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Everlasting Hunger (The Hunger Mate Series)

Page 11

by Brandy Dorsch

  Jasper holds his breath wondering if he is going to lose the brother of his heart after four hundred years.

  “We’re fine, Jasper. Maybe this is the way it was supposed to be anyway. I wouldn’t mind spending a little more time with the new drink that I tasted tonight.”

  “Do you mean Natalie? She’s a very nice girl. Do you want to accompany her to Annabelle’s ball this weekend so I can take Ellie? I need to call Annabelle and let her know that Ellie can’t make the fitting tomorrow. Do you think you could have Natalie pick something out for her and send it to my place?”

  “Not a problem, Jasper. I’ll call Annabelle and take care of the arrangements. I will also make sure to have her send over some clothes for Ellie. Is there anything else you will need for her?”

  “No, thank you, Ian. I think we have everything that we need. I’ll see you in a few days but will call if we run into any problems. Good night, brother.”

  “Good night, Jasper.”

  Jasper hangs up the phone and lets Ellie know that everything is okay. Sensing the smile on her face as she relaxes in the tub, Jasper heads to the entertainment center on the opposite wall of his study. Opening the cabinet, he looks through the movies and pulls out Annabelle’s favorite movie. The Princess Bride is the one movie that Annabelle likes to watch repeatedly when she comes to stay with him.

  Oh, Jasper! That’s one of my favorite movies. I would love to watch that with you. Can we have some popcorn too?

  Of course, my love. I will make sure Dudley includes popcorn for the movie.

  Smiling at hearing the excitement in her tone of thought, Jasper heads back up the stairs. Tossing the movie on the couch as he walks toward the bathroom, he stops in the doorway and stares at the incredible picture that Ellie makes. Bubbles fill the tub to the rim and he can see the steam rising from the water. Ellie is leaning back against the tub, which thrusts her perfect breasts through the bubbles, and he can see the nipples puckered due to the cooler air.

  You’re a tempting sight, Ellie. It’s all I can do not to crawl into that tub with you.

  What’s stopping you, Jasper?

  Jasper raises his eyes from her beautiful breasts and looks into eyes that stop him in his tracks every time he sees her. Pulling off his shoes and unfastening his pants, he pushes them down and steps out of them. Striding to the tub, Ellie leans forward as Jasper crawls in behind her and sits down. Water splashes over the rim as they settle into each other.

  Ellie wiggles against him. “Jasper, how much will my life change after the transformation? I’m able to hear your thoughts clearly and, while I feel like I can access your memories if I want to, I don’t feel overwhelmed. Is that normal?”

  Jasper teases her nipples to hard little points with his fingers as he thinks about his answer.

  “You’ll become a night owl so you will have to find a different position at the hospital. I know Ian will help us out with that. Ellie, you won’t change personalities The same books, movies, and people will appeal to you. Blood will become your drink of choice. You can survive in the daylight for short periods of time. You’ll be a vampire, but you’ll still be Ellie Dawson. Your sense of humor, love of life, and all the passion that you have now will continue to be there.”

  Ellie slides to her knees and turns around so she can face Jasper. She moves until she is straddling his thighs and can feel his erection resting between them. “I want to make love to you while I’m still fully me, Jasper.”

  She runs her hands up his thighs and strokes the hard satin skin of the erection that’s peeking through the water. Jasper tugs Ellie toward his mouth and wraps his lips around a pouting nipple. Tugging on her the nub with his teeth, he slides his hand down between her thighs and pushes two fingers inside of her.

  Trailing kisses up her chest and across the tiny scar on her neck, Jasper whispers softly, “I want you in my bed, Ellie.”

  Feeling her shiver in response and hearing what she wants him to do to her in that bed, Jasper picks her up and places her outside of the tub. Quickly following her out, he dries them both as Ellie continues to stroke his erection. He picks her up walks into the bedroom and tosses her on the bed. Ellie bounces with a giggle and reaches out for him. He leans down and tugs on her legs so she sprawls on her back.

  Pushing her legs apart with his broad shoulders, he uses his fingers to open up the lips of her moist, wet pussy. Using his thumbs to stimulate the nerves of her clit, he leans forward and begins to taste her. With the connection between the two of them he is able to find every spot she wants him to lick, suck, or bite. Loving how wet she is for him and the whimpers that he can hear in the back of her throat, Jasper works his way up her body. He worships her bountiful breasts, and is overwhelmed at the emotion coming from this beautiful woman, and how sincere she is in her feelings for him.

  Rising above her, he positions himself and thrusts into her in one deep motion. Ellie wraps her arms and legs around his body and matches him thrust for thrust. Ellie rakes her nails down his back encouraging him to go deeper and harder. Jasper realizing that Ellie is telling him that she wants more, he bends down and kisses the top of her breast. Drawing it into his mouth, he sucks in time to his thrusts and buries his fangs into her breast, roughly drawing the blood out as he pounds into her body repeatedly.

  Ellie screams his name when her climax hits and Jasper pumps his seed deep into her body. Withdrawing his fangs and licking the tiny wound closed, Jasper rolls to his side and brings Ellie with him. Tucking her into his side, he strokes her back while she calms down.

  Is it always that intense and powerful, Jasper? I have never felt anything like that in my life. It didn’t even dawn on me to ask you if we should be using protection. Oh dear God, Jasper, should I be worried about disease or do vampires not have that problem?

  Jasper busts out laughing at all the questions flooding out of Ellie’s mind.

  “Relax, gorgeous. You can’t get pregnant randomly. We would have to take extra measures but it’s possible. We don’t carry disease so you are safe, my love.”

  “I feel like I should know this stuff, Jasper but I don’t. I’m going to make a terrible vampire.”

  Tilting her chin up so he can see into her eyes. “You’ll be fantastic, Ellie. I will be here every step of the way. Now, go take a shower and I’ll bring you some clothes to wear. We need to get started, lover.”

  Jasper can tell that she is thinking of Michael and the fear of death is paramount in her mind.

  “Ellie, love, you can’t blame yourself for Michael’s death. You were a child yourself and if I’m reading your memories correctly, then he had a rare blood infection that no one was able to help with.”

  Ellie sits up and swings her legs off the bed. “I know you’re right, but I can’t change how I feel. It will be easier once I’m actually passed the death stage and I wake up a vampire.”

  Ellie heads to the bathroom and Jasper moves toward the closet. Pulling on sweatpants and a t-shirt, he pulls out a shirt and boxers for Ellie. Laying them on the sink of the bathroom, he moves back into the sitting area of the bedroom. Putting the movie in the DVD player, he notices that Dudley had brought in the drinks and popcorn while they were in the tub. He pours a drink for himself and then mixes one for Ellie. He sits down and waits for her to come out of the bathroom and to start her new life.

  Ellie reaches for the faucet of the shower and turns it on as hot as she can stand it. Stepping in she allows the burning hot water to sooth and relax her. After making love to Jasper she should be sated but the fear of the unknown to come was terrifying. Ian had said that her blood showed she had the required component for a successful transformation. That doesn’t really mean much when you are getting ready to commit suicide.

  Relax, gorgeous. Do you really think that I would allow any harm to come to you? I wouldn’t risk this for you if I weren’t certain that it would be successful, love. There really is no other choice.

  Sighing because she knows that Ja
sper is right, she turns off the water. She reaches for a towel and steps out of the shower, drying off quickly. Ellie smiles when she sees the clothes that Jasper left for her. She slips them on and bursts out laughing at the tiny little vampire fangs all over the shorts. Shaking her head at the sense of humor in the devastatingly sexy man, she heads to the sitting room to join him.

  “Jasper, I love these shorts. They are so much fun,” she says as she sits down next to him.

  Jasper picks up her glass from the table and hands it to her. “Annabelle gave those to me as a gag gift for my birthday last year. She gets a kick out of things like that and we all indulge her.”

  Ellie holds the glass carefully in both hands, fearful of the liquid inside.

  “Lover, it will be fine. Look into my thoughts and know that I’m telling you the truth.”

  Knowing in her head and heart that she has nothing to fear from Jasper, she gulps the entire glass down and coughs at the exquisite warmth of the drink. Jasper takes the glass from her hand and refills it. Pushing play on the DVD player, he pulls Ellie into the crook of his arm.

  “Gorgeous, you’ll start to feel sleepy in a little bit. I’ll be right here and will keep you in my arms the entire time.”

  Ellie looks up into his bedroom eyes. “Promise, Jasper? I don’t want to be left alone.”

  Jasper holds her tighter. “You won’t be alone, my love. Here is what is going to happen. You will fall asleep, your breathing will slow, and your body will shut down. You will be dead for most of the day. You will awaken at sunset tomorrow and you will be like me. Things will be different for you, Ellie, but nothing that’s impossible for you to handle or deal with.”

  Ellie takes the second glass from him and drains it just as quickly as the first one but it goes down a lot smoother. “I’m counting on you keeping your promise to me, Jasper.”

  Jasper searches his thoughts and smiles when he realizes she is telling him he promised to make love to her when she awakens from her death sleep.

  Entangling his hands in her hair, and pulling her mouth to his, he kisses her with a longing that curls her toes and makes her wet.

  “Lover, that’s one promise you’ll never have to worry about me forgetting.”

  Noticing that Ellie is getting drowsy and her breathing is getting shallower, Jasper pours another drink for her. Helping her to hold the glass, so she can drink it, he realizes that she is close to death. Feeling a hitch in his chest for the thought of her vibrancy disappearing, he puts the glass on the table and draws her into his lap. Wrapping his arms around the drowsy beauty in his arms, he sits back and waits for her death.

  Even in her last moments, Ellie gathers all of her strength and raises her hand to Jasper’s face and tilts it so she can look him in the eye. “Thank you, handsome, for saving my life. I hope I’m never a burden or regret in your life.”

  Kissing the palm of her hand and pulling her close, Jasper responds, “Ellie, you’re a part of me now and I could never regret you. We are going to be together for a long time, lover. You also know by my memories that I never say things that I don’t mean.”

  Ellie closes her eyes and the movie plays in the background. “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

  Jasper feels her heartbeat starting to fade as he holds her in his arms. Counting backwards from twenty he waits for it to stop.

  Twenty, nineteen, eighteen seventeen, sixteen, fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, he feels her breath shudder and exhale, twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, her heart has stopped and Jasper blinks at the tears that are rolling down his face. Picking her up in his arms, he walks into the bedroom and lays her gently on the bed. He kisses her lips lightly and covers her up with a blanket. Heading out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen, he grieves losing her thoughts in his head.

  “Dudley,” Jasper calls as he enters the kitchen. “Ellie is dead so we need to make sure none of the cleaning staff bothers her.”

  Dudley nods his agreement from the counter where he seems to be making a cake.

  “What are you doing, Dudley?”

  Dudley scrapes the batter from the bowl. “I’m making the young lady a cake to celebrate her birth. I figure she is probably going to be a little anxious when she awakens tomorrow so we will have a celebration for her. Is that all right, my lord?”

  Jasper looks at Dudley in gratitude, honored that this man has spent the last two hundred years with him.

  “Thank you. Ellie will love the cake I’m sure.”

  Jasper settles onto the bar stool and waits patiently for Dudley to hand the spoon to him. It has been a tradition in his house for centuries and he never grows tired of licking the spoon. Dudley clears his throat as he hands the spoon to Jasper.

  “Sir, is the lady aware of the need to be in close contact with you or does she think she will be able to return to her old life?”

  Sighing deeply since he knows that there are things that he did not get a chance to talk to Ellie about Jasper replies, “I don’t know how she will react when she wakes up Dudley, but I know that she will be hungry. I’ll be able to feed her some but she is going to need more. Can you contact the blood bank and have them deliver some fresh bags?”

  “I already made the call earlier, sir, and it will be delivered in the afternoon tomorrow.”

  Jasper pushes up from the counter and thanks Dudley for his assistance and the cake batter. “I’m going to my office for awhile. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Dudley bows slightly. “As you wish, my lord.”

  Jasper heads through the large house and enters his study. Excited at the thought of Ellie seeing where he does his photography and showing her the beauty of the world gives him a bounce to his step. On the top shelf of the bookcase that lines the back wall, he reaches for a very old picture album and pulls it down. Flipping through the delicate pages, he searches and finds an old black and white picture. In front of the doorway to an old Irish pub are Jasper and Ian. With their arms around each other’s shoulders and drunken grins on their faces, it’s one of Jasper’s favorite pictures. Pulling it from the pages, he returns the book to the shelf and heads to his desk. He lays the picture down on the corner for Ellie. He will get a frame for it later. It’s something he thinks that she will enjoy having.

  Jasper reaches for the phone and dials Ian on his cell.


  Leaning back in the chair, Jasper clears his throat. “It’s me, Ian. Ellie died about twenty minutes ago.”

  Silence is heard from the other end while Ian processes what Jasper is saying. “Ok, Jasper. That means she will be out for a while. Do you want to come back to the club while she is in the transformation?”

  “No, I’m going to stay here and just keep an eye on things. If you wouldn’t mind having Miguel run my laptop over from the office, I can finish working on the inventory that I was doing earlier.”

  Ian sighs into the phone. “I’m sorry that this happened, Jasper. Even after all these years, I’m amazed at how things turn out sometimes. I really do care about Ellie. But if I have to give her to anyone, I’m glad it was you.”

  “Did you always know that we were related, Ian? I mean, did you plan on turning me into a vampire?”

  Ian laughs. “No, it was never my intention to make any of my family like me. Your father sent you to me for fostering simply because I was the best at the time. When I realized that, you were a direct relation I fostered our friendship but never intended to make you a vampire. It wasn’t until I saw you dying on the battlefield that I realized you had become like a brother to me and I was scared to lose you. Do you regret your choice after all these years, Jasper?”

  Pondering the question for a moment, Jasper knows the truth in his heart.

  “Of course not. I made the right choice for me and you are my brother. I would not change anything that we have done together over the last several centuries. I just wanted to make sure that the be
autiful woman that we both care about is not going to be the thing that tears us apart.”

  “Jasper, you know that I’m too selfish to let a woman come between us, even if that woman is Ellie. I do care about her and will always be there for her. However, you seem to have the connection to her that was meant to be and it will all work out.”

  Knowing that everything was going to be fine with the two men, Jasper is curious and has to ask, “What happened then, Ian? Why were you unable to stop drinking? You have not had that problem since that girl in Hong Kong about one hundred and fifty years ago.”

  “I’m honestly not sure what happened. I just knew that I had to finish drinking. There was a desire to taste all of her that I simply couldn’t control. Thank goodness you were able to save her. I’ll have Miguel bring over your laptop, notes, and Ellie’s things that were left in the lounge. She was supposed to be leaving for vacation in Detroit Lakes, so I don’t think that anyone will realize she is gone for a few days. When she wakes up make sure she knows that everything will be figured out at work and she is not to worry. Are you going to see if she will stay with you till she becomes acclimated to the lifestyle?”

  “Yes, I think it would be best for her to have someone around until she is able to control everything. However, this is Ellie we are talking about and you never know what she is going to do.” Jasper laughs.

  “I’ll talk to you when she awakens then. Good night, Ian.”

  “Night, Jasper.”

  Disconnecting the conversation with Ian, Jasper heads to the bar in the corner. Pouring a double, he sits down in the chair by the fireplace, and contemplates all that he needs to go over with Ellie. It has been a long time since he had transformed anyone. Contrary to popular belief, vampires don’t go around making new vampires. It’s saved for those special relationships that they want to extend. Tossing back the drink, he leans his head back. Knowing that Miguel will not be over till after the club closes, gives him a reason to take a nap.

  “Sir? Miguel is here with some things for you.”


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