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Ranch Rivalry

Page 13

by Gray Gardner

  Her mouth fell open and her cheeks felt warm again. Jesus. Was this something she really wanted? She could chicken out, go stay with Tizzy in her rat hole, continue fighting the FBI on her own… or she could just say yes and stumble into the unknown with this gorgeous cowboy to guide her. Her stomach and everything below tightened.


  Chapter Eight

  Hall took her hand in his. He led her into the hallway to his room. He wanted it to be in his room so that he could have more control over the situation. A pink room made him feel slightly diluted as a man… and he needed all of the visceral manliness he could get at the moment. She was so little, so innocent, and much to his pleasure, willing and trusting. He didn’t want to say it out loud, but deep down he knew he could love her.

  His room was the master bedroom. Large, dark, male. The bed was a king four-poster, with deep brown, carved oak posts soaring towards the ceiling. The navy comforter was fluffy and plain. The oxblood leather chairs surrounding the large slate fireplace made the room smell masculine, while the silk navy and white paisley curtains draped to the floor for a slightly more delicate touch.

  “This way,” Hall gently said, pulling her towards him as he sat on the edge of the bed. Up and over her body quickly went, before she could change her mind.

  “Hall!” she squealed, feeling him shifting her hips over his legs as her upper body sank into the fresh smelling comforter. She felt too vulnerable. Why did he want to hurt her? Why was she allowing this to happen? She sucked in a breath when she felt him pull her shirt up onto her back.

  He swallowed and stared as he ran his large hand over her cute round ass in those tiny white panties. He felt her push up on her elbows but he put an end to the escape attempts by laying his strong forearm over her back and gripping her trim waist. He smacked her twice.


  “Did that really hurt?” he asked, rubbing his fingertips over her thighs and smiling as he felt goose bumps pop up.

  “Well… not too bad, but—”

  “But you don’t like it,” he finished for her, waiting patiently.

  “No, I don’t,” she mumbled, crying out in surprise as he spanked her twice more.

  “Why do I have to spank your sweet little backside right now?” he asked, grinning as the back of her ears flushed pink.

  “It… you… I went and stayed at the motel.” She fumbled around with the words, unable to fully focus. She was tingling in her stomach all of the way down her legs. And she didn’t understand at all.

  “After I told you it was not an option?” Smack, smack!

  “Ouch! Yes, and I’m sorry!”

  “The way you answered me makes me suspect it was accompanied by an eye roll,” he teased, rubbing her ass in circles.

  “Of course, I’m rolling my eyes at you, Hall! I’m eighteen and you’re giving me a spanking.”

  “Point taken,” he laughed, letting one finger run over the wet material between her legs. Good. She was liking it as much as he was.

  “I won’t do it again, Hall,” she quietly added.

  “I know,” he smiled proudly. This couldn’t have gone better if it had been scripted. He had to get through the next part, though, before they could go any further. “One more question. You said that you and your boyfriend had sex. I want you to tell me… how?”

  “What?” she asked, lifting her head and trying to look back at him, but not succeeding. “What do you mean, how? The normal way.”

  He was beginning to wonder if she really knew what that was.

  “So tell me, Case.”

  “Ugh. How many ways are there? The normal way.”

  Christ, she didn’t know anything. Taking a breath, he began to wonder about this boyfriend.

  “Describe it, baby girl.”

  “I… he… you know….”

  “No, actually, I don’t.”

  Case bit her lip and rolled her eyes again. He wanted a play by play? She couldn’t say it out loud. Why did he need her to explain what she and Royce did that night?


  “Ouch, Hall!” she ground out through her teeth. That one had been harder than the others.

  “I think you lied to me. Either that, or you really don’t know what sex is,” Hall stated, staring down at the back of her head as it shook from side to side.

  “I didn’t lie, and I know what it is!”

  “So explain it to me, then,” he demanded, running a finger underneath the taut waistband of her underwear. “Or these come down.”

  “Fucking hell, Hall!” she protested, squirming and grabbing the comforter by the fistful.

  “I’m waiting,” he said playfully, tugging the panties down enough to see the top of her round, light pink cheeks.

  “No don’t!” she cried, taking a couple of breaths. “Okay! I’ll explain it! He did it one night about a month ago!”

  “Did what, baby girl?”

  “He… you know… put it in,” she almost whispered, glad to get the description of what she and Royce had done over with. Hall wasn’t satisfied, though.

  “His cock?”

  “God, yes,” she muttered, sounding a little exasperated.

  “How far?”

  “I don’t even know what that means, Hall,” Case replied, shaking her head again. She heard him sigh and then felt his arms around her waist. He pulled her back and flipped her up the bed to his fluffy white pillows. It was more comfortable feeling, but a little more unnerving because she had to look at his face for the first time. At least he was grinning.

  “Thank you for telling me, Case,” he softly said, leaning down with an arm on either side of her and kissing her gently. He was so tender she wondered if it was maybe a goodbye kiss. Maybe he didn’t want her anymore because she wasn’t a virgin. A couple of girls at school were engaged to be married, and said that boys wanted virgins.

  Suddenly, his hand smoothed down her stomach and into her underwear. Okay, not goodbye. She jolted as his hand grazed over a place she only looked at when she shaved her bikini line. It felt so good. His tongue plunged into her mouth just as one of his fingers plunged inside of her. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning into his mouth.

  Her wet, tightness grasped his forefinger. Her impossible snugness pleased him. Her moan pleased him. He could hear how much he pleased her as he moved his finger slowly in and out. When he circled her clitoris with his thumb, she grabbed a hold of his shirt and flung her head back.


  “Was his cock this deep inside you?” he whispered against her neck between kisses.

  “No!” she panted, squeezing her eyes shut at the sensations spiraling through her like electricity.

  He knew it. The kid had barely penetrated her for a second and told her they’d had sex. He grinned against her ear as he continued fingering her. The territory was now claimed as his. Only his.

  “Were his fingers as good at fucking you as mine are?”

  His low voice rumbling in her ear and his hand doing things to her that she never even dreamed hands could do, proved to be too much. She couldn’t hold in the cry that escaped her lips as adrenaline shot through her body in waves.

  “Oh, baby girl, you’re so beautiful when you come. I can’t wait to see what you look like when you come with my cock inside you. Will you be a good girl and come with my cock deep inside you?” he asked, hearing her cry out again as he nibbled on her ear and felt her wetness rush around his hand.

  “Yes!” she shouted, pulling him closer to her, trying to find his mouth so that she could feel his kiss again. She felt so good, so tired, but so good.

  “You’ve had your little spanking and your little orgasm,” Hall smiled, kissing her as he removed his hand from her panties and leaned over her. “I think that’s enough for one afternoon. I’ll take your virginity later.”

  Case gave him the sweetest confused look. “But, I told you, Royce and I—”

  “His cock wasn’t all of the way insid
e of you, was it?”

  “Well, no, but…”

  “Then you’re still a virgin. A naughty little virgin, but a virgin,” he sighed, rolling next to her and pulling her into his hard, cowboy body. His cock longed for some attention but he didn’t want to scare her off. He needed her to stay. Right there in his arms.

  “He told me I was slutty,” Case frowned, remembering their break-up. She’d felt bad about herself, but Hall had cleared things up. Royce was an idiot. Hall’s arms tensed up around her and she looked up into his frowny face.

  “If anyone ever calls you that again you let ’em have it. You’re perfect, baby girl, you hear me?”

  Case smiled up at him a little shyly and let her eyes drift shut. His high-handed ways should have been a turn-off, but she found comfort in it. In his arms, his words, his presence. She knew she could love him. She was already halfway there.

  * * * * *

  For the next few days, cattle trucks rumbled in and out of the ranch, loading and unloading cattle into the pens of his large corral. Case helped with the cattle prod, only earning one quick swat on the behind for shocking Hall’s butt when he was signing the shipment orders. He watched her all day, proud of her hard work for his property.

  At night, he brought her all kinds of pleasure, promising to be the one who would take her virginity but never quite delivering. Instead, he rubbed her with the palm of his hand and stroked two, then three fingers inside of her. He took her small hand and guided it up and down his shaft, his heavy sack tightening and his release much quicker than ever before.

  “So, that was good, right?” she asked, wide-eyed at the semen on his stomach as he lay naked on his bed.

  “So good,” he groaned, pulling her into him and kissing her, pulling her shirt off, and gently kneading her breasts. “You never did that to the boyfriend?”

  “Ex,” she grinned, closing her eyes as she lay in nothing but her underwear while his hands and tongue licked her breasts. “Royce.”

  “No hand-jobs for Royce?” he asked, sucking on a pink nipple and running his hand to her hip. He gripped her panties but her little hand encircled his wrist, stopping him. He was okay with that. He wouldn’t force her into it. Yet.

  “He said he liked to do it himself,” she replied between moans.

  “This kid sounds like a real piece of work,” Hall mumbled, moving to her other breast as he pulled her arms over her head and crawled on top of her.

  Naked cowboy on top of her and all she could do was snap at him. “We aren’t kids, damn it.”

  Hall grinned as he looked up at her. He used his legs to spread hers wide open, the rubbed his erection against her wet panties. She lost her frown and bit her lip.

  “I know. I’m sorry,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Next time you call me a kid, or any variation of the word, you’ll be the one getting his backside smacked,” she muttered, feeling her knees reach closer and closer to her ears as his muscular hips pushed up and down harder and harder.

  “Sounds cool, but you’ll be the only one getting the spankings around here, naughty little girl,” he said, getting closer and closer to his climax.

  “Then I’ll just shock you with the prod,” she exhaled, his cock rubbing so insistently over her clitoris.

  “Well, you could, but then all of my ranch hands will get the show of their lives as I take your jeans down and spank your cute little ass,” he replied, feeling his balls contract with excitement at that mental image. He was there.

  To his surprise, just as Case opened her mouth and got out one “no,” her whole body trembled with an orgasm that left her moaning. He immediately came at the idea that spanking got her excited, too, and could only stare down at her, waiting for her to look at him.

  Swallowing, confused, she finally looked up at him with big eyes, still trying to catch her breath.

  “Please don’t spank me anymore.”

  Hall tried not to laugh. It was the perfect instance of her mouth saying one thing and her body saying the opposite.

  “Be a good little girl and you’ll only get rewards,” he grinned, kissing her again.

  The rewards she loved. Orgasm after orgasm, little bursts of joy and pleasure, then the entire night spent in his bed. In his arms. She didn’t know it could be like that. She didn’t just want it anymore. She needed it. Him.

  The punishments she felt she could do without. She steadfastly avoided any of that unpleasantness until one fateful day when she assumed, just like the previous days, that it would be filled with fresh air, ranch work, and an evening snuggled up to one hot, hard cowboy.

  “Are those Hall’s boots?”

  Case turned from the short little post with the brown leather saddle atop and dropped the oil and rag she was using to the clay floor of the large barn.

  “Ugh! Is that Hall’s shirt, too?”

  Case stared momentarily into the outraged face of Virginia Welch and some man standing behind her, then she blinked and looked down at her body. She indeed was wearing Hall’s Dark Side of the Moon shirt with a prism and rainbow. It hung to her knees as a sort of t-shirt dress. She was wearing his boots because as she trudged around the old saddles and sacks of feed in the barn there was a good chance she’d come up on a snake. The thick, leather, way too big boots would protect her.

  “Are you sleeping together?” she growled.


  Everyone turned as Hall walked in and plopped a saddle and some blankets onto another post. He brushed his gloved hands together and carefully eyed everyone in the barn. What was happening? And why was Mr. Welch there? Case didn’t look frazzled, so he took that as a good omen.

  Virginia wheeled on him and with narrowed eyes asked, “Are you sleeping with her?”

  He answered in the negative with a confident grin as Case simultaneously answered yes. Why would she lie like that? He stared down at her serious face and realized the mistake. Holding a hand up, he tried to calm Virginia down and get her face back to a normal color.

  “No, just, just wait,” he said, smiling down at Case and winking at her. She relaxed a little. “We sleep together every night, but we aren’t having sex.”

  Case’s cheeks colored out of propriety as both the Welch’s faces grew red from anger.

  “You’d better make this right, Blackhill,” Mr. Welch stated.

  “Daddy, please. Just give us a minute,” Virginia tried to calmly say. She turned and glared at Case before looking back at Hall. “So this is how you treat me? I thought we were serious. You’ve been taking me out for months.”

  “We went on like, five dates, and you and I both know they weren’t going anywhere,” Hall sighed, trying to be kind but very much disliking the ambush.

  “Not going anywhere?” Mr. Welch shouted.

  “Why is your dad here?” he asked.

  Virginia folded her arms over her chest and paced around.

  “Um, I should give you some privacy,” Case mumbled, scratching behind her ear.

  “Did you get her pregnant, too, Blackhill?” Mr. Welch angrily said, standing in Case’s way and looking her up and down.

  “What!” Hall shouted, looking at them like they were ridiculous.

  “What?” Case shrieked, rounding on Virginia. Before Hall could stop her, she continued. “Oh my God, what the hell? It wasn’t enough you had to pull this shit on my brother? Now you have to try it on my boyfriend?”

  She hadn’t meant to say boyfriend, but… that’s what he was, right? Hall tried hiding his face as he grinned adoringly down at her but didn’t have time to do much more than that as Virginia started hysterically crying.

  “Don’t make me give the baby up,” she cried into her hands.

  “Uh,” Hall sighed taking a couple of steps back as Mr. Welch stepped forward. “Look, seriously, in case you forgot, we haven’t slept together.” He was trying to be kind because he felt sorry for Virginia, but he wouldn’t be for much longer.

  Case, on the oth
er hand, was enraged.

  “Seriously? Seriously, do you pull this act on every guy who has eight figures in his bank account?”

  “I’m not getting rid of it!” Virginia cried, ignoring Case.

  “You have to get married,” Mr. Welch growled, backing Hall further into the barn.

  “Sir, I swear to you, if she really is pregnant, it’s not mine.”

  “Of course I’m really pregnant!” Virginia wailed, turning and grabbing onto Case’s shoulder. “You told me to get rid of it but I won’t, so it’s time to grow up and throw out your little slut!”

  Case looked up at Virginia with a look of determination.

  “But I’m not a slut,” she replied very evenly. She was so calm that Hall was almost proud of her. Almost.

  “Then move out of my future husband’s house,” Virginia ordered, squeezing Case’s shoulder with her nails. “Our family doesn’t put up with sluts.”

  “But I’m still a virgin,” Case frowned, looking over at Hall as he tried to fend off Mr. Welch. She was confused. Hall had said she was still a virgin. Why was there a little nagging voice at the back of her head? She wasn’t a slut. She let Hall do all kinds of things to her but he said it was normal. They were doing normal things… right?

  “Pack up your things and get out, you little slut!”

  Case heard it. She felt it. But she didn’t really comprehend what she’d done until she saw Virginia on the dusty clay floor of the barn, holding her head and crying. Mr. Welch was helping her to her feet and Hall took a hold of his Pink Floyd t-shirt, standing behind her and trying to find the words.

  “You punched me in the ear!” Virginia screamed, rubbing her head as she stood.

  Case shook out her hand and replied, “You called me a slut, so I let you have it.”

  “Oh, Christ,” Hall mumbled. He had given her those instructions… he just thought it would have been with another boy. Not Virginia Welch, who was in the throes of a pregnancy con, and not her debut one, either.

  “Let’s go to the drug store and get a pregnancy test,” Case squirmed, looking between Hall, Virginia, and Mr. Welch with determination.


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