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Three Men and a Woman: Caroline (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 17

by Rachel Billings

  Unashamed—well, mostly unashamed—he rolled off the couch onto his knees. He fetched the square of linen and, with silent apologies to his mother, tucked the dry spot over his boner where it nearly poked its way out of his jeans.

  Caroline was sweetly sleeping, curled over on her side now into the warm spot he’d left behind. A little tenderness ran through him, making him think he should let her sleep.

  Thank fuck it didn’t last long. “Come on, babe.” He rolled her into his arms and brought her around. He put her on her knees in front of him, her ass snugged up against his crotch.

  “Once more, sweetheart.”

  She was mumbling some kind of objection that was quiet enough he could pretend not to hear it. He put his left arm around her, palming her tit and bringing her firmly against his chest. He slipped his other hand down, cupping her pussy and steadying her while he started humping her ass. He bent her forward so as he rocked, his whole length stroked along her center.

  She moaned again and might have said, “No.”

  But the moan didn’t sound like a complaint so much as approbation so he could pretend he didn’t hear again. “Yes, baby,” he urged.

  He was awed by the way she responded. In just moments she was whimpering, craving more. She put her hands over his, pressing him harder against her tit and pushing his fingers lower so he reached her moist opening.

  The denim of his fly had to be rough against her, chafing her soft tissues. But she rocked back against him, maximizing the friction as he rutted into her.

  “Oh,” she murmured. “Daniel. More. Harder.”

  Sweet fucking heaven. His eyes practically rolled back in his head. He could barely breathe past the clenching of his throat. His cock was about to explode.

  And he wasn’t even inside her.

  Though he wanted it, like nothing ever before. He was dying to tear his jeans open and plunge into her, to fuck her senseless.

  By only the narrowest thread he kept himself from it. Instead, he took hold of her nipple and gave it a good tug, and slicked his hand quickly over her clit. She rode up onto him, shoving her ass against the pressure of his cock as she started to come.

  It was over for him, too, just one second before he was sure he’d bare himself and have her. Instead, he came hard, blasting semen into that damn hanky, clutching her and growling. He sank into her, his teeth grazing her shoulder, his body collapsing onto her as they both struggled for breath.

  Slowly it registered that she was making tender little mewling sounds. He realized that each breath he took caused a little rasp of his jeans against her no doubt overly stimulated tissues. He nudged back a little, giving her a break. “Sorry, baby. Sorry.”

  He kissed and soothed the little red scrape his teeth had left on her shoulder.

  She was draped over the couch, completely done in.

  He couldn’t hold back his grin. The woman was fucked all but dead. He whispered kisses over her—along her shoulder, down her spine, over her entirely sweet ass.

  He heaved a sigh. What a hell of a woman. And she was his.

  Dispensing with the handkerchief yet again—okay, maybe he should treat it with respect now, maybe frame it, even—he pulled her into his arms, settling her a little into his lap as he knelt back.

  “You’re really something, love. You take my breath away.”

  She turned enough to look up at him. She smiled—wearily—and stroked his cheek.

  “Let’s get you to bed.”

  He stood, lifting her with him. He carried her along the short hallway to the room across from where her brother had gone. He noted a beam of light still shone from under that door, and he figured Rich would now have no doubt about the nature of his relationship with his sister.

  Fucking sexual.

  Caroline’s room wasn’t the least frilly, but a soothing blend of creams, with blond wood in the furniture and amber accents. She had a good-sized platform bed covered with a plush comforter and a minimum of throw pillows.

  He set her on her feet but kept hold of her as he turned down the bed. “Do you need the bathroom?”

  “Hmm?” she murmured. “No. Yes.”

  He chuckled and, looking around, spotted the obvious door and headed her there. When she had her feet under her, he left her there and went to retrieve her clothing from the living room.

  He chuckled some more when he got back. She was shuffling from the bathroom, all bundled up in men’s flannel pajamas. Like she’d have a chance of keeping those on if he were staying.

  Which, alas, he wasn’t.

  “Come on, babe. Let’s tuck you in.”

  Complacent, she climbed in, and he settled the blankets around her. He nudged beside her on the bed, leaning over her. He looked down at her, and she looked back. She gave him a shy smile.

  “I had a damn fine time tonight, Caroline.”

  Her smile transformed to more of a sexy, almost cocky grin. He enjoyed it but thought perhaps he should be a little afraid.

  She reached up and touched his face. “I had a good time, too.”

  “Damn straight, you did.”

  They both laughed softly then. He leaned down, searching her eyes before giving her a tender kiss.

  He waited a bit, wanting more. She kept that touch on his face, kept that soft, warm look in her eyes, and kept silent.


  Digging for patience, Daniel stifled a sigh. He kissed her once more, whispered good night, and left her there.

  Chapter Eleven

  For a department composed of a bunch of science nerds, Biochem’s annual holiday party was surprisingly sophisticated and fun. Daniel liked that it embraced the whole department. Oh, the bigwigs were there, of course—the chairman and his wife, and the dean and provost of the college. But so was the lowliest lab tech and even the housekeeping and maintenance staff.

  Some of the men wore tuxes—and it wasn’t just the dean. A couple of the guys in maintenance rocked them. The women were all in heels, even the dourest of grad students, and many of the dresses could reasonably be classified as gowns.

  It was a party that made Daniel proud of his department. It had evolved over the years that he’d been at the university, from a deadly dull gathering of dry faculty and intimidated students, to a lively celebration with good food and excellent music.

  Much of the change was due to his manipulations. He’d been the one to push for including the department staff. When he’d won that battle, some of the faculty had boycotted the party for a couple years—until it became too cool to miss. He’d had the thing catered himself for three years, until the standard for excellent cuisine had been set and the department took over. And he’d hired the first band.

  Now, everyone showed, and a date with a biochem major was, for one night of the year, a hot ticket.

  There was only one date Daniel was interested in, and right now she was dancing with Jack. He and Matt stood at the edge of the dance floor, watching hungrily.

  Among all the black cocktail dresses, Caroline stood out in fuchsia—a snugly fit little strapless sweetheart top over a short skirt that flared out with layers of satin and sparkling, sequined netting.

  No way should that top stay in place. Particularly not with those sinful, sinuous moves she made as she danced.

  Daniel was fully aware that Matt watched in the same way that he did—in both awe and fear. She executed a sexy turn, under her arm as Jack held it high, until she returned to his arms.

  He breathed a sigh of relief that she remained even minimally covered. “The laws of physics don’t seem to apply to her.”

  Matt knew exactly what he meant. “In her case, they seem to be more like guidelines.”

  “I get her next.”

  Matt gave him a considering look before he nodded.

  Caroline had walked into the party between Matt and Jack, a hand on each man’s arm. Apparently, there had been some agreement that they weren’t going to hide what they were to each other.

Daniel respected them for it. And, watching her twirl again, to his eyes the belle of the ball, he made the same commitment.

  He would be reasonably circumspect until Jack and Matt had finished their program. But he wouldn’t hide what he felt for her.

  He was aware already that the students, his colleagues, and even the staff were all intrigued that he had come without a date. For the last few years, he’d known that speculation was rife about which of his high-profile ladies would win a place at his side for this event. The topic had even earned notice in the society columns.

  Tonight he’d come alone. And he would dance only one dance.

  And when that dance came, he had eyes and thoughts for only one person, one thing. That was the woman in his arms.

  He’d been at her side, ready to take her before Jack had even brought her to a halt. She hadn’t seen him yet, hadn’t been with him at all since that extremely memorable night he’d taken her skating.

  So she stilled when he took her, looking up at him with a lovely smile. “Hello, Daniel.”

  “Caroline,” he nodded. “Dance with me.”

  It wasn’t a request, and he saw by the flare in her eyes that she knew it. She acquiesced, but it was with obvious recognition of his tactics, tolerance of his highhandedness.

  “You’re beautiful. All the other women here should just give up and put sacks over their heads.”

  She laughed, a sparkling, seductive sound. “I’m glad they have not, but thank you. I guess.”

  “I’m concerned, though, that you might be scarring your lovely breasts, what with the way you must have tacked your dress up.”

  More laughter and damned if he didn’t fall further in love.

  “Jack had the same concern. I assure you, it’s a finely engineered construction, no tacks required.”

  He pulled her closer and couldn’t help how that gave him a little better peek at the way the dress cupped her. “I’m glad. I’m also glad there are only two other men here who know just how lovely your breasts are. Or will ever find out.”

  She met his eyes bravely, humor transforming to heat. “I’m glad of that, too.”

  His fingers flexed on her back, wrapping a little around her side, and he got a feel of the boning that worked the magic in her dress. It felt so good to hold her, to have her close again. His dick stirred. He’d missed her.

  “I’ve tried staying away from you,” he said. He liked the surprise in her eyes at that, the bit of concern. “I’ve been afraid that, if I were alone with you again, I’d break the agreement I made with Matt and Jack.”

  He tucked her closer, dropping his head down so he whispered at her ear. “I want you, Caroline. So much.”

  They finished the dance that way, heads close, sharing the same air, their feet barely moving to the music. He closed his eyes for much of it, concentrating all of his other senses on what he had of her. The feel of her breath on his neck, the warmth of her body under that killer dress, the little bit of resistance where his cock pressed into its skirt. Her scent. And her taste, since, somehow, his teeth had taken her earlobe and he had her in his mouth.

  He knew there was no subtlety in it. What he felt for this woman was blatant, there for all to see. He knew he’d have done worse, likely embarrassing her and himself, if Matt hadn’t been there when the dance ended, gently easing her from him.

  Their gazes held as Matt turned her away.

  Even when she was gone, he stood there. His cock pulsed. His body yearned.

  He wasn’t sure he could stand the wait until he had the right to claim her.

  * * * *

  On December twenty-third, the halls of the biochem building were full of students in good cheer. They were peering over postings of final exam and course grades, gathering in groups to wish each other happy holidays. In a few hours they’d all be gone, in cars or trains to see their families, flying off to ski resorts, or whatever, for their long winter break.

  Caroline had gone to the lab with lunch for Matt and Jack. They’d both quit work to sit with her and eat. She’d stopped by to invite Daniel, and he’d joined them, too.

  It was a bittersweet day. For once, the guys weren’t running experiments. They were cleaning up. Their experimental work was done, barring the odd thought that might come to them as they worked through their theses.

  They were closing the books on five years of their lives. They had good futures ahead of them. Daniel was helping them find postdoctorate positions. They were all four of them lucky that the Boston area had so many excellent universities, and a good biotech industry base, since Matt was leaning in that direction. No one would have more than a reasonable commute from the mansion.

  Where they would all be living, soon. Daniel insisted it would be no later than mid-February. There would be no dawdling over theses, no agonizing rewrites. Git ’er done, was to be the theme. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Still, Caroline was touched by his appreciation of the moment. He’d done this work for years, watched grad students learn both science and craft, growing and developing their work and themselves. He knew the pattern of it, the pain and pleasure.

  She knew he had a special respect and fondness for Matt and Jack, one that was well-established before their relationship turned personal. He would miss them here in the lab. This was a moment for him, too.

  He acknowledged it as such. Caroline had brought wineglasses and sparkling grape juice. Daniel used it to toast the two younger men, serious and touching in his praise. He recounted moments of failure and dashed hopes, of success and brilliance, and of humor.

  Caroline’s eyes welled as this remarkable, accomplished man paid tribute to Matt and Jack.

  As faculty to students, he wished them well and communicated his complete confidence in their abilities, their futures.

  He stayed to help with the cleanup. Caroline was to work an evening shift, so she stood and picked up her gym bag. She had time for an hour’s workout.

  She kissed all three of them good-bye.

  She passed many students and some faculty as she walked down the hall. She was three rooms away when she heard her name called. She turned and saw Daniel standing outside the lab, facing her with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  He spoke loudly, deliberately drawing the attention of everyone in that hall. “Ms. Freeman. There’s something I’ve been waiting to hear from you. I want you to tell me now, when I don’t have my hands on you.”

  Well. That certainly hushed the area. All gazes were now on her, including Matt’s and Jack’s as they peeked through the door. She saw as they nudged each other.

  She met Daniel’s eyes. “You wouldn’t trust what I say when you have your hands on me?”

  He smirked. “Well, you appear to like it a lot when I touch you. It seems a little—unfair—to ask you then. I feel it would be ungentlemanly, taking advantage that way.”

  She held back from rolling her eyes, but let one brow lift. “Because I wouldn’t be able to resist you?”


  Caroline grinned. She spoke quietly but extremely clearly. “Doctor Ryan?”

  His wicked eyes gleamed. “Yeah?”

  “I love you.”

  Eyes flashing now in victory, he nodded his head in acknowledgment. His due.

  “See you tomorrow.” He turned and went back into the lab, a hand from Matt and Jack clapping him on each shoulder.

  * * * *

  Daniel got Caroline—with Matt and Jack—for Christmas Eve. On Christmas morning they were all three traveling. Caroline was going home with Matt to spend a week with his family, whom she’d known a bit that ten-year distant summer. Then she was going to fly to Albuquerque to meet Jack’s family. They would all be gone until the second week of January.

  He had his own family to deal with. His sister and her two boys were already at the mansion. Roberta hated Christmas in Houston, so she left her husband to deal with his important oil and gas industry job, took Declan and Owen out
of school early, and came to Boston for a real winter holiday experience.

  The husband, Liam, and Daniel’s mother would join them on Christmas Day. Caroline and the guys would be gone before those last two arrivals, so he had only to juggle the two groups on Christmas Eve.

  Start as you mean to go on, he decided, and though he wouldn’t be blatant about it, he would make no real effort to hide his feelings for Caroline from his sister. He had only the one day with her, after all, to make up for her two weeks’ absence.

  The boys were seven and nine now, old enough to remember their Christmas Eve traditions and want to stick to them. And so they had their day already planned. Afternoon ice-skating at Frog Pond followed, at dark, by a limousine holiday lights tour. Then home to decorate the tree.

  He’d put the lights up when it arrived from Vermont the first week of December, but left for the kids the boxes of ornaments. Some of them dated back to the seventeen hundreds, his mother claimed. But they all enjoyed most the generations’ worth of children’s efforts—popsicle-stick Stars of David painted in primary colors and glittered, clay cookie cutouts and plaster handprints. Declan and Owen could identify their own, just as Daniel and Roberta could, and their mother, too.

  Dressing the tree was hard work, so it was accompanied by heavy hors d’oeuvres to please all, from fried cheese sticks and chicken fingers to baked brie and bacon-wrapped scallops. There was eggnog, with or without rum, to drink. Christmas music, selected with everyone’s input, helped set the mood. When the decorating was done, there was a strange dance the boys had invented as gifts were carried under arms or over heads to be placed around the tree.

  The evening celebrations ended with another sentimental walk around the neighborhood and then almost everybody falling asleep to Roberta’s choice of holiday movie. Usually Roberta had to wake Daniel to carry the slumbering boys to bed.

  Daniel was stunned, and incredibly moved, at the way Matt, Jack, and Caroline took part in, became part of these family events as though they’d grown up with them. As though they were family.


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