Book Read Free

The Recoil Rock Series Box Set

Page 54

by K E Osborn

  I drive in and park by the fountain. Ria walks out wearing a short, tight as fuck dress. It does nothing for my aching cock as I rearrange it again and get out walking up to her. She smiles leaning out and then gives me a tight hug. I turn kissing her cheek and she giggles grabbing my hand pulling me toward the door leading me inside and straight out to the pool like last time.

  “It’s good to see you.”

  “You too. You look great,” I say honestly.

  She rolls her eyes. “Oh… this old thing,” she says with a sarcastic laugh.

  Shaking my head, I grin as she takes up her usual spot on the sun lounge and I sit down on the one next to her. “So what’s the plan for today?”

  She smiles throwing her hand in the air and clicking her fingers. I furrow my brows until I see a maid come rushing out.

  “First things first… drinks. Marianna, sweetheart, can you please get Nate and me something to drink?”

  Marianna smiles like she loves the hell out of Ria and nods. “Of course Miss Ria, the usual for you?”

  “Yes, please. Nate, what would you like?” Ria asks.

  “Umm… I’ll have your usual, too, please,” I say not knowing what it is and hoping for the best. Ria nods and Marianna smiles walking over to the bar.

  Ria glances at me as I raise my eyebrow at her. “What?”

  “You have a maid as well as a chef?”

  She nods. “And a gardener, and a pool boy.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna say it… wow!”

  Her smirk falls as I lay back onto the lounge. “Do you think I’m a snob?”

  I look at her and shake my head. “No, not at all. I think you’re a product of what your parents made you. But I can see by the way Marianna looks at you, that even though you have staff you treat them well. So that’s the main thing.”

  She half-smiles. “Yeah, Marianna’s been with me a long time. I’ve thought about not having staff and doing things for myself. I do answer the door sometimes by myself. But then when I think about not having staff it concerns me that they would be out of a job and I don’t want to do that to them. Plus, I like the company when they’re here. Marianna is like another mother to me.”

  Smiling, I glance over at Marianna, her salt and pepper hair frames her face. It’s only now I notice she isn’t wearing a maid’s outfit but normal everyday clothing. “She’s not dressed like a maid?”

  “No, I don’t want her to be. She’s more than a maid to me. Marianna’s my friend, so I let her wear what she wants.”

  “See, you treat them well. You’re a good person, Ria.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You are Miss Ria, and I love you dearly. Sorry, I couldn’t help but overhear. Here’s your drinks, sparkling water with a splash of lemon, three cubes of ice and a straw for you Miss Ria. I didn’t think you’d want a heart-shaped straw, Mister Nate.”

  Ria smiles at me. “Thanks, Marianna.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll be inside… you kids have fun.”

  “We will. And Marianna…” she looks at Ria, “… I love you, too.”

  Marianna smiles wide with a nod and walks inside leaving us to our sparkling water and the glistening sunshine.

  “That was sweet,” I say and Ria smiles.

  “Right, enough distraction… it’s time to learn, Mister Nate,” she says getting up from her sun lounge and moving over to mine. “Do you remember what I taught you last time?”

  “Every bit,” I say honestly.

  She pulls over the books, opening the notepad. “Okay, so what’s this word?”

  I chuckle and shake my head. “Easy… it’s Ria. The dove kinda gives it away.”

  She giggles and nods while flipping the page. “Okay, and this?”

  I look at the word trying to avoid looking at the picture until I figure it out. “Heart.”

  “Yes, great work.” She flips the page as her leg shifts right up against mine and she leans in closer so I can see better. Her body is leaning completely against me, and I take a deep breath as her perfume fills my senses.

  “I was able to read the word without looking at the picture.”

  She turns her head and stares at me with her eyes wide open. “Oh my God, really?”

  I nod gazing directly into her eyes. She’s really close to me, only an inch at most away at the most. I can feel her breath on my face and everything in me is screaming at me to touch her in some way, but I don’t want to spoil the moment.

  We’re close enough that if I leaned in a fraction more our lips would connect. My breathing quickens as she doesn’t back away this time. Her chest starts to rapidly rise and fall as we continue to gaze at each other drifting closer and closer to each other. The energy between us is scorching as I decide to just go for it, so I move forward.

  “Miss Ria, a package came for you,” Marianna announces. As she rushes out the door, it causes Ria to open her eyes wide as we both back away rapidly. I pull back so quickly that I lose my balance on the sun lounge and slip off the edge hitting the pavers and then roll into the pool. The water is warm, but it hits me like frigid ice, completely spoiling the moment. I swim back up to the surface to hear bellowing laughter coming from Ria. As I wipe my eyes, I watch her rushing to the side of the pool. Seeing her laughing at my misfortune brings a smile to my face and makes me start to laugh too as she bends down at the edge of the pool.

  “Oh my God, are you okay?” she asks through another giggle.

  I nod through my chuckles and hoist myself up onto the edge of the pool. My clothes stick to me like a drowned rat, and she starts giggling bordering on hysteria again as we both stand up. I look down at my wet clothes and shake my head.

  “Shit! It’s gonna suck getting into my car wet Iike this.”

  Ria’s still laughing as she shakes her head and grabs my hand. “Don’t worry, my stepdad has some clothes here. You can borrow some of his. Follow me.”

  I reach down and pull my shirt up and over my head wringing it out into the pool. Ria looks at my abs and chews on her bottom lip, then turns abruptly heading for the pool house. I grin and follow.

  The pool house is like a house in itself or at least a large unit. It’s huge, being mainly open space with everything you need in one place. There’s a living area, a giant bed, a little kitchenette, and I’m sure the back area has a bathroom.

  Ria heads to the sliding cupboard and pulls out a giant fluffy towel handing it to me. With a smile, I grab it from her hand and throw it around my neck. I’m not shy about my body, so I grab my shorts and pull them down, leaving me in my briefs.

  Ria gasps as she gawks then pulls her lips in tight while I grab the towel and start to dry myself. She finally turns—after having a good look—back to the wardrobe and starts pulling out some clothing laying it on the bed. I watch her as she turns to look at me again.

  “Well, I’ll let you get changed.”

  Smiling, I nod. “Sure… thanks.”

  She looks me up and down once more shaking her head slightly then walks out. I smirk as I step over to the clothes to see a pair of white shorts and a polo shirt. Very golf-esk. But not very rock-n-roll at all. Guess I can’t be picky right now, so I pull down my briefs and dry off fully getting changed.

  Once dressed, I head outside and Ria turns spotting me. Her face turns up in a giant smirk as I shake my head.

  “I’m not much of a golfer.”

  Her hand moves to her mouth to cover her laugh and she winces. “I’m sorry, but it’s all I’ve got.”

  “No, it’s fine. A change is as good as a holiday.”

  Ria sits back down on the sun lounge. “Can you draw me something?”

  “What would you like?” I ask and sit down.

  She purses her lips. “An underwater theme.”

  Grabbing the pad and colored pencils, I get to work as she sits back and watches silently. She takes it all in as I draw the scene using various techniques. She watches the entire time not taking her eyes away from the page
. It’s relaxing and I love that she’s so into my art.

  I finish the last stroke of color and take a deep breath looking at my work. It’s bright and colorful. I rip it from the notepad and hand it to her. She looks at it and her eyes sparkle and her lips turn into the brightest of smiles. “It’s perfect.”

  “For what?”

  “For the wall in the pool house.”

  I jolt back in shock. “You want it on the wall… in your pool house?”

  “If that’s okay, artist?”

  Shaking my head slightly, I exhale. “Umm… yeah. No one’s ever liked my art enough to have it on their wall before.”

  “Well, I love your stuff, Nate. I’d have a piece of you on every wall if I could.”

  I can’t hold back my smile feeling uplifted and happy that I’m coming out in front for once. “Why are you so good to me?”

  “Because you deserve someone to be on your side. Because there’s more to you than people realize, you just don’t let people in.”

  Swallowing hard, I sigh. “I want to let people in, I’m just scared of what they’ll think of me when they find out.”

  “That you can’t read?”

  “Yeah that, and why.”

  She looks at me and her eyes soften. “Let me in, Nate. Tell me why.”

  Tensing up, I let out a long drawn out breath as my shoulders sag. I look down to the ground as I clasp my hands together and nod. “When I was five my mother was putting me to bed. She was reading to me and in turn, teaching me how to read. She was trying to get me to read to her. I couldn’t get the words right, no matter how hard I tried, I kept stuffing it up then she started breathing heavily. I thought she was angry with me, so I tried harder, I really tried, but she clutched at her chest and cried out in agony. I had no idea what I’d done to her. She was in so much pain and I thought I’d caused it… I was only five at the time, I didn’t know any better.

  “She was panting, heaving for air, and she was passing in and out of consciousness right in front of me. Her face was bright red, her eyes vacant. She wasn’t with me, but the whole time I just remember the intense strain on her face. The tight fists her hands were clenched in. My screams echoing through the house. I was so young, I had no idea she was having a massive heart attack and she died right in front of me on my bed...” My heart races as my breathing quickens and I pause for a second trying to regain my composure, “…I haven’t been able to read since. I panic every time I’m supposed to read anything. It all floods back. Her face, her pain, I associate words with Mom’s death and I can’t get past it.”

  Ria nods and exhales, her eyes glistening with an intense sparkle like she’s trying so hard to keep it together. I know the feeling. I hate talking about this, to be honest, I’m not sure I have actually spoken about this to anyone. But I continue, “So, obviously Matt knows that I associate reading with Mom’s death and that trying to read brings up the memories of her. What he doesn’t know is how I couldn’t cope with the feelings. Sure, he knew that I struggled as a kid. Matt knew that I was considered the ‘loser’ twin that everyone looked down on. He tried so hard to help me, but the problem was me, I was the one who really thought low of myself. Knowing I couldn’t read and couldn’t further myself in any way, made it hard to think highly of myself. Growing up with the ‘loser’ mentality…” She tries to interrupt, but I put up my hand and continue, “No… me thinking it… everyone else thinking it… it fucks with your head.”

  I give her a small smile, her eyes twinkle with understanding.

  “Matt protected me the best he could. He knew I was suffocating and suffering, but he didn’t know the extent of the inner demons I was fighting. The inner guilt, the inner doubt, the inner hate of myself. I can’t read and it’s because every time I tried, I’d have nightmares about killing Mom all over again…” I pause trying to rein in my inner panic. “Do you know how fucked up that is? Feeling like you killed your Mom all because you’re trying to read?”

  She gasps and tightens her hand on my knee while I watch her bottom lip quiver. “Nate, you know that’s not true, right? There’s no way… no possible way you’re to blame for your mom’s death. It was a heart attack, you can’t blame yourself. There was nothing you could’ve done to save her.”

  I smile weakly. “The fucked up thing is I know that. I know it’s not my fault now. How can you kill someone by reading, right? But I was five and I didn’t know better. I grew up thinking I’d caused it and somehow in my fucked up head, it’s ingrained now that reading is like a death sentence. So instead of reading, I turned to other vices to cope and to make it through the tough times.”

  She half-smiles. “Music?”

  “And art. They both helped to pull my emotions out. With percussion I was able to take my anger on the kit. Hitting the skins made it easy to take out the frustrations of the day on something other than peoples’ faces, which I was doing until Matt introduced me into music.”

  “You have a lot to thank him for,” Ria suggests.

  “I do… art, on the other hand, was something that came to me naturally. I’d drawn ever since I could hold a pencil, and although my drawings started off dark in my younger years, they gradually flourished into actual artistry. I found somewhere I could go where no one could find or judge me, and just expressed myself on paper, or canvas when I could afford it. Matt never knew the extent of my drawing capabilities because I kept it all so completely hidden from him. I found somewhere where I could be Nate, the artist… be me… and not care about anyone or anything. Somewhere where I could let my emotions pour out on the canvas and have everything flow out of the tip of the brush. Painting helps me feel, it’s how I write the words I simply can’t.”

  She smiles. “That’s beautiful, Nate. I’m glad you have an outlet. I’m so sorry you had such a hard childhood, though. It kills me to think of how hard you had it.”

  Swallowing hard, I nod. “It was hard. Kids would beat me for being a ‘dumbass’ as they put it. Matt would always try to fend them off as best he could. He tried, he really did, but he still doesn’t know the extent of the damage done to me in school. I kept most of the beatings and tormentings from him. I guess losing my mom really threw me off course, and I was kind of floating in the wind. I was, still am, kind of… lost.”

  Ria sniffs beside me and I glance up to see a few tears falling down her cheeks.

  “Oh shit! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  She shakes her head, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand then places her hand on my knee squeezing it tightly. “No, don’t be sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just… I lost my dad when I was young, too. So, believe me, I know how that can affect someone’s psyche. Don’t worry you’re not strange, it’s not bad, but you’re relating reading to your mom’s death. No wonder you’ve been avoiding learning. But Nate, you’re a grown man, and as much as it hurts you need to push past it. You’ve been doing so well, considering. I had no idea that was the reason.”

  Sighing, I feel lighter for telling her. “No one apart from Matt knows. Danger and Ryan know our mom died, but they don’t know the damage it did to me in the process.”

  “I’m proud of you for telling me all of this. I can only imagine how hard this has all been on you over the years.” She leans in hugging me tightly and I wrap my arms around her taking her in. Her hair smells amazing and even though I feel lighter for getting that out, I need her comfort right now. She pulls back, but not very far, still in my grip. Her face is so close to mine as she looks me in the eyes.

  We’ve done this dance so many times I’m not sure if right now I could handle another rejection. My breathing quickens as my heart races in my chest. Her lips part infinitesimally but I won’t make a move this time. We’re staring at each other both breathing erratically, electricity surging between us sparking off in all directions.

  It’s almost getting too much for me to take when her eyes sparkle and it’s like something clicks and registers on her face
. She rushes forward, her lips crashing to mine taking me by surprise. Her hands run up my chest and neck, then into my hair. Breaking free from the shock, I open my mouth kissing her back as I close my eyes, relishing in the moment.

  My hands run up, one on her back, the other caressing her cheek. The kiss is sensual, deep and full of passion, everything I want it to be. Our tongues collide together in a flurry of desire. It’s intense and lasts longer than I imagined our first kiss would, but I’m not complaining, not at all. I’m fucking enjoying every minute of it as I pant through my nose for air.

  Suddenly, Ria pulls back breaking the kiss as she slides away from me like I have a disease or something and her hand flies to her mouth. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  Furrowing my brows, I shake my head. “Why? It was amazing?”

  She stands up starting to pace. “No! We’re friends. That’s all this can ever be, Nate.”

  My stomach sinks while my chest aches. I breathe heavy as I watch her pace back and forth almost in a state of panic.

  “Okay… I better go.”

  She simply nods, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort and turns walking inside. I stand up feeling deflated and annoyed that she obviously denies her attraction to me, but I gather my stuff and head through the house, where Ria is nowhere to be seen and let myself out.

  Chapter Four

  I feel like shit. Like fucking shit and as I walk through the side door of the house. Matt is in the living room playing on the Xbox.

  He looks up at me and raises his eyebrow with a chuckle. “What the fuck are you wearing?”

  Walking past him, I grunt. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

  Matt pauses the game and turns facing me as I head for the stairs. “Whoa, whoa, whoa… what’s going on?”

  As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I grab the banister and slump my head with a deep sigh. “I told Ria about Mom and what happened… why I can’t read and then… she kissed me. But then she pulled back saying she didn’t mean to and that we’re just friends.”


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