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Crissy Chance

Page 15

by Douglas E Roff

  Once bitten, twice shy.

  After a while, all was forgiven; the CIA was less picky about her previous “misdeeds”, having directed her to hack the cell phones, so they hired her to do work for them on a contract basis. She wasn’t any happier with them in her new role, this time unprotected by employment and plausible deniability, so she left at the end of her contract for her own safety and security. She went to Portland to visit Eene and that’s when stuff started to get really weird.

  Now she was living with an eccentric billionaire and his harem, doing work of dubious legality. Adam assured her it was all family stuff and all blowback would fall on him. Everything would be traced back to him; her contract was with Adam’s old company and completely legit. Her title was now “live-in research analyst”.

  Alana’s scruples had evolved over time, so if Adam wanted to track a shipping lane for illicit sea cargo, she did so quickly and efficiently. She got other more tangible benefits that she wanted from Adam at regular intervals, so she was happy. Everyone was happy.

  They were just sitting down to dinner when the downstairs doorbell rang.

  Adam answered in the living room, looking at the video monitors taping the appearance of guests, invited and uninvited.

  It was Crissy.

  “Hi Crissy. What do you want?”

  “I want to come in and talk to you. Explain what happened.”

  “What happened?”

  “Poulet went crazy; Anna and Edward went bat shit crazy and I got caught in the middle and wound up in the hospital.”

  Everyone was gathered around Adam now, even Eene, who had only heard about the Crissy/Edward/Anna incidents.

  “So, you’re a victim here. Nothing to do with mommy and daddy?”

  “Of course not. I’d never betray you.”

  “Ah Crissy, you’re so full of shit. You’re in tight with those two; they’re up to something and they think you can fuck with my skull because we were once friends. You can’t. You’re a consummate liar just like them. So, no, you can’t come in. Go away.”

  Her sweet mood suddenly took an about face. “You’re making a huge mistake, Adam. You’re on the wrong side of this one. You’re going to get burned. The old man can do you harm; you know he can. His cred with law enforcement is a lot better than yours.”

  “I stopped worrying about him and his wife a long time ago. And you. Toddle off and fuck someone else over. And tell Ozzie and Harriet that I know they’re up to no good. You are too. I’m pretty sure they didn’t get rich on the stipends they receive. My guess is you’re trading in illicit antiquities and all that BS about anthropological integrity and putting criminals away for looting is just cover for eliminating your competition. What’s your role? I know your up to your tits in this, and I think you’re planning something bad for Laura and Gaea. I suggest you change your plans. If you come close to them or me, or anyone I love, you know the consequences.”

  “Blah, blah, blah. All hat and no cattle.”

  “You saw what I did to your bigshot fuck toy. I’ll do worse to you. You know what ‘flay’ means? If you keep this up, you’ll get to know first hand. You know what a piece of work I can be. Stay away and pass that on to your minders. If I come for you, you’ll have no chance of surviving.”

  “You’ll regret this Adam. You and your whores. But, well, that’s those are choices we all make.”

  “Threaten my ladies again and I’ll come for you right now. Do not, I repeat, do not test my patience.”

  “Goodbye Adam. You’ll be down on your knees begging soon enough.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. But with my ladies and I can assure you, I’ll love every minute of it. The sex is fantastic. Goodbye.”


  Alana said, “Whoa, cowboy! What the fuck was that all about?”

  “That? Just two old friends reviewing current events. Crissy Chance, lawyer for my dear old Mom and Dad. We’re not close. I suspect they’re after Laura and Gaea, which is why the ladies are here with me. The reasons why are not as clear.”

  “You meant all that stuff that you said?”

  “Every word. I never said I was a good guy all the time. But this is life or death. This is hardball.”

  Laura said, “He’s right.” Gaea nodded.

  Misti and Noki confirmed everything.

  “They work as anthropologists for law enforcement, but they’ve amassed a fortune over the years. Mutual finds? I don’t think so. They’re dirty and I’ve known it all my life. Stealing is one thing. Kidnap and murder, quite different. If they stay away, we’re all good. But …”

  Noki said what Misti was already thinking. “We have to move. This place isn’t safe anymore. We need some other place where nobody knows us. It’s the only way to keep Laura and Gaea safe until we assemble our own team and figure out what’s really going on here.”

  Alana, now a little scared along with Eene, Laura and Gaea, asked “What team? And why do we have to leave here? We’re safe enough here, aren’t we?”

  Adam said, “Under normal circumstances, yes. But Laura and Gaea were unknowingly working for my parents who I believe are not only sick criminals, but want the location of the artifacts the girls have presumably hidden. They have been here, stayed here and brought Crissy into my home. My guess is they were trying to videotape and scout the entire building, then use a team of their own to get past our defenses, kidnap Laura and Gaea, then extract the information they have.”

  “No, it can’t be true. National Geographic is sponsoring the dig near where I found the Marco Polo cache.”

  “Then call National Geographic and you’ll either find that they aren’t the real sponsors, just convenient dupes to get Chinese permission and Nat Geo has no idea what’s going on. In any event, my folks are paying for this. Don’t believe me; call the magazine?”

  “I will. I don’t believe a word you’re saying.”

  “Who recommended you for the job?”

  “Dr. Marquez at U of A.”

  “Know him well?”

  “No. But I was grateful for the opportunity.”


  “He’s an old colleague of Edward and Anna. You were hand picked.”

  Adam asked, “You got clues? Anonymous Chinese source you met in Beijing on the way to the dig?”

  “Yes. But he’s not involved.”

  “Yes, he is. Probably Triad on Dad’s payroll. Missing any fingers?”

  “Yeah. One.”

  “He’s Triad. They’re in this now too. You have a problem. Those guys outside your apartment were also probably Triad.”

  Laura went into her room and was out in a few minutes. “The National Geographic got all the money for the dig from the Victoria Institute and the St. James Foundation. They just helped with the paperwork.”

  “The dig is minor, correct?”


  “Tertiary site. No big historical import? Summer home of a minor official?”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “You got took, sweetie. If you and Gaea want to stay alive, you need bargaining power.”

  Laura said, “I’ll tell the Chinese government. If I give them the location where I found the Cache, then hand it over to them. They’ll leave a us alone, right?”

  “No chance. The Chinese government is already in on this. This is big, and everybody in the know will get healthy and wealthy on the cash this will generate.”

  “How do you know any of this?”

  “Guessing,” said Adam.”

  “Pure guessing if you ask me.”

  “Look, you’re free to leave any time you want. Noki, Misti and I were very happy with our lives. You wanted help. I said I would. But I don’t need to get shot at to make the point. Don’t blame me; you took the job. I’ll give you some cash and you and Gaea can disappear into the night.”

  “OK,” said Laura. “Twenty thousand and we’re gone. I’ll take my chances somewhere else. Gaea?”

  “No way. I�
��m staying with Adam. He’s right. Getting him involved was our idea. We went to Edward and Anna because you and Marquez said he could protect us. What they really wanted was to get you here to New York City and past those Triad guys closing in on you. I’m guessing Misti, Noki and Adam are on the kill list and I’m on the torture list. You’re trying to blame him for our mistake. Take the money and go. I’m staying with him. I’d like to live more than a week.”

  Adam turned to Alana and Eene. “You guys aren’t a part of this. It’s safe for you to run. Nobody is left to come after you. Maybe head up to Canada or down to Costa Rica. I’ll get you a place and give you enough cash for a couple of years. New Passports and identities. In fact, Costa Rica is safer. Go there. This is not your fight. With Laura bailing, Gaea can come with us. It won’t be our fight any more. I guess I’ve done what the ladies wanted me to do. Now Laura, you’re on your own.”

  “I’ll tell them where it is.”

  “Yeah? Then what? Say you go wherever it is, and it’s not there. Or they want you as collateral for confirmation it is where you say it is.”

  “At least then, if it’s there, they won’t need me any more.”

  “Bingo. But do they let you go or kill you? Are you any further use to them, or just a loose end?”

  “Why kill me?”

  “You know the truth.”

  “I’ll go to the media. Tell my story. Then I get some independent verifier to go locate the Cache where it is. Once I’m in the papers, I’ll be too hot to kill.”

  “The Times or the Post are going to give you a bodyguard for how long? Oh, that’s right, never. These are Triads and killers; I doubt they could give a shit about bad Press. And, if the Marco Polo Cache of artifacts is still in China, the government will never let anyone come to search. If it’s near your dig, even though only you and Gaea know where the Cache is, they’ll still send in a thousand soldiers and find where you hid it. Then how long do you have?”

  Unsatisfied with the direction the conversation was going, Laura said, definitively, “I’ll leave in the morning.”

  “I’ll have your cash. Good luck.”

  Laura went into her room to pack whatever she could stuff in a backpack.

  Gaea asked Adam, “If they find her what will they do to her?”

  “I’m guessing they would apply some physical persuasion, then threaten to kill her if she doesn’t talk. Unless she has the stuff in a self storage locker somewhere, it will take time to plan the extraction. It will take some major talent to find the artifacts, authenticate them, find a buyer or buyers, smuggle the artifacts out of the country then deliver for final payment. Lots of up front cash. Laura will endure a lot of pain along the way. Then, they will kill her for sure.”

  “You have to stop her. Please.”

  “Maybe you missed the part about I’m not involved any more? No, she’s fuckin’ on her own. Besides, Noki is right; we got to get outta here soon. It’s not safe any longer here for me either.”

  “Where will we go?”

  “I have a place with Misti and Noki. Nobody knows where it is. We’ll be safe there.”

  Alana and Eene came up to Adam and the ladies. “We’re coming. We want to help, and besides, we owe you.”

  “First you owe Misti and me absolutely nothing. I would like your help but this isn’t your fight and you don’t know these people like I do. It’s dangerous.”

  Eene said, “And if they come looking for us? What then?”

  “I can fix it so they’ll never find you. You’ll be safe.”

  Alana said, “You need me. You know you do. You aren’t skilled like I am, and besides, you’ll need more than Noki and Misti when the shooting starts. We’re coming.”

  “We have backup. I appreciate what you’re offering but, like I said, this isn’t your fight.”

  “We’re coming. That’s final.”

  “Backpack only in the morning then. If you’re ready when we leave at five, you’re in with my deepest gratitude.”

  “We’re sleeping outside your door. No sneaking out at three or four ahead of schedule.”

  “Then sleep with us tonight and make sure I’m not lying to you.”

  “We’re packed. I’ll move our stuff into your bedroom. No funny stuff.”

  “No sex?”

  “No, not that. Don’t try any hero shit. We’ll find you.”

  Gaea looked at Adam, tears forming. “Please talk to her. It’s her pride. Make her understand. Please, I’m begging you.”


  Adam knocked at Laura’s door. “May I come in?”

  “What do you want?”

  “Seriously? I’d like to kick your stupid fucking arrogant ass, roofie you and throw you in the cargo hold of my plane. And I still might. Gaea is heartbroken. She wants you to come along and won’t leave me be. Nobody’s mad, but you need to listen, and forget about running, except with us. I’m asking you to please change your mind. I’ll say anything you want. Just please don’t leave. For Gaea.”

  “You’ll lie for me so I can save face?”

  “Yes, I’m begging you to please change your mind. I’m begging you.”

  Laura came off her bed. “I’m sorry I doubted you. I’m sorry for what I said. I’m sorry I was just like you – an idiot.”

  “See. How hard was that?”

  “You’ll take all the blame.”

  “I promise.”

  They came out of Laura’s bedroom and said to the group. “I apologized for the things I said to Laura that upset her. I’ve asked her to please change her mind, I begged her to come with us. I realize I was wrong. I asked Laura to forgive my rash actions and bad temper. She’ll be joining us in the morning.”

  He turned to Kalindra. “All set?”

  “Yep. We leave at three through the dumb waiter, take the tunnel to the building garage next door. Then a van to the Regional and wheels up ten minutes after we’re tucked in, seatbelts secured.”

  Gaea said, “If we’re leaving the US, don’t we need Passports?”

  “Not where we’re going, at least not right away. You’ll have new papers by the time we arrive at our final destination anyway. Just bring the clothes you need. We’ll have new stuff brought in once we’re there.”

  Noki said, “I walk around naked all day. All day. I’m the bait; I get him all horny then Misti and I jump him.”

  Alana said, “So far so good. Knickers optional?”

  Adam said, “Local rules. Up to you.”

  “We all get to share the big bed tonight then.”

  “No cavorting.”

  “Sure,” said Eene. “What’s cavorting?”

  Chapter 19

  “I spoke to him an hour ago. He was not overly excited to hear from me and he was quite annoyed with the vast conspiracy between me and you two. Can’t fault him for being correct.”

  “Did you get inside?”

  “Nope. Wouldn’t let me get past the front door, so no opportunity to plant anything. You’re sure that your tech isn’t working?”

  “Yes, positive. He either swept and found them or he has something that fried them. I’m betting it was Kalindra. Means we have no eyes or ears in there anymore.”

  “Should I keep trying? Try to appeal to his dumb ass romantic notions of teenage fantasy friendship?”

  “No point. Anna and I think you should get here to London ASAP. We’ve got our new teams flying in and we need you here for negotiations. Got some local representation for various groups attending in advance but I want you giving them the framework of our structure, responsibilities, and compensation. Power Point, bullet points.”

  “Most of it is already done. I just need to review the presentation package with you and Anna and plug in the final numbers.”

  “Excellent. We may need your help with a few of the potential partners or their reps; seems they may want to spend so quality time with you. You’re getting quite well known. I think Anna is getting jealous.”

  “Yeah, li
ke I’m a threat to her. Tits and brains. So long as you don’t object to her method of ‘persuading’ other partners, then she’ll always be the queen.”

  “Be that as it may, she wants some alone time with you.”

  “And you?”

  “I go first. I miss my time with you when we’re apart. And we’re having soirees here in London for the next month. You’re going to be a very busy and in demand lady.”

  “Sounds delicious. Should I fly commercial or charter?”

  “Commercial. He won’t be checking; besides he doesn’t have that level of skill in hacking yet. Pack light and get here fast. You can shop locally for anything else you need. We bought the building in Kensington, so we have lots of room and are not re-letting any leases as they come due. Lots of shops to keep you and Anna busy. We have a meeting with a lawyer tomorrow afternoon, so I want you in the residence for the talks. Dry run on the Power Point presentation. Then she wants to come back after negotiations for dinner in at the residence. If she’s smiling by midnight, she said she’d sign for her client.”

  “Am I going to like what I see.”

  “Yeah. Forty-five, works out, had some nip-tuck done. She’s a package. And one more item.”


  “Francesca is here. She’s going to do some event planning.”

  “No problem. But there will be payback for the last time we entertained. She lost control; I still bear the marks. She’s going to have to atone. Better tell Anna. If she says no, she can fucking do all the entertaining herself. I won’t.”

  “I’ll tell her. She won’t be a problem. I’ll make sure of that.”


  “That was Crissy. She’s on her way here, so we’re ready for the reps and organizations when they arrive. I may have her do the presentations topless, just to enhance an affirmative response. Alfreddson is in tomorrow and wants a session with Crissy after dinner. Crissy was very obliging.”


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