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The Man Who Has No Love (Soulless Book 3)

Page 7

by Victoria Quinn

  “No.” I pushed the papers away. “I just don’t care right now.” My arms scooped under her body, and I carried her down the hallway to my bedroom.

  Her arms circled my neck and she stared at my lips, a slight grin on hers. When she lifted her gaze and looked into my eyes, her eyes were emotional, joyous, and something else entirely. Her arms tightened around my neck, and she pressed her forehead to mine, moaning quietly under her breath as I carried her to bed, like she couldn’t wait for the moment when our lips would meet…and we would begin.

  I’d never cared about weekends—before Cleo.

  They were just other days I worked, except at home instead of the office. But now, when Saturday arrived, my laptop and paperwork were forgotten at the tale, and I slept in since my alarm was disabled.

  And when I opened my eyes, she was there.

  Naked under the sheets, she had her back pressed to my chest, letting me spoon her from behind, her ass against my crotch. My eyes opened, and I noticed the smell of her hair in front of me. My arm rested over her body and onto the bed, so I naturally tightened my grip, hugging her slightly as I woke up to the beautiful woman beside me.

  It was my favorite way to start my day.

  I lay still as I became more awake, my mind coming out of the fog between sleep and consciousness. Minutes passed and then I was wide awake, but I didn’t move because I didn’t want to stir her. I could lay there all day because there was nothing else I’d rather be doing.

  She woke up thirty minutes later, arching her back against me, stretching as she moaned.

  My dick was hard and cushioned between her cheeks, so when she arched her back, her cheeks hugged me further, greeting my dick in the way he liked.

  She sighed then turned her head slightly, so she could look at me over her shoulder. “Morning.”

  I kissed her neck. “Morning, baby.”

  She dropped her head. “I love the weekends…”

  I hugged her into me. “Me too.” I kissed her neck again. After a one-night stand, I was always disappointed to see they were still in my bed the next morning. But seeing Cleo always put a smile on my face, a warmth in my heart.

  My lips continued to kiss her neck while my hips rocked slightly, pushing my dick between her soft cheeks, my cock hard because of morning wood, but also because of the sexy ass my dick gravitated to. My fingers glided down her flat stomach and to the area between her legs, finding her clit and rubbing it.

  She started to rock back into me, moaning quietly as I rubbed her most sensitive feature. Her arm moved behind her and cupped the back of my neck as I continued to kiss her neck, place warm breaths against her ear.

  I loved making love in my dark bedroom with the Manhattan lights glowing through the windows. But I loved morning sex even more, lazy fucks when our bodies were still relaxed, when we weren’t truly awake, heightening the sensation between our bodies. I grabbed a pillow and tugged it under her stomach before I rolled her forward. My body pressed her into the mattress, and I slipped inside her wetness right away, like my dick knew exactly where it was going with no supervision.

  I pounded into her pussy, her cheeks clapping against my body with every thrust. It was lazy and half-assed, but it still felt so good, making her clit grind into the pillow until she came with a quiet moan, like she was still too tired to really react. I came a second later, filling her with a groan, and then rolled over to my back.

  Morning sex was better than my morning coffee.

  She lay still, like she was too comfortable to move.

  I didn’t mind in the least—because the view was incredible. My arms reached out and stroked down her back until my hand was on her perky ass. It was such a juicy nectarine, so perky and curvy. She had a tiny waist and then this sexy ass. It drove me crazy.

  She turned her head my way so she could look at me, her hair a mess. “I’m going back to sleep…”

  I smiled. “Fine with me. But I was going to make breakfast in bed.”

  “Wait, wait.” She sat up. “I’m awake.”

  I chuckled. “Waffles and tater tots.”

  “Ooh…that sounds amazing.”

  I smacked her ass before I got up. “Coming right up.”

  She stayed in the same position, like she really was so comfortable that she would never move.

  Thirty minutes later, I walked into the bedroom with a plate and a mug of coffee.

  She was still on her stomach. “That smells so damn good.” She turned over and sat up in bed, keeping the sheets over her tits.

  I set everything on the nightstand.

  She grabbed the plate and placed it in front of her. “I hope I’m not the only one eating.”

  “I’ll be right back.” I grabbed my plate and got into bed beside her, enjoying the waffle even though I knew it was pointless to eat. I dunked a piece in the syrup then placed it into my mouth.

  “I noticed batter was on your list. Now I know why. Thought it was for Derek.”

  “Derek eats enough shit at Valerie’s. He’s not getting that here.”

  “Come on, he’s a kid. It’s the one time in his life he can eat whatever he wants.”

  I shook my head. “I care more about him being healthy than living on the wild side.”

  She placed a tater tot in her mouth, the crunch audible. “These are perfect. Nice and crispy.”

  I finished my plate then grabbed my mug to take a drink.

  The doorbell rang.

  I stilled, barely getting the coffee into my throat before I was interrupted.

  She quickly turned to me. “Expecting company?”

  “No. Could it be Matt?”


  The doorbell rang again.

  “Fuck, it’s Valerie.” I set everything on the nightstand before I got out of bed and pulled my clothes on.

  “How do you know?”

  The doorbell rang again. “Who else would be so obnoxious?”

  “Oh my god, what do I do?”

  “Just stay here and enjoy your breakfast.” I left the bedroom and shut the door behind me. When I made it to the front door, the doorbell rang again. I opened it, unable to hide my annoyance when I looked at her. “It’s eight in the morning.”

  She was in her skintight leggings and a sports bra, her chiseled body on display. “Yes, I can read a clock.” She wrapped her arm around Derek and guided him forward. “I’m going on a run with some girls I met in this exercise group. We’re going to lunch after. Could you watch Derek for a while?”

  “Of course. But you could have let me know yesterday.” Now I had Cleo inside, and I couldn’t just sneak her out or abandon her in the bedroom.

  “Why? You wanted this, didn’t you?” she snapped.

  I turned to Derek. “Hey, little man. Come inside and let me talk to Mom.”

  He bowed his head and walked inside, wanting to disappear from the fight.

  I stepped into the hallway. “Yes, I did want this. But I also have a personal life.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest, her gaze hard.

  “A fifteen-minute warning is enough. But give me some warning, alright?”

  “You got a skank in there right now?”

  Definitely not a skank. “No. But I’m a single guy, Valerie.”

  She was pissed at that moment, but not nearly as pissed as she’d be at the thought of it being Cleo. “How would you feel if I had some hunk staying over, and I just dropped Derek off?”

  “I’d say it’s your business and none of mine. That’s the nice thing about us living close together, I can take him off your hands whenever you need privacy. But just give me some warning. That’s all I ask.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Bye.” She walked down the hallway, tall, lean, and toned.

  I used to find her body incredible. Now she was just the devil in disguise. I wasn’t buying what she was selling.

  I returned to the condo.

  Derek was on the couch with his backpack open beside hi
m. He had a coloring book out, like he was flipping through to decide what to draw next. He stayed quiet, as if he felt like an intrusion.

  “Hey, Derek.” I took the seat beside him.

  “Hey.” He kept his eyes down. He wasn’t his usual bubbly self. He was subdued, sad.

  My hand went to his shoulder. “I made breakfast. Want some?”


  “It’s waffles and tater tots.”

  He still wasn’t enticed. “No thanks.” He kept flipping through the pages.

  I knew I was the reason he was acting this way…because I’d fucked up. “Derek, I’m very happy to have you here. It’s not you.”

  He kept flipping.


  He ignored me.

  I took the book out of his hand. “Look at me.”

  He raised his gaze and looked at me.

  “It’s not you. I just…” I tried to think of an excuse. “Cleo is here, and I didn’t want your mother to know.”

  “Cleo is here all the time.”

  “Yeah…but she spent the night.”

  Derek was too young to really understand, but he was smarter than most, so he got some of it. “Ooh…like a sleepover?”

  “Yeah. I knew your mom wouldn’t like it. Just caught me by surprise.”

  “So, she’s here?” he asked with a smile.

  “Yeah. In my bedroom.”

  “I’m gonna say hi.” He immediately moved off the couch.

  I grabbed him by the arm. “Whoa, hold on. Let me tell her you’re here.”


  Because she was buck naked. “Just don’t want you to scare her. I’ll be right back.” I went into the bedroom.

  Cleo had left her full plate on the nightstand, like she’d been too nervous to eat. “What happened?”

  “Valerie dropped off Derek.”


  “I told him you were here.”

  “You did?” she asked in surprise.

  “Yeah. He wants to come say hi.”

  She got out of bed and went into the closet to grab her dress clothes.

  “I don’t want you to leave.” I opened my drawer and pulled out pajama bottoms and a t-shirt. “We can still enjoy our day with him here.”

  “What about when Valerie comes back?”

  “You’ll hide in here.” I put the clothes in her arms. “We’ll lie in bed and watch cartoons. That’s what Derek likes to do on the weekends.”

  She was still nervous.

  “It’ll be alright.” I left the bedroom and returned to the main room. “Derek, you want breakfast?”

  “Is it really waffles and tots?” he asked, like he didn’t trust me.


  “Then, yeah.” He got off the couch and followed me.

  I made him breakfast, and after he scarfed it down, he changed into his pajamas and joined me in my bedroom.

  When he saw Cleo in bed, her hair brushed but her makeup gone, he ran to the bed and climbed on her. “Cleo!”

  She chuckled as she wrapped her arms around him. “Hey, Derek.”

  He settled beside her in the big bed, pulling the sheets up as he got comfortable. “Are you going to turn on cartoons?”

  “Sure.” She smiled and reached for the remote. “What channel is it?”

  “Seventy,” he answered.

  She turned it on.

  Derek snuggled into her side…just the way he did with me.

  I watched them before I got into bed, seeing the way that Cleo didn’t mind giving up her personal space to accommodate him, like she was happier he was there than when he wasn’t.

  I got into bed too, sitting close to Derek.

  Derek laughed at the cartoon.

  My head was against the headboard, and I turned slightly to look at them.

  Cleo wasn’t looking at me or the TV. She was looking at him.

  Just the way I looked at him.



  Deacon knocked on the door.

  I stayed to the side, slightly out of view, but not so intentionally that it looked like I was trying to hide.

  Valerie opened the door. “Hey, Deacon.”

  He nodded. “Valerie. Is he ready to go?”

  She yelled into the condo. “Your dad’s here to pick you up, Derek!”

  Derek emerged a moment later, stepping into his father’s embrace. “Hey, Dad.” He had his grizzly bear backpack on, ready for the day.

  “Hey, little man.” Deacon rubbed him on the head. “I’ll drop him off later.”

  Derek noticed me. “Cleo!” He ran to me next.

  My hands moved to his shoulders when he hugged me around the waist. “Hey, Derek.” I was in jeans and a t-shirt with sandals, dressed for our adventure to the beach on this beautiful Saturday.

  Valerie poked her head out farther and looked me up and down, visibly annoyed. “Why is she here?”

  Deacon clenched his jaw slightly. “She’s showing me a property from one of her other clients.”

  “Isn’t that what a real estate agent is for?” she asked condescendingly.

  Deacon put up with it—even though it was a struggle. “With Cleo, I don’t have to deal with a real estate agent, and I hate dealing with people I don’t know. I’ll see you later, Valerie.” He turned away, dismissing the conversation so Valerie couldn’t interrogate him further.

  Even though it was awkward, I smiled before I turned away. “Nice to see you, Valerie.” It was stupid that she didn’t care if I took her son to a school meeting, but showing Deacon a house was just out of the question.

  “Hi, Cleo.” She greeted me like I hadn’t just overheard what she’d said to Deacon. She walked into her residence and shut the door.

  I joined Deacon and Derek in the hallway as we headed to the elevator.

  “Why is Mom like that?” Derek asked. “It seems like she doesn’t like Cleo.”

  We stepped into the elevator, and the doors shut.

  Deacon sighed. “She’s jealous.”

  “What does jealous mean?” Derek asked innocently.

  “It means…she wishes she were Cleo,” Deacon explained. “Because I feel the way about Cleo that your mom wishes I felt about her.”

  Derek nodded, but he probably didn’t understand it.

  Deacon squeezed his shoulder. “I really appreciate you not mentioning all the time I spend with Cleo to her, Derek.”

  “I want you to be happy, Dad.”

  I’d fallen more in love with this boy than I had with any man I’d ever been with. He infected my heart and took it over like a virus. I loved him so much that I didn’t think I had enough space to love anyone else, and he wasn’t even my kid. He was just so good…so sweet.

  Deacon patted his shoulder. “Thank you, son.”

  We reached the lobby and then got into the car Deacon had rented, this time an SUV. He didn’t seem to have a problem driving, even though he had a private driver. He must have driven himself to work every day in California.

  We sat in the front seat, while Derek was in the back.

  “So, we’re going to the beach?” Derek asked.

  “I’m thinking about buying a place out there,” Deacon explained. “Like I did with the cabin.”

  “Wow!” Derek said. “That would be so cool.”

  Once Deacon was out of the city and on the highway, he grabbed my hand and held it on the console between us, right in front of his son.

  It was nice…really nice.

  Derek talked the entire way, spitting out new facts he’d learned and talking about his excitement to start to school. It was a shorter drive than to the cabin, so we pulled up to the house in practically no time. A wooden gate gave the house some privacy from the main road, so I entered the code and we drove up the short driveway to the entryway to the house. It had a three-car garage and a front patio, even though there was nothing to look at it. It was a single-story home on a large lot, the sand right outside the back door

  We got out of the car, and I unlocked the door and disabled the alarm.

  Deacon walked inside and took it all in.

  “This place is cool.” Derek looked around even though he didn’t know what he was examining. Then he went to the back door, through which there was a pool, a deck, and then the steps to the beach. “Dad, it has a pool!”

  I watched Deacon examine the kitchen and the dining room. It had gray hardwood floors, white furniture, and it was decorated like a beach cottage, with splashes of color here and there. “It comes furnished.”

  Deacon examined the large fireplace in the living room then checked out the bedrooms.

  “Dad, let’s go outside.” Derek stayed by the back door.

  “Wait,” Deacon yelled from down the hallway.

  I joined him. “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful.” He looked in the spare bedrooms before he returned to the living room. “It’s big but not too big.”

  Derek yanked on the locked door. “Did you hear what I said? It has a pool.”

  “Okay, okay.” Deacon unlocked it and opened the double doors.

  Derek ran onto the deck. “Wow, the ocean is so close!”

  “Don’t run.” Deacon came up behind him, looking at the outdoor deck with an overhang on top of the seating area. There was a built-in grill and a fireplace. And of course, the sand was just steps away. Deacon walked to the edge of the deck and looked at the water.

  “What do you think?” I came to his side.

  Derek dropped his backpack and immediately sat on the sand, digging his hands into the earth.

  “I like it.” Deacon turned to me. “What do you think?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think. I’m not buying it.”

  “But I’m buying it under the assumption you’ll be sleeping in the master bedroom.”

  “If you’re beside me, I’ll sleep anywhere,” I said. “But yes, it’s lovely.” I shielded my eyes and looked at Derek in the sand. “My client said we could stay for a few hours. The cleaners will take care of everything when we leave.”

  “That’s generous of them.”

  “He trusts me.”

  His arm moved around my waist, and he pulled me close. “I can see Derek enjoying his summers here. And when he gets older, I can see him sneaking a girl up here.”


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