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Crissy Chance

Page 2

by Douglas E Roff

  Noki disliked most men. If she disliked this one, he would die slowly. This would please her new Master and his client; she would videotape everything and follow specific instructions.


  Three years ago.

  They met at an art museum function in Soho. She was by far the most exotic and beautiful woman in the room; he was by far the richest. He had just sold his company, the St. James Mindwerks, to another multinational for well over five billion cash, but stayed on as Chief Technology Consultant for an obscene amount of money. His close friend and Senior VP of Everything, Kalindra Wright, was opposed to the move as unnecessarily limiting his options. She thought he should be free to do as he pleased, not what the new owner wanted. Taking her advice, the parties agreed to rewrite the contract at the last minute in such a way so that the new owner could ask, but not require Adam St. James to work on any project of which he did not personally approve.

  He could, for example, decline any military work, and if this covenant was breached, the new owners, Betcon International Holdings Incorporated, BIH, would owe liquidated damages in the tens of millions of dollars. Sixty percent of his work had to be development for BIH, but the rest was his to decide. Sales of any non-BIH technology would be split evenly between the parties.

  The attraction between Noki and Adam was not initially mutual; both wandered around the exhibits of local artists for more than hour, chatting up the locals, before he finally approached her sitting alone in a small exhibition room with four paintings. They had noticed each other earlier; this was a dance.

  “I see you are checking your phone and watch every ten minutes or so. Is he just late, or a pathetic no-show?”

  “What makes you think it’s a man or that I’m waiting for anyone?”

  “Just trying to make small talk. Would you prefer some company while you wait? I’m happy to disappear when you ‘plus one’ arrives.”

  She smiled. “It wouldn’t be the worst thing that could happen tonight. Please have a seat; maybe we can solve world hunger while I wait. I’m Nocera, but everyone calls me Noki.”

  “I’m Adam, but everyone calls me Adam.”

  A slight crease that could be taken for a smile crossed her lips.

  She asked, “Do you practice much?”


  “Being charming. Having the right quip for every occasion? I think of handsome and sophisticated men like you as having attended a private ‘charm school’ for the seduction of women. Women swoon and the next thing they know they’re in your tastefully appointed flat, being undressed, panties dropping to the floor beside your king size bed. Or is it a ‘California King’?”

  “Wow. That was good. Hardly true, but I sure wish it was. I’m married to my work, my family, and my friends. Not much time for female seduction. Do you know of any good charm schools though? I’d like to learn more about them. Purely research, you understand.”

  “So, you’re handsome, rich and not gay?”

  “Would it matter if I was? Gay I mean.”

  “Not in the least. Just calculating my chances with you if my friend is a no show. She was my college roommate but abandons me regularly these days for her husband.”

  “It’s a sad story, but if she doesn’t show or call, I’ll be happy to be your ‘plus one’. Or you could be mine.”

  “I’m a control freak. You’re with me.”

  “You’re the lady.”

  An hour passed with no call from Noki’s imaginary ex-roommate.

  “Well, this has been a lot of fun. I like you, but it’s time to go.”

  “May I walk you out and put you in a cab? Or my driver can drop you.”

  “You’re not coming?”


  “To your place. I must see what the well-healed gentleman of this century chooses for his residence here in Manhattan. Modern?”

  “No. Eclectic. I own a five story and live on the top floor. My lab and work space are below. I have guest rooms on the floor below for visitors and friends who have been kicked out by lovers, roommates, or spouses. I like company but only the right kind.”

  “Like me?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know you. You might be a psycho or a contract killer. Hard to tell after just one night at the museum.”

  The remark unsettled Noki who thought she might bale either on the assignment or the night. Maybe kill him some other time somewhere else.

  Noki said, “Well there’s only one way to find out.”

  “Lie detector test?”

  “No, I have a better idea.”


  Present day

  Noki felt safe with him. Not the safe one feels about physical danger but emotional safety, the kind that lets a killer sleep at night knowing she is loved and belongs somewhere other than the violent world where no “tomorrow” is ever assured.

  She whispered “Tonight I want to if you’re in the mood”

  “What? Make dinner? You can’t cook.”


  “Lose at Monopoly again?”

  “You cheat.”

  “I do not. I’m into creative financing and distracting my opponent.”


  “Oh,” he said. “You mean that. The other hot and sweaty thing. The exchange of bodily fluids.”

  “Yes, and you know what I meant. It’s been a while, and I’m … squirmy.”

  “Horny? And I’m the only game in town on this rock?”

  “Yes, I am, and you know the other thing is not true. I love being here with you and doing the ‘other thing’ with you here on our island.”

  “And you love me.”

  “Maybe. But you’re really not my type. You’re too handsome, too rich, and too good in the kitchen. But, you are, however, only adequate in the sack. But you’ll have to do. I like you.”

  “Opposites attract, or so the song goes. Lucky for me your taste in men is so poor.”

  Chapter 2

  Three years ago.

  Adam’s driver, a holdover from his CEO days, dropped off Adam and Noki at the front door of his five story Manhattan residence. The driver took notice of the breathtaking Asian beauty, her tasteful dress and general appearance. It was his job to notice details that could signal problems for his boss but, in this case, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps the only small detail was that she was fully covered from her tasteful Italian hand-crafted shoes to her neckline. Probably culturally appropriate dress. As he looked at the pair he thought it must be business; Adam was decent looking but his guest was drop dead gorgeous and way out of even his league. Adam had many female friends and never lacked for company but they tended to be work or business colleagues, socialites who were bored or college classmates in town for a visit. Some stayed the night, some for weeks and some went home in the early morning hours.

  Not all were unattached, which, his driver warned Adam, might get him in trouble one day.

  “Never thought to ask, to be honest. I don’t think it’s ever come up.”

  “Next time check where a wedding ring goes. If they’re not up front about it, you’re asking for husband trouble.”

  There would be no such trouble this night, however.

  As Adam unlocked and opened the front door, he turned to Noki and said, “Would you mind removing your …”


  “No, all your clothing.” He burst out laughing. “No, remain clothed, I was just fucking with you. But the look on your face was precious.”

  “For a second I thought …”

  “Another pig? Lying, fucking, asshole bastard. More of the usual? No just checking on your sense of humor.”

  “Some might say it’s not funny. Especially to women.”

  “You’re right, of course. It was an insensitive comment. And since you don’t know me, I would agree that my comment was stupid. But in this house, you decide the sport, and ‘no means no’. Goes for me too.”

  As they got in the elevator, No
ki asked, “And your taste in women?”

  “High on my list is laid back and casual, along with smart, fun, funny and not crazy. The latter is optional. Crazy can go either way.”

  “I see. And if I wanted to tie you up and have my way with you, which side of crazy is that?”

  “Depends. But restraint is third date material. Did you bring your own ropes tonight?”

  “I’m pretty sure you have your own.”

  “We’ll have to compare notes on knot tying. I was a Boy Scout you know.”

  “Doubt it, but anything you say.”

  “You should also know I’m a perfect gentleman, unless instructed otherwise, of course, reliable and a great conversationalist.”

  “Have any male friends?”

  “A few. My friends are mostly women. Just worked out that way. Men are always pulling out their dicks to prove who has the biggest. With women my little appendage always wins.”

  Noki smiled, watching Adam carefully for signs of trouble. “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed Jack is King.”

  “Excellent. Witty and very smart. I like you. We’re going to be great friends.”

  When she saw a framed photo of Adam at his new headquarters ground breaking ceremony, she pretended to recognize him for the first time.

  “You’re Adam St. James. I didn’t recognize you right away, although you seemed familiar.”

  “I am. And you’re Nocera lee. Financial analyst and NYU grad in Finance I think.”


  “I checked. I’m a tech genius, you know. I can do facial recognition from my cell phone.”

  “Kinda rude.”

  “Yes, so I’ve been told. But one can never be too careful.”

  They arrived at the top floor; Adam guided Noki into the Living room.

  “Music, champagne, injectable heroin?”

  “Champagne would be nice.”

  “Flutes or plastic cups.”

  “Flutes, please. Plastic ruins the flavor.”

  Adam was back in a few minutes, having popped the cork, and poured one flute with champagne, the other with ginger ale.

  “The champagne is for you, the ginger ale for me. I don’t drink.”

  “Trying to get me drunk?”

  “Not yet. Maybe later.”

  They settled in on the big sofa, Adam laying against a big down pillow at one end, Noki a few feet away.

  “Now, Nocera Lee, why are you really here tonight?”


  “What? What are you talking about? I’m here because you invited me up. Remember?”

  “More like you invited yourself up, but that might be more curiosity than anything. I did confirm the things I said earlier but, in the meantime, I discovered a couple more things. Interesting things.”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “First that little pop gun in your purse.”

  Noki squirmed, now trying to think of a plausible story. “Personal safety. I have a gun and concealed carry permit. I need it because of the business I’m in. I sometimes carry financial instruments; sometimes lots of cash.”

  “And the stiletto strapped to your inner left thigh.”


  “Tech. I also just found out that although you used to work for the Triads in Hong Kong, you were just sold to the Yakuza in Tokyo. You’re a top assassin but the new Triad boss wanted you gone for some reason. Apparently, you won’t be retuning to Hong Kong anytime soon.”

  Noki was silent.

  “How does that kind of personnel trade work in the assassin world anyway? Cash plus an assassin to be named later? Like baseball.”

  “I’m am American citizen. I can go anywhere I want.”

  “Not Hong Kong. No visa in the world will help you with the Triads.”

  Noki grabbed for her purse to get her gun, but it was gone.

  “Sorry, I took it when I went to the kitchen. Wasn’t sure how to get the knife, so for now, it’s all yours.”

  “A huge mistake, Adam. I’m going to have to kill you now. I’m so sorry; you seem like a nice man.”

  “I am a nice man, and you have zero chance of killing me, gun or not.”

  “We’ll see.” Noki pulled apart the slit of her dress and had the stiletto out quickly.

  “Wow that as good. But don’t you think having something that sharp next to your naughty bits is a bit … risky. I mean I like my work too, but not that much. Does it ever ride up?”

  “Sorry about this.”

  “Just a sec. Before we start, why are you in so much pain, if I may ask? I noticed earlier. In a knife fight you’ll need to have dexterity but you won’t have it, not in your condition.”

  “I’m fine. You die, I leave. That’s all you need to know.”

  “As you wish.” Adam pulled out some bracelets.

  “These are cuffs for wrist and ankles. Once I’ve disarmed you, I’m going to have to restrain you. You can tell me what’s up then, or we can go about it my way. I do not intend to harm you but my skills are far superior to yours. Don’t do this.”

  Noki lunged and missed, as Adam dodged and swung around to face her. He began circling, calculating his next move, looking for a weakness. Noki came at him again, slashing and trying to kick him in the testicles and getting him bent over so she could slice his neck and carotid artery. As she did, Adam blocked her kick, then grabbed and twisted her wrist, forcing the knife from her hand. He pulled both hands behind her back as she fought hard to stomp on his foot, wriggle free and use elbows on his torso and ribs. Adam quickly got her in a choke hold and, within seconds, she stopped struggling and went down, unconscious but alive. Adam cuffed her wrists and feet, then carried her to the couch and set her down, prone, against pillows on one end of the couch.

  There was broken furniture everywhere, and although the fight lasted only minutes, she was more skilled than he thought. But hand-to-hand was not her thing. She was a “surprise-the-vic” pop gun and knife girl. It just hadn’t worked out this time with this victim.

  Noki awoke, disoriented.

  “Get me out of these things,” Noki shouted. “I’ll have you arrested!”

  “Oh, come on now. You’re not going to the police, and if you behave yourself, neither will I. Everything you’ve said since we got in my limo to this very moment has all been recorded. Please, settle down and let’s talk.”

  Noki was raging, trying to wriggle free from her cuffs but to no avail.

  “You’ll only hurt yourself. Those are titanium, military grade handcuffs. Designed for tough hombres with real major steroid induced muscle strength. Not you, of course, but please just settle down and talk to me. I don’t care who you think hired you or why. I already know who and why. They’ll be dead by morning, but you certainly don’t have to join them.”

  Noki, red with apoplexy, spat, “Don’t you get it? If you’re not dead by morning, then it will be me instead. You might as well do it right here, right now. Make it quick and fast. The Yakuza will not be so swift or so kind.”

  “Settle down now,” he repeated. “No one is going to die, not you and not me. I think if your Triad boss sold you to the Yakuza to do this job, he had a reason. I think it has something to do with why you’re in such pain and what your condition is. You’ve been weak lately, haven’t you?”


  “I asked nicely for your cooperation. Now, I must insist”

  Adam pulled out his pocket knife, and released the big blade. He came close to Noki and spun her around so her back was to him.

  “Make it quick.”

  “What? Cutting the back of your dress? I guess I could but I don’t want to damage it too much. Now sit still while I do this. I’m going to cut along the zipper line, so you can get this repaired later if you want.”

  “You’re going to rape me.”

  “No, I’m going to expose your back to me. I need to see it. I won’t touch you; I just need to have a look.”

  “No. Stop! You can’t …”

>   Too late.

  Adam saw something he did not expect. He was looking for evidence of poisoning, skin discoloration, but what he saw was much worse.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll get needle a thread and sew it up if you want.”

  “Leave me alone. Let me go. I’m already dead.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m going to call someone, someone who can help you.”

  “The FBI?”

  “No. Dr. Serena Tangier and her husband Dr. Robert Tangier. Bob.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “You’ve been poisoned for a long time. You’re just presenting symptoms now. You need a doctor.”

  “What about …”

  “I’ll take care of that when you’re ready. Trust me; I know the Yakuza”

  “I don’t believe you. You’re lying. You’re going to hurt me.”

  “Hardly. And as far as your medical condition, blood tests will show I’m right. If I were you, I’d let me help.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “I’m calling anyway. Sit tight.”

  “Very funny.”

  Chapter 3

  Drs. Serena and Robert Tangier arrived with their two boys, William and Kenneth, well after midnight. They did not look happy except for the boys who knew their uncle Adam would have something new to play with, maybe even take home and show their friends.

  Serena said, “What the fuck, Adam. It’s after one in the morning. Couldn’t this wait?”

  “No. I think this is life or death, and you need to see my guest upstairs. Bob, you too. Boys, look in that drawer and pull out the controllers. New game; all VR. Gonna blow your mind.”

  William, called Bill, asked, “Any good stuff?”

  “Not with your Mom around. We’ll talk later.”

  “No, you won’t. That better be scenes of the Grand Canyon.”

  “Close. Actual aerial dogfight taken in real time.”

  “I’m next,” said Bob. Serena shot him deadly eye daggers. “I’m just sayin’. I want a turn too. Sounds like fun.”


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