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Unbound (Shifter Night Book 2)

Page 8

by Charlene Hartnady

  Alice leaned down, bracing on the floor. She made mewling noises that drove him insane. He gripped her hips a little tighter and kept working her pussy with long hard thrusts.

  “So amazing,” he growled through clenched teeth. Her body sucked him in, making greedy, wet sounds.

  Alice muttered his name as her pussy began to flutter. As soon as she began to spasm around him, he was done. Ash roared, crouching over her as pleasure rushed through him. Her channel held him so tightly that he struggled to breathe. Struggled to think.

  Alice screamed, the sound thick with pleasure. It was only when he cracked open his eyes, his senses returning that he realized he was biting down on her neck.

  He quickly released her. “Fuck,” he growled. “Are you okay? Shit!” He pulled out, watching as his seed dripped down her inner thighs.

  Maybe in another time, another place, his reaction would have been comical because he was both turned on and horrified at the sight. “Fuck!” he shouted.

  “I’m fine.” She was panting hard. Her eyelids hooded. “You can have angry, pissed off sex with me anytime.” Her speech slurred a little.

  No fucking wonder. He’d just blown her mind.

  Now her eyes were closed and she was cradling her head in her arms. Out of it. “It’s not fine. Shit!” He smoothed the hair from her face and took a closer look at her neck. “I broke the skin.” He ran a finger over the bite mark and she winced. There were three puncture wounds. Not bad enough to bleed, but fuck, the skin was broken.

  “I’m fine,” more slurring.

  “No, you don’t understand. The bite,” he clenched his jaw, “isn’t the end of the world. I … fuck!” He clutched the back of his neck for a few beats. “I wasn’t wearing a condom. I’m so sorry.”

  That did it. Mind half blown or not she pulled herself into a sitting position. Her hair was mussed, her eyes dazed. “Oh my god!” She clasped a hand over her mouth for a second. “I’m not on the pill. Oh shit!” Then she clamped her hand back over her mouth and made funny noises, her eyes were wide. It was safe to say that she was panicking.

  “I’m sorry. I fucked up. I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted you so badly, but that’s no excuse.” Fuck! He was babbling again. He sucked in a deep breath. “You can’t get anything from me, except sticky.” He smiled sheepishly.

  “Joking right now is not going to help.” She wagged a finger at him. Okay, she was definitely panicking up a storm. “What about … you know …”

  Ash laughed.

  “What did I say? Why are you laughing? It’s not damn well funny.”

  “Are you afraid to say the word? Like it’s catching and that if you do, it’ll happen.”

  “I cannot have a baby right now.”

  “You don’t ever want to be in a relationship again so the right now part is obsolete.”

  “For your information I plan on having kids. I’ll do it alone though. I told you, I don’t need a man. I’m going to a sperm bank.”

  Ash wasn’t sure what a sperm bank was. He didn’t want to know either, could guess.

  She turned panicky again. “I don’t want one now though. Not for another five years. I’m not ready for kids.”

  “You can calm down. You’re not in heat.”

  “Heat?” She frowned. “Oh, I’m not ovulating.” She folded her arms across her magnificent chest. “How would you know?”

  “A bear can scent a female in heat from several miles away and I’m not exaggerating. This close and personal, I would know if you were going to go into heat in the near future.”

  “You’re sure?” Her brows were raised.

  “Yes, I wouldn’t be this calm otherwise.”

  “Do you promise?”

  He had to laugh. “I swear, I know I initially panicked but that was before I had a chance to think things through. I would be in full tilt panic if I thought there was even a remote chance of you becoming pregnant.”

  She pushed out a deep breath. "Okay, I'm going to take a morning after pill just to be sure." She smiled. "By the look on your face, I can tell you don't have a clue what that is. It'll ensure that I don't get pregnant. Not that I don't trust your nose or anything. We can't risk it though."

  “We sure as hell can’t.” He pulled off his pants and then dug in his pocket, pulling out a string of condoms. “We won’t do that again either, just to be sure.”

  “I agree.” She nodded.

  “Now, should we take that shower?” He bobbed his eyebrows at her.

  “Maybe we should use the bed for once. I’m going to have carpet burns again in the morning.”

  Something in him clenched tight. Ash shook his head. “I don’t fuck in a bed.”

  “Oh, because it’s too boring,” she said, throwing his words back at him. Alice snorted. “You should try it sometime, as boring as it may be … there are fewer accidents that way.”

  Ash rubbed a hand over his stubble, feeling it catch against his fingers. “It’s too intimate. Beds are for making love.”

  “Oh.” Her whole demeanor changed and for just a second he thought he saw hurt register in her eyes, but he had to have been mistaken, because this was Alice.

  “How about we get you in that shower?”

  “Because I’m seriously dirty?”

  “All covered in my seed.” He was damned if he didn't like the idea. It was his instinct talking. He was surprised at how well he was taking this whole thing. Ash leaned into her neck as he picked her up and sniffed at her. There was not even the slightest hint of her heat. No heat, no worries. It was logical, plus, he trusted her to take that pill that stopped pregnancy. Any other female would worry him. Alice would do as she had promised. He was sure of it.

  He caught sight of her neck. So what if he had bitten her? It was nothing. Again, an instinctual thing. Aside from being sexy as hell, she was an amazing fuck. No wonder. Any bear would have forgotten themselves to be inside her. Any shifter would have bitten her in that moment. Skin to skin fucking. Any of them would’ve slipped in that moment. It was just that good being bareback inside a female like Alice. Already his balls were pulling tight in anticipation of sliding back into her warm sheath.

  Ash pulled up to her apartment. He glanced over at Alice. She was fast asleep in her seat. He held back a grin as he heard her snoring softly.

  He got out of the vehicle and walked around to her side. Ash leaned in and tried to pick her up. Alice still looked really sleepy, she shook her head. “ can manage” Her voice was thick with sleep.

  He felt like a dick for waking her up. He'd never had a female sleepover and wasn't about to start now. Especially not now, after tonight. After messing up so badly. “I’ll walk you up.”

  “You don’t have to.” She shook her head.

  “Yes, I do.” He ran a hand through his hair, which felt like it was mussed.

  Ash glanced at his watch and picked up the pace. He needed to get a couple of hours of sleep in. He was on patrol tomorrow night. Something wasn’t right back home. Something he couldn’t put his finger on. He could sense it. He needed to be on his guard. They all did.

  He kept his arm around her as they walked. Within minutes, they arrived at her door, Alice fished out her keys. “Do you want to come inside?”

  Ash groaned softly. “I would love to, but I don’t think you’ll last another round and I need to get to bed.”

  “You could sleep over.” She laughed. “I’m only kidding.” She put a hand on his chest.

  He cupped her cheeks and kissed her hard and deep. Her lips were soft. Her breasts pushed against his chest. “I’ll see you next month?” she whispered as they pulled apart.

  Ash wasn’t sure how to react to that, he …

  “Only joking.” She laughed again, only, it seemed a little forced. “You’re the one who initiates our meetings and I’m the one who turns you down. I just wanted to see your face. Both times.”

  He forced a smiled. “I see. Well it worked.”

  “Yes, it d

  “I have your number,” he blurted. Immediately feeling like an asshole.

  She frowned. “You do?”

  “What’s her name from the salon gave it to me.”

  “Meredith.” She pretended to be mad and scowled. “I swear, what else did she tell you? My bra size?” She shook her head.

  He chuckled. “Nothing like that.” He leaned in and kissed her on the side of her mouth. “I’ll text you.”

  Alice rolled her eyes. “Don’t bother. I doubt I’ll answer.”

  “Now there’s my girl.” Why the fuck had he said that?

  “Last time I checked I was all woman.”

  “You sure are.” It was time to high-tail it the fuck out of there.

  “Good-bye.” He kissed her for real this time, holding her close. Breathing her in. Alice had the best scent. Made him horny as fuck.

  She pulled away first. “Good-bye, Ash. Take care of yourself.”

  “You too.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. He didn’t know exactly why he did that either. It was stupid.

  “Till next time,” he said, as she stepped inside.

  She narrowed her eyes. “You should only be so lucky.”

  He chuckled, heading back. Tomorrow was going to be a long-ass day.


  Even though she’d slept half the afternoon away, she still felt tired. Lying on the sofa, watching back-to-back Grey’s Anatomy episodes would do that to a person. It was exhausting watching all of that drama.

  A sharp rap interrupted her reverie. She yawned, heading for the door. Who could be knocking on her door? It was Sunday evening. Family time. That, or chill time.

  They knocked again.

  “Yeah, yeah. On my way.” She looked through the keyhole and chuckled as she caught Meredith’s broad smile.

  Alice unlocked and opened the door. “I come bearing gifts.” Meredith held up a bottle of wine and a bag of what looked like Chinese take-out.

  “Egg rolls and that noodle dish you love.”

  Her stomach seemed to have forgotten the pizza she’d had for lunch because it made a growling noise.

  “Just in time.” Meredith laughed, looking at her mid-section. “Are you still in your pajamas?” Her friend pulled a face.

  “No, these are my comfy clothes.” She wasn’t about to admit that she had, in fact, slept in them last night.

  Alice grabbed some plates, cutlery, and wine glasses and they sat down at the table. The one, she and Ash, had used and abused last month.

  Not going there! She handed the opener to Meredith, while she unpacked the bag, opening the boxes inside. “This looks amazing.”

  Meredith was turning the corkscrew. “I want to hear all about it.” Then her eyes widened. “Is that a bite mark on your neck?”

  Oh shit! Alice had forgotten about that. “Um … yeah. Can I dish for you or …?”

  Meredith bounced up and down on the spot. The half-opened bottle in her hands forgotten.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You do know what a bite means don’t you?”

  Alice shook her head. “It wasn’t a big deal. I mean the sex was even better. I didn’t think it could get better, but it has. Other than that …” She narrowed her eyes. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Did Ash tell you anything about the bite?”

  Her mind was a little fuzzy about what Ash had said directly after that mind-blowing orgasm. She’d been in a state of complete euphoria. Her endorphin levels must have been through the roof. “Um … he apologized profusely. No biggie. It didn’t hurt … the opposite was true.” Understatement of note. Sheesh! She’d felt that orgasm from the perfectly trimmed ends on her hair to her manicured toes.

  “He didn’t tell you that biting is mating behavior?” Meredith pulled the cork out of the bottle with a pop.

  “I guess, but it’s not like that—”

  “Or that the shifters never bite unless they’re serious about someone?”

  “Look,” Alice held up a hand, “it really isn’t anything like that. We’re just having sex. Nothing more and nothing less. Neither of us is interested in the whole relationship thing. You know why. I’ve cried on your shoulder plenty of times.”

  “I think he might just have feelings for you. These shifters don’t normally spend more than one Shifter Night with someone. Two at the most. Three is unheard of. He’s into you. I know it. I can just feel it.”

  Meredith still hadn’t managed to snag herself a shifter. They’d become somewhat of an obsession to her.

  “No, you’re wrong.” Alice shook her head. Something tightened inside her. “I don’t think we’re going to see each other again.” She felt sad at the thought. Make that, her lady bits felt sad. They would never get that kind of attention again. Not ever. Her eyes pricked a little. She was still so young and destined to have lousy sex because nothing was topping what she and Ash had. Sexually. Of course.

  Meredith frowned. “Why do you say that?” She poured them each a glass of wine.

  “He gave me the classic ‘I’ll call you’ line. No, he said he’d text me.”

  “Oh shit!” Meredith handed her a glass. “Are you serious?”

  “Yup.” Alice took a sip. “It was weird between us. I can’t put my finger on it. You should have seen the look on his face when I told him I’d see him next month.”

  “How did he look?” Meredith took a big glug of her wine.

  “Like he was panicking. I don’t know, shock. He wasn’t happy about it.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I don’t know why I even said it. I’ve just grown used to seeing him when he’s here. It slipped out.”

  “Oh, you poor thing. I’m so glad I came around.”

  Alice made a face. “I’m fine … really. I mean, I’ll miss the sex. I’ll really, really miss the sex, but otherwise,” she snorted and waved a hand, “it’s not like Ash and I talked much or anything. I only saw him a handful of times. How can you miss someone you don’t even know, right?” She laughed. “I realized today that I don’t know anything about him. Other than he has a twin brother he hates ‒ and I found that out by accident. Oh, and he was hurt badly by someone called Savannah. That’s it, the sum total of the things I know about Ash.”

  “Twin brother, huh?”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to go there. Gage is a rude pig. Although …” she sighed, “I get the distinct impression he was being an asshole just to get at Ash. He may not actually be an asshole.”

  “Right.” Meredith put an egg roll on her plate. “So, you’re fine with this? You’re sure?”

  “More than sure.” Oh flip! How could she have forgotten?

  “What’s wrong? You suddenly look like you just saw a ghost.”

  “We didn’t use a condom last night,” Alice blurted. “Just the once. It was an accident.”

  “Yeah, but you’re on the pill right?”

  Alice shook her head. “No.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Exactly.” Her heart beat like mad. “I was supposed to go and get a morning after pill and I forgot about it. I completely forgot about it. What’s wrong with me?”

  “Selective amnesia. Maybe you want to have Ash’s baby.”

  “That’s the craziest thing I have ever heard.” Her voice was a tad shrill. “Ever! I’m not ready to be a mom.” Alice forced herself to breathe slower. To calm down. “I’m not ovulating. It’s going to be fine.” Her little pep talk wasn’t working. “Would the pill still work if I took it first thing tomorrow?”

  “I’m not sure.” Meredith shook her head. She grabbed her purse and after digging in it for a few seconds, she pulled out her phone. With a minute of typing, she looked up. “It says the sooner the better but as long as you take it within seventy-two hours you’re golden.”

  “Okay, so,” Alice’s mind raced, “if I take the pill at nine tomorrow …” she did the calculations in her head, “it will make it aroun
d thirty-seven hours.” She sighed heavily. “Well, within the window specified.”

  “Exactly.” Meredith continued to dish for herself. “There we go. All sorted.”

  “All sorted.” Although Alice felt ten times better, she would only breathe easy when she got her period. Bring it on!


  Three days later …

  They walked in silence, a group of six males, all spread out. It was only Ash and Winston who walked side by side. The rest were spread out. Two up ahead and two at the rear. They were on their way back to the village after being on a scouting trip. Everything seemed normal. If not seeing any game at all in all of that time could be considered normal. If the hairs prickling on the back of his neck for no apparent reason could be seen as normal. Normal was a relative term.

  They’d just shifted back into their human forms. In a mile or two they’d be able to see the smoke. It was early yet, almost everyone would be sleeping. He liked this time of day. If they hurried, he might still get there before Ethan woke up. He looked forward to seeing his son. By the way Winston had to keep slowing himself down, he could tell that the male was desperate to get back to his mate.

  “I can’t believe you left your new mate to come on security detail. You must be desperate to get back to Ana.” Ash glanced at Winston. “You’re lucky I’m on this assignment or I would’ve kept her warm for you.” He winked at the male who instantly bristled. Ash had to hold back a laugh. He was just fucking with Winston.

  “Don’t even go there,” Winston growled the words, but the edges of his mouth were curled in a smile. “We all have a role to play in keeping our village safe. I’m not going to shirk responsibility. Besides, we’d been holed up for a week. I left my female unconscious. I’m sure she’s slept for two days solid. She needed the break.”

  Winston was making this too easy. Ash smirked. “I’m sure I could’ve roused her.”

  “Fuck you, dickhead,” Winston chuckled.


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