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Rust: A Bad Boy Romance (Courage MC)

Page 34

by Kara Hart

  My pale breasts were constricted in my Victoria’s Secret bra. He ripped it in half, watching as my tits hung freely, perfectly round and full. He cupped them in his hands, fitting his palms around them. His warm fingers sent shivers down my spine. Feeling his touch spurred me into action as I grabbed at his jeans. He shoved his tongue further into my mouth, lapping at my tongue and lips.

  I started to work the button on his jeans, sliding it through the hole. I wildly unzipped his jeans and kissed his face. Adam looked down momentarily at the hand that was now around his growing member. He quickly looked back up at me and began kissing me again, pulling me off the table by the hoops of my jeans. With haste, he took my pants, ripping them clean off me. All I had were my panties, which were completely soaked. He fell to his knees, causing me to briefly let go of his thickening cock.

  He grabbed my panties and quickly pulled them off me. They hung soaked at my ankles. I stepped out of them as he kissed up my legs to my creamy ass. He spread my cheeks open, smelling me, kissing my inner thighs with animalistic hunger. We were so enveloped in our passions, we blocked out everything around us. Adam stood up, feeling my waist. His cock was standing straight up, waiting for my touch.

  I grabbed his solid tool, feeling its warmth in my cold palms. It was rigid and growing by the seconds. I lightly began tugging on it, feeling the skin pull back and forth, tight around the bone. A warm sensation formed between my legs, urging me to stroke him faster. I wasn’t sure what was coming over me. I had never done this before, not like this anyway. I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with it, especially here. Nevertheless, it was bizarrely exciting watching Adam’s expression change from serious and moody to surprised and pleased.

  All of a sudden I felt his strong hands force me lower and lower until his throbbing cock was directly in front of my face. “Suck it, baby…” He moaned, eyes closed, waiting for my warm mouth.

  I had never sucked an older man’s cock before, so it worried me a little bit. I looked up at the rugged face of the biker I had known for so little time, but had somehow fallen for. Who was this man? I thought. He was waiting for me, looking to see if I was woman enough to take his milky member into my mouth. “Do I need to take you back home to your family? Or are you with me?” He asked, waiting for my response.

  I looked into his eyes and said, “I’m not a little girl, if that’s what you mean. I can handle this.” He smiled, licking his lips. When I took his shaft into my fingers, he tilted his head back with pleasure. I opened my mouth and slowly brought his darkish head between my lips, sliding it over my tongue. It was such a strange sensation, but I couldn’t help but love every second of it. I felt my thighs drip with wetness from my sweet pussy. Adam let out a strong groan as I began tasting and enjoying his cock even further. This was everything I had ever wanted and I knew there would be more. I wanted to show this rough and mysterious biker that I could handle him.

  My head began to move up and down, slowly, as a thick coating of pre-cum and saliva dripped down from my lips, forming along his shaft. My hand followed my mouths movements and I soon became lost in the rhythm of sucking his huge cock. He took his hand and placed it on the back of my head, pushing slightly down on it. He was moaning loudly now and I felt pleased with how natural this all came to me.

  He brushed my hair back with his right hand, feeling the curves around my ears. He bundled the silky hair into a ponytail and pulled back. I let out a groan of pleasure. I could feel his fist tighten as I moved up and down his shaft faster now. I looked up to see him enjoying himself. He pulled harder and I tried pulling away from him. He reluctantly let go of his grip, impressed by my skills.

  “I guess you’re not a little girl…” He laughed.

  “Nope. Guess not.” I said with sass.

  I stood up, observing his reaction, and leaned against the table in front of me. I spread my legs slowly, turning my head so I could see his expression. I knew this would get him going. I pushed up my ass and arched my back, hoping he would see my dripping lips between my legs. Adam stood behind me, stroking his large cock. “Fuck, Rose…” He moaned, almost as if he were talking to himself.

  I felt his palm press upward on my warm wetness, as he gauged just how ready I was for him. I had never gone this all out before, but if it was going to be with anyone, it would be Adam. He wiped my dripping wet excess onto his shaft, spreading it around his thick head. And using his thumb, he pressed down, guiding his cock forward, pressing against my tight opening. It would barely fit and I knew this. “Spit on it.” I said to him.

  I held his shiny member as he spit down onto my hole, and he pushed forward slowly. I instantly let out a high-pitched gasp as he broke through the first barrier of my lips. I could feel every inch of him, every throbbing vein on his cock. He was so damn thick, it was impossible not to. “Shit, you’re tight…” He said, behind me. I gripped the table as he forced himself even deeper inside.

  We both let out huge sighs of relief, as if we had both been waiting for this moment all our lives. He was holding onto my hips tight, squeezing my flesh. He pulled out his cock slowly, examining my pussy’s grip around his tool. I was tightly wrapped around him, like a gift on Christmas day, and I could tell he was satisfied. “Fuck...” He said. He pushed forward with incredible force. His hips slammed into mine and I let out a sharp cry of pleasure.

  I fell forward onto the table from his force and he slid himself inside me deeper, penetrating my soft mound. I could barely breathe. His body was the only thing present in my world at this point. I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to think about anything else but this. I just wanted to enjoy him. His thickness slipped in and out of me, carrying the top of my lips with him with each pump. I was surprised, then, to feel Adam’s arm curve around the thin cartilage of my neck.

  He wasn’t quite choking me. It was more like a gentle cradle. However, it served as a reminder that he was the one in control, not me. He inserted his fingers into my mouth and I began sucking them uncontrollably. I was hungry for him. I wanted to taste his whole body. I concentrated on the pleasure between my legs and I pushed my ass back slightly to feel more of him. At this point, I was fully immersed in his pleasure.

  He was pushing his weight forward into me, holding my hips tightly and squeezing my thick flesh. He felt my body hitting the cold table in rhythmic motion, and he began cupping my tits firmly. We were losing our balance, my hair flying around my face. He breathed in my scent and let out a low groan. He was fucking me fast now with determination.

  I lifted my stomach off of the table and he grabbed my firm breasts, pulling at my nipples again. I was holding all of our weight with my ass and elbows. Despite my initial hesitance, I was really enjoying every bit of this experience. Adam truly was a perfect fit. He leaned over my back and kissed my neck softly as he penetrated my dark pink pussy. The fact that his cock was making me feel this good started to worry me. I knew my orgasm would be earth shattering.

  He pulled his fingers from my mouth and grabbed the side of my stomach. “Uuughhh…” He cried out as he pushed through to his treasure. Between my legs was an insurmountable pressure and tingling sensation. I couldn’t contain myself. I let out a sharp cry of satisfaction. “Oh my god! Keep fucking me like that, Adam!” I yelled. “ I want this forever!” He kept pounding me with pure intensity and I felt myself losing control.

  I pushed against him as his fat girth slid against my g-spot. With one huge thrust, I let out a long and powerful moan, clutching at the table. My whole world was disappearing. I released all of the pressure between my thighs, feeling an incredible orgasm rip through my young body. There was a tingling-like sensation that started at my clit and began spreading like a wildfire throughout my whole body. My fingers went numb. My mouth hung open wide. “Ohhh! My! Goooodddd!” I fell forward onto the table as he penetrated me further.

  My pussy started to contract around his shaft. I felt his cock expand against my hole. My whole body started to swell as a su
rge of pleasure rushed through me. My knees felt weak. Beads of sweat formed around my forehead, cheeks, and shoulders. I heard Adam let out a large cry of his own and felt him fall forward onto me. He was fucking me like a maniac, as I released my sex all over his cock.

  He had grown three times his normal size within me, or at least that’s what it felt like. Maybe it was my pussy contracting onto him, but he felt like a giant inside of me. He was screaming like a wild beast, holding me as tight as he could. I pushed back onto him some more, waiting for his seed, and after a few strong thrusts, I smiled as I heard him lose control of his senses.

  I moaned in delight as I felt him spray my womb with his sticky hot cum. He was holding my breasts again, squeezing them tightly. Adam cried out in ecstasy as he started to spasm within my dripping folds. His cock bobbed up and down as he let loose a steady stream of thick semen. Slowly his cock got smaller and smaller and I felt his grip on me loosen.

  The mysterious biker I had met at the park that one night fell limp on top of me. After a few moments of heavy breathing, he pushed himself off of me and fell to the floor, smiling. “Okay, Rose. You’re good. I’m hooked.”

  Chapter Ten

  I lay away from the table, panting and breathing heavy. Adam was in front of me. His eyes were closed. I couldn’t be sure that he was even awake. I felt his hot cum dripping down my thighs. “Jesus Christ…” He moaned. “How did that even happen?” He wiped some sweat off his face and started laughing. “Woooo-eee!”

  I laughed too. The whole thing was just so unbelievable when you thought about it. I had just met him the other day. However, sometimes you meet someone and you just know it’s gonna’ get crazy. It was like that with Adam. I pushed myself off from the ground and searched for my underwear. My thinly shaved pubic hair was sticky with his cum and I looked like a wreck. I didn’t care, though. He made me feel amazing.

  Adam hopped into his jeans, zipping up the front. The jingle from his belt echoed in the gigantic drug room. He knelt down, jamming a foot into his boot, and said, “I’ll need that again tomorrow.”

  I smiled, excited about my new life as a fugitive. I still felt like there was a lot to learn of this life, but I felt good about everything. I felt like I could be useful for once. I picked up the bag of clothes he gave me earlier, examining the dress inside. It looked like some Church of Mormon garb. “Are you serious?” I laughed, holding it up like a piece of mildew.

  “Wait ‘til you see what I’m wearing.” He walked over to a drawer within one of the tables. Reaching inside, he grabbed a white button down shirt and black slacks.

  “I can’t believe this.” I said, laughing. “What are we? Door to door salesmen?”

  He smirked, holding a bible up. “Yeah, actually.” We both laughed. “Don’t worry, we won’t actually be going door to door. It’s just a cover.” He said. I put on the dress, looking simple and pure. I had always wondered what it felt like to be in a religious cult. I guess this was it. Adam put on his clothing as well, smoothing over the creases with his hands. “It’ll do.” I said.

  He suddenly turned to me. “Listen Rose. We have to go by the books on this one. If we don’t, we could get arrested. If not, we get killed. First, we deal with your parents. We throw them off the trail. In that bag is an envelope with a letter addressed to them. We’ll send that from a post office 400 miles in the opposite direction of us. I’ll have a friend personally send it for me. Does all this make sense? Are you feeling good about everything?” He raised his eyebrows, holding my shoulders steady. He was anxiously awaiting my response.

  I stood there, trying to make sense of everything. “What’s this letter?” I asked.

  He reached into the bag, revealing an open envelope with a folded, typed letter inside. “Go ahead. It’s not sealed yet. Read it.”

  I looked at his outstretched hand and took the letter in one quick swipe. Unfolding it carefully, I inspected its contents:

  Dear Mr. & Mrs. Fischer,

  You are the parents of a very lovely child, Rose Fischer. I know this because I’ve been ‘around.’ I’ve been outside your windows, at your work, watching your every move. I even know what time you take the dog out to shit. I know everything.

  Now. About your beautiful daughter…

  Rose. What a wonderful name, isn’t it? Very poetic. Well, Mr. & Mrs. Fischer, I’m no poet. This is the most I’ve written in probably sixteen years. I’m not a learned man, you see. But I do get what I want. And what I want, is your daughter. You won’t be seeing her for a while. That is, until you submit a cold four million to me. I know, she’s pricey ain’t she? Let’s just hope she’s worth it to you.


  “Jax?” I said. “Really?”

  He chuckled, opening a beer. It foamed up over the top. “It may sound stupid to you, but ‘Jax’ ain’t a name that’s traceable back to me.”

  I held the letter in front of me, walking in circles. I was thinking about the plan. It made sense, actually. Set them in the wrong direction. They’d lose too much time in the beginning to find us later in their search… “But why a ransom letter? Couldn’t I just write them and say…oh, I don’t know…I could tell them I ran away!”

  “You tell them that, they’re going to go after you regardless. At least this way, we set them back a few days. Who knows, maybe they’ll never get on the trail. I have to hope so, but I’m never optimistic. This ain’t a typical heist. It’s going to take some work.”

  “I don’t know, Adam…we just got here. Can’t we take some time an—” At that moment, red lights went off all around us. A siren of noise resounded throughout the house. It sounded like those warnings for nuclear bombs in movies. I placed the letter back into the envelope and threw it in the bag. “Adam! What the hell is going on?” I screamed, running in circles. “Fuck!” Even though I didn’t want to show it, I was absolutely terrified. I had no idea what to do.

  “Time to get dressed. We have to move.” Adam grabbed the bags and ran towards an exit in the back.

  I followed, although I was confused. He had just shown me this amazing place where I thought we could hide out forever in. Leaving wasn’t part of the bargain. “Wait what? What do you mean we have to move?” I threw my hands up in protest. Was he being serious? The sirens were bursting my eardrums. All I could see was red.

  “MOVE!” He screamed at me, pushing me forward. I almost tripped over my shoes.

  I could tell that whatever was happening was probably really bad. But I didn’t understand what that could be. We made our way inside another garage full of bikes. “The ones back there were to sell. These are mine.” He said, deciding which one he wanted to use. Eventually, he settled with a more classic looking model.

  “Adam, tell me what’s going on…” I whimpered.

  “If you don’t want to get killed, you’ll follow me. Now get on!” He jumped on the Harley, revving the engine. Hesitantly, I walked towards the bike. “GET THE FUCK ON!” Adam yelled. I didn’t budge. I couldn’t move. My body felt paralyzed by fear.

  “Ugh!” Adam groaned. He jumped off the bike and picked me up by my dress, holding me close to his chest. I climbed over his back as he opened the garage door. “Brace yourself…” He mumbled. I was holding on, my fingernails clawing through his button down shirt. The door was 2/3 open. Adam began counting down.

  “3…” The door was inching open. I put my head to his muscular back and started to cry. I was so afraid of what might happen.

  “2…” The door was halfway open now. “Get ready…” He mumbled.

  “Adam…” I whispered.

  “1! LET’S GO, MOTHER FUCKERS!” He stormed out of the garage, through the door, barely nicking his helmet. He weaved through the desert range, swerving to avoid certain cacti and desert plants. “WOO!!” He screamed into the night sky. I looked behind us. There were two black SUV’s chasing us.

  “Ah shit!” Adam cursed under his breath. “Time for a little detour…” He swerved the bike to the left of
the trail we were on, hopping over a rock in front of us. VOOM!

  Bullets zoomed past us and ricocheted off some off the rocky floor. Adam was driving in zig zags, attempting at throwing their aim off. So far it was working. “Adam! GO!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  “Don’t…worry…Rose…I got…this…” He took the bike and swerved right, avoiding a giant part of the mountain. One of the SUV’s gained traction, but didn’t catch the boulder in time. One wheel went up the rock, flipping the car multiple times in the air. It landed on its ceiling, bursting into flames. “YES! YOU DID IT!” I kissed his cheek and hugged him tight.

  “It ain’t over yet…” He was grimacing through his helmet, biting his lip. I looked back behind us. There was only one SUV left on our trail. And all of a sudden, it dimmed its lights and was nowhere to be found. “Shit! They’ve got night vision. Fuck it, we gotta’ keep riding…” Adam was cursing into the wind. I was holding my breath until we lost them. I couldn’t believe the mess I got myself into.

  I looked above me. It was a full moon. I looked behind me again and concentrated my vision. Maybe if I…just…look…hard enough….I just might…“THERE!” I pointed behind us, the moon reflected off the glass of the SUV.

  “I see ‘em!” Adam yelled. “Hold on tight!” To my surprise, he turned the bike to the right, facing the vehicle.

  “What’re you doing, Adam?” I yelled, punching his back. He was going to get us killed! My breathing picked up, I felt dizzy. My heartbeat was racing, pumping beneath my chest. I began hyperventilating. I think I’m having a panic attack. I couldn’t even talk. I was completely motionless.

  Adam wheeled around, facing their direction. It came barreling towards us. With haste, Adam reached into his pocket and pulled out the clicker from earlier. I still had no idea what it did, if anything, but he pounded a pattern into it and stuffed it back into his pocket. The SUV was only about 200 feet away. I couldn’t gauge it. All I knew was that it was set to kill. “Just hold on, kid…” Adam whispered. Despite the fact that we were stopped and facing our own death, I held on for dear life…


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