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Gilded Wings

Page 21

by Cameo Renae

  “What?” I asked; a smile was glued to my face.

  “You’re stunning.”

  “Thanks,” I breathed, as a soft knock interrupted us.

  “It’s probably Alaine,” I whispered. “Maybe you should hide in the bathroom until I can explain.”

  “How are you going to explain?”

  “I have no idea,” I said, my heart was thumping wildly.

  He chuckled and made his way to hide.

  “Wait,” I said, making him pause. “Don’t disappear into any portal, okay?”

  “I promise,” he said, holding his hands up.

  There was another knock.

  “I’m coming,” I called, walking calmly for the door. When I opened it, Alaine was standing there, with a worried look on her face.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “I’m actually doing great; better than great,” I said, smiling widely.

  Her brow furrowed with confusion.

  “No, really. There’s something I want to show you, but I’d like you to get the others and bring them here first.”

  She leaned forward and hugged me, looking completely baffled. “Alright, I’ll be right back.”

  When she left, I shut the door, and Kade peeked his head out.

  “Oh my God, they are going to freak when they find out. Alaine’s face was twisted when she saw me smiling. Imagine what will happen when they see you alive.”

  There was another knock on the door.

  “That was fast,” I mouthed to him. He quickly ducked back in the bathroom and closed the door.

  I opened the door, and was elated to see Samuel, Dominic, and Thomas with Alaine.

  “Come in,” I said, stepping to the side.

  “You look good, and happy,” Dom noted, hugging me. His face just as baffled as Alaine’s.

  “Well, today I just… woke up happy,” I said, feeling a bit awkward.

  “Well, that’s wonderful, sweetheart,” Samuel said, wrapping me in a hug and kissing the top of my head.

  They all came in and stood around, bewildered, waiting for me to give an answer as to why I called them in.

  “How’s Alex?” I asked Alaine.

  “He’s alive, but still very weak. It will take him about another week to recover. We’ve kept him in the sleeper so he can rest and heal without pain.”

  “That’s good to know. When he gets better, I’d like to go visit him.”

  “Of course,” she said.

  I stood nervously in front of them. “Well, why don’t you all have a seat? There is something I’d like to show you, and I don’t know if you should be standing.”

  “Don’t tell me you can shoot fireballs from yer eyes, or bolts of lightnin’ from yer ass,” Dom blurted in an awful Scottish accent.

  I rolled my eyes. “Have you been watching Braveheart?”

  “I fell asleep to it last night,” he shrugged.

  “Well, no. I can’t do that… I think. But what I have to show you is something even greater than that.” My smile widened even more. My heart began to race, anticipating their reactions.

  “Are you going to show us, or are you going to make us beat it out of you?” Dom exhaled, rolling his eyes.

  “If you lay a hand on her, I’ll have to break your arm,” Kade said, stepping into the room.

  All four heads snapped in the direction of his voice, faces frozen, trying to analyze what the hell they were seeing.

  “What the—” Dom exclaimed, his face completely tweaked.

  “Kade?” Alaine exhaled. She grasped Samuel’s arm like she was about to collapse. Her eyes were wide with either terror or shock, probably both.

  “Hey guys,” Kade said smiling and waving gingerly.

  “What the? How the?” Dom stuttered. “Holy shit.”

  “Are you real?” Thomas questioned.

  “Dude, look at me. Of course I’m real,” Kade answered.

  “But… how?” Alaine asked.

  I walked over to Kade and held his hand. “The Creator did have his eye on us. He saw Kade’s selfless act of giving up his mortality, and then his mortal life for me. So, he decided to resurrect him,” I answered proudly. “He came to me last night, right before my transformation. He helped me through it.”

  “Oh my,” Alaine breathed, running over to him and hugging him. She stepped back and looked at him again in disbelief. “I can’t believe it.”

  “It’s good to be back,” he said.

  Samuel walked up to him and held out his hand. Kade shook it, then Samuel pulled him into a hug. “It’s great to have you back.”

  Thomas and Dom were next to hug him.

  “Sooo…,” Dom drawled. “Are you still mortal or what?”

  Kade and I looked at each other and grinned.

  “Show them,” I urged.

  He shook his head.

  “Why not?” I really wanted them to see him in all of his glory.

  “Dude!” Thomas interjected. “Just spill.”

  A smirk crossed Kade’s face. “Alright, you asked for it.”

  I stepped away, while he took his shirt off.

  “Yeah, there he goes, showing off his six pack,” Dom teased.

  He smiled then spread his arms out, and glorious white wings extended out to his sides.

  “Holy shit,” Dom cursed. “You freaking got your wings?”

  “How?” Thomas asked.

  “Does it matter?” I said. “He totally deserves them. He earned his wings.”

  “Yeah, I guess after all the crap he was put through… he does deserve them,” Dom agreed.

  “Kade, they are beautiful,” Alaine said. Her hands were clasped over her mouth.

  “You got wings, so that means you’re immortal, right?” Thomas asked.

  “Yep,” Kade said proudly, tucking his wings back behind him.

  “Congratulations, Kade,” Samuel said. “They’re stunning.”

  “Thank you, Samuel,” he nodded.

  “No wonder Emma had the biggest, goofiest smile on her face,” Dom laughed.

  “Hey!” I huffed.

  “We all thought we were going to walk in and see the walking dead. We didn’t expect you to be so… chipper. But I don’t blame you. I’m just sayin’, now I understand why,” he explained.

  “Yeah,” I said looking at Kade. “I thought I was looking at a ghost. It took me a while to believe he was real.”

  “Sooo, was there any bond sealing?” Dom asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Dom!” I snapped.

  “It’s a reasonable question.”

  “No, we didn’t,” Kade replied. “But I’d like to speak to Samuel and Alaine for a moment before they leave, if that’s alright,” Kade asked.

  “Sure,” Samuel answered, and Alaine agreed.

  “Man, it’s so unbelievably freaking amazing to see you,” Dom said, throwing his arms around Kade. “You don’t know how happy your handsome face makes me. I almost cried, dude. Like seriously. I was on the verge. Thomas had to put the freaking sleeper on me ‘cause I was so freaking distraught.”

  “I love you too, man,” Kade laughed, hugging him back.

  Dom stepped to me next, and hugged me. “We can’t ever have a thing now.”

  “We were never going to happen,” I laughed.

  “I know. But now that Kade’s back, we never will. I’m sorry, Emma. Do you need a moment to mourn?”

  “Man, get the hell out of here,” Kade laughed, pushing him away.

  “I can’t compete with wings, man,” Dom grinned. “Those things are sexy as hell.”

  “Dom,” Alaine sighed. “Why don’t you and Thomas go whip up some breakfast.”

  “Sure. I’ll be the manservant until Miss Lily returns. I’m fine with that,” Dom said as he made his way out. Before he completely disappeared he stuck his head back in. “By the way… breakfast will be ready in an hour.” He spoke with an English accent.

  “He is something else,” Alaine said.

>   “He helps make life bearable,” I noted.

  “He makes life complicated,” Thomas added. “Which is why I should get down there before he makes a mess.”

  Thomas hugged Kade. “Good to have you back.”

  “Thanks, Thomas,” Kade said.

  He hugged me next and then walked out.

  I walked over and shut the door while Kade stood in front of Samuel and Alaine.

  “Last night, when I came back, I realized how much I needed Emma. I know the bond is a huge part of it, but, I just… I don’t know how else to explain it. It’s—”

  Samuel chuckled. “Son, you don’t have to explain a thing. I know how the bond works, and I know exactly what you’re feeling.” He turned to Alaine and they shared that special look. She stepped to him and he put his arm over her. “We know firsthand what you two are experiencing.”

  Kade exhaled and his face washed with relief. “Thank you. But what I really wanted to ask is…” he looked at me and I could tell he was nervous. I smiled and nodded at him.

  He exhaled then turned back to them. “Samuel, Alaine… could I have permission to marry your daughter?”

  Samuel paused, then with a wide smile, stepped forward to Kade. “Of course you both have my blessing. As a father, I can honestly say she will be in the best hands. You’ve proven yourself to all of us, and showed you will love and protect her. She is truly blessed. You both are.”

  “Thank you,” Kade said, hugging him.

  Alaine’s eyes instantly filled with tears. “I always dreamed of this day, but I guess I was never prepared, especially since I’ve only had my daughter back for a year, actually less than a year, but you know what I’m trying to say. As far as I am concerned, the answer is yes. I knew from the moment you brought her here, you were meant to be together. I saw it on your faces. She needs you, and you need her. You complete each other.”

  She moved to stand in front of him. “I’m so proud of you, and what you’ve done to protect our daughter. She couldn’t find a better person. And I know you didn’t have to ask, but thank you for considering us.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you, Alaine,” Kade said, hugging her.

  “Oh, Emma,” she said, hugging me next. “I’m so excited for you. Samuel and I will be here for you both, and will help in any way we can. I never had a wedding, so this will be the greatest party I will ever plan.

  “You never had a wedding?” I asked.

  “No, we never really talked about it, and before we even had a chance to, Samuel was taken from me.”

  “Why don’t we have a joint wedding?” I exclaimed. “It will be fun, and we can plan it together.”

  “No, no, no. This will be your day. Samuel and I will have a small, simple wedding. Just the way we like it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I am very sure. My greatest joy will be to help plan your day. It will be spectacular, and I can’t wait to start planning.”

  “Oh, now you’ve got her started,” Samuel laughed.

  “Well, it’s not every day our only daughter will be getting married,” she replied. “Besides, I am looking forward to watching Samuel walk you down the aisle.”

  I hugged her tightly. “Thank you so much.”

  “So, how long do I have to plan? Have you both set a date?” she asked.

  “I was thinking in about a month,” Kade said.

  “A month?” I gasped, and Kade smiled.

  “A month?” Alaine said under her breath. “That’s not much time.”

  “Alaine, they are dealing with the bond. They don’t need to have a wedding. They are only doing it as an outward celebration.”

  “Alright, a month it is. We can work with a month and it will be fabulous.”

  “You’ve awakened the inner wedding planner,” Samuel chuckled.

  “Good!” I smiled. “Okay, I’m starving. I need sustenance.”

  “Then let’s go,” Alaine said. “Have you had any indication of what your gift might be?”

  “Not yet. I think I’m still too weak.”

  “Just give it another day or two,” she said, and I nodded.

  “Alright, let’s go check on breakfast.” Alaine took hold of Samuel’s hand. “See you soon,” she said, as they walked out of the room.

  I turned to Kade. “A month? That’s not much time.”

  “If it were up to me, we’d be married tomorrow,” he said, pulling me into his arms. “I can barely be away from you right now. One month will practically kill me.”

  “Well,” I said rubbing my hand across his chest. “It will be worth the wait.”

  “It will be,” he said, kissing me quickly.

  “Now let’s go eat.”

  I took his arm and he led me down to breakfast.

  AFTER BREAKFAST, I WENT BACK to my room and took a nap. I was still healing and my limbs were still very weak.

  When I finally woke in my room, the sun had already gone to sleep. I checked the clock on my nightstand, and it said 9:09 pm. I’d totally slept the day away, but I did feel rested.

  Kade told me earlier he was going to Dominic’s room to play some cards, and as I listened, I could hear them laughing. I smiled inside, so glad he was still in my life.

  Pulling the blanket off, I stood from the bed and stretched my body.

  Wow. I actually felt great, like there was no more pain and my tired achy muscles were now strong.

  I grabbed some clothes, jeans and a T-shirt, and headed to the bathroom. When I clicked on the light, I paused, staring at my reflection. What the heck? There were no dark bags, and my skin was luminous… like I’d put on some kind of shimmery make-up.

  I stepped closer to the mirror and examined my eyes. Within the chocolate brown were swirls of gold. I pulled my lids open to make sure. Dropping my hands, I almost freaked out. “Holy crap,” I breathed out loud. My healing must have been complete, which also meant my transformation must have been too.

  My insides started to somersault with anticipation, wondering what my new gift would be. I had a feeling it might be invisibility, so I thought I would start with that. You know, process of elimination.

  I stood in front of the mirror, sucking in a very deep breath. This time I would keep my eyes open so I could bear witness, and see for myself if invisibility was or wasn’t one of my gifts. With apprehension, I willed invisibility, just like I had when wearing the suit.

  A tingling started at the top of my head and I gasped, immediately watching my reflection flicker in the mirror, then completely vanish.

  I knew it! I knew I would have invisibility!

  Then as I did before, I willed visibility and watched my reflection reappear. I squealed quietly, and had a little dance party all to myself.

  I wondered if I should go invisible, sneak up on the guys, then reappear right in the middle of them.

  No, I better not. An instant flash of Dom, Thomas, or even Kade, smacking me with their instinctual Guardian reflexes would not make it fun. The last thing I needed was a superhuman karate chop to the face. It was a cool thought though, and would have been hilarious if they weren’t warriors.

  It was thrilled to have the same gift as Alaine, but was aware I didn’t feel drained or tired at all. I actually felt strong and… powerful.

  I raised my arms and flexed them in the mirror. Sadly there was no change; just the same thin un-muscular arms. I guess that’s what was expected for someone who never worked out. I sighed and thought of Kade, and how he was given his wings. How unbelievable would it have been if I had wings?

  Just for fun, I held my arms out to the sides and wished for wings, dreaming about what it would have been like to be able to fly whenever or wherever I wanted.

  Pain tore through my chest and felt like it ripped straight through my back. I gasped, doubling over, grabbing hold of the sink to hold me up. What the hell was that?

  As the pain subsided, I took in a deep breath and straightened up.

  I scre
amed as I saw my reflection, then quickly covered my mouth. My breath seized, my heart stopped, and I froze.

  Oh. My. God.

  I was completely floored, trying to wrap my head around what I was witnessing.

  Was it real?

  It couldn’t be. I couldn’t have been given more than one gift, right?

  But as much as I blinked, what I saw didn’t go away.

  Folded behind me, were two of the most glorious white wings I had ever seen. They were perfectly shaped and the purest white… completely flawless. Excitement bubbled inside of me, and began to spill over into a squeal. I took in a deep breath and tried to calm myself.

  Still a little doubtful, I reached backward and brushed my fingers across the side. They were as soft as silk and ruffled under my touch, sending a tingle down my spine.

  I couldn’t believe it. How? How was I worthy of such magic?

  I had wings.

  I—had the most amazing, magnificent wings.

  Hidden wings.

  Overwhelmed with adoration, my eyes began to water. Then, I whispered quietly, hoping the Creator would hear my words. “Thank you.”

  I wiped the pooled tears from my eyes and leaned closer to examine them. They were shimmering: gilded with strands of gold which were intertwined within the delicate pure white feathers.

  I stood up and exhaled. “Oh my God. No one is going to believe this.”

  I needed more room.

  Overcome with excitement and disbelief I slowly backed out of the bathroom into my bedroom, so could still see myself in the mirror.

  “Now, how do you work?” I whispered to my wings.

  My wings softly fluttered behind me, shooting a rush of electricity through my veins.

  None of the others had to speak to get their wings to work, so maybe it was just a thought process, like how it worked with invisibility.

  Well, I was about to give it a try.

  In my mind I willed my wings to spread out. As soon as the thought was released, I was almost thrown off balance as they unfolded spreading out to my sides.

  “Holy smokes,” I squealed quietly. I tried to settle myself, but this was too freaking exciting. I mean… who the heck gets wings for their eighteenth birthday?

  And these things didn’t come with an instruction manual. It was learn-as-you-go.


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