you,” he said, softly. “I battle with her loss every day, especially seeing new hearts being bonded.” He turned to look at me and Kade. “Don’t let true love and happiness slip away. There are some things you have to fight for, no matter what.”

  Kade reached over and took my hand, interlocking our fingers. We both turned and looked into each other’s eyes, and then he smiled.

  “Okay, you two can just stop with the freaking cuteness already. I was just stating general facts, not necessarily aiming it at you,” Dom sighed and rolled his eyes.

  Everyone laughed. “And, since I have all of your attention, I might as well keep this going. We have a major complication. One that involves our little darling over there.” Dom gestured toward me.

  I knew at that moment what he wanted to say. “I—I don’t know if I should be here for this,” I said, my heart twisting.

  “Emma,” Dom stated, “they can’t hear us in here, and besides… none of us fear him more than we fear doing our job incorrectly.”

  “What is this about?” Alaine questioned.

  “Yeah, Dom. Just spit it out already,” Malachi added, and everyone agreed.

  “Lucifer has bound Emma with an unbreakable oath. He made her agree to bond with Ethon before her transformation, and told her that if she speaks of it to anyone… they will die.”

  “Is this true?” Kade asked, turning toward me.

  With tear-filled eyes, I nodded.

  “No, no, no. That is not going to happen,” Alaine huffed.

  Kade disagreed. “If he bound her, she has to fulfill her word. I’ve heard stories of those who didn’t keep their pacts with Lucifer. They suffered horrible deaths, which could not be stopped because they were bound to him. Once you make a deal with the Devil… it’s sealed.”

  “Emma,” Alaine turned to me and spoke so softly. “Did you make such a pact with Lucifer?”

  I nodded, unable to speak.

  “Why? Why in God’s name would you do that?” Malachi asked.

  I turned and looked into Kade’s eyes.

  “He threatened to kill him. I wouldn’t allow it because I love him. He already gave up everything for me, so… I did the same.”

  “Dammit, Emma.” Kade wrapped me in his arms and held me tight. “You shouldn’t have done that. Your happiness means more to me than anything else.”

  “Don’t you see?” I leaned back and looked at him. “You are my happiness. And, if you were ever taken from me, I would never be able to find it again.”

  “Sorry to interrupt this unbelievably moving moment,” Alex broke in. “But what about the other dude, Ethon? The bond did choose him too. So now what? What are we supposed to do?”

  “I don’t know,” Alaine sighed. “We’ll have to find a way, but this really complicates things. There is something else I need to tell you all, something about Emma’s true birth date.”

  “What do you mean my true birth date?” I gasped.

  She walked over to me. “To keep your true identity hidden, Victoria and Christian decided to give you another birthday. A false one to celebrate. The date they chose was the birthday of your grandmother, Jane Wilder.”

  My mind began whirling with question. “So I wasn’t born on October fifteenth?”

  Alaine paused, then looked up at me. “No. You were born July fifteenth, three months earlier.”

  “July fifteenth? That’s in a month,” I shrieked, starting to hyperventilate. Everything around me began to spin.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” Kade said, steadying me. “I think she’s gonna faint.”

  “Holy shit, Alaine. This does complicate things,” Malachi cursed.

  “Lucifer must know this, and he’ll be watching, expecting her to seal the bond sooner than later,” James noted.

  “I know. We need to find a way to eliminate the pact, no matter what it takes,” Alaine said.

  “I don’t think there is a way, Alaine. Unless, she does decide to be with Ethon,” James cut back in. “The bond isn’t just a simple matter. The tie it has between each heart will complicate things, and is something she cannot deny.”

  “That’s true,” Dom added. “But it should be her decision, and not forced by some wicked psycho. He threatened her, making her agree to the bond, or he would kill Kade. Shouldn’t there be something within the heaven and hell handbooks that goes against that? Yes, she and Ethon are connected by the bond, but until it is sealed, we still have a chance.”

  They all murmured amongst themselves.

  “Until such time, we will have to play along. It’s vital they don’t have any inclination that we have this information, and Emma will still have to play her part with Ethon. My greatest fear is that Lucifer will try and find any way to carry out his pact early… by either having her seal the bond with Ethon, or worse. Emma, you will have to separate yourself from Kade as well. I know it will be hard, but it is necessary. They have to believe you will carry out your part of the pact, and should we not find a way… you will have to carry it out.”

  “There has to be a way,” Dom exhaled loudly.

  “If there is, I will find it,” Alaine said, and I believed her. She would do anything to keep me safe. “We have a lot of cleaning up to do. I’ll need each of you to do another thorough sweep of the house. Check everywhere, we can’t afford to have any stray Darkling lurking about. From now on, the barrier will stay up, and we will take turns watching the perimeter. I will make arrangements for Caleb and Courtney, and until we find a suitable safe house, Emma will need to be guarded at all times.”

  The room agreed.

  “And remember… whatever happens in the safe room, stays in the safe room,” Dom exclaimed.

  “Yes,” Alaine agreed. “Be safe, all of you.”

  Everyone left and Alaine walked over to me. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We are all here for you, and will fight for whatever you choose.”

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “You two wait here until we make sure the house is clear. I’ll send a few of the guys back to let you know, and to collect Caleb and Courtney.”

  I nodded, then she leaned over and kissed my forehead.

  “Have faith,” she said as she exited.

  When the door closed, Kade turned to me and grabbed me by both arms.

  “I might not have the chance to say this again. I love you. Y
ou have become the best part of my life. From the moment I open my eyes, until the moment I lay my head down to sleep, you are on my mind. And even in my dreams, you are there. I love you. With every cell in my body, I love you. But, you need to listen to me,” he paused.

  “Kade,” I breathed.

  “No,” he shook his head. “I need you to live, even if it’s without me.”

  “I can’t,” I cried.

  “Listen to me, Emma,” he said, grasping my face in his hands. His body and words were desperate and urgent. “I’ve witnessed Lucifer’s power, and have seen firsthand what happens to those who break his pacts. He tortures them without mercy, and no one can stop it. I will not let that happen to you. You need to do whatever you have to do to stay alive. Even if that means sealing the bond with Ethon.”

  “Why?” I sobbed. “Why doesn’t God intervene? Why does he sit back and watch this madness take place? Does he know how many hearts are breaking?”

  “I don’t know,” he said sadly. “I wish I had all the answers for you.”

  He stopped and cradled my face, gently stroking my cheeks with his thumbs, wiping away my tears. The passion in his eyes burned like I’d never seen before, but they were also filled with devotion and tenderness.

  He didn’t speak. He didn’t need to. I reveled in the way he could look at me with so much love. He was the most selfless person I’d ever met, and he loved me. What did I ever do to deserve anyone so special?

  “I’m so sorry, Emma,” he whispered, resting his forehead against mine.

  “Why?” I asked, breathing in his sweet scent.

  “Because you should have been mine. We were supposed to seal the bond and be soul mates for all eternity.”

  I shook my head, but inside I did wish things were different. I wished he were still immortal, and I wished we could spend the rest of eternity loving each other. But the dream had been shattered. For him, there was no eternity, and that left a hole in my heart that could never be mended.

  “You did what you thought was right,” I said, twisting my hands in his thick dark hair.

  “I did what I knew was right, yet it did nothing in the end. I was injured before you even started the quest, and look… you still made it out safely without me. If I would have known, if I were given a second chance, I would have chosen differently.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up for something that cannot be changed.”

  “It haunts me every single day. Every time I look at you, and know I could have loved you for an eternity, it kills me inside.”

  “Then make me forget. Make us both forget. Right now.”

  I pulled his face closer, and he pressed his mouth to mine, kissing me ever so gently. His velvety tongue ran over the length of my lips, and then his mouth crashed down on mine with a sudden urgency. Heat blazed between us as his hands wrapped around the back of my neck, holding me in place. His kiss was eager, and his passion matched mine.

  Pulling me to his lap, I straddled him and his arms wrapped around my waist. He kissed me like it was the last time he’d ever kiss me again.

  I gave in. I wanted him like I’d never wanted him before. He pulled away, his tongue and lips leaving tingling sensations as they trailed down my neck and across my chest. I moaned in pleasure, and he found my lips once again. Desire burned within me, and I craved his touch. Moving against him, I wanted nothing more than to feel his skin against mine – to feel his gentle touch all over my body.

  My heart filled with desire and flowed from my lips. “I love you, Kade,” I breathed.

  He paused, panting. His eyes burning with desire, locked onto mine. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted since the day we met. It’s all I’ve ever needed.”

  He kissed me again, and then Caleb snorted, throwing us right back into reality.

  I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. “We’re hopeless, aren’t we?”

  “Yes. But at least we’re together for now.”

  “I don’t think I can be away from you,” I admitted.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll find a way,” he winked.

  Kade always had a way of making me smile. A thought crossed my mind and I randomly blurted out a question. “Do you think it will hurt?”

  His eyes went wide, before narrowing. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m sorry,” I giggled. “My transformation. Do you think my transformation will hurt?”

  “I don’t know. I never transformed. I was born immortal, remember?” he said, then his gaze went distant for a moment. “But I’m sure Alaine can tell you, or even Ethon.” He said Ethon’s name like it had left a bitter taste on his tongue.

  “I never wanted to seal any bond before my birthday. I had a vision of how I wanted my first time to be. I was going to be married, and have a real wedding with everyone I ever loved there. And after, a romantic honeymoon. The thought of it being forced before my birthday terrifies me.”

  “The thought that it will most likely be Ethon terrifies me.”

  I shook my head.

  “I thought I had more time, but I just lost three months of my life.”

  “Yeah, thirty days isn’t much time. Let’s hope Alaine finds a loophole. She seems to have a knack for finding information.”

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “I am hoping.”

  We wrapped our arms around each other, not knowing if this would be our last embrace. All we could do was hold on to hope. And for this brief moment in time, I just wanted him to hold me.

  THE HOUSE WAS CLEARED OF the Darkling and cleaned top to bottom, but the stench lingered for at least a week. Courtney and Caleb stayed downstairs in Alaine’s study, carefully guarded by James, while Alaine made all the necessary arrangements for them.

  Workers had come in to fix all the damage done during the attack. Alaine tried to explain that the house had been broken into while we were away on a vacation, and they bought her story. Within three weeks everything was fixed. Although the house looked nearly new, the atmosphere wasn’t the same. It had been violated, and its scars were masked with drywall and paint. The truth would remain secret, and only remembered by those who endured the horrors.

  In the morning, my adopted siblings would be flying to Washington to stay with Alaine’s friend, Krystal Kross. She supposedly had a beautiful home and had taken a month vacation for their arrival. She’d stayed in this house for a few months to assist Kade with his burns while we were on our quest to the Underworld.

  At least it wasn’t like they were heading off to meet a total stranger. They actually spent quite a bit of time together, and were both fond of Krystal. Caleb wasn’t too keen on the idea of being away, but he knew he needed to go wherever Courtney went. Even though he didn’t show it, he was a very thoughtful brother.

  My true birthday was only a week away. Time was flying way too quickly, and because of the renovations, things were pretty quiet. The Fallen and Darkling weren’t seen, the barrier stayed up, and I had a Guardian with me at all times.

  I hadn’t spoken to Ethon in weeks. He and his goons stayed in the tower, but I knew when he was close. I could always feel the buzz of the bond pulling at me, trying to connect us. I peeked out the window on a few occasions and watched him hover just along the outside of the barrier. His eyes were always downtrodden and glancing toward my window. It was times like those which made me sad, and made me feel like I should talk to him. One day I would, but at the moment, I was bound to the house.

  On this particular day, Thomas was on guard, and had fallen asleep on my floor. There was a faint tapping on my window. When I pulled back the curtain a few inches, Ethon was there hovering right outside the barrier. I finally gave in, sucked in a deep breath, pulled back the curtain, and opened the window.

  “Hey you,” he said with a sad grin.

  “Hey,” I replied, in a soft whisper, with a single wave which felt awkward.

  “If it weren’t for the bond, I would have thought you were dead,” he remarked.

  “I know,
and I’m so sorry. I was healing. My ribs were bashed by one of the Darkling, and I thought I’d broken them again. But I guess they were just bruised,” I explained.

  “Your ribs, again?” he asked with a look of concern. “Do you want me to make sure they aren’t broken?”

  “No, but thank you. They’re actually feeling a lot better now,” I grinned. “So, how did you tap on my window?” I was curious because I knew he couldn’t pass the barrier.

  He opened his palm, and showed me a few small stones.

  “Ahhh,” I giggled. “So, how have you been?”

  “Being away from you is nearly unbearable,” he sighed, and then grinned. He was shirtless, his sculpted shoulders, chest, and abs were flexing with each flap of his wings to keep him steady. “We need to talk.”

  I’d known this was coming.

  “I can’t at this very moment. The barrier is up and Alaine and Samuel won’t let me leave.” This was the truth.

  “You’ll be safe with me and everyone knows it. They just won’t admit it. And, we really need to talk. I’ll take you to my secret place,” he said, raising his brow.

  “That sounds very tempting, but after the attack I’m now under constant guard,” I said, thumbing back to Thomas, who was still out cold.

  Ethon’s eyes narrowed and his crimson red eyes began to burn a little brighter, but he quickly quenched it when his eyes glanced back at me. “Well, they can’t keep you away from me forever. Your transformation is near, and we have a matter to take care of before my father sends his wrath.”

  “You would never allow him to hurt me, right?” I questioned him, looking into his eyes for truth.

  “No, Emma. I would never allow him to harm you. I would die before that happened,” he answered.

  I turned back to Thomas who hadn’t moved an inch. His mouth was still hanging wide open, and his face was half-hanging off the pillow. I knew Ethon would never put me in harm’s way, and I really needed to talk to him. Time was running out and I had so many questions to ask him. I also wanted to see his eyes as he answered them, and see his sincerity.

  I still had my little secret, which could only be fulfilled after my transformation. So literally and technically, I was pretty much screwed – unless Alaine found a loophole. I basically had two options. Either seal the bond with Ethon before my transformation, or run and attempt to hide from everyone, hoping no one would find me until my transformation was over.


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