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Rebecca (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance) (Alpha Marked Book 4)

Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  “Ours.” His partner nuzzled her neck, and he smiled when she tilted her head to the side.

  “And we’re both imagining you wet and naked.” His lips spread further, widening his smile when Aidan scraped her skin with a fang and she sucked in a rough breath.

  “You heard what Gabby said. You should”—she tilted her head even farther, giving Aidan more room, and he’d never been jealous of his friend before this moment—“you should never stop doing that.” She released the words in a breathless rush. “Ever.”

  Carson stilled, his limbs freezing, and a slow realization crept through him. Rebecca was responding to Aidan, begging him for more. She’d leaned against him, not pushing his partner away when he’d pulled her against him.

  When Carson stepped up to her, did the same, she eased back for the barest of moments. Disappointment speared him, the reversal of roles slamming into him like a sledgehammer, and he backed away from her.

  “We should get her to our suite, Aidan.” He didn’t withhold the annoyed growl in his tone.

  His partner raised his head from their mate’s shoulder and shot him a confused look, but he ignored the expression. Rebecca took a jerky step back, further pushing against Aidan, and shook her head, eyes now bright blue instead of mostly black as her arousal vanished.

  “Oh.” She squeezed her eyes tight and then reopened them. “Yeah, a shower and food would be great.”

  With those words from her lips, Carson spun on his heel and headed into the mass of moving bodies. He glanced over his shoulder and confirmed Rebecca and Aidan were behind him. His partner ensured no one bothered her or impeded their travels. Rebecca’s hand rested on Aidan’s as he clutched her right shoulder. It was an awkward position, but it didn’t seem to matter to her.

  Another Alpha bumped into Carson, clipping his shoulder, and Carson snarled at the male, baring his teeth. The wolf pushed them forward without hesitation, ready to take on the asshole. It was pissed as hell, angry Rebecca seemed to prefer Aidan to him.

  Aidan was gruff and large and scarred while Carson wasn’t and…

  The other Alpha scurried away while bile rose hot and fast up his throat. It burned him, and he quickly swallowed it. Had he truly gone there with his thoughts? Allowed his mind to make that comparison?

  It had. Oh, God, it had.

  Carson increased his pace, uncaring if Aidan and Rebecca followed. He had a responsibility to ensure her safety and calm, but that didn’t mean he had to be with her every moment. He’d get her to their suite, and then he’d… be anywhere other than there.

  He pressed the elevator button, pushing over and over until the damn thing finally returned to their level.

  Others approached when the doors slid open, but his glare was enough to dissuade them. Rebecca preceded Aidan, and as his partner passed, Aidan sent a mental message into his mind.

  What’s up with you?

  “I’m fine.” He didn’t want that connection with Aidan. Not right now. He didn’t want to feel his partner’s joy at touching Rebecca.

  You’re not.

  Carson spared a look for their mate, or rather Aidan’s mate since he didn’t think the woman really wanted Carson, and noted her nervous tension. “I’m. Fine. Let’s get her to the suite.”

  Not their suite. The suite.

  Aidan’s gaze was crushing as the elevator rose. It remained when they walked down the wide hallway to their room and even as they entered their spacious suite. Their rooms didn’t compare to the size of the Ruling Alphas’ or the Ruling Wardens’, but it was big enough for their triad.

  Not that they were a triad. Maybe Gabby hadn’t been lying. His wolf howled for Rebecca, but if she didn’t want Carson, how could she be theirs?

  They all strode into their home away from home and Carson couldn’t care less about the polished marble floors, the plush carpets, the comfortable furniture, or the tasteful decorations. The view he’d coveted and bargained for when making their reservations didn’t hold any appeal. In a few hours, he’d gone from riding high and craving Rebecca to dipping low and… craving Rebecca.

  The wolf and his body would get over it.

  Aidan was still holding their mate’s hand. No, he needed to banish the word from his mind. He was holding Rebecca’s hand.

  “Why don’t you show her the bathroom? I’ll call for some clothes, and then I’m gonna get outta here.” He ignored the snappish words.

  Aidan furrowed his brow and stared at him. Where are you going? We need to be here for our mate. She needs to get used to us so we can—

  “I’ve got things to do.” He overrode his partner’s telepathic speech. “I’ll see you later.” He nodded toward Rebecca. “You should show her the shower.”

  He presented the duo with his back. He didn’t need to see them disappear behind the spare bedroom’s door. Not when he realized he’d never follow them. Let Aidan get his lust sated by the gorgeous woman. How many times had they shared a woman who’d shied from Aidan? It was only fair it’d eventually happen in reverse. Carson just didn’t think it’d happen so soon, or with a woman he wanted to claim as his own—as theirs. He didn’t think he’d ever be jealous of Aidan and the life he’d lived.

  And yet… Carson was.

  Chapter Five

  Something changed. Or had it? Rebecca wasn’t sure. Hell, so many things had rearranged and shifted in the last few hours that she didn’t know which way was up, or how to get to the nearest bed, naked with Aidan and Carson.

  Man, that sounded like a really, really good idea.

  Regardless, one second she was hot for Aidan and spying Carson. Then she was passed out and OMF-ingG she found out werewolves were real. Then more hot for Aidan and Carson, and then it was as if Carson flipped a switch, and he was as cold as ice to her.

  Did the guy have IPS or something? Irritable Penis Syndrome was a real thing, even if doctors refused to accept its existence. Coincidentally, most of those doctors had penises so…

  She followed Aidan into a guestroom, noting the space looked like any other hotel across the country. Well, a high-end, expensive as hell hotel. A massive bed occupied the center of the room, the comforter tasteful and looking comfortable as all get out. Beautifully carved bedside tables flanked the mattress, and a large flat-screen television was mounted on one wall.

  “This way,” Aidan murmured and he turned left, leading her toward an open doorway.

  She followed him, ogling his ass while she had the chance. She also took in his thick thighs, tapered waist, and broad shoulders. He was beastly power on human legs. Staring at him, spying scars, she could see how others were intimidated or turned off, but Rebecca saw past it all. She saw a man—or rather a werewolf—who was over six feet of tightly controlled strength. It was apparent he easily held that power in check, and she sensed he could hurt someone without breaking a sweat. Yet he’d only use it if he had no other option.

  In her heart, she felt as if a kitten lived inside him, one coated in matted fur and a hissing exterior, but still a kitten at heart.

  Whereas Carson… She shook her head. She didn’t know about him. She didn’t know what he wanted, which made her not know what she wanted.

  Aidan flicked the light on, pulling her from her thoughts. “Here’s the bathroom. Jacuzzi tub, stand-up shower.” He gestured to the left. “There’s shampoo, conditioner, and soap here for you.” He eased the door toward him. “A robe to tug on when you’re done. We should have something for you to wear soon.”

  The words insinuated he was about to leave and yet he stayed put, his copper eyes burning into hers. That was something she noticed about him. She hadn’t met too many werewolves, but the few she’d encountered had “normal” colored eyes whereas Aidan’s were always the yellow-orange of his wolf.

  So, instead of allowing him to leave, instead of stepping away, she moved forward, easing into his personal space. He didn’t move, didn’t even twitch when her clothing brushed his. She didn’t plaster their bodies toge
ther no matter how much she wished to feel his heat. She’d recognized his earlier arousal, the thick length of him pressed against her back. He wanted her, and she’d reveled in his desire.

  Now she hoped she could talk instead of touching him with want burning through them both.

  She reached for him, slowly bringing her hand to cup his cheek. His breath caught and then he nuzzled her, those yellowed eyes drifting closed as he rubbed his rough cheek over her skin. Aidan pressed a soft kiss to her palm, much like Carson had fifteen minutes ago. Then his lids fluttered open, and he stared at her.

  She ran her fingers over his cheek. “Why are your eyes like this? Why are they always the yellow of your wolf?” Aidan stiffened and his muscles tensed, body shifting as if he were about to move away. “No, I’m not trying to be mean.” She dropped the bag she’d clutched like a lifeline since she’d been transported to the hotel. “I want to understand. I’m curious.”

  He looked away from her, his attention shifting to the opposite wall. “It bothers people.” He bit off the words.

  “Because it’s your beast all the time?”

  “Yes, our animal comes out, pushes through, when we’re feeling heightened emotions. Anger.” He glanced at her, the yellow glowing a hint brighter than before. “Lust.”

  That brought a blush to her cheeks. She’d definitely been lusting after them.

  “But why are you so on edge like this? I mean, I assume it’s because…” She let her words trail off as emotional pain coated his features.

  “I… When I was younger… The wolf is always on guard because…”

  Rebecca sensed a deep pain that lived within him, and she was quick to quiet his words. “Maybe we can talk about it later.” She plucked at her shirt, dust blowing into the air. “I could really use a shower and then food. We’ll sit and get to know each other after dinner?”

  His relief was palpable, easily visible when his shoulders slumped and tension left his body. She knew he would have told her. He obviously didn’t want to, but he would have. She ached for the pain he must have experienced, and she wondered if the hurt in his heart had something to do with the scars marring his skin.

  “I mean, I don’t have a Mark, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends while I’m here, right? We could—”

  She’d never seen anyone move so fast. One moment there was air between them and the next she sat on the counter, Aidan’s hips between her legs and his fingers tangled in her hair.

  “Mine.” He snarled the single word and his eyes truly glowed, shining in the bright light. This was the difference between his typical yellow and his beast’s appearance. This. He fisted her strands, using them to control her movements, and he forced her to meet his gaze. “You. Are. Mine.” Another snarl, but it was cut off by his kiss.

  But not just a kiss. No, it was a possession, a taking and claiming. He put his mark on her with his lips, teeth, and tongue. He delved into her mouth, and his flavors exploded over her taste buds.

  She moaned and sagged against him, enjoying his dominance. She’d never gone for men who took charge and ran over her, but this… was delicious. She let him take what he desired while giving him everything she had. Her body reacted to his closeness, his scent surrounding her and his flavors overwhelming her tongue. Her nipples pebbled, hardening within her bra while her center warmed and ached with the desire to be touched.

  It’d never been like this with a guy. Ever. Encounters had been lukewarm at best. Sure, she came when with others, but Aidan made her feel like she could reach her peak through his kiss alone.

  He growled against her and pulled away enough to nip her lower lip before delving into her once again. She wanted that and more. Much, much more. That spot on her hip warmed and pulsed, adding to the heat between her thighs. She wanted him there, craved his touch, his possession as he slid into her. She ached to writhe against him as he gave her pleasure and she hopefully gave him just as much in return.

  She… wanted it all with Aidan. And even Carson despite his shift in attitude.

  And yet… she couldn’t because she wasn’t Marked. For the first time in her life, she wished for another scar, another mark that overlaid the twisted flesh on her torso.

  Rebecca tore her mouth from Aidan’s, turning her head when he attempted to continue their passionate kiss.

  “Stop.” She hardly recognized her own voice, but he complied the moment the single word left her.

  He pressed his forehead to her shoulder, panting and fighting for air while she did the same. She still thrummed with arousal, the pleasure of his touch slithering throughout her body. But giving in would be a mistake. One she wouldn’t emotionally recover from. She could lose herself to Aidan and, by extension, Carson.

  “I’m sorry.” The words were garbled, but discernable.

  “There’s nothing to be sorry about. I don’t think it’s a good idea to…” Get attached to you both.

  “It’s a wonderful idea, but I shouldn’t try to fuck you on the fucking bathroom counter.” Aidan pulled back and cupped her cheeks, encouraging her to meet his gaze. “You’re worth more than that, Rebecca.” He gave her a gentle kiss, one meant to reassure and not send them spiraling into another whirlwind of lips, tongue, and teeth. “God, you’re a temptation, and you sure as hell deserve a bed, sweet words.” He sighed. “And a prettier face than mine.”

  Now Rebecca growled. Everyone had scars, issues that lingered whether they were physical or emotional. She had a little of both and imagined Aidan was the same. Carson… It seemed like his lurked in his heart. Part of her wanted to ferret them out and heal him. Then she remembered it wasn’t her job. She wasn’t theirs and… But did she have to belong to them to be a decent person?


  So, she’d try. Maybe. But she would wait until after her shower.

  “Aidan?” He hummed in reply but didn’t say anything. “You’re gorgeous. Scars or not, you know you’re hot. So quit fishing.”

  “I’m not—”

  Rebecca narrowed her eyes and struck a cocky man where it hurt. “You sound like a girl.”

  That had him barking out a laugh, and the smile transformed his face from a brooding werewolf to a happy kid. Who had a dimple. That was so wrong.

  “You’re never going to be boring, are you?” The grin remained in place. As did the dimple.

  “Nope.” She shook her head and reminded herself of their temporary arrangement. She also drove the point home to him as well. “I can promise you a weekend of me being a pain in the butt.”

  “Rebecca…” Her name was a warning, but was cut off by Carson’s shout.

  “Aidan, what’s taking so long?” Carson sounded annoyed, and Aidan sighed.

  “Lemme see what he wants. Enjoy your shower. What do you want to eat? Burgers and fries? Steak?” He froze for a moment. “You’re not a vegetarian, are you?” His tone was filled with utter dread, and she couldn’t withhold her laugh.

  “Hell, no. I’ll take a burger, medium.”

  “Okay.” He pressed one last, lingering kiss to her lips and then he was gone, striding through the bathroom door and out of sight.

  She heard the soft click of the bedroom door swinging shut and hopped down from the counter. It took her seconds to turn on the shower and then strip off her mud-caked clothing. She was never going hiking again. Ever. Her wolves could get in touch with nature while she sat in a lounge chair in the shade of a massive oak with a screwdriver in hand. Orange juice was good for her, after all.

  Her wolves. She shook her head. When she thought of her wolves, Aidan and Carson immediately sprung to mind. It didn’t matter how many times she reminded herself they didn’t belong to her, she ached to have them.

  Stepping into the shower, she placed her hand in the spray and welcomed the heat. Sighing, she eased beneath the raining water and moaned. This was what she needed, and she ignored the part of her that screamed Aidan and Carson were what she needed as well.


sp; Cock hard and ready to burst through his jeans, Aidan headed toward Carson, making sure to pull Rebecca’s bedroom door shut. He wanted to leave it open and sneak a peek, but that’d be a total dick move.

  Maybe he should go back…

  He fisted his hands and took a deep breath, willing his body to calm and banish the burning need coursing through his veins. Of course, inhaling brought him more of Rebecca’s delicious scent and his wolf urged him to return to her. The handful of kisses wasn’t enough.

  He knew he couldn’t claim her fully but one little nip and others would—

  “What the fuck? Took long enough. I ordered her clothes twenty minutes ago.” Carson’s voice held more than a bit of annoyance.

  It sure as shit hadn’t been twenty minutes. If he’d taken that much time, he would have already claimed their lush Rebecca.

  “What the fuck? Fuck you, man.” He snarled at his partner. He didn’t know what crawled up the man’s ass, but it needed to work its way out.

  Carson paced from one end of the living room to the other, and Aidan noticed most of the furniture was haphazardly shoved aside. Hell, some of the chairs were overturned rather than nudged out of the way. Aidan breathed deep once again, but this time he focused on pushing back everything related to Rebecca and centered his attention on his partner.

  Rage, hurt, and sadness filled his friend’s scent.

  “What’s your damage, Carson?”

  Carson glared at him and snarled, but didn’t halt his pattern.

  Screw that. They had had their share of fights through the years, but they’d never shied from the confrontations. Carson had always been quick to yell at him, and he was as quick to yell back. This silent treatment bullshit wasn’t going to fly.

  Aidan strode toward his partner and stepped into the man’s path. “What’s your problem? Other than her missing Mark, what’s got you so pissed?”

  Carson jolted to a stop and deepened his glower. “Get out of my way, Aidan.”

  “Fuck you, no. What’s your problem?”

  His friend narrowed his eyes. “She wants you, asshole.”


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