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Miss Simpkins' School: Miranda

Page 5

by Raven McAllan

  His tone suggested she would follow his ideas. Of course she would. Miranda couldn’t have denied him any more than she would never dance naked along the Mall. Again she took hold of his cock. This time she was more confident and her grasp circled him firmly. Even though she still had her doubts as to just how something so large could fit inside a channel that her three fingers filled comfortably, Miranda was more than willing to try. She wriggled around, and using her right hand to steady herself, lowered her quim toward where she held his cock between the fingers of her left hand.

  The tip teased the entrance to her channel and Miranda was damned sure her juices mingled with his.

  “Sit down now.” His voice was soft and coercing. “Gently now, take me inside you. I’ll wager you’re all wet for me aren’t you, love? Your juices are running and ready to coat me, just like mine are you. It’s time for us to join together. Sit down on me.” The last sentence came out so firmly that Miranda complied without a thought. She moved downward and his cock slipped inside her like a knife through softened butter.

  “Oh my.” Her body stretched to accommodate him, and her quim shuddered with the feelings that enveloped both it and the rest of her. Stings of arousal skittered across her skin, and her channel tightened around him. She began to lower herself even further and stopped. It seemed he had reached her female barrier. The evidence that up until that moment she had been chaste. Or as chaste as someone who had toys and enjoyed using them could be. It seemed her years of horse riding hadn’t rid her of her maidenhood as she was told it might.

  “Oh.” Miranda put her hands to her over-heated cheeks. “I er, well.” How could she explain what was happening? Luckily there was no need. She saw that somehow Felix had released his hands. Before she had a chance to ask how, he grasped her around the waist and pulled her down onto him in one hard motion. The flash of pain was intense, but thankfully brief. Then he began to move.

  Heat radiated from her core. Stars danced in front of her eyes and her brain closed down. She didn’t think, she just let her senses take over. His hardness in her as he moved in and almost out made her head spin, and his hands on her waist scorched her skin. Pressure built inside her, and Miranda knew that for the first time ever she would tumble over the edge by someone else’s doing.

  Felix moved one of his hands and pinched her nub. She screamed and flew as the stars that had danced now joined together and a film of silver covered her eyes. The image of Felix wavered, splintered, and reformed as the mist cleared.

  “Now me.” He increased his thrusts slightly and she saw the strain on his face as he held back from being too violent.

  Miranda decided she would have none of it. It had to be all or nothing. With a determination she didn’t know she possessed, she took his hands and held them above his head while moving her body in time with his. Her breasts hovered near to his mouth.

  “Let me suckle as I come.” Felix voice sounded as if he was being tortured, which perhaps, she allowed, he was. “I need to pull out, but please let me taste you.”

  “Why... oh.” She realized he was being a gentleman and ensuring they didn’t create a child. Even as she let go of his hands and held one breast to his mouth, Miranda wondered if his concern was a good or a bad sign, then she stopped thinking and let her senses take over. The sting on her nipples as he sucked and nipped first one and then demanded the other fill his mouth to enable him to do the same, sent a shard of arousal to her quim and back. She began to shake in the first stage of a climax once more. Felix plunged deep inside her and then pulled back quickly. He moved his mouth, flipped her to one side, and spilled over himself and the sheets.

  Miranda panted as her body still shook from the intensity of her feelings. Felix stroked her hair.

  “All right?”

  She swore she purred like a contented kitten. “Oh yes. It was a perfect start.”

  Felix rolled over her. A swift glance showed her he’d released his legs, and kicked away the remains of his sliced and tattered pantaloons. How he’d managed it she neither knew nor cared. I wager he could have done that all along. The thought didn’t worry her. He’d been content to let her set the pace, and hopefully that boded well for the future.

  “Start?” he said in a deceptively soft voice, and raised one eyebrow, before he smiled in such a way that made her shiver. “You want more? Remember how old I am.” He slid one leg between hers. “You think my power of recovery is such that we can achieve all that again?”

  Miranda did her best to look as if his words surprised her. “But of course, although I was hoping we could achieve other things. I have been told you have a desire to spank.” Had she gone too far? What if it was malicious gossip? The jolt of disappointment amazed her. She’d long known the thought of that sting aroused her, and not only her. It seemed that sort of dominance appealed to more people than could be imagined. She decided to go for all or nothing.

  “I, my lord, have a desire to feel your hand on me. Only yours.”

  Felix knelt back and studied her face. “Just my hand? What about my crop? Or a specially made flogger? What if I desire to redden your arse like that?”

  Excitement coursed through her. Not just with his hand? Her quim tingled and her inner muscles clenched to hold back her juices as best she could. Really, to soak his legs would be all too easy, but surely a lady had to have some decorum?

  “Let it go,” Felix said. “If you are to be with me, never ever hold your desire in check. The first rule of any relationship is, in my opinion, to be open and honest.”

  So no decorum needed then? She relaxed her legs and felt the trickle of her arousal creep down her thigh.

  “Until I feel their sting I can not say.”

  “It shall be on our plan of action. Firstly though, I really need to get down on one knee. Perhaps though we could be unconventional and I ask you to marry me with you over my knee instead?”

  Miranda replayed his words in her mind. “Marry? You’ve been inside me once and want to marry me? But don’t you need to ask Papa for my hand first?”

  He chuckled. “Being inside you has nothing to do with it. Nor does your papa. I’ve fought my inclinations for long enough. If you don’t mind being tied to an old man, why should I mind it?”

  “Well, I don’t. You’re not old and I’d love to see you put me over your knee from there...ow, ah... Felix...” He moved so fast Miranda had no time to gather her wits before she found herself across his knee and with one of his arms pinning her there. The first touch of his hand tickled. The second third and fourth didn’t. By the fifth she was floating, and pain morphed into pleasure and hot arousal.

  “Let go and come for me.” The spanks followed one after another, and she needed no further bidding. Miranda screamed her completion long and loud. Her whole body shook and she sobbed tears of pleasure. Felix soothed her tender skin with a soft caress. His hands stroked as he whispered words she couldn’t decipher, until she stopped shaking and took a deep breath.

  “I think it would be interesting to feel your crop and flogger, my lord, but in all honestly I cannot see how that can be bettered. Apart from your cock in my channel.”

  “Then will you marry me, Miranda?” He teased her nether hole with the tip of a finger and she held her breath. Would he? It was something else she’d wondered about. She clenched her buttocks and thrust her arse toward him. His finger dipped another quarter of an inch, to stop just before the ring of muscles she knew was there.

  “Maybe once you have agreed to be mine we can discover the delights of my cock in your arse.”

  “Oh yes, please. But, Felix, are you sure?” Miranda was dismayed she couldn’t keep the anxious note out of her voice. “I know I’ve begged and teased you, but are you really sure?”

  He lifted her onto his knee, and Miranda gasped as the rough hairs of his legs scratched her tender arse.

  “I’ll apply some salve soon,” he promised her. “Firstly though, yes I am sure. So sure in fact I’ve alre
ady spoken to your papa. Why do you think he agreed to meet Ashley so readily?”

  Miranda began to laugh. “So I didn’t need to go to all this trouble? Is everyone in on your plan?”

  He nipped the soft skin of the nape of her neck with his mouth. His teeth grazed her flesh, and his fingers circled each nipple in turn, before he lifted his mouth. “Only your papa and Ash know the whole, though I’d hazard a guess the ladies are now in the know. I suspect Ashley got some satisfaction over hitting me on the head. I once threatened to dismember him, if he upset Adriana. As to your organizing tonight? Oh, my love, nothing could have convinced me more than tonight that I was doing the right thing. Because I am dominant and will demand obedience in the bedroom. Can you accept that? That today will be an aberration unless I say we do this. Would you accept that?” His tone might be casual, but the way his body tensed under hers was not.

  Miranda acted on instinct and slipped from his lap to kneel in front of him. She dipped her head and let her hair cover her face and shoulders. “My lord, it would be an honor to bow to you as and how you desire. I’ve heard to be a lady in the parlor and to bow to your partner in the bedroom is the perfect mix. I’d be honored.”

  “Then let’s get some sleep and face your papa in the morning.”

  “Sleep? I thought you said you would show me more delights once we were affianced? I’m sure I heard myself agree to be your wife and enjoy all you chose to show me. Was that all?”

  Felix lifted her head and held her chin as he stared at her. “Minx, you know it wasn’t. Shall we begin as we mean to go on? For tomorrow we have to stand up and agree to set a godly example to the twins. It sounds ominous and restricting. So shall we get some sinning in first?”

  Miranda nodded. Felix let out his breath in a noisy whoosh.

  “On the bed then, on your knees and face the wall.”


  A multi-published author of erotic romance, Raven lives in Scotland, along with her husband and their two cats—their children having flown the nest—surrounded by beautiful scenery, which inspires a lot of the settings in her books.

  She is used to sharing her life with the occasional deer, red squirrel, and lost tourist, to say nothing of the scourge of Scotland—the midge. As once she is writing she is oblivious to everything else, her lovely long-suffering husband is learning to love the dust bunnies, work the Aga, and be on stand-by with a glass of wine.




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