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Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)

Page 4

by Kara Hart

  Without much warning, I felt him shoot his thick load inside of me. “Fuck!” he cried, holding me down with all his might. My breathing was quick and loud as I felt him spray everything he had inside me, his cock expanding and contracting erratically.

  After about a minute, his pumps fell short. He kissed my cheek and smiled, “Well ain’t that somethin’. I guess we’re friends now after all.” He laughed and grabbed his pants.

  “Guess so.” I said, blushing. Wow, he exceeded my expectations. Who would’ve thought he would be so good.

  Just then, there was a loud knocking at my front door. Rust fell to the floor and grabbed his gun, aiming right at the center. “Jackie?!” Open the door! Jackie!” A voice yelled. I didn’t know what to do and I scrambled to get my clothes on before he busted in the door. From the sound of it, it was good old Ralphie Johnson, from my crew.

  “Who the fuck is there?” Rust called out, still aiming his gun.

  “Never mind that. One of Courage’s men have been shot! It’s serious, let me the fuck in!” the voice yelled from behind the door.

  I ran and opened the door in a hurry to find Ralphie covered in blood.

  “We have a small problem.” he said.


  “A small problem?” I yelled, putting my gun away. “What the fuck happened? Tell me what happened right now, or so help me God, I’ll put a bullet through your fucking skull!”

  “Everyone just calm down. We can figure this out.” Jackie said, stuttering. I could tell she was freaked out. After all, it would be her or her dying father who had to deal with the repercussions.

  “Who the fuck is this guy?” Ralphie asked, fixing his hair. The man looked like a fucking chump. It was hard to take anyone in that crew seriously, let alone a man who cared that much about his experience.

  “Me? You don’t know who I am, pal? Look at my fuckin’ arm. The word COURAGE was branded right on my bicep. His eyes widened.

  “What the Hell? Jackie? What’s going on here?” he stammered.

  “I was about to ask you the same thing, Ralphie. What the hell happened?”

  “It was Don. I guess he met some guy at the Magic 8 Bar. Got into a fight or somethin’. I heard you broke it up. Well, that hurt his pride well and good. He went to get revenge. Went to some club a couple blocks north. Shot the first guy with a Courage vest that he saw.” His voice trailed off as he saw the fire in my eyes build.

  I grabbed his shirt and forced him against the wall, lifting him straight off his sorry feet. “Who was it?” I demanded. “Who the fuck is dyin’ out there?” My teeth were clenched and my palms were shaking. I was ready to kill this son of a bitch right then and there.

  “It’s Johnny Pelskin…” he said, choking on his collar. I dropped him and he landed straight on his ass.

  “Get the hell up.” I said. “This gets fixed now.” I turned to look at Jackie. She stood in fear, hands clasped to her mouth.

  “I…I…” she began stuttering.

  “Come on. Both of you.” I grabbed them and walked out the door. “Where’s the guy who shot him?!” I screamed.

  “I don’t know, man. I’m just the messenger. I got him to the hospital, you know? I wasn’t involved. The other guy, Don, ran off. He’s gotta be in hiding somewhere.”

  I grabbed my gun back out of the holster and pressed it against his cheek. “Where. Is. He?” I repeated as slowly as I could talk. The guy remained quiet. “You want to play games? Fine. We’ll play games.”

  I unloaded the gun. All of the bullets fell out of the chamber, hitting the floor with a hard thud. That is, all except one bullet. “Let’s play.” I said, putting it to his cheek again. “Where is he?”

  “I told you. I don’t know nothing.” he stammered, teeth chattering and eyes wide. He had loyalty. I could say that much about him. But he wasn’t too smart about keepin’ his own life in tact.

  “Wrong answer.” Ralphie closed his eyes, sweat pouring down his face. He looked as if he were about to cry. I pulled the trigger. Click.

  “Oh, God.” he whispered.

  “Ralphie, don’t be an idiot, just tell Rust where he is! There’s no use in giving your life over this. My father will be trying to hash out a deal with Courage, so you won’t be betrayin’ anyone.”

  “I told you. I don’t know nothing!” he screamed, though it was pretty damn obvious he knew everything.

  “Open your mouth, punk.” I said, forcing the barrel into his mouth. The sound from his teeth hitting the cold metal clinked loudly. “I’m going to enjoy blowing your brains out.” I laughed. He needed to know I meant business.

  As crazy as this was, this was nothing to a guy like me. This was child’s play. Shit, I killed a guy from Darkhorse last week and I’ve been sleepin’ like a baby ever since.

  “Alright. One more time at the wheel of fortune! Where the fuck is he? Where’s Don? Where is he?” I screamed, letting him know I didn’t give two shits whether he died or not.

  “I don’t know!” Tears started to pour from his eyes. It was pathetic.

  “Alright, then.” CLICK. CLICK. CLICK. “Today’s your lucky day, pal. No bullets went off into your skull. I wonder if you’ll be as lucky this time as you were last.

  “No! Okay, I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you everything!” The guy said, snot falling out of his nose. I actually kind of felt bad for the fella. Then again, my best comrade was in the hospital with a gunshot wound. Who knew if he was even alive? Whatever sympathy I had for Ralphie went right out the window.

  “Yes you will. You’ll tell me everything and more, you bastard. Johnny was a good man and I’ll make sure you pay for what you did to him.” I said, scowling at the guy.

  “I didn’t do it. I swear. Don just went crazy, you know? I came to the Magic 8 bar to get a couple drinks and hang with the boys. How was I supposed to know that all this would happen?” he cried. I motioned for him to get up.

  “I don’t care about your groveling. It means nothing to me. Your life means nothing to me or anyone else in my crew now. Got it? All I want for you to do is to take me to him. Take me to where you’re all hidin’ him. If you do that, I can promise you, your life will be spared. If not, you’re in for a world of pain.” I put my gun away, even though I wanted to give him what he deserves. It didn’t matter to me whether or not he pulled the trigger. The fact that he didn’t do anything to give Don up didn’t really help his case in my mind, but I knew Bruce would be easy on the kid.

  “Yes, sir.” he said. “Just follow me in my truck.

  “No. We’re getting in with you.” Jackie suddenly said out loud. “We aren’t taking any chances.”

  We got in his truck and I phoned up Bruce, but from the sound of everything, he already knew what was going on. “Rust? That you? You hear what happened? Shit, it’s bad, brother. They got Johnny on one of those machines. They won’t tell us nothing. He could die, Rust.” he said into the receiver. In the background I could hear the shuffle of nurses echoing through the hallway.

  “Ain’t nobody dyin’ tonight. Well, except for the bastard that shot him. Just make sure Johnny is safe. That’s the most important thing we do.” I said.

  “You have any information on the guy? I heard he’s from Hell’s Wheels. Maybe you were right about this whole business. It ain’t a good idea. We’re causing some kind of shift to happen. The last thing I need is chaos to break out in the lower ranks.” he whispered.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got it taken care of. Jackie’s with me now. She came to my club with all the information. Some of her guy’s have him hidden in a safe-house somewhere nearby. I’m going to get him Bruce. And when I do, I’m gonna to tear his limbs off.”

  “Now listen to me, boy. There ain’t going to be no tearing of anybody’s limbs tonight. You bring him to me. Alive. You hear me? We deal with this like we normally deal with ‘problems.’” It was an order from the boss. And even though I wanted to disobeyed him, you just didn’t do that.

it, boss.” I said, shaking my head.

  “Good.” He hung up the phone and I was left wondering about Johnny. Would he be okay? He couldn’t die. Could he? He was the goofiest, yet toughest son of a bitch I’ve ever known. We grew up together. No, I couldn’t let him die. But first, justice needed to be served.

  “What’d he say?” Jackie asked me.

  “He said the deal’s off until we bring Don to him. Otherwise, Courage and Hell’s Wheels are at war.”


  War? Was he being serious? This was exactly the kind of thing we were trying to avoid. Violence for violence. Blood for blood. It was all so senseless if we could work together. This time, however, I couldn’t say anything. After all, it was one of our guys who pulled the trigger.

  “We’ll get him.” I said. “He betrayed both our gangs. He means nothing to us anymore.” I said, hoping it was a smart choice. Ever since my father got sick, I had been given new responsibilities, but never was I given a task this dire.

  “Alive. We need him alive. Otherwise, the deal’s off and you can kiss your little gang goodbye.” he said, looking out the window of the truck. Ralphie suddenly slowed the truck down and turned the lights off.

  “Woah there.” Rust said. “What’re you doing?”

  “We’re here.” Ralphie said, shaking.

  “It’s better if I go in alone.” I said. “They’re my subordinates. They’ll listen to me.”

  “No. We all go in.” he simply stated. There was no arguing with him when everything was on the line.

  “Okay.” I reluctantly agreed. This wasn’t going to be good. If I knew my soldiers right, I knew they hated Courage. “Come on, Ralphie. You first.” All three of us got out of the truck and began walking to a set of houses in the near distance.

  “Why’d you tell him I came to you with the information? Why didn’t you tell him about Ralphie?” I quietly asked Rust, while Ralphie walked ahead of us.

  “I did?” he smiled. “Didn’t realize.”

  “Come on. Why’d you do it?”

  “Guess I thought I’d return the favor somehow. You know, for earlier. It was, uh, nice.”

  “Yeah. I guess it was.” I said, nearly blushing.

  “But I think we should move forward. You know, as business partners. We have to look to the future.” he said, stepping carefully into the darkness ahead. Our surroundings were quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were from the crickets and our footsteps.

  “I agree.” I said. “It was probably a mistake on my part. I apologize.”

  “A mistake? I wouldn’t go that far, lady.” he said. But before I could reply, he put his hand over my mouth. “Shh.” he whispered, ducking down. I followed suit.

  In the matter of seconds, gunfire poured in from all around us. Ralphie fell forward, face first onto the desert floor. They killed him, shot him at least 8 times.

  When the gunfire stopped, a voice echoed throughout the desert. “Come out with your hands up, Courage scum!” There were cheers all around us. They had us surrounded.

  “Stay down.” I whispered. “I have a plan.”

  “It’s me, you idiots! It’s Jackie!” I stood up with my hands over my head. “You make me humiliate myself like this again and it’s your head I’ll be keeping as a trophy!”

  “Jackie? What the hell? Then who was it we gunned down?” the voice asked.

  “You gunned down one of your own men, you fucking nitwit!” I grabbed my pistol from my holster and aimed it at the man. “What? You gonna gun me down too? Go ahead. Pull the trigger. I dare you.”

  “I’m sorry, Jackie. I didn’t know. We have strict orders to take down any intruders. It’s pitch black outside.”

  “Well then get some night vision goggles from the detective store down the way. God, you guys are like infants. I came with a prisoner. A man from Courage. Let us in.” I said.

  “Let her in!” the man screamed. In an instant the nearly-invisible barbed wire fence opened up.

  “Just follow my lead and you’ll be fine.” I said, putting my gun against his back. “Move!”

  “What the…” he said, turning his head back at me and grimacing. “Never in my life has a…”

  But I cut him off before he could even finish. “Shh. You don’t have time to argue. Just keep walking.”

  The whole place was boarded up inside. There were about 20 of them or so, and they were all staring at Rust. Some were sitting on the couch playing cards and smoking. Others were in position, guns ready.

  “It’s me.” I said. They didn’t even bat an eye. So much for respect.

  “That’s your prisoner? How’d you manage to get him?”

  “Don, you’ve caused something big to happen.” I said.

  “Yeah? Big deal. ‘Bout time someone took charge around here.” he laughed, raising his gun in the air. Some of the men agree, saying, “Ay.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked him, finger on the trigger of my gun. Though it was aimed at Rust’s back, I was ready to kill everyone around us, given the opportunity. “Now before you speak, remember this. I’m the boss’s daughter. And soon enough, I’ll be the actual boss of this crew. I’ll be damned if I don’t get respect from the likes of you.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He was mocking me. He lit up a cigar and puffed at it as if he were king of the fucking castle. He made me sick to my stomach. “All I’m sayin’ is this: It’s either us or them. And for some reason, it’s lookin’ like you’re siding with them. That’s all. If I’m wrong, then prove me wrong. Put a bullet in that man’s back and join us.”

  “What are you talking about, Don?” My hand was shaking with rage and confusion.

  “Don’t you know? It’s wartime, Jackie. And The Hell’s Wheels are suitin’ up to defend our territory.” he smiled and aimed his gun at Rust, laughing to himself. The men in the house all broke out into laughter and support.

  “Shoot him dead!” one of them cried out.

  “Yeah! Hang him til he chokes!” another one yelled.

  “Gentleman, gentleman. Let’s hear what they have to say first. I’m sure our boss’s beautiful daughter already has a plan, don’t you?”

  “We are not at war.” I found myself saying. “This is purely a business transaction, I…”

  “Come on, Jackie. We all know it’s not just a business transaction. This is our territory we’re talking about. Our product. You don’t see America getting all buddy-buddy with Russia or Afghanistan do you? That’s because they are enemies, my dear. Now, as the Hell’s Wheels new acting commander, I declare you two as hostile combatants. I’m sorry, love. We’re going to have to take you away.” Two men had come up from behind and grabbed me.

  “Wait! I am your leader’s daughter! You can’t do this!” I screamed, still holding tightly to my weapon.

  “I beg to differ. Your father, unfortunately, has passed away, dear. My condolences.”

  Everything suddenly slowed down. All was hazy in a fog of panic. “No. It can’t be. He was doing so well.” I said, as a tear fell from my eyes. From behind, Rust reached very slowly for his weapon.

  “I’m afraid it’s true. That is why I’ve have decided to become your acting commander. From this day forward, we will be a force to be reckoned with. And we will demand our autonomy!” Cheers erupted from inside the safe-house.

  “Yeah, but you’re forgetting one important thing.” Rust said smiling. That’s when the tone of everything had shifted in front of me.

  “And what exactly am I forgettin’?” Don asked, puffing out his chest in a big display of dominance.

  “Our weapons.” Rust had somehow grabbed his gun and, in the knick of time, had it aimed right at Don’s temple. In his other hand was a grenade. Of course, the pin had been pulled out. “Better run.” he laughed, grabbing me.

  “What the—” Don exclaimed. He ran into the other room, diving out the window to the backyard.

  In a matter of miliseconds, bullets had covered the entire l
iving room. “Go!” Rust screamed, picking me up and busting through the front door. We were stuck in a hellfire of glory, as bullets whizzed by my face.

  “That wasn’t exactly what I thought would happen!” I yelled.

  “Don’t worry. I have a plan. And this time, it’ll work!” he yelled amidst all the gunfire. And as we were running through the desert landscape, he swooped down and grabbed Ralphie’s lifeless body. “You’re a heavy bastard, aren’t ya?” he said out loud to himself

  Whatever the case was, I knew things had changed immensely. MY crew had turned on my father. No, they turned on me. And now it was a game of figuring out how to get them back. I shuttered to think of what that would entail…


  “God damn!” I yelled out the window, racing against time. Behind us were lights of motorcycles. “They still on our tail?” I asked Jackie.

  “Give it a second. I have a feeling they’ll turn back around.” she said, leaning out the window and squinting her eyes.

  “I’d love to see them try and enter Courage territory. They’d get their limbs blown off within a second.” I laughed, shaking my head. “Damn, that was one close call wasn’t it?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it.” she said, coldly staring at the fading lights behind us.

  “Aw, what’s the matter, sweetie-pie?” I touched her shoulder. “You get scared of a little bullet-fire?” She didn’t look too amused.

  “My father died, Rust. I know your thing is to be an asshole, but maybe you could show me a little compassion, okay?” A single tear came down from her eye. I would be lying if I said it made me sympathetic to her cause.

  “You’re speaking to the god damn choir.” I said, getting angry. “Both my parents were shot dead. Right in front of me. Bobby Farole marched right into our kitchen. Without a word, he shot them right between the eyes. Do you see my cryin’? Do you hear me braggin’ about it? Asking for sympathy? Hell no you don’t. That’s because I’m a real rider. I’m in it for life.” I grabbed a cigarette from Ralphie’s pack. I assumed he wouldn’t mind now that he was dead and all.


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