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Crissy Chance

Page 9

by Douglas E Roff

  “Her least of all. She cannot comprehend the significance of what this means. At least Edward and Anna get it. But they’re too close to Crissy personally for me. I don’t trust them.”

  “You’ve been staying with Crissy? Why?”

  “I’ve got no money; beggars can’t be choosers.”

  “Good point. I’d rather know everything first before I start down this road with you, but we’re not going to do it that way. I don’t think you want to know your secrets, anyway. Luckily, my girlfriends and I are running a special ‘today only’ where you win free services from all of us until we find Laura and bring her back here safely. It’s like winning the lottery, but a lot less cash. You will promise to do the following: first, you never heard the word ‘girlfriends’ plural, and you will never discuss our intimate relationships with anyone at any time for the rest of your natural life. This includes Laura, boyfriends, girlfriends, pet iguanas and any new BFFs. By ‘our’ I mean Misti, Noki and me. We good?”


  “Second you will move in here immediately and station yourself in our second bedroom, fifth floor. You will be guarded by my friend Hanford, who is ex-SAS and a killer. He will keep you safe. His family lives in the building but watch out. He’s got two teenage boys who are devastatingly handsome and in spite of the age difference will try to charm you out of your panties. I suggest wearing several pairs at a time when you meet them.”

  “I am forewarned.”

  “Unfortunately, if the bad guys/government are looking for Laura, they’re probably also looking for you. That’s not good. Also, not good for Crissy, Edward or Anna. Crissy is the most vulnerable; she’s weak and vain and will crack faster than an egg when the pain starts. You are to have no contact with them while we’re gone, and Hanford will be enforcing the rules. No phone calls, emails, text, fax or secret codes. I need your promise on this.”

  “I promise. Can I trust you?”

  “Sure, why not? Your option is to leave now. I don’t mind.”

  “No, not an option. I want Laura back safe and sound. I’ll do as you ask.”

  Adam said, “Laura is at 587 Burton Street, Boulder Colorado. Basement apartment. Her cell is …. Well not important. You will use my encrypted email to send her a new email address and tell her that my friends and I will be in Boulder and for her not to pack, just bring her purse and her Passport. Dress casually and be prepared to run.”

  “How did you …”

  “I’m a computer wiz, and if I ever turned to evil, I would need minions. Fortunately, I like to think of myself as a good guy, most of the time, and just need two very naughty and lethal girlfriends. Refer to Promise #1.”

  “When …”

  “Quickly. I will make necessary all necessary arrangements, while Kalindra will charter a jet and pilots.”

  Noki said, “Just the jet. I’m a pilot. Jet, helicopter, small large, you name it. If we need a co-pilot, I have a friend who can help. He’s old, but he’s licensed.”

  “A jet it is, then.”

  “See you in the morning. Got a picture of Laura? Preferably naked?”

  “Yes, just not naked.”

  “Lend it please.” Gaea reached into her purse and retrieved a photo of Laura and Gaea at the Grand Canyon.

  “Wowzer. She’s quite a looker for a field anthropologist.”

  “And you’re very good looking for … whatever you are. And these two? Confections for the eyes?”

  “A lot more than that. But if big tits and hot looks throw the bad guys off their game, then it’s all good.”

  “I see your point. I think I may be off my own game, too.”

  “Aaawww. So sad,” said Misti.

  Chapter 11

  As Hanford drove the crew to the regional airport where the charter jet waited them, Noki, Misti and Adam were in the back seat talking. The subject was what else Adam didn’t know about Noki, or for that matter, Misti. Adam and Misti saw each other often, but not often enough for his liking; she was always busy with one thing or another, always traveling and always distracted.

  “Before we get too settled in with our new lives, I would like to make sure that we all agree that we have to tell each other everything. I will, and I expect that you will too. On the other hand, I suspect neither of you intend complete honesty. How close to the truth am I?”


  Misti said, “Could you be a little clearer on what you mean by ‘everything’?”

  Noki said, “I think she’s right. Besides, if we don’t know what you mean, then how do we know what you might leave out? Fair’s fair.”

  “What I mean by everything is ev-ery-thing, and if I have to ask or pry, that’s not everything. If I find out later about something you decided to not tell me, that’s not everything. I get we forget things, and some things we don’t want to discuss too much. That’s fine; I’m not looking for total recall or details. But if its bigger than a breadbox, I need to know.”


  “Yes sir?”

  “Did you know Noki was a pilot?”

  “Yes sir. We discussed it.”

  “And neither of you thought that was important enough to tell me?”

  Hanford said nothing. Then, “I guess not sir. In retrospect …”

  “In retrospect, she told you not to. And there are other details too, right? Is that about the size of it?”

  Noki answered, “Yes, we talk. Yes, we’re friends. Hanford has been my confidant for as long as you and I have been together.”

  Adam was silent. “Misti?”

  “Oh, I have tons of secrets I was never going to discuss with you. I’ll have to decide whether this relationship is worth telling you everything.” Misti was unhappy with this talk; she thought she would redact certain things she did not wish to share; what relevance did most of it have anyway?

  “Even though you said, you promised, you would. At least you’re being truthful now. No need to think it over, I think for now you should go back to the City and keep an eye on the Three Amigos. The farther away from the five story I get, the more nervous I am about having ‘Viper Central” around. In fact, why don’t both of you go back and keep an eye on the group. Maybe tell me if Gaea tries to interact with the Vipers. Not sure I trust Gaea; I know I don’t trust my folks or Crissy. Hanford will drive you back to the five-story.”

  Misti said nothing. This conversation was nowhere near the fun of being on an island alone with two gorgeous creatures and talking dirty. She needed time to adjust, but her initial reaction, somewhat involuntary, was defensive. She’d have to work on that.

  Noki said, “I don’t like this. I think you’re angry and pushing us away. You have to give us both time to adjust to our bargain. You don’t need to be so arbitrary or such a bully.”

  Adam said nothing. Then he said calmly, “I’ll call in some help and do this myself. I can’t be distracted by what our agreement means right now. Maybe you need some legal advice. Talk to Crissy.”

  Noki said, trying to be brave and change the subject, “You don’t have a pilot. Or a co-pilot.”

  “Well, as it turns out, I do.”

  When they got to the airport, Adam told Hanford to drop him off, then to get the ladies a limo back to New York City. Then he was to join him in the Executive Terminal of the regional airport.

  “Yes sir.”

  The ladies were in shock; Misti less so than Noki, who was once again in tears. Misti thought this day might come; she just hoped it wouldn’t be so soon; certainly not now. For Noki, who saw happiness just around the corner, the suddenness of the mood swing was too much for her to bear. She promised to tell him everything; they had all agreed to be honest, to start their new lives no matter what had happened in the old. But, even if she didn’t tell him everything, did she deserve to be pushed aside?

  When he got the ladies to the Limo, Hanford said, “Don’t worry ladies, everything is going to be fine. You know how he is. He’ll regret every word he said to
you once we’re wheels up. He’ll make amends, I’m sure of it.”

  Misti said, “Normally I would agree. And I’m not trying to stress you out, Noki, but this is the one thing he hates the most. I should have kept my word to him; he’s been screwed by family too many times. He loves you Noki, more than me. Tell him everything, no matter what. He doesn’t ever want you to leave. But I think I’m toast. Not sure I can be as honest as he wants, whatever that is. Not sure my life is any of his business. I’ll decide what’s relevant, not him.”

  Hanford said, “Don’t give up Ms. Misti. He’s mad, but he’ll get past this if you just tell him what he wants to know.”

  “I wish I could. I just don’t think I can. Or even want to.”


  “Octavio? Is that you?”

  “Adam? Yeah, what’s up? Haven’t heard from you in a dogs age.”

  “Yeah ,my fault. Say, I don’t have time now to explain, but I need your help. Can you get to Boulder, Colorado today?”

  “If you need me to, cuz? Why?”

  “It’s a ‘snatch and run like hell’ job. Might be some gunshots. Still have your .45?”

  “Oiled and twenty round clips.”

  “Bring what you have. Call Rafi too, then call Kalindra and she’ll make the travel arrangements. Let’s meet in the lobby of the ‘Q’ when you get there. If we can, we’re in and out tonight. If not, we case the target tonight and go in the morning. Jets will be standing by.”

  “Alright, cuz. See you soon.”

  Adam’s next call was to Gaea. “When we get to Laura’s place, I’ll call you on the Sat phone. She’ll want to be sure you sent me. Did you get her the message?”

  “Yes. She’s expecting you tonight, but if you don’t show by eleven, she’ll be ready by five in the morning.”

  “That’s the plan. Just stay by that Sat phone and send her a picture of me. Kalindra has something you can use. Is she there?”

  “She’s in the bedroom with Misti and Noki. Noki’s a mess. Want to tell me anything?”

  “Sure. Never lie or mislead me. Never dissemble. Word of warning.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Adam and Hanford landed in Boulder at a Regional Airport, having said not more than a dozen words to each other on the five-hour flight. The men deplaned and walked out on the tarmac to go into the business office.

  “Sir, if I may. A word before we go in, man to man.”

  “Of course. What’s on your mind?”

  “Ms. Noki and Ms. Misti. What you did today was wrong. Even if they didn’t do everything you agreed to, the way you treated them was just wrong, and, I think, you know it. They both love you; what you did was thoughtless and unnecessary.”

  “Ever been betrayed by the family you love. A woman, your wife, a girlfriend? Your sons or parents?”

  “No sir, I haven’t had that experience.”

  “When you do, then we can talk. Until then, you don’t have the experience for us to have this conversation.”

  “I know they both love you. Would die for you. Is that not enough?”

  “Not this time. There’s too much that you don’t know about us; about what we agreed to do, and how central telling everything, getting it all out, is to me.”

  “You’d break off your relationship with Ms. Noki over a pilot’s license? That’s arrogant and stupid. It’s petty.”

  “I agree. It’s the other stuff, the important secrets she’s kept from me. Misti too. I know them all, and none of them matter.”

  “I …”

  “If they won’t tell me those things now, what won’t they tell me later? How can I ever trust them? Are you coming or not. Feel free to stay behind if you’re not up for this.”

  “Sorry sir, but I cannot do this. You’re on your own. I’ll clear out as soon as I get home. If you can be this way with Ms. Noki, what am I to you? Nothing.”

  “I’ll miss you Hanford. I’ve enjoyed our association. Say goodbye to the wife and boys. I’ll miss them a lot.”


  Adam went alone to the Q, a small upscale hotel in downtown Boulder. It was about a mile from the apartment building Laura was staying in. When he got there, his cousin Octavio Alarcon was sitting in the Lobby, sipping a diet cola and reading the local paper. His cousin Rafi was chatting up a waitress and barely noticed his cousin coming in.

  “Hey cuz. We got a room? Talk there? I’m kinda in the dark about this plan. Besides, the desk clerk’s been eyeing me. Thinks I’m gay.”

  “I am too. I guess I just forgot to mention it.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’ll tell Bella when I get home. The kids will be surprised.”


  Adam dialed a secure number connecting to Laura’s cell phone.

  “Laura, we’re here. What’s the situation?”

  Laura said, “Two vans, one in front, one behind my building. No way I get out.”

  “Who are they? Recognize any of them?”

  “No, just the type. Chinese, well dressed, dapper and probably carrying. I’m certain they’ll be permitted and legal; not sloppy.”

  “Can you see both vans clearly.”


  “Do you want me to call Gaea and patch her through just for your own piece of mind?”

  “You’re 6’1’, blue eyes, blond hair, kind of an asshole?”

  “That’s me.”

  “Who’re the guys you’re with?”

  “My cousins. Octavio and Rafi.”

  “Close enough. What’s the plan?”

  “Octavio’s going behind your building and he’s going to gas the van. I’m going in front and doing the same. I’m wearing a solid blue shirt, Navy. Octavio’s wearing brown, Army. When we’re in position, we’ll raise our right hands; you say go into your cell once we both have our hands raised at the same time. Got it?

  “Yes. But I’m scared out of my mind.”

  “Only natural. You must trust us. If you hear people speaking Spanish, no worries. That’s us. We’ll do the rest. When you say ‘go’, run out of your building and down the street to your right as you exit the front door. A black SUV is waiting for you. The driver is my cousin Rafi. Careful, he’s a ladies’ man.”

  “If you hear gunshots, keep running. Get in the SUV and go. Rafi will get you to the jet. We’ll be right behind you, quick as a wink. Keep calm; you’ll be drunk on your ass tonight with Gaea and my family. You’re going to love New York City and my place.”

  “Gaea say your place is kind of a dump.”

  “That’s because I’m not there to do the dishes and clean the place. And I cook.”

  “You married?”


  “Will you marry me?”

  “Love to. Probably should meet you first.”


  They moved in place, and right hands went up. The vans filled with smoke, a toxin, and the men inside were out cold. Octavio hustled around front and down the street where Rafi was parked. As expected another couple of cars were rolling toward the SUV, filled with well-dressed Chinese men. Adam and Octavio shot out their tires, then approached the two cars.

  “Don’t move gentlemen,” said Adam. Octavio held his gun on the men in the other car. Rafi moved the SUV up slowly with Laura in the passenger seat.

  Rafi said, “Don’t freak out. There may be some shots fired, but not at us. Cousin Adam and Cousin Octavio have seen worse than this. But if the gentlemen in the car don’t answer questions, we’ll have some dead guys to explain.”

  Laura said, “He’ll kill them?”

  “Probably. You do know that’s what was in store for you, right? And a lot of other unpleasantries before you were dead. These are Chinese Triads. You either pissed them off, or you have something they want. I don’t need to know. I’m pretty, not brave.”

  Adam spoke in Mandarin after they failed to respond to English. His silenced 9mm Glock went pop-pop-pop-pop as they failed to tell them what he wanted to know.

p; Adam walked over to the other car, Octavio still holding the four inside under cover. In Chinese, he asked the same questions to the living as he had to the dead, getting the same response. Sirens could be heard off in the distance.

  “Time to go. Octavio, back seat.”

  Adam pulled the trigger four more times; four more were dead.

  “OK, Rafi. To the airport; let’s go home.”

  “Laura turned to see Adam and Octavio. Who are you guys?”

  “The good guys. Who did you think we were? And the answer is yes.”


  “You’re hot. I accept your proposal of marriage. Unless you were being insincere.”

  “Fuck no I wasn’t. We can practice our wedding night tonight if you want.”

  “Wow! I like practice. Allen Iverson I’m not.”

  Chapter 12

  They said their goodbyes at the tarmac, Rafi and Octavio heading west to Seattle, while Hanford and Adam piloted the plane back to New York with Laura aboard. Adam had a quick chat with his cousins before they left; he wanted to thank them and ask if they might be available for future duty. Both said they were, so Adam asked Octavio to find the Paz twins and see if they were also available.

  “They are,” said Octavio. “Bored and getting itchy.”

  “Then get them in shape; I’m going to need them.”

  Adam turned to Rafi, “And work out a little, Rafi, looks like you’ve gained a few. Have some self respect.”

  “I don’t like guns and I don’t like fighting. I’m fine.”

  “Get in shape; we’re going abroad. Get your Passports ready too, especially the Paz twins. Be ready to go in a month.”

  Adam was in the cockpit with Hanford in second seat. They filed their flight plan, then were wheels up quickly. Adam asked Hanford to take the stick while he spoke to Laura.

  “And, man-to-man, I may have overreacted. Please reconsider your leaving and if we can, let’s forget that conversation ever happened. I can hire someone new, but I can never replace you. I’m sorry for harsh words.”

  “And the ladies?”

  “I’ll apologize to them too. Call them; I know you want too. You’ve probably already promised them I’d eat my words.”


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