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Unbound (Shifter Night Book 2)

Page 6

by Charlene Hartnady

  “Yes, I’m good.”

  “Do you still want to leave with someone else?”

  She pretended to think about it.

  “You’re mine tonight. All fucking mine.” He lifted her off of the chest, pulled down her skirt and smoothed her hair off of her face.

  “Just for tonight.” She smiled.

  He flashed her a quick smile. “Glad we finally agree.”

  The door to the storage room opened and a bewildered looking guy walked in. “Oh, um … I …”

  “We’re lost.” Ash grabbed her hand and walked out before the guy could say anything more. He ushered her down the hallway. Though Ash walked, she had to jog to keep up with him. They burst out into the crowd.

  Alice couldn’t help herself, she started laughing. Ash glanced down at her, he was grinning wildly. He shook his head and then barked out a laugh as well. They laughed all the way out of the bar. She held onto his hand tightly, as they made their way out the front door. Just sex. That’s all it was, and she was going to enjoy every second.

  Her eyes were closed. Her jaw slack. Her breasts bounced hard with each thrust. His balls were in his throat. He was so close to coming it was torture trying to hold on. Her hair was a wild mess. Her bangs stuck to her forehead, there was a section on the right that was standing up. Fucking gorgeous. So fucking lush.

  The tiny human had carpet burns on her knees from when they’d fucked on the floor in the hallway. Then he’d laid her out on the dining room table and had feasted on her pussy before climbing up and taking care of things with his cock. The bowl of fruit that now lay broken on the floor was collateral damage, but it had been all worth it.

  Next was the coffee table. Those magazines would never be the same. And now, the sofa was being put to good use.

  She groaned as his grip on her hips tightened. Hard, deep but slow and easy. “Killing me,” she groaned.

  “You want to come?” His voice was so guttural, he could barely understand himself.

  “Yes, oh god, oh yes …” Her eyes focused on him, but barely. “Please. Have to …” Her head fell back, her tits kept jerking up and down. One of the sexiest things he had ever seen.

  Oh fuck!

  He was about to come. About to … he continued to thrust into her, only he picked up the pace slightly, the pad of his thumb finding her clit just as he began to shoot off. Luckily, he had been keeping her right there for a while, so one little touch was all it took. Her pussy clamped down around him like a silken vice, her body milking him for all he was worth and maybe just a bit more. He couldn’t help the grunt that escaped. It was just that fucking good.

  Her mouth opened in a silent scream, her back bowed and then she groaned, long and deep. Alice fell forward against his chest. She bit him. Although it didn’t happen often, it wasn't the first time a human had bitten him. Only, they were usually timid about it. Not Alice, she sank her teeth into him so hard it had him seeing stars.

  His dick exploded. He might have internal damage to his balls he came so damned hard and for a second time. Ash snarled, his hips jerked hard.

  Alice gripped his shoulders tighter and yelled as her pussy spasmed around him. They held onto each other for what felt like a long while, but in reality could only have been a minute. Two at the most. Riding out their orgasms. Slowly coming down, until eventually Alice slumped against him with a moan.

  It took another couple of minutes to catch their breath. “Oh my word!” Alice managed to get out between hard pants. “What the hell just happened?” Her voice was croaky.

  “Yeah, shit.” He chuckled even though there was a knot in his stomach. “You bit me.”

  “Oh, really? Biting does that?” She was still breathing heavily. “I’m sorry by the way. I don’t know what came over me. What am I saying? I’m not sorry.” She giggled. “That was amazing.” She slurred her words a little. “If I had even a little bit of energy left, I would suggest we do it again … and again.”

  “We can’t.” He tried to keep the growl from his voice and failed.

  "Oh." She pulled back. Her eye make-up was smudged, making her look a bit like a raccoon. An adorable, really sexy raccoon.

  “It’s nothing, just that biting is for mates.”

  “Oh, I see.” She smiled. “No wonder human women are so interested in snagging a shifter. I totally get it now.” She smiled but quickly turned serious, her eyes tracking his face. “Not that I’m interested in all that, mind you. I can see you’re suddenly worried and you shouldn’t be.”

  Truth was, hearing her say it did worry him. Mates, biting. Fuck! It suddenly felt like he was in over his head.

  “Marriage is the very last thing I want … believe me. I’m so far from interested it’s not even funny.” She lifted herself off of him. There was a sudden tension in the air. “I’ve been there … I can’t say done that.” She laughed, sounding hurt. “I certainly learned my lesson. That’s for sure.” She sat next to him on the sofa, grabbing one of the cushions and hugging it to herself. At that moment she looked vulnerable. She looked sad.

  “What happened?” The words were out before he could stop them. He shouldn’t care. He didn’t. Not really. It just felt like the right thing to do in this situation.

  “It was nothing.” She laughed. The sound was not upbeat and joyous. It didn’t sound anything like Alice.

  Ash frowned. “Tell me. I want to know.”

  “So damned bossy.” She sucked in a deep breath, her smile faltering. “Like I said, it was nothing. It happened a couple of years ago but it hurt me enough to forgo marriage.”

  “Were you mated?”

  Her eyes widened. “No, god no! In hindsight it’s a blessing we never did. Although I would never have said so at the time. I was devastated. Heartbroken, over a loser like Terrance. Anyway, like I said, lesson learned.”

  “What did this male … this Terrance … what did he do?” There was a definite growl to his voice. He didn’t like the idea of someone hurting Alice, or any female for that matter.

  She shrugged, hugging the pillow closer. “Left me standing at the altar.”

  She must have seen the confusion on his face.

  “He ran out on me on the day of our wedding. No message, no phone call. No nothing. He just didn’t show up.” She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. “I only found out half an hour before I was due to walk down the aisle … To say our vows,” she quickly added.

  “He didn’t have the balls to explain things to you?”

  She shook her head. “In retrospect we were completely wrong for one another. It’s the way he went about things that hurt. We’d been together for two years and he didn’t respect me enough to tell me how he felt.” She licked her lips. “I had to go out there and tell everyone that the wedding was off. It was the most embarrassing moment of my whole life. Even worse, I was so hurt. I saw Terrance as not just a lover but as a friend and he let me down by just running off.”

  “Not all males are like that, Alice. There are a couple of good guys out there.”

  “Like you?” She smiled, looking at him with such affection. Then she made a face. “I don’t mean it like that. I know it isn’t like that between us.”

  “No, not me. I’m not a good guy. I was also hurt. Deeply hurt and I can’t go down that road again either.”

  “There are good ladies out there as well. There might be someone out there for you. You would just need to give it a chance …” She made that same face. “Not with me though. I don’t mean me.” He could see that she meant it. “I keep putting my foot in it.” She shook her head, her cheeks turning red.

  “I know that but being in another relationship is not for me and nothing would ever change my mind about that. I need to say though that you’re definitely one of the good females. I would hate to see you live out the rest of your life alone because of that asshole, Terrance.”

  “I’m very happy. I don’t need another person to complete me. I’ve been on a few dates but nothing tha

t’s panned out. It would take someone really special to get me to commit. Heck,” Alice chuckled, “it might take a bit of a miracle to get me to say ‘yes’ a second time.” She yawned, putting a hand up to cover her mouth. “What time is it?”

  “A little after three, and no, you don’t need someone else to complete you.” He closed the space between them, giving her a quick kiss on the side of the mouth. “Let me tuck you in your bed. You look exhausted.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.” She stifled another yawn.

  Ash stood up, it took him a half a minute to find his pants, which he pulled on. Alice looked surprised when he picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. He pulled back the comforter and put her down, pulling the covers over her. Then he kissed her forehead. “Sleep well.”

  “You’re not staying?”

  Ash shook his head. For just a moment he was tempted but only because he really liked sex in the morning. There was something about fucking, about making someone come hard as the sun was rising. It had been a very long time since he’d had the pleasure. “No. Thanks, though.”

  “Okay.” She half smiled. It was dopey, her eyes tiny slits she was so tired. “Please turn the lock on the door as you leave.”

  Ash was taken aback. Alice didn’t try to change his mind. She wasn’t all clingy, begging to see him again. The sex was off the charts good and for just a second, he was tempted to break every rule and stay. What were a few more hours?


  He had his rules for a reason. It was especially important he stick to them. He thanked Claw he didn’t have a rule about fucking the same female more than once. He’d never had the inclination to fuck the same female more than once before. Not since— "Good night." She yawned again and started to turn to face the other way.

  Screw it! “Wait,” he gripped her arm to keep her from rolling over, “meet me next month.”

  She blinked her eyes a couple of times, like maybe she hadn’t heard him right. “I don’t know if …” She shook her head.

  “By Fur, you’re actually going to turn me down.” Ash had to grin.

  Alice frowned, scrunching up her nose. “You look like you actually like that I’m going to turn you down.”

  “Yeah, I do. It’s a refreshing change. Did you enjoy tonight?” Ash knew the answer to that question. He’d never been more compatible with a female. As in, ever. Not even with his mate. There were good reasons for that. He stopped the thought in its tracks. It made him nervous about seeing Alice again but that was bullshit. As long as they kept it strictly about the sex, one more ride wouldn’t hurt.

  She made a face at him. “You know I did.”

  “Exactly.” He looked deep into her dark hazelnut eyes. “We’re having fun. Neither of us wants anything more, so why can’t we enjoy it?”

  “I don’t know.” She huffed out a breath. “It feels like it could get complicated.”

  “I won’t see you for another month. There will be no long romantic walks or dinners. I won’t buy you flowers or any of that other shit. I think we’re good, besides, I have this little fantasy I think you might enjoy.”

  “Oh really?” She smiled. Then she rolled her eyes. “Okay, fine. Tell me about this fantasy of yours.”

  Ash leaned forward and whispered it into her ear.

  “That is pretty naughty. Maybe even a little dirty.” Her breathing had become elevated.

  “It would be naughty and seriously fucking dirty and that would be for starters.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “No, you’ll be there,” he growled, standing up and walking to the door. He looked back over his shoulder. “And Alice?”


  “Make sure you wear a dress or a skirt and no underwear.”

  “I can’t very well go into public without—”

  “You can and you will.” He watched in fascination as her pupils dilated. She was turned on as fuck. “There’s also that other thing.” He narrowed his eyes on her.

  “No way.”

  “Yes, way. I’ll know. I swear to god, I’ll walk away.”

  She sighed. “Fine. That’s if I decide to go.” Her chest was heaving. He caught the sweet scent of wet pussy. Alice would be there and she’d follow his instructions.

  Despite all the sex, his dick twitched. He’d better get the hell out of there before he jumped her again. Alice was a human, she needed her rest. He smiled. “I look forward to next month.” Then he forced himself to leave.


  Alice hooked a strand of wayward hair behind her ear. She scanned the busy room. As per usual, there were far too many people crammed in this place. Shifter night was getting busier by the month. There were women everywhere. All hoping to snag themselves a shifter.

  She had to stop herself from grinning as she caught sight of him. Act cool! Act normal! She took another sip of her vodka, lime, and soda, faking disinterest. Her heart beat like mad. Her cheeks felt flushed. As hard as she tried, she couldn't look the other way. Instead, she kept her gaze directed somewhere to the right of him.

  Ash did a double-take as he caught sight of her.

  Calm, cool and collected. You’ve got this! She took another sip of her drink, barely noticing how the cold liquid slid down her throat. Ash’s mouth twitched. His eyes lit up.

  She bit down on her bottom lip, suppressing a grin of her own. Alice finally found it in herself to look away. It was damn hard, especially considering how off the charts hot he was. From his dark hair and dimples to his thick biceps and broad shoulders. The thing she liked the most was his brooding intensity. Even when he smiled, it was almost wild and feral with just a hint of humor.

  “Hey, Alice!” a lady shouted as she walked past. She gave a little wave.

  “Hi!” Shoot, it was Kim. One of her clients. It was hard to recognize people in these surroundings. Kim normally wore jeans and an old t-shirt for her appointments. In knee-high boots and a mini skirt, she looked completely different. “Looking good.” Alice looked pointedly at the woman’s hair. It was dark with caramel highlights. She herself had cut and colored Kim’s hair not three days ago.

  Kim smiled broadly, running a hand through her locks. Then she winked. “Enjoy.” She walked away, following a group of friends.

  “You came.” His deep, sexy voice seemed to rush right through her.

  Alice had to work not to react. She took her time turning her gaze to him. His beautiful dark chocolate stare locked with hers and crinkles appeared around the edges of his eyes.

  She looked away without answering, taking another slow sip of her drink, not tasting a thing.

  Ash folded his arms. “What is a gorgeous female like you doing alone in a place like this?”

  She gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Enjoying my drink.” She lifted her glass. “In peace. Or trying to,” she added. Alice looked away, the crowd a blur.

  He laughed. A rich, gorgeous sound that made her want to jump straight into his arms and stick her tongue down his throat. Easy!

  “Can I buy you another one?” He was still smiling, his eyes glinted. His dimples were obscenely gorgeous.

  He wasn’t serious. This was all part of the game. “I’m good.” She looked down, shocked to find the glass almost empty. “If I want another drink, I’ll get one myself.” She cocked her head and looked him head-on. That meant craning her neck, since he was so darned tall. Her insides turned to mush.


  Alice downed the last bit of her vodka, lime, and soda, her eyes still on his. She licked her lips, loving the way his eyes tracked the movement. Loving even more how his lids hooded. Ash widened his stance, he pushed his hands into his jean pockets. They were well worn and hugged his thighs in a way that had her mouth turning dry despite just having practically downed her drink.

  “Did you do as I asked?”

  Alice finally allowed herself to smile. She hoped it was seductive and sexy. Please oh please! “I guess you’ll have to find out for yourself!�
� She sauntered away, feeling his eyes on her. She tried not to giggle. Tried even harder not to fall on her face. These heels were far too high. She put the glass down on a table and kept on walking.

  The hallway was dimly lit, ‘Unisex’ was written on a sign above the entrance. There were doors lining the entire one side. She counted eight. Alice smiled as she caught sight of stall number six. There was a hasty hand-written note stuck to the door. Her smile widened.

  Out of Order


  A smiley face. How cute. Not like him at all.

  Several ladies and one guy waited in the line. They looked at her strangely as she walked past them. Alice tested the handle. The door opened. No-one was inside. Of course they weren’t. Alice closed the door behind her and sighed. What if someone tried to come in?

  There was a knock on the door behind her, making her jump. Shit! She opened the door just a crack, sighing when she saw Ash on the other side. She stepped back. Then he was there, taking up the entire space, kicking the door shut behind him and turning the lock. Sucking all the air from the cubicle as well it seemed, because she struggled to breathe.

  “You look fucking amazing.” His gaze trailed her body from head to toe. She’d bought the dress especially for this evening. For him. It was a deep burgundy and hugged her in all the right places.

  He cupped her chin and covered her mouth with his. His oh so hot, sexy mouth, she mewled as he devoured the hell out of her lips. Alice clutched at his shirt, wanting to tear it open so that she could see his chest and abs. So that she could touch and explore, but this wasn’t the time or the place.

  He broke the kiss, throwing her a half-smile that had her panties turning wet, or they would've become wet if she was wearing any. Ash growled low in his throat, his nostrils flared. He gripped her hips and turned her around to face the door. There wasn't much space to maneuver in here, what with a toilet and sink, not to mention one times huge shifter.


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