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Laiden's Daughter

Page 6

by Suzan Tisdale

  “Well then,” Aric said as he led the men around the barn, signaling the conversation was done, “We best see to it that the lass is well cared for.” He turned and looked at the travel worn MacDougalls before him. “I’ll make haste and warn Caelen that there might be trouble a comin’. While I’m sure we’d do well against the English lads, I think it might take more than the four of us to do it.” Caelen was the chief of the Clan McDunnah, a good friend of Angus’, and hated the Earl of Penrith as much as any other Scot.

  While Duncan did not want word to spread that they now protected the young lass who had killed the earl, he did not relish in the thought of only the four of them against the English. “Aric,” Duncan said as he followed him into the barn. “I fear if word gets out what happened, then it could spread to the ears of the English.”

  “Aye,” Aric said as he began to saddle a horse. “That’s why I’ll be speaking to Caelen and Caelen alone. If word gets to the English that we have her here...” his voice trailed off for he did not want to think of the battle that most assuredly would ensue. “We’ll come up with a different story of how the lass came to be in yer hands. Dunna worry of it.”

  Within minutes Aric was mounted and leaving to meet with Caelen. As he rode away from his home, he sent a silent prayer up that the good Lord would keep his family as well as the MacDougalls safe until his return.


  Beams of light streamed down through the trees and cast brilliant threads of gold onto the fresh spring grass and blooming flowers. A tall, strong man stood in the center of the trees. Light glimmered and danced all around him. It glanced off his fine clothes, his hair and the sword that hung at his side. Though she did not know his name, could not see his face, she knew the man standing before her was her father, her real father.

  Warmth radiated from a smile she could not see but could only feel. With open arms he stood waiting for his little girl. He scooped her up and squeezed her so tightly that she struggled to breathe. He was whispering to her that she was bonny and sweet, and he was here to protect her. She need not worry or be frightened ever again.

  In that place between dreaming and waking, a small voice spoke her name. It was whisper soft, as if it were being carried on the wings of a butterfly. Something warm and soft caressed her cheek. Weakly, she batted her hand at it, demanded it go and leave her to the dream. It ignored her quiet order and continued its soft assault. She attempted to curse at the offender, but her mouth was so unbearably void of moisture, her curse sounded more like a dry and husky grunt.

  When her eyes fluttered open, the bright sunlight burned at them. She squeezed them shut, attempted to mutter another curse, and buried her head into the pillow. When the fog finally lifted, she realized she was in a bed and lying on her stomach. There was something damp and cold upon her back. She tried to lift her head to catch a glimpse at whatever it was, but the movement caused her head to throb.

  When she made another futile attempt to lift it again, she heard a very soft voice speaking in her ear. She managed to turn her head, and saw that the voice belonged to a little girl. The child possessed cherubic, rosy cheeks and bright blue eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

  It was a little girl, no more than eight, who had been whispering Aishlinn’s name. She smiled sweetly before disappearing. Aishlinn wondered for a moment if she was still dreaming or had finally succumbed to death and now awaited entrance into heaven. With another move of her head, the relentless pounding proved she was not in heaven. Hell perhaps, for the pounding had a decidedly hell-like quality to it.

  She had only closed her eyes for a moment when she heard Duncan’s voice. “Lass! Yer awake!” He was crouched beside her and looked quite relieved, if not downright happy, to see her. It was if they were long lost friends who had not seen each other in months. She thought it was quite odd.

  Aishlinn tried to speak. Her mouth and throat were as dry as sand, and she couldn’t manage a whisper. She tried to roll over to sit but was immediately stopped by Duncan. “Nay, lass! Lay still, now.” She was thirsty beyond all measure. She raised her hand and pointed to her open mouth. “Be ya hungry?” She heard Rowan ask from behind her. She cringed and shook her head and realized instantly she should not have done that. The throbbing had turned into an all out assault, as if someone were hitting her with a large tree limb.

  “Thirsty, then?” Duncan asked. She nodded her head yes and knew that should she move it again, her head would definitely explode.

  Within moments someone had handed Duncan a tankard of water. Aishlinn pushed up to rest on her forearms as Duncan carefully held the tankard to her lips. The water was as cold as the winter snow and it made her teeth hurt, but it felt magnificent as it hit her tongue and traveled happily down her throat. With her thirst finally quenched she collapsed back into the bed. “Are we at your castle?” she managed to ask.

  Duncan smiled at her. “Nay, lass, we’re at the home of friends. I swear ya were near death when we arrived!” he told her. “Rebecca and Mary have been taking good care of ye.”

  Without a clue as to who Rebecca and Mary might be, she lifted her torso and rested on her arms again to look about the room. A draft was floating in from somewhere and when she lowered her head to stretch her neck, she noticed she was completely naked from the waist up! Only the bottom half of her body was covered with a blanket. If it were possible to die from embarrassment she very well could have when she felt cold air dancing gingerly across her naked bosom. Aishlinn gasped, covered her bare chest with her arms and plopped face down into the pillow.

  Duncan and his men were doing their best not to laugh. Aishlinn spoke into her pillow, demanding to know where her clothes were, but the men could not understand her muffled words. She kept her face buried and thought death from suffocation might not be a particularly bad way to die. It most assuredly would be better to die that way, than from the embarrassment that flooded throughout her weary body.

  Several agonizingly long moments passed when she heard a woman’s voice and the woman did not sound particularly happy. The woman was yelling something in Gaelic to which Duncan responded in kind, but he was not nearly as loud or angry sounding as the woman. His voice resembled that of a child who had just been chastised by his mum. Moments later Aishlinn could hear the sounds of boots as they scurried across the floor, quickly followed by the sound of a slamming door.

  “The eejits be gone now, lass.” The woman’s voice was softer now and very near Aishlinn’s ear. “I booted their arses out the door, and they’ll not be comin’ back ‘til we’ve got ye properly covered.”

  Aishlinn took a chance and rolled her head to the side to see who was speaking to her. The air cooled her burning cheeks and it felt good to take fresh air into her lungs. A very beautiful woman with dark blonde hair and blue eyes was crouched next to the bed and she was smiling at Aishlinn. “I be Rebecca, lass. I had to put salves and bandages on yer back. The cuts were starting to get infected, but I believe I’ve managed to stop the worst of it for ye.” She brushed hair from Aishlinn’s eyes. “How do ya feel lass?”

  “Besides mortified?” she whispered.

  “Och! Dunna worry over it, lass. The hellions didn’t see as much as they could have!”

  Somehow that did nothing to make Aishlinn feel better. The simple fact that they had seen her naked back and portions of her naked bosom was enough to make her skin burn red again. She didn’t know which hurt more at the moment, her back or her pride.

  “Let me take a look at those cuts of yers, lass.”

  Aishlinn remained as still as she could whilst Rebecca tenderly lifted the bandages and examined the cuts. “They be healin’ quite nicely! I’ll need to be puttin’ on fresh bandages. I imagine ye’ll be wantin’ to move those achin’ bones a bit fer ya been on yer belly for two days now.”

  “Two days!” Aishlinn was shocked.

  “Aye. Ye were in a verra sorry state when the MacDougalls brought ye here. Ye’ll be needed plenty more rest la
ss, before yer healed proper.”

  Aishlinn sighed for she could not remember a time in her life when she had slept for so long. Unsuccessfully she had tried to count the days since she had fled Castle Firth, but too much of it was tangled and blurred. It was like trying to catch a clear glimpse of the roots of a gnarled auld tree whilst staring at it through a piece of linen. ‘Twas impossible as well as a bit maddening.

  Rebecca took her time to remove the old bandages, careful to cause as little discomfort for Aishlinn as possible. Once the bandages were removed, she carefully cleaned the cuts with warm water before she applied the salve.

  The salve more than stung, it downright burned. Aishlinn hissed softly and dug her fingers into the mattress. She tried to relax, for when she tensed, her muscles were quick to remind her why she was here. When she took a deep breath, while still painful, her ribs no longer screamed in agony. It was quite a relief to be able to take in a breath and not wish for instant death.

  “I’m sorry for being such an inconvenience to you, Rebecca.” She was trying to think of something, anything other than the burning in her back.

  “Och! ‘Tis not an inconvenience to me, lass.” Rebecca said as she began to apply fresh bandages. “May the bastard that done this to ya rot in hell for all eternity!”

  Aishlinn was certain the bastard in question was doing just that, and for a moment wondered if she should share that fact with Rebecca. Not knowing what Rebecca’s opinion of her was at the moment, she decided against it.

  Rebecca applied the last of the bandages and began to wrap long strips around Aishlinn’s torso to hold them into place. It wasn’t easy for Aishlinn to suffer such an indignity as having a complete stranger care for her in this manner, nor to be seen naked. Aishlinn held her breath and tried to remind herself that she had suffered other mortifications, many far worse than her current predicament, and she should be well used to them by now.

  When she was finished, Rebecca patted her shoulder. “Tis the best I can do for now, lass. I’m afraid I dunna have a gown small enough for ye. Why, I’d have to cut me own in half for it to fit ya!”

  It was impossible from her current position to judge Rebecca’s size. There was no doubt however, that the woman had been blessed with a very ample bosom. ‘Twas a blessing Aishlinn was certain she would never be bestowed with.

  “I’ve a nightdress that’ll do fer now.” Rebecca told her as she helped Aishlinn to roll over and sit up. It was a struggle, for her muscles ached, from the beating and lack of use, but they finally managed. “Should be plenty of room in it so it willna rub.”

  Rebecca had been right. There was room enough in the nightdress to hold two of Aishlinn but at least she was no longer naked. When she attempted to lie back in the bed, her cuts insisted ‘twas not the best of ideas. She lay instead on her side and found she was growing quite sleepy again.

  Rebecca stepped away and returned a few moments later. “I’ve broth and warm bread for ya, lass. Ye’ll be needin’ yer strength about ya, for ’tis another two days to Castle Gregor.”

  Aishlinn drank and ate as much as her stomach would tolerate. She repeatedly thanked Rebecca for the kindness she and her family were showing her, to which Rebecca repeatedly told her ‘twas not a bother and to quit worrying so. It did not take long for her to fall asleep after eating, but not before she sent a silent prayer of thanks to the Good Lord for putting her in the care of such kind and good people.


  Night had fallen before Aishlinn woke again. Although she had never been drunk before, Aishlinn imagined her current state might closely resemble the after affects of being in one’s cups far too long. She blinked a few times, rubbed her eyes and winced for they were still quite swollen and sore.

  The little girl was sitting on the edge of the bed and looking quite concerned. Aishlinn could not help but smile at her. “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I be Mary,” the child answered quietly. “Does it hurt much, Lady Aishlinn?”

  “Aye, but only a bit, thanks to the good care you and your mother have shown me.” Her little face beamed at Aishlinn’s compliment. “Mamma says I’m a very good helper. And I’m smart too.” She continued to stare at Aishlinn’s face. “Mamma says a very bad man did that to ya.” She said. “Was it him that cut yer hair too?”

  “Nay. My brothers did that. As a punishment.” Regrettably the words were out of her mouth before she could stop them.

  Mary’s look of concern turned instantly to one of anger. “That’s mean! Did ye beat them up for it?” she asked as she thrust her tiny hands to her hips. Aishlinn could only wish she had possessed the nerve at the time to have beaten them senseless. She noticed that Mary was casting a deathly glare at someone. Aishlinn turned to see that Mary was staring at two boys, most likely her older brothers. They had the same dark blonde hair and blue eyes that Mary possessed.

  “We’d never do that to ya, Mary,” the oldest boy said sternly.

  “Aye. Papa would beat ya dead if ya did!” She stuck her tongue out at the two of them.

  “Aye. But only a coward would do such a thing.” With heads held high, both boys left the room.

  Very soon Duncan appeared with Rowan and Manghus behind him. Duncan looked relieved to see Aishlinn awake.

  “Mary,” Duncan said. “Could ya leave us be for a moment, lass? I’ve a need to speak to Aishlinn privately.”

  The little girl crawled down from the bed and returned her hands to her hips. “Ye’ll take care of her well, won’t ye?”

  “I do so promise, Mary.” Duncan said with a warm smile. Mary studied the men for a moment. Apparently convinced they would take proper care of her charge, she disappeared behind the curtain.

  “How be ya, lass?” Duncan asked.

  “Better than when you found me.” Aishlinn told him.

  “Good.” Duncan said as he put a hand to her forehead. Although it was the simplest of gestures, Aishlinn was not prepared for the way his hand felt upon her skin. Men never touched her that way. Tears welled and she fought hard to hold them back.

  “What be the matter lass?” Duncan asked. “Are ye in pain? Do ya need Rebecca?”

  Aishlinn shook her head. “Then why do ya cry?” he asked.

  How does one explain to a complete stranger that his simple touch brought back a flood of memories and feelings she had not experienced since she was a bairn? She did not have the words to express how she felt at that moment. “I know not why you’re all being so kind to me!” she blurted out. “You know me not and yet you all watch over me as if I were one of your own.”

  “We be Highlanders, lass!” He said as if that was all the explanation necessary. He gently brushed the tears from her cheek. “We help those who need it.” For Duncan, it was simply how things were done. You helped those who needed it.

  He gave her a few moments to compose herself. “Do ya think ya might be able to travel in the morning lass?” he asked her. “We dunna ken how close the English be. We’ll be much safer at Castle Gregor.” he told her. “But if ye feel not up to it yet--” Aishlinn stopped him with a wave of her hand.

  “I want to waste no more time lying abed.” Aishlinn said. “I could ride now if we needed.” It was a little lie, but one she felt necessary. She knew the longer they lingered here, the closer the English might be nearing. “I want no harm to fall on this family.”

  Duncan was touched by the lass’ concern. She had heart and worried more over others than she did of her own safety. “We can wait a little longer lass. Ye’ll eat and rest and we’ll leave before first light.” He said as he lifted her hand into his giving it a slight squeeze. “Do ya think ya stand to eat a bit?”

  “Aye, I do.” she answered as she struggled to move. Duncan helped her to sit and carefully propped pillows behind her back. It was too painful to lean against the pillows so she sat tilted sideways.

  Rowan appeared moments later carrying a trencher piled high with enough food she thought for three people. She tha
nked him kindly before digging in. Duncan and his men stood towering over her and it seemed they watched every bite she took. “Why aren’t you eating?” she asked them.

  “We’ve already eaten, lass.” Rowan said.

  None of them moved, their eyes planted on her. An uneasiness began to spread over her for she could not figure out why the stared at her so. “Is there something the matter?” She asked. They remained silent.

  Rebecca walked in, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. “They just want to be sure ya eat, lass. Hellions though they are, they’ve great concern over ya. They worry ya be too small and frail. I told them ye only appear so, because they’re all so big and tall. But they dunna believe me!” She shook her head at them. “Will ya quit starin’ at the lass so queerly, lads? How’s she supposed to eat with ya sitting around watchin’ her every move?” Playfully, she punched Rowan in the arm and he feigned great pain, rubbing the spot as if he had been shot with an arrow.

  Before Aishlinn realized it, the small area was filled with people. She was formally introduced to Aric and she thanked him for giving them all safe refuge. “No worries, lass!” he said, his voice deep and booming.

  She was next introduced to Robert, who was thirteen and the oldest of their sons, followed by Bruce who was eleven. Mary had climbed into the bed and sat next to Aishlinn. “Tis our honor to protect ye, Lady Aishlinn.” Robert told her with a bow. Bruce, not wanting to be outdone, gave a bow and a wave of his arm. Aishlinn smiled as she thanked them for their allegiance. “Such braw young men you are!” Aishlinn said. “I feel safer knowing you are both here to protect me.”

  Both boys stood straighter and Robert blushed at her compliment. “It’s what we warriors do, Lady Aishlinn.”

  Aishlinn felt it odd to be addressed as Lady. By English standards, she was nothing more than a peasant. Having no royal blood running through her veins and being raised as she had, being referred to as Lady was odd indeed. “Do ya like the bread, Lady Aishlinn?” Mary asked. “I helped mamma bake it today.”


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