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Crissy Chance

Page 18

by Douglas E Roff

  “Not sure. Let’s ask Yaz.”

  A minute later Fionna said, “Yaz says it is contrary to our laws to force any mortal into any action without assent. I go first.”

  “After that, I stayed until my year was up, then had to leave. Rules. I lived many time compressed lives with both Niona and Fionna. We married, had families, were born, lived, and died. Along he way, I met Hana in one of my lifetimes, and we too were married. She will wed me in this lifetime, now that we are permitted, as is her great desire and mine.”

  “You may all attend, a great honor from our Lord. I am to wed Hana, Hecate, and Kendra the Immortal. I have had many children and my Lord loves them all. He expects that, with new weddings, I shall produce more ‘kinder’ for his pleasure. He loves humanity with all its faults and failures. He has told me to allow those of you who wish it to be gifted some or all of the knowledge I have been given; you may acquire as much or as little as you desire. Or, you may wish no knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom and can be a great burden. Remember that.”

  Chapter 22

  At dinner that evening, Laura wanted to discuss her own plans pending her departure from the Rock. Adam listened, and promised to send her on her way with money and documents such that she could find her way anywhere in the world, have money in the bank and a reasonable lifestyle. She would have several fake Passports, US, UK, Australian and Canadian. It was, after all, in both their self-interests that Edward not pursue and find her, and Adam, no matter how he felt about Laura did not wish her any harm. He just wished her to keep her head low, and not disclose, directly or indirectly, anything about Adam and the entourage, or the location of the island. Adam needed time to deal with his parents and his greatest fear was that Laura would look out for herself, give up what information she had on the Marco Polo Cache along with Adam and the group in exchange for her safety.

  Laura had been vociferous that it made no sense, once Edward had what he wanted, for him to pursue her, Adam, Gaea and the others. What possible use could they be? What she failed to realize was that Edward wanted two things. First was obvious for an anthropologist: to silence her and her friends; they were proof that he had not excavated and discovered the Polo Cache and had no claim on it legally or otherwise. Edward wanted full credit and his share, plus more, of the discovery. Once in his hands, he would pick the low hanging fruit; if the legitimate archeological world was lucky, it would be given half of what was found. Edward would authenticate and sell the rest. It would be his big score and retirement pan. Not that he needed money, exactly, to survive but his new hedonistic and carefree lifestyle took capital; he needed lots of cash.

  He would take Anna, Crissy and Francesca along too, but Anna was the only one he could completely trust and this out of necessity, not love. Both, and each, had much to lose. With his new contact in the sex trade, a well-known American movie star, Crissy’s erotic/deviant value had plummeted. She still had other value to him and he would never dispose of her. She would be on a short leash and was herself susceptible to blackmail. Crissy had committed heinous crimes; some of which she could not even remember. But Edward could and had photographic evidence to prove it.

  Francesca had a different fate in store for her. Anna was unaware of her destiny; she would never have agreed to the disposition of Francesca’s talents, though Edward would assure her it was for the best. Anna would have access to her new soulmate along with an unlimited supply of new recruits; what Anna felt for Francesca was akin to love. She looked forward to waking up next to her pet every morning, scheming all day and practicing on innocent young women by night.

  That would cease; Edward would have to assert full authority, threats, even penalty of death to keep his wife in line. It could backfire; Anna was no shrinking violet. She was lethal, smart and headstrong. Her plaything, Francesca, in Anna’s mind, was not Edward’s toy to acquire and dispose of as he pleased. Edward failed to comprehend this; it could come back to bite him later.

  The one thing Edward and Anna both did agree on was the need to locate both Laura and Adam. The rest of Adam’s harem was bait if they couldn’t get to him directly, but they needed him for reasons different from Laura.

  They were convinced that Laura knew where the Polo Cache was located, so she was a priority in capture and persuasion. She was also attractive, so there was additional value in diversion with her while the locations of the artifacts were revealed, cataloged, verified, authenticated and sold. Then a sale to a flesh house followed by abuse, death and disposal would be her fate.

  Adam, on the other hand knew too much; they simply hated his existence and he had to be terminated as soon as feasible. His life represented an existential threat to them; this they could not tolerate. He was not theirs, merely an early and foolish experiment gone wrong. Crissy was the model of their dreams though even she was not precisely what they wanted. There was always that lingering doubt of self-realization; of pushback and assertion of independent will. That was a defect.

  Their new procurer, on the other hand, was ideal. She was cash only, single purpose and dedicated to their needs, wants and proclivities. When they were finished with one experience, they simply walked away, paid in full, no muss, no fuss.

  That night at dinner, Adam was firm in making his case. Laura could leave, this was no prison. But in exchange for saving her ass, she had to promise on her life that she would leave the negotiations with Edward and Anna to Adam. Whether Laura knew, or thought she knew, the present location of the Polo Cache, negotiating with Edward was perilous. Edward and Anna could never be trusted, he said, and once the Cache was in their possession, Laura and all associated with her, Gaea and Adam included, would be hunted and killed. Surely Laura saw the implications of dealing with them on her own?

  In fact, she did not. Laura saw the implications of ridding herself of this danger and did not give a fuck about Gaea or Adam; she just wanted out. Maybe with some cash and academic credit too.

  Adam said, “I have work to do in my Lab tonight and do not wish to be disturbed. But I will mention two things before I go, Laura. Do not contact Edward and try to make a separate deal apart from us. It will be your death. Second, I will find you if you do, and if you aren’t already dead, I will kill you myself. And for all the ladies assembled here who think that Laura is right, think twice. This is not a suggestion on my part, mere input or opinion. This is law. I don’t set down bright lines in the sand very often, but this is an exception. None of you, maybe with the exception of Misti, knows how perilous my parents are. I am telling you that this is serious and begging you not to help while Laura fucks this up. Are we all clear?”

  Everyone, Laura included shook their heads in the affirmative. Adam left.

  Laura sat down and simply asked, “Who agrees with Adam?”

  Only Eene’s hand went up. She said, “We must do as he says. But, if you go against his wishes, whatever you decide, it’s better if I’m not here. If you disobey him, and I know, I’ll tell him immediately.”

  Laura and Gaea made a threatening motion toward her. Alana did nothing. Misti and Noki stepped in.

  “Touch her and you’re both dead.”

  Eene left.

  “What about the rest of you? In, out, neutral?”

  Alana said, “It’s worth a try, but you’re on your own. Like Adam said, it’s risky, really risky. But I can’t find them; either can Adam. We have to do something. This threat is getting on my nerves. I’m starting to look over my shoulder waiting for them and their goons to arrive. I don’t want to live here all my life. We need to do something.”

  Misti said, “And this is the best solution? And your change in attitude, Alana, is bothersome. Going behind Adam’s back right after swearing family allegiance is troubling. You aren’t family.”

  Laura interrupted and asked, “Got a better plan? If so, let’s hear it. If they come after me, Adam can trap them. I’ll be the bait. Just give me a head start, then tell him. He won’t go hard on you, you know that. I’ll b
e toast one way or the other, but you guys he will forgive.”

  Noki said, “Don’t be so sure. Adam will see this as a betrayal. And that will make him insane. Mislead a little, sure. He’ll overlook that. This is only going to work if you succeed. So, you better make the parents or this problem disappear. Otherwise we’re all toast. He’ll kick us out on our asses and the dream will be over.”

  Laura said, “None of you need to take part, just let me leave. I’ll contact Edward on the Sat phone which I’m taking with me. I’ll call you and tell you when I’m away and safe. Just don’t say a word to Adam. Are we all agreed?”

  The women shook their heads in the affirmative.

  “This will all be over soon.”


  Kalindra had already left the island to return to New York and undertake an assignment for Adam. Once she got back, she moved to a safe house and began her work. She was not involved in this plot, and had she known about it, would have snuffed it out quickly.


  Laura could not be trusted, and as soon as she was on the water the next morning and out of sight, she dropped the sat phone into the water, cutting her secure communication off with the Rock and the rest of the world.

  She had her cell phone with her, a number well-known and tracked by Edward. When she reached shore, she dialed him.

  “I’m away and ready to bargain. As soon as I’m totally safe from Adam, I’ll call and we can set up a meet. Is the deal still on?”

  “Of course. Where are you?”

  “Greece. Near Crete. I’m on my way to Madrid. I’ll see you there.”

  Laura was actually on her way to the US. She didn’t trust Edward either, so she considered negotiating from a remote location unknown to Edward to be the safest way to protect herself. She had assets and some other money in place, in addition to the cash Adam gave her. Her duplicity was astounding; her deception of Gaea and the ladies masterful.

  Their own stupidity was equally astounding. Forgiveness for betrayal by those closest to him in favor of Laura would not be something Adam could get his mind to understand. No matter what happened, faith, trust and confidence would be diminished; the family could never be the same after this.

  Chapter 23

  The phone rang in the massive toney multi-level home which clung, seemingly precariously, to the side of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Del Mar, just a north of San Diego. It was dusk in California, and the call display sad read “Land Shark 1”.

  She knew who it was immediately; as ex and ex, they were in contact weekly and bi-weekly by email and phone, respectively. Adam called her on Sundays, usually at six her time, sometimes early, sometimes late. They mostly talked shop, staying in touch and helping out when needed. Their emails and talks were usually short, though the feelings each felt for the other lie molten and just below the surface. In a contest of wills, neither would give in.

  Both were neat freaks, hard workers requiring little sleep and were punctual to a fault. They never argued, merely informed one another of issues they’d like to see changed in their bicoastal non-relationship. They were so much alike, and in love, that when they broke up, co-workers and friends were heartbroken.

  No explanations were given but they provided a slough of elimination reasons. It wasn’t sex, money, bad habits, lack of shared values or ‘others’. In fact, they were happy living bi-coastal in Leucadia and New York until, one day, something happened that changed everything. Between Adam and Bitsie, it was simply that she was a west coast girl and he was an east coast guy. Neither would leave their coasts, for very different reasons, but the two simply accepted that the problem was insurmountable. Adam was fleeing his parents, which Bitsie knew all about and why, while Bitsie Tolan was not fleeing anything or anyone. Her parents were in La Jolla and she would never travel far away from them. She didn’t have to, so that was that.

  Parting seemed so rational at the time; now it seemed totally stupid. Both later regretted their intransigence; more so Bitsie’s parents for keeping quiet. They did not need babysitting; they feared that their daughter would never find another Adam. Bitsie thought otherwise.

  Bitsie said, “Well, a call from my ex on a day that is not reserved for us is quite the event. Misti called and was quite agitated saying we needed to talk and talk immediately. I never mind any amount of extra time talking, faxing, emailing or in person with you, so I hope this is dreadfully complicated and will take days, maybe years, to figure out. What’s up, bub?”

  “Bad, bad, bad, bad and more bad. My world is collapsing, and the only person I can trust is you.”

  “I see. If it’s that serious, why not talk to Misti?”

  “I think she’s involved. I need to see you right away. Can you fit me in?”

  “I can and I’ll clear my schedule too.” Bitsie loved banter with Adam but tonight he was not taking the bait.

  Adam laughed, trying to sound himself. “Why did we break up? You’re were perfect.”

  “And still am; you were an idiot. But my idiot. And I still love you.”

  “I can be at your front door later tonight. Too soon?”

  “Nope. Never too soon. I’ll be waiting. But two conditions.”

  “Not the Dan Fouts fantasy?”

  “No! We visit my Mom and Dad. They ask about you all the time. They wouldn’t mind a call either.”

  “Done, and happily so. And the other?”

  “Mass quantities and copious amounts of sex.”

  “I’m a wreck.”

  “I’ll fix everything. Just get on your jet and get your ass here. Leave the rest to me.”


  Twelve hours later, Adam arrived at Bitsie’s doorstep. The door opened to a tall brunette, horned rimmed glasses, a white blouse two sizes too small, tops of her lacey bra showing, garter belt and short skirt.

  “Sir, the Library closes I three minutes but you look harmless enough. What can I show you? Something in my stacks that you may want to feel your way through. Bad lighting in this old building, you know.”

  Bitsie looked at a drawn face she had never seen before. Something was uncharacteristically wrong.

  “Come inside immediately and lay down on the couch. I’ll be back in a jiffy.”


  Bitsie went into her room and changed, then sat next to Adam on the couch.

  Adam briefly explained what had happened; there was betrayal by his family, all around, even Misti. To Adam, all his women, except Eene, had a part to play from active to saying nothing. Noki and Misti hadn’t thought so but upon reflection, they realized they had. Adam had specifically warned Laura about this; in fact, all the women. Each had promised not to take that step. It was too dangerous, just as Adam said.

  Adam talked to Misti and Noki, dragging them out of bed at five in the morning, then to Gaea, Alana and Eene; Adam was livid, but realized what was done was done. Their hideout was now compromised and they would all have to leave. He drafted handwritten notes to all his ladies asking them to be gone from the Rock by the time he returned, if he ever returned. He had to leave immediately, locate Laura and deal with this grave situation on his own. They were all now in grave danger thanks to their own stupidity and deceit, but especially Laura’s. Greedy, spiteful, arrogant and vain. He knew the type. Just like his father. Laura had deceived him and everyone else, including Gaea, who she left behind.

  Laura, freed from hiding the truth, now turned her attention to weaponizing her information and getting paid. The farther away she got, the less concerned she became. She would hide out, and negotiate from a position of strength. She knew where the Polo Cache was stashed, but Gaea didn’t. Adam had been useful; but not anymore. Things had not worked out as originally planned, but she had partners and she would lean on them. If she could find them alive.

  Adam was crazed with anger and rage, but believed it could only have been the work of Laura, alone, though he could not be certain if Gaea was also involved. If she was, these machinations, so we
ll planned and orchestrated, were likely conceived long ago by Laura and others, with her final deception being Adam’s women. That they had helped Laura without his knowledge and against his wishes was beyond perfidy; it was treacherous.

  When Adam arrived, Bitsie knew right away that sex was out. Her man was in pain, deep pain, destructive pain. Of all the people and places he could have chosen, he had chosen this home and Bitsie Tolan as his refuge in his hour of need. She had no time for sentimentality. She put him to bed, called her lead engineers to say she would be working from home, then sat by Adam’s side.

  It was the next day before he began returning to normal. Adam was listless and depressed.

  Adam’s mind was strong, but this thing, this betrayal by those he thought, he knew, loved him without condition, burst something inside; women he loved had taken part. He was devasted. The new world he tried to fashion was suddenly dead, gone up in a colossal burst of smoke and ash. He was alone and, for the first time in his life, did not know what that felt like; he always had his Barrows family. With Misti involved, what else had he missed? Adam was not Maria and Agustin’s son; Misti was their daughter, their flesh-and-blood daughter. He was just an orphan adopted as a teen.

  Bitsie took over. After he was settled and sleeping, Bitsie called Misti.

  “What’ going on Misti and cut the crap. Get to the point and fast. He’s with me, he’s a mess and his mental health is not good. I don’t expect him back to his old self for a while. What the fuck did you do to him?”

  “It wasn’t what I did to him it was what we did to him. All of us here on the Rock, our Island getaway in the Aegean. Safe, secure, and impenetrable. Off the grid to protect us all. But we went behind his back to do something, to help we thought, but we didn’t know what was really going on. He warned us. He knew what would happen and said whatever we did, don’t do this. But we crossed the line and we fucked up, all of us.


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