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Shadow Dancer

Page 1

by Krysta Scott

  Table of Contents


  Shadow Dancer



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  A word about the author…

  Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  She closed her eyes

  and drifted into oblivion. She raised an arm toward the slip stream. Before she was caught up in its electrical surge, steel fingers wrapped around her arm and yanked her around. She looked into Garrett’s hard gaze.

  “You’ve done enough damage. I won’t let you cause anymore.”

  “And how are you going to stop me? I’ve evaded you before.” She was getting weary of his pestering. Didn’t he understand she was trying to fix her mistakes?

  “Like this.” He moved closer. The heat of his breath trailed her skin, tickling the back of her neck. He kissed her, sending shockwaves of need charging to her most private places. The smell of cinnamon and cloves drove her to a frenzy. Fire coursed through her veins. The charge sizzled on her lips. She fell into him, kissed him back. Her traitorous arms circled his neck. His hands locked against her spine, sending warm shivers through her.

  She dragged her lips from his, gasping for air. Her heart ached, but she willed herself to stay put. This was all a game to him. A desperate ploy. “I know what you’re trying to do. It won’t work.” Her mind reeled.

  He smirked. “If you knew what I was trying to do, we wouldn’t be in your head. You’d be in my bed.”

  “I told you this would not happen again.” She balled her fists, refusing to give credence to the pleasure of his words. Oh, to fade into oblivion, here, with him. So easy to give in. But the bastard was only trying to distract her like she had him. Did he think her that stupid?

  Shadow Dancer


  Krysta Scott

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Shadow Dancer

  COPYRIGHT © 2017 by Krysta Scott

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information:

  Cover Art by Debbie Taylor

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at

  Publishing History

  First Fantasy Rose Edition, 2017

  Print ISBN 978-1-5092-1350-4

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-1351-1

  Published in the United States of America


  For Mom—Thank you for believing I could write.

  Dad—for giving me the science fiction bug.

  Phyllis—for always supporting me and believing in me, and of course my wonderful husband, Scott, and my lovely daughters, Taylor and Isabelle—Thank you for your unwavering encouragement and support.


  A very big thank you to all those who read my manuscript in part or in full: Alicia Dean, Kathy Wheeler, Betty Sanders, Sheila Fields, Kelly Cox, Donnell Epperson, Jordan Dane, and Cindy Sorenson. Publishing my manuscript would not have been possible without you. Also, a special thanks to Ally Robertson, my awesome editor who liked my book enough to take it on.

  Chapter One

  “You can’t do this, Mrs. Hanover. Think about your daughter.” Nikki Angelus stood stiff-armed, her fingers curled against her thighs. She was unable to stop the increasing volume in her voice, but it was unlikely any of the people milling around the halls of the Hazelwood County Courthouse were listening. Who cared about one lone attorney locking horns with an unreasonable parent? They were more concerned with their own cases rather than the mess she’d stepped in. But it wouldn’t do for Nikki’s eight-year-old client to hear her panic. The child was in the Judge’s chambers—only a few feet away—awaiting her fate, and the courthouse walls were thin.

  “I am thinking about her.” Amy Hanover’s chin quivered, her mass of blonde curls pooled at her shoulders. A tear dripped over the large bruise on her cheek—a mark so fresh it hadn’t yet discolored to yellow. She wiped the tear away and shook her head, her empty blue eyes never landing on Nikki. Unbelievable. Amy Hanover’s concern for her child was as weak as a potato chip

  Nikki leveled her gaze on Amy’s attorney, Alec Brigg, who was doing nothing to help. He just stood there, lips pressed together, letting Nikki do all the talking. Nikki ground her teeth. There had to be a way to get through to the woman. “How? By sending her back into a household filled with trauma?”

  Amy tilted her head toward Alec. Her doe eyes pleaded for assistance.

  “I understand your concern, Ms. Angelus.” Alec held up a protective arm between Nikki and Amy. “I had this same conversation with my client last night. I haven’t filed the dismissal, hoping she’d change her mind. But it’s no use. She insists on dismissing her divorce action.”

  Nikki lowered her voice, though it vibrated with fury. “She’s putting her child in danger.”

  Alec nodded. “It’s not too late to reconsider, Amy. Keeping the divorce case in place is the best course of action.”

  Amy gazed across the hall at her husband leaning against the wall. Her face flushed as her lips curved into a shy smile. Parker Hanover, a muscular man with brown hair cropped with precision, laid his hand over his heart and patted his chest three times. Amy giggled. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Angelus. My hands are tied.” Alec’s shiny head glinted under the fluorescent bulbs. He looked like a macabre cue ball on a collision course with the eight ball. “Mrs. Hanover has made her decision. There’s nothing more to discuss.”

  “Yes, there is. The district attorney’s office has more than enough evidence to convict her husband of assault and battery. All she has to do is cooperate with the DA. As long as that case is pending, the emergency custody order will remain in place. He won’t be able to go near her or the child.” That fact alone should persuade Alec to step up and convince Amy to see reason. But Amy didn’t have enough money for that kind of motivation. She had no one to stand up for her, and soon, Amy would return to the man who’d put the bruises on her face and arms. Alec’s silence did nothing to dissuade her of the opinion.

  “Lori needs her father. She deserves a family.” Amy crossed her arms, exposing finger marks from wrist to elbow. Her gaze remained glued on the floor. She looked so lost—the picture of the perpetual victim. A pang of sympathy stirred inside Nikki, but she squelched it. This woman was ready to shove her child back into turmoil, all for the sake of an imagined ideal of a happy family.

  “Going back to him won’t give you a family. All you have to look forward to is more bruises.”

  Amy’s eyes widened as if she
was truly surprised by Nikki’s statement. “No, he’s going to get help. He promised.”

  “Amy’s been through enough, Ms. Angelus. I’m not going to let you upset her any more. Let’s take this before the judge.” Alec took his client’s arm and led her into the courtroom.

  A sharp snort caught Nikki’s attention. Parker Hanover peeled away from the opposite wall, his eyes downcast. As he passed, he whispered, “It will be good to be back home with my wife.”

  Nikki dug her teeth into her lower lip. The man wanted to appear so submissive, he didn’t even hire an attorney. He swung the courtroom door wide and moseyed inside. Underneath that timid veneer lurked an unbridled temper with a hair trigger. Surely, Judge Weatherly would see that.

  She counted to ten before she followed. The chill in the courtroom matched the ice water coursing through her veins. She sucked in a lungful of air. It wasn’t unusual for a battered woman to return to her spouse. She let the breath out through her nose. But how could a mother betray her child like this? It was mindboggling. Her head spun, searching for every possible argument she could use to protect Lori.

  Nikki sat in an empty chair with the other attorneys waiting for their cases to be called while two attorneys battled for dominance before Judge Weatherly. Their voices droned on about some piece of property that probably cost less than the fee they charged their clients to argue the matter. Nothing was as important as a child’s welfare. She rubbed the back of her neck. The tension in the air was so thick it was hard to breathe. Parker Hanover sat in the gallery, bent in a repentant pose. Nikki clenched her jaw. She couldn’t let the bastard win.

  “Prepare a court minute before you leave.” Judge Weatherly’s voice resonated through the room. As the litigants departed, Alec rose. Nikki sucked in a breath. It was time. She leaned forward, poised and ready.

  “Your Honor, may we approach on the Hanover matter? We have a short announcement.” The weariness in Alec Brigg’s voice did nothing to alleviate the damage his request would cause.

  Judge Weatherly motioned them forward. It was sickening how quickly Amy and Parker Hanover rushed to the bench. With a sigh, Nikki took her place before the judge.

  “My client,” Alec began, “is dismissing her case. Mr. Hanover is in agreement with this action.”

  “I see.” Judge Weatherly flipped through his papers. “I seem to remember there was a victim’s protection order entered in this case?”

  Alec opened his mouth, but Nikki beat him to the response. “Yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Hanover was beaten by her husband in front of the minor child. The DA is considering filing charges. I object to Mrs. Hanover dismissing this divorce action.”

  Alec bristled like a rooster shaking out his feathers. Any indication he felt bad about Amy’s decision dissolved at the first sign of battle. “Now look here, Your Honor. Ms. Angelus doesn’t have standing to object. If Mrs. Hanover wants to dismiss her action, she can. We don’t need anyone’s permission.”

  “And yet—” Judge Weatherly raised an eyebrow. “You are here in front of me. It’s my understanding this case was scheduled for a review of Mr. Hanover’s suspended visitation.”

  “Yes.” Alec rubbed a hand over his bald head. “But Mrs. Hanover is dropping the matter.”

  “Your Honor,” Nikki said. “Dismissing the case will not solve the Hanovers’ problems. If Mr. Hanover doesn’t seek help, he will continue to injure his family. He won’t get help if this matter is dismissed. I believe Mrs. Hanover has been bullied into dismissing by her husband.”

  “Mrs. Hanover,” Judge Weatherly said. “Is this true?”

  Amy’s head snapped up. Her chin trembled, but at least this time she made eye contact. “No. I made a mistake rushing to divorce.”

  “I see.” Amy shrunk under Judge Weatherly’s scrutiny. For a long time, he held her gaze. She shifted from foot to foot. She rubbed her arms and swallowed. “Mrs. Hanover, if you have been beaten, the odds are, it will happen again.”

  “I wasn’t.” Amy’s head dropped, her long curly hair masking the bruise on her cheek. She clasped her hands behind her, shielding the marks on her arm. Unbelievable! She knew exactly what she was doing. Didn’t she care about her daughter at all? “I fell against the window sill. My husband was trying to help me.”

  “That’s a lie.” The only sound Nikki heard was the steady pulse of blood whooshing past her ears. She had to make this right, and time was running out. “This is the first time I have ever heard this version of the incident. She has told the police and me that her husband beat her. Just look at her arms. You don’t get marks like that from someone trying to help.”

  Amy looked to her attorney. Her wide eyes held the same plea of every client caught by surprise in a hearing.

  Alec didn’t disappoint. “Your Honor, it doesn’t matter. She can dismiss her case if she wants to. We are wasting time that you can use on cases that actually need a decision from you.”

  Judge Weatherly nodded. “Well—”

  “Your Honor, you can’t let them do this.” Nikki had to make him see reason. “Think of the child. This result isn’t in her best interest.”

  “Ms. Angelus,” Judge Weatherly’s tone was gentle. Too kind. He was going to let her down. “I don’t have jurisdiction over a dismissed case, and I can’t force someone to pursue an action if they don’t want to.”

  Parker Hanover gave a slow, contrite nod. He slipped his arm around Amy, and they walked out of the court room.

  Nikki’s insides turned cold. The monster had actually won.

  By the time she exited the court room, the Hanovers had already retrieved Lori. Of course, they wouldn’t want Nikki to have any say in what Lori was told about today’s events. She caught Lori’s blonde locks bobbing in the crowd as her parents led her out of the building.

  Nikki followed the fractured family to the door. She pressed her hands against the glass, watching the child. One tiny hand gripped her mother’s, the other clutched her doll. With blue eyes like her mother’s, Lori looked back at Nikki. The only difference was Lori’s eyes were clear, sharp, and frightened.

  Nikki’s fingers curled into the glass pane. She was weak. Powerless. She couldn’t even stop a man without a lawyer from getting his way.

  “Rough day?” An old man stepped next to her, casting a shadow across her vision. “I’m sorry you were unable to save that little girl, Ms. Angelus.”

  Nikki glared at the man standing casually next to her, hands in pockets, pity reflected in his gray eyes. He was tall and wiry and dressed in an expensive suit. “Do I know you?”

  “Not really.” His lips tugged into an affectionate smile, and a wisp of a memory cloaked in fog and smoke tapped at the edge of her brain. Someone had looked at her exactly that way once. Not the man in front of her, certainly. She didn’t recognize him. But someone who’d given her milk and cookies to lift her spirits on a bad day.

  “Then how do you know my name?”

  “Doesn’t everyone? You’re well known on the domestic floor as an effective Guardian Ad Litem.”

  “Not today.” She blew a breath, fogging the pane and absently trailed a finger through the mist.

  “A minor setback.” He shrugged. “Not everything can be corrected.”

  The man’s glib attitude flipped her switch to defensive mode. “It’s my job to correct this situation.”

  “Really?” The man fixed her with a gaze so intense she dare not look away. “What if I told you you had the power to correct this situation?”

  Every nerve stood on end. She should walk away but didn’t. “You have information I could use about the Hanovers?”

  “Them and…” He nodded in the direction the trio had gone. “You.”


  “I have something for you.” He placed a small parcel in her hand. Nikki took it automatically. It didn’t weigh much. Based on its size it probably didn’t hold much either. It was addressed to her but had no return address. Reason returned in a rush.

>   “I can’t take things from strangers. It gives an appearance of impropriety.” Not to mention his actions were just plain weird. She moved to hand it back, but he held up his hands.

  “You might as well take it. It belongs to you anyway and will remind you of who you are.”

  “Which is?”

  “A very powerful person.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Who are you?”

  “That isn’t important.”

  “What is this?”

  “A family heirloom.” He backed away. “I’ll be in touch.”

  He faded into the crowd. She wanted to run after him, but her legs had turned to lead. With a sigh, she sank onto a marble step. She pondered the mysterious box, barely registering the people leaving the building. With the swipe of a finger, she slit the top and pulled out a black velvet jewelry box. She lifted the hinged lid. A necklace nestled in a cushion of soft material. With trembling fingers, she picked it up by the chain. An amulet swung in the air. Silver flames shot outward from the center where a green gem was set inside a circle.

  She peered underneath the lid. A piece of paper was wadded up inside. She pulled it out. A message scrawled with large loops and even spacing read, To Nikki, now you’re one of us and have the power to find the answers you seek. Love, Mom.

  Nikki’s hand flew to her mouth, and her throat went dry. She turned the note over, looking for some clue where the necklace had come from. One thing was certain, her mom did not send this.

  People didn’t send packages from the grave.


  Garrett Nightshade sustained a confident pose—the complete opposite of his snarling sputtering counterpart. He had pissed off his opposing counsel this morning, an inevitable byproduct of his tactical decision to protect his client from wasting her time on a hearing that might not even occur. The Judge had been ill so often lately, it was hard to predict when matters would be heard. Unfortunately, Judge Calder was here and Arnold Darning was in fine form, spewing his ludicrous bullshit.

  “This is an urgent matter for my client. Mr. Nightshade’s client should be here.” Arnold pointed an accusing finger in Garrett’s direction. “There is no excuse for her absence.”


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