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Shadow Dancer

Page 19

by Krysta Scott

  “It is. Have you found an address on Songe?”

  “Sorry, not yet. I was putting out another fire yesterday.”

  “I need you to find him now.”

  “On it. I’ll see what I can dig up right away.”

  Garret slipped the phone into his pocket, feeling better already. It was always interesting to shake the trees to see what kind of nuts fell lose. While he was waiting for Mark’s answers, he might as well pay a visit to Nikki


  Nikki opened the door to her office and stopped short. Garrett sat perched on the edge of her desk, tossing her bean bag dog up in the air with the flair of a juggler, his face fixed on her expectant and waiting.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” An overwhelming urge to fling herself into his arms consumed her. She swallowed holding the door knob firmly before she behaved like a love-sick puppy. Oh hell. After last night, she shouldn’t be surprised to find him here muddling her thinking with his smoldering gaze. She touched her tingling lips. Memories flooded back. His strong arms encircling her waist crushing her against him. The sizzle between her thighs as their lips touched. Pulling him nearer. Needing him inside her.

  “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” He was so calm. Not a lock of hair out of place. Unruffled by their night tangled up in each other. As if things like that happened to him all the time.

  She sucked in a breath putting a halt to her rambling thoughts. She tugged at her suit jacket gathering her composure. “Let me guess, you visited my receptionist in the night so that you can barge into my office at will.”

  “I had to find some way to get to you since you’ve blocked the usual route.” He studied her. “You’ve made some changes since I left you last night.”

  “Changes?” She slipped past him. He turned and planted a palm smack in the middle of her desk. Her heart thudded in her chest. Had she made a difference? She bit her lip. Garrett had the upper hand on her. He knew what she’d done. From his downturned lips, he wasn’t happy about it either. “How bad is it?”

  “Could be worse.”

  “Stop being so cryptic.” She searched her memories for any differences in the events of the past few days. But her vision was cloudy. Other than their recent tryst, not one salient fact emerged from her jumbled mind. “I’m a little disadvantaged here. Tell me exactly what’s changed.”

  “Can’t remember, can you?”

  She shook her head.

  “That’s the thing about meddling in matters you shouldn’t. The meddler never sees the consequences of their actions.”

  “Care to enlighten me?”

  “At this point, the damage is minimal. Parker is back at his parents and the divorce has been refiled. Nothing the Guild can’t handle.” He grimaced as if what he had to say next was very distasteful. “You would be wise not to make another attempt to change Parker Hanover.”

  Letting out a sigh of exasperation she faced him. “From what you are telling me, things have moved in a positive direction. My I remind you, you are not my keeper.”

  “If you don’t heed my words, you have no idea how bad this can get.” He didn’t smile in his usual cocky way. His eyes pleaded for her to listen.

  She softened. As irritating as it was to have him dogging her everywhere she went, it was hard to see him looking so worn down. She refused to examine why it should matter one way or another. Last night was simply a moment of carnal lust. She wasn’t supposed to care about him. She wouldn’t let herself care. But she did care. “Oh shit!” She fingered her necklace looking at anything but him.

  “Pardon me?”

  “Sorry, I just remembered something.” Not the real reason. But she wasn’t about to let him in on her personal train of thought. He would probably laugh. And that would hurt. She chewed on her bottom lip. Who cared if he didn’t believe her? It was enough of an excuse to get away from him. “I have to go.”

  She turned to leave. He caught her arm when she was half way through the door sending a strong tingle through her like they had just completed an electrical circuit. Buzzing filled her head, fogging all sense of reason.

  “Nice try. You’re not getting rid of me that easy.” His grip was strong. Clearly his confidence had returned.

  She whirled, yanking her arm from his grasp. “You sure are spoiled. Always believing you can get your way.”

  “Is that what you think?”

  She leaned against the door frame. “In a word, yes.” What was wrong with her? She wanted to get rid of him not bait him into another argument. But another emotion consumed her with superiority. As if she was in control of everything. She wasn’t certain she liked the feeling but she couldn’t help the surge of glee at her apparent domination. Her cheeks burned in shame. She wasn’t power hungry. But Garrett was under her thumb and he knew it.

  “This isn’t a joke, Nikki. You don’t know what you’re playing with.”

  That was true. She had no idea what she was doing. “As I see it, I’m doing pretty well.”

  He pulled her so close she could lean in and kiss him. His masculine scent made her dizzy. The memory of them laying together exposed and naked flooded back. She licked her lips knowing if she gave in she would lose what semblance of control she had. But if it would stop him from chastising her… She dismissed the notion. Allowing physical contact would only complicate matters further. It was already bad enough she succumbed to her desires last night while she slept. To do so while she was awake was only asking for trouble. Her musings were interrupted by her receptionist.

  “Do I need to call the deputy, Ms. Angelus?”

  Nikki glanced over at the wide-eyed woman. She had been so caught up in wrestling with her warring desires she had forgotten anyone else was there. Now she realized what a spectacle she was making. She was acting like a teenager in heat. In plain view of the entire office complex. The idea sapped her strength.

  “No, that won’t be necessary.” She walked behind her desk. “You have fifteen minutes.”

  He was still much nearer than she would have liked. A hint of cinnamon compelled her to lean in closer. She fought the urge. A wave of guilt washed over her. What was she doing? He was an attorney on one of her cases. In any other circumstance, it wouldn’t be strange to let him into her office to discuss the case. But the events of the past few days weren’t normal circumstances. Her initial surge of dominance faded. His presence crowded the room. That was dangerous enough. Even more appalling was how much she was willing to do just as he wished. She grasped anger to control her desire. Remaining rational with the man was impossible. The sooner this case was over, the sooner he would be out of her life. A thought that didn’t bring much solace anymore.

  “Fifteen minutes,” she said again. “But make it quick. I don’t have all day.” She held her breath, stilling the butterflies in her stomach. Surviving the next few minutes would be a godsend.


  Nikki sat behind her desk. “I don’t want to talk about what we did last night.”

  Garrett tried to suppress an amused grin. Her lame attempt in side-stepping the real issue was laughable. Maybe not so lame. The fire that burned in the depths of her green eyes rekindled the need to feel her smooth skin against his as she responded to his touch. He wanted her again and again until the spark of their passion went out. If last night were any indication, that would take a long time. He didn’t want to talk about dream casting any more than she did. Still, the matter had to be discussed. “As pleasurable as that would be, that’s not why I’m here.”

  “Then we have nothing to discuss.” She picked up as stack of papers and straightened them, avoiding any eye contact.

  “On the contrary, you and I have a lot to go over.” Garrett sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers in front of his nose.

  “I’m not discussing my abilities with you.”

  She put a huge amount of effort into restacking the already voluminous documents from one pile onto another. He wondered briefly if the stacks h
ad any real order. But that was irrelevant. It wasn’t the papers he was interested in.

  “You’re heading into dangerous ground.”

  She slammed the stack of papers onto a smaller heap. Good, he had her attention. “I don’t think you’re the one to guide me in this matter.”

  She put up a good front but he could tell that she wasn’t as confident as she would have him believe. And she appeared…guilty.

  He leaned forward. “It doesn’t bother you that I’m an Enforcer?”

  Now it was her turn to sit back. “Not one bit.”

  “It should.” Garrett began slowly.

  She wasn’t a neophyte. Instead she was a very powerful caster who knew just enough to be dangerous. He didn’t pretend he was doing anything but wasting his time trying to warn her. But it just didn’t seem to be good sport to catch her unaware. Everyone should know the rules before they engaged in war. She was an innocent bumbling around in an unfamiliar world. She wasn’t informed of the stakes. If only she could see reason before it was too late.

  He had to admit she’d caught him unaware last night and that didn’t sit so well. She was so soft. So willing. So exciting. Blood pounded in his ears at the memory of her in his arms. The fullness of her lips pressed against his. He had to get her to see reason. She’d already gotten a taste of what she could do and was a larger liability than his mother already suspected. After last night, he knew he couldn’t hurt her. There would be no greater shame than destroying a mind as captivating as hers. If the elders caught on to his reluctance, somebody else would step in. Garrett wasn’t sure he could protect Nikki if that were to happen.

  “Oh yeah.” She brushed a lock of hair behind her ears. “Why’s that?”

  “Well,” He paused for effect.

  Nikki squirmed.

  Good. Maybe, she would listen. “I’m the guy that comes after the people who don’t adhere to the laws of the Guild.”

  “I’m not a member of the Guild.”

  “No. You’re one of those people who think the rules don’t apply to them.”

  She leaned over her desk as far as the mountain of paper work allowed. “What if I am?”

  He was struck by her courage. But then she really didn’t know how dangerous the Guild could be. Maybe she thought that the mere locking of her mind to them would keep them at bay. She didn’t need to know it had stalled them. And quite a bit, but they weren’t done yet. They would find a way around her obstruction. “That would not bode well for you.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “To set your mind at ease, I believe that everyone should follow reasonable rules. However, I do question authority. In case you hadn’t noticed, that is my job.”

  “As is mine.” Garrett let loose a slow smile of appreciation. She was very good at wordplay. A necessary skill for an attorney. As a caster, not so much. “But you need to be aware that the Guild will not allow even the slightest infraction. You have already gotten away with far more than they usually tolerate.”

  “I’ve seen how the Guild deals with small infractions. It seems a bit draconic to me.”

  Garrett loosened his tie and swallowed. Had he not said the same thing to the elders numerous times? But there was no way Nikki knew that. “What experience could you possibly have with Guild?”

  “Oh, I haven’t met them—just seen the trail of their destruction.” She smoothed a hair running her fingers through dark locks. Her voice silky, evasive and cagy.

  “Jesus.” He hadn’t missed something important, had he? Garrett was certain he knew all the changes she’d made last night. But he’d never dealt with a Shadow Dancer before. It was possible she could alter things without his knowledge. “You haven’t gone too far for me to correct your mistakes, have you?”

  “Well, Mr. High and Mighty, I did my job. Rest assured, there’s nothing to correct.”

  “Last time I checked it wasn’t your job to meddle in people’s affairs. At least not when they’re asleep.”

  She slammed her hand on the desk, sending one of the stacks fluttering to the floor. “Listen, you arrogant prick. It’s my job to help families mend allowing ample opportunity to raise healthy adult children.” She bent down and gathered the strewn mess. “Now, as it turns out, I can help in a permanent way.”

  Garrett’s pulse shot up. He squeezed his hand into a fist until his knuckles whitened. He remained anchored to his chair willing the throbbing in his ears to cease. If he rose, he wasn’t sure where his hands would go. Around her neck? “You are in dangerous territory altering people’s minds. You don’t know what you’re messing with.”

  “Says the guy who tried to change my mind about the Hanovers and compelled my receptionist to let you in my office at your whim. I get it. It’s only okay when you do it.”

  “I’m trained.”

  “So am I.”

  “Look, I can’t go beyond the forty-eight hour window. I have never used my powers to help anyone who doesn’t deserve it. But I don’t have to justify my actions to you. I am working for the good of the Guild.”

  She gifted him with a benign smile. “Are you sure about that?” She stood. He was surprised at how much she towered over him. He didn’t budge. He refused to let her get to him, forcing himself to remain calm.

  “Absolutely, just as sure as I am that you aren’t working for the good of the Guild.”

  “I don’t care about your stupid Guild.” She moved back behind the desk. “I care about the families I represent.”

  “Fine, then why don’t you sit down and tell me how you think you’ve helped.” To his surprise she did sit. But she remained tight lipped about the events of last night. “Look, if I don’t know how far you’ve gone, I can’t guide you.”

  “I don’t need your guidance.”

  “Yeah, you do.”


  Garrett was everything Nikki despised in a man. Good looking, dressed to the nines, and bossy. So sure that his solution was the only one, that he alone had all the answers. She’d spent years avoiding his type. How had destiny dropped this one in her lap whose every move sent another wave of desire coursing through her? The worst part was she was actually beginning to…like him. She squelched the notion before it got the better of her. “I have my own source for guidance, thank you,” she quipped.

  “Your grandfather isn’t going to help you with matters of the Guild.”

  “Oh yeah? How would you know? It appears he has functioned just fine without the Guild.” She wasn’t sure she should have confirmed Garrett’s suspicions but she was a little out of sorts that he knew about her grandfather. Just how much more did he know?

  “I also have my sources.” The cocky bastard was as slippery as she wished she was when doling out information.

  “As I said, I am not a member of the Guild.”

  “Ah. But he was and he was excommunicated.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “You’re lying.”

  He shook his head slowly, looking like a man at the top of his game, certain of his assertions. Nikki’s understanding of the situation was changing so fast she was sure to get whiplash. Just what part did the Guild play in her life?

  Dealing with Garrett was bad enough. But the idea of a whole group of people dictating her actions—

  She bit the inside of her cheek and considered the ramifications of what it meant to be a caster. Things had gotten, well, complicated and she wasn’t sure how to handle it. “I’m sure he had his reasons for leaving your precious Guild.”

  “We all have our reasons but some of them aren’t that good. Do you happen to know his?”

  She was pretty sure she shouldn’t say anything but couldn’t stop herself. The urge to wipe the arrogant expression off his face took hold. “They took his family.”

  To her surprise his expression softened. “Why would he say that?”

  “There was a house fire. He blames the Guild.”

  “The Guild had nothing to do with that Nikki. I swear.”

sounded sincere but how was she supposed to believe him? “According to the records, it was arson.”

  “And Songe holds the Guild responsible?”


  “The Guild doesn’t kill people. They protect them.”

  “So, you would be my protector?” Nikki let out a derisive snort. “Do you really think you’ve built a case by prancing around threatening me on behalf of the Guild all the time?”

  He rubbed his forehead with his index finger and thumb. “Okay, so I haven’t been great at this. You—the extent of your abilities has thrown me. I’m trying to warn you that the mind is very complex. Not everyone is capable of change. Some people are just monsters.”

  “Like me?”

  He leaned in, ran his thumb over her lower lip, stirring the butterflies in her stomach. “That’s not what I meant at all, and you know it,” he said softly. “You would be wise to listen. I’m not the most dangerous thing out there.” He pulled back and pointed to the window as if evil would manifest itself.

  She jerked her head from his touch. “Could have fooled me.” She glanced at the clock and stood. “Your time is up. Since your client is no longer in jail, I expect to see him in my office soon.”

  “I suspect you’ve done enough damage. There’s no way I’m going to allow you further access to my client.” Garrett was out the door before she had time to think of a pithy response.


  Long after Garrett left, Nikki considered his words. What had he meant he wasn’t the most dangerous thing out there? She got the distinct impression he was saying monsters were born rather than created. But that would mean some people couldn’t be redeemed. Everyone deserved a second chance as far as she was concerned. She picked up the phone and dialed the newest number in her cell. It rang only once.

  “How’d you sleep last night?” her grandfather asked.

  “Fine. I did as you asked.”

  “Who’d you start with?”

  “The father.” She waited like a child hoping to bask in the approval of a parent.

  “Interesting choice. How’d it go?”


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