The Evanescence Chronicles: Volume I
Page 31
The dragons. He was talking about the dragons. Quetzalcoatl’s other children.
You want the dragons to become slaves to the vampires, too? I demanded.
Obsidian eyes flashed at me. Eventually. But first they need to go through the same schooling that their Evanescence cousins did. And for this great gift, my children will give me ten thousand hearts! Sweet dreams, little key. I will enjoy watching you put His Royal Highness through untold pain and humiliation.
He left my mind. I collapsed on the floor, unconscious. I awoke to a rough, wet tongue gently lapping at my cheek.
“Blackhole,” I whispered, getting to my knees.
The Evanescence whimpered and shied away from me, as if he feared I hated him. I stared at the black, armored body, the thin legs, the powerful tail, the gray mouth.
You should have seen them as they once were. So majestic, so beautiful, so powerful.
“Hey,” I whispered. “Come here.”
He did. I held him close, pressing my forehead against his.
I’m sorry.
The despair and remorse in his voice was evident. I tightened my arms around him.
“It’s all right,” I murmured softly. “I forgive you.”
He buried his face further into my stomach. Shadow won’t.
“I’ll talk to him,” I said. “I’ll make him understand. You don’t want to serve Tezcatlipoca. Shadow’s been tricked, too. He has no idea that he’s really been worshipping Quetzalcoatl’s brother this whole time.” Nausea twisted in my gut. “I wonder how many vampires do know.”
Father likes to play games that are only fun for him, Blackhole said. He always has.
“I can imagine,” I said bitterly. “Wanting to twist the dragons and make them slaves to the vampires…first having them kill ten thousand vampires as a sacrifice…” I shuddered violently.
Blackhole reluctantly moved out of my embrace. I need to make sure Shadow is safe now.
I nodded. “Please. I beg of you. Don’t let anything happen to him.”
When he was gone, I immediately called for Eulathrin. Maybe if I warned Tarasque what it would cost his people, he would stop the bloodshed. But what other horrors would Tezcatlipoca threaten if he didn’t get his sacrifice?
I shuddered again.
Officially, my class rank was Harijan. But only a fully trained Kshatriya would be able to dodge the horror erupting around me in order to deliver a Chaos wand to the royal family in one piece. And I was a fully trained Kshatriya.
I crouched behind some rubble, waiting for the twelve enormous serpents in front of me to become fully distracted by the dozens of fleeing vampires.
Not only were our enemies stronger and more powerful that we were, they were shape shifters also. It was a devastating revelation. And it seemed that their favorite shape to slaughter vampires with was that of an enormous serpent. I could only watch helplessly as those fangs ripped open the chests of my people and tore out their hearts.
We could fight. There were defense mechanisms on every corner: force fields, electro fields, laser cannons, just to name a few. Even the civilians could fight. And the royal family had an army of untold strength. We could unleash a sea of Evanescence on these cowards. There would be untold casualties, but compared to this pointless slaughter…
But Lord Chaos. We had to obey Lord Chaos.
The desire to curse the god was so great I could barely contain it.
I brought my blade to bear when I heard a rustle behind me, but relaxed when I saw it was Blackhole.
“What are you doing here?” I hissed. “I told you to hide!”
He growled and walked up to me. I put a hand on his head.
You need to get out of here.
I need to deliver this Chaos wand to the royal family. It contains information that could save us all. That could save Mercedes.
I’ll deliver it, then. You need to be protected. I’m sorry, Shadow.
Before I could form another thought, my world went dark.
I hoisted the limp body of my friend and comrade onto my back and made a portal before one of the serpents could spot us. We emerged into a dank, dark corridor whose only source of light were the torches that lined the walls. I began to walk, but it didn’t talk long before I drew the proper attention.
I obeyed. Two male beings approached me bearing staffs in their scaled, clawed hands. The light from the fire bathed the glossy feathers on their legs and wings in red-gold light. Both of them blanched at the sight of me.
“Fallen brother?” the one on the right exclaimed. His amber eyes were wide with shock making him appear younger than he already was.
The one on the left was older and more seasoned. His eyes instantly hardened. “Leave, fallen brother,” he commanded, raising his staff. “I know you do the bidding of our evil uncle. You will bring untold death and misery on us all.”
“Are you mad?” the younger siren hissed. “Do you want to provoke Smoking Mirror?! He could be listening right now!”
We are safe, I assured them. My father is occupied right now. Even he cannot be in every place at once.
“You call our evil uncle ‘father’,” the elder sneered. “If that is irrefutable evidence that there is no hope for you, I do not know what is.”
I did not come here to argue with you, siblings! I snapped. Gently, I lowered Shadow onto the floor. This cousin of yours needs your help. You will keep him safe.
“COUSIN!” the elder bellowed. The yellow gem on the tip of his staff began to glow a brilliant gold. “You bring a monster into our midst! Twisted spawn of Smoking Mirror, leave before I—!”
Before he could finish, I plowed into him. I heard the young one move behind me, but my tail wrapped around his throat before he could attack.
Dispel the light of the dayfire gem! I commanded, baring my many teeth. Now, before I erase you from existence!
Scowling, the elder obeyed. “That is your greatest talent, is it not, fallen brother?” he taunted.
Your cousin…my friend, he cannot stand the daylight. That’s why I brought him down here. You will keep him safe.
“And if we don’t?” the young one piped up.
I growled at him. He cannot stay in his own world right now and my father has plans for him. He must stay here. My legs pinned the siren’s arms. My father has let you be, but if you fail to keep this one safe, you will risk his wrath. Am I understood?
He glared furiously at me. “The queen will need to be informed.”
Inform her, then. I let him up. She too is well aware of the consequences of crossing my father.
“The only fear we have, fallen brother, is to share your fate,” the elder said. “If that threat did not exist, we would curse your father to the darkest of hells.”
I’m sure you would, I said dryly. That is, if he were not already lord of the darkest of hells. I picked Shadow back up. He will need to be secured. But he will not be harmed in any way.
The sirens led me to a cell, and I deposited my burden onto the small cot. Blood wouldn’t be a problem. Only one human resided in this entire dimension, but she would gladly lay down her life for her love.
“We will do what it takes to preserve our people,” the elder siren said. “But you have overstayed your welcome, fallen brother. Leave now.”
I obeyed. When I returned to the vampire world, the scent of death was heavy in the air. Fire and blood paved the streets. The dragons were still hard at work.
Smell it, my child, smell the glorious scent of sacrifice. It has been far too long since your brothers have repaid me for the blessings I bestowed on them. I will have my ten thousand hearts within the hour. And then your cousins will feel their victory turn to ash in their arrogant mouths.
I looked in the distance. Five dragons were circling the palace in their true shape. Their eyes gleamed with triumph and greed
I believe you promised to deliver something, child. Something that could turn the tide.
He knew as well as I that the tide would be turned long before the royal family made use of what resided in Shadow’s Chaos wand. But nothing would be accomplished by pointing that out. Without a word, I made my way inside the royal palace.
To the true royal family.
While I waited for Tarasque, I paced. Would he listen to me? He said himself that he didn’t trust me completely. Would the small amount of trust he had for me be enough? Maybe not. Maybe I needed to have more faith in his reason than his trust. There was no such thing as a deal with the devil as Tezcatlipoca demonstrated. In keeping the sacred grounds of his ancestors safe, Tarasque would sacrifice his soul, as well as the soul of every dragon in existence. Surely there would be no question regarding what his ancestors would choose!
His ancestors. Eulathrin told me the dragons worshipped them as gods. But Quetzalcoatl created them. Why didn’t they worship him?
Before I could start contemplating an answer, the doors swung open. Tarasque walked in, but this time I completely ignored his copies, focusing on the one that held his true consciousness.
His expression stopped me cold. Once reserved and neutral, his handsome features were cold and blank. Even his emerald eyes, once so brilliant, were now as dull as plastic gems. This change confused me more than it scared me. Surely Tezcatlipoca hadn’t sprung his trap already? After all, the devil wanted you to believe you got the better end of the deal for a while. He wanted to see that triumph in your eyes, that happiness. Only at the height of that triumph and happiness did he rip it away, all for the pleasure of seeing it die in your eyes.
“Are you all right?” I asked before I could stop myself.
Maybe it was the question, or maybe it was the genuine concern in my voice. Whatever it was, pain crossed Tarasque’s features, breaking the icy mask.
“Just tell me what you want.”
That’s what I had to do. I needed to warn him in the hopes that it would save both the vampires and the dragons. Bu my instincts, my heart told me that I couldn’t ignore his pain. And that I was missing something.
Tarasque had asked me about love before, and he especially wanted to know about the love I shared with Shadow. At first, I had thought it was a trait of humanity he was curious about, but now…
I will enjoy watching you put His Royal Highness through untold pain and humiliation, Tezcatlipoca had said.
“Well?” Tarasque demanded.
I looked him right in the eye and made sure my voice was completely steady.
“Your Highness…do you love me?”
The silence that fell between us as a result of my bold, presumptuous, maybe even stupid question felt like an eternity. When it was over, the pain on Tarasque’s face was more prominent, but there was also an emotion that bordered on hatred.
“Why would you ask me such a thing?”
His voice was low and almost made me shiver. “Because…” I swallowed. “Because of what you asked me before. I’m so sorry if I’m being presumptuous, but I need to know.”
“And why is that?” Tarasque whispered. “Is it so that you can possess power over me? So you can save your precious vampire lover, and the vampire race?”
“No, I—Tarasque, please, listen to me. I just spoke to Necoc Yaotl. He has absolutely no intention of letting the dragons be once the vampires are dead. He’s the father of the vampires. He doesn’t want them all to die. He just wants you to kill ten thousand of them as a sacrifice! Once ten thousand are dead, he plans to have the dragons become slaves to the vampires. He’s done this before with—”
“Silence!” Tarasque bellowed. He stared at me, breathing heavily. There was true hatred in his eyes. “That’s a very creative story. And how convenient that Necoc Yaotl would tell you his true plans just as am I slaughtering the vampires. You hoped that I did love you so I would believe your lies, correct?”
“I’m not using you!” I shouted. “If you don’t love, then just say so. But if you do…it’s not something I can just ignore.”
“Well, have no fear then. I do not love you. And I have decided I don’t need you to love me.” He gripped my chin.
“Tarasque…” I began.
Before I could blink, his hand was wrapped around my throat, and I couldn’t breathe.
“I thought I could possess an emotional attachment to you and still retain my pride as a dragon king,” he whispered. “I thought I could still make my father and my forefathers proud. But I was mistaken. I still want you and I will have you. But you are now a part of my treasure, Mercedes Strand. Nothing more, nothing less. You will remain with me until the end of your days.” His fingers tightened even further and I choked, desperate to take in air, but unable to. A small smile touched Tarasque’s lips. “My weakness for you has been unforgivable, but I will rectify my grave error by completely destroying the vampires including your lover. My warriors have strict orders to bring him to me. I will then bring him before you, and I will kill him right before your eyes. Only then will I find true redemption.”
He let me go. I collapsed on the floor, heaving great coughs and massaging my throat. When my blurry vision cleared, I looked up and saw Tarasque staring at me. For a moment, I saw a sliver of remorse in his eyes, but it vanished so quickly I was certain I had imagined it. When he left, a powerful, evil laugh rang through my head.
That was wonderful, little key! To hear you tell the almighty dragon king the exact truth and have him spit it right back in your face…oh, the delicious irony! How much do you think he will regret not listening to you once he is going through his schooling?
Still wheezing, I got to my knees and continued to rub my neck.
My, he truly did a number on you, didn’t he? Tezcatlipoca said with concern I didn’t believe for a moment was genuine. Never fear, you will have your vengeance soon enough. The sacrifice is nearly complete.
Meaning that ten thousand vampires were dead just to satiate this evil god’s bloodthirstiness.
“I don’t care about vengeance,” I rasped. “I don’t want vengeance. You used Tarasque. Manipulated him.”
That’s a very interesting thing for you to say, little key. Did I manipulate him into hating you? Beating you? Am I manipulating him into killing your beloved Shadow right before your eyes? Oh, don’t look so horrified. Your lover is safe. I have plans for him. But can you honestly blame me for everything Tarasque has done to you?
“Not everything,” I admitted.
As well you shouldn’t. The dragons truly are a despicable creation. Dedicating their long lives to gathering wealth and boosting their egos. Not even humankind is so despicable. You, little key, are living proof of that.
“Tarasque is different,” I said. “He wants things that dragons aren’t supposed to want.”
So true. He is a very tortured soul: longing for the companionship of so-called inferior creatures, yet unable to outwardly seek it else he be shamed before his people and his fathers. Pathetic.
My mouth tightened.
You resent my denouncement of him, don’t you? Or is it my dismissal? You know he is pathetic, yet you believe that there is hope for him.
“I know there’s hope for him,” I said firmly.
Tezcatlipoca laughed.
I never would have chosen you if you believed otherwise, little key.
In the Chambers of Chaos with my fellow royals, under the watchful eyes of our makers, we waited.
The priests had been sitting for hours. They remained in a circle, and the blood in their hair had long dried. Only their mouths moved as they chanted prayers in a language I did not know. There were many things I did not know about the rituals of the Brothers. It was not my place to know. After all, I was only a royal mouthpiece, not a priest or a true royal.
Our makers knew. And they choose not to s
hare that information with us.
Throughout my two-thousand years of existence, I had been perfectly content with my position. Vampires lived and died at my command and I never wanted for anything. I followed the Brothers of Duality with reverence, always believing in them, always trusting that they would ensure the survival and growth of our race. My faith in the gods had never wavered. Not once. I could not stop now. Should Lord Chaos or Lord Order sense that I doubted them, they could forsake the vampires as a whole. I had to keep my faith strong. This was a test, I told myself. They merely wanted to see if we would still believe in them even if it seemed like they were abandoning us.
Right now, our once prosperous streets were bathed in vampire blood and strewn with vampire corpses. Most of our people managed to go underground, but our makers ordered that several sanctuaries be sealed off, dooming hundreds perhaps thousands of vampires. Our makers did not volunteer an explanation, but I was no fool. I knew what this was: sacrifice. The Brothers wished a payment in blood before we were allowed to fight for our lives. This was our test of faith and loyalty.
So be it. I only hoped that most of the lives lost were Harijans.
The priests were suddenly on their feet. They raised their arms above their heads and emitted a shrieking howl that rang through the chamber. Only when the echoes faded did they move toward our makers sitting on their thrones.
“My lords,” a female priest uttered in a deep, guttural voice. “Lord Chaos is satiated. He now demands that vengeance against the spawn of the demon lizard who corrupted so many of us.”
I exchanged looks with Ariadna. Her fangs had emerged and the bloodlust burning in my breast was reflected in her eyes.
The brown hand adorned with obsidian rings vanished in the darkness. When it reappeared, it was holding a Chaos wand.
“We fight fire with fire,” the voice from the shadows declared. “Unleash the Evanescence.”
Part III
Soul Cannibal
Chapter 11