Book Read Free

Blue Moonlight

Page 11

by Zandri, Vincent

  “Zumbo, it’s Moonlight. Where’s Crockett?”

  “Say it in Italian, sweetie,” he answers with a belly laugh. Like this is all some kind of a joke.

  “Fuck you, Zump!” I scream. “Get me Vanessa Crockett.”

  “She’s a little indisposed at the moment. How can I be of assistance?”

  More images of a naked Zump together with Crockett. I’m going to have to burn my brain when this is finished.

  “It’s fucking five in the morning. She’s got to be still in bed.”

  “Not us, Moonlight. We’re working. Pulling yet another all-nighter to make sure your mission succeeds…you know, the one you’d better pull off if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life getting fucked up the ass by some black bull stud in a four-by-seven prison cell.”

  I’m not sure why I feel relieved the ex-football star doesn’t appear to be presently bedding down with the female agent, but I can’t help but feel that way. Then comes a commotion, another Zump belly laugh. I’m guessing the phone’s been snatched from his hand.

  “Mr. Moonlight,” comes the female voice. “I asked you not to call unless it’s an absolute emergency.” It’s Crockett.

  “Tell you what, Agent Crockett,” I say, lifting myself from the floor and heading back into the bathroom. “I got something I want you to see.” I snap a picture of Francesco and forward it as a multimedia text. “Take a look at that and tell me if what you see does not, in fact, constitute a fucking emergency.”

  While the image transmits it dawns on me that I have yet to take the piss I so badly needed to take ages ago. Holding the phone between my right cheek and shoulder, I unzip, pull myself out, and wait for some sign that Crockett received the picture. It comes in the form of an exhale.

  “OK, Moonlight,” she says. “Here’s what I’d like you to do: gather your things and leave that place.”

  “What about the body?”

  “Leave it. We have people who will take care of it. You’re in danger there, obviously enough. Security has clearly been breached and your cover is entirely blown. Whoever did this to your contact will do the same to you if they find you there. Leave.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice. Any ideas where I might find a safe roof over my head until I can find the flash drive?”

  “I don’t think that will be possible. Abort the mission and come home.”

  “Not a chance. I came here to collect the flash drive and to save all humanity. That’s what I’m going to do.”

  “Bravo for you, Moonlight, although the truth is that you went to Florence to save your girlfriend.”

  “She’s a part of the package.”

  “I’ll try to find you a place to hide out. In the meantime, keep a low profile until you hear from me.”

  “When will that be? There’s these Russian bastards who know precisely where I’m—”

  Call ended. Crockett has hung up on me before I can even finish my sentence. My ass is on the line and she cuts off communication.

  No time for brooding.

  Time instead for peeing.

  When I’m done, I fill up my pack with all my things, strap it over my shoulder. I pack up the computer. Unlocking the deadbolt, I slowly make my way out into the narrow hall, my .9 mm leading the way. When I come to the guesthouse door, I slowly open it and slip on out, careful to make sure no one is waiting for me on the landing. Then I haul ass down six flights of stairs and out into the streets of Florence, a most beautiful and unhealthy place.

  I make a check of my watch face.


  I’m trying to think of a place I can go without risking being spotted by a whole bunch of Russian goons who want to see me dead. Then it dawns on me. The Uffizi Palace art gallery. It will be packed with students, tourists, art experts, artists, and some of the most crack Italian police and security guards in the country. It’s just a matter of getting my automatic past that same security.

  In terms of weaponry, I’m a walking arsenal. I’m carrying the .9 mm in a shoulder holster along with two of the three original additional nine-round clips. I’ve got a fighting knife strapped to my belt and another .22 snub-nose five-shot revolver duct taped to my lower left leg. I’ll be more or less protected in the Uffizi, but no way I’m heading in there unarmed. If the Russians follow me into that place, they will somehow manage to do so along with their own personal hand cannons.

  But that doesn’t mean I can walk in with every lethal tool I’d like to have on hand to defend myself against former Russian soldiers turned mobsters.

  Within sight of the Uffizi, I spot a Dumpster inside a narrow alley positioned perpendicular to the Piazza della Signora. Actually, a series of three small plastic and metal Dumpster on wheels that collect both refuse and recyclables. Thank God for a green Italy.

  I sneak a quick look over both shoulders, make an about-face to see what’s happening behind me. All clear, I head to the Dumpster and kneel down before the one in the center. I rip the tape from my boot and release the .22. Then I unsheathe the fighting knife and pull out the two remaining .9 mm clips.

  Down on my knees, I feel around underneath the Dumpster, searching for a place that will effectively conceal the weaponry while also allowing me easy access should I return to this place on the run. I locate just such a space beside the left front wheel: a flat piece of metal attached to the mobile Dumpster’s chassis. I slip the stuff onto it, careful to set the pistol grip and knife handle so that they face me.

  Standing, I take another look around, heft my pack up onto my back, and head back up the road, until I come to the square. From there I turn left and make the short trek to the Uffizi Palace, a museum guarded by an eight-foot-tall Perseus. The Greek god holds a sword in one hand and the decapitated head of Medusa in the other.

  The Uffizi is a long, concrete-and-stone structure that wraps around a rectangular courtyard. All the floors aboveground are supported by thick pillars. Displayed in between the pillars are statues of all the great Renaissance geniuses, like Brunelleschi, who designed the Duomo, and my friend Dante Alighieri, the writer who lately has been plaguing my dreams with his particular version of hell.

  My. Hell.

  Moonlight the doomed and the damned.

  I enter into the No. 2 entrance, where the ticket window is, and purchase a day pass for fifteen euros. Then I head to the No. 1 entrance and the long queue that’s already formed outside it. I take my place at the back. There’s a Japanese girl in front of me. She’s got colorful tattoos on her neck and the backs of her hands. I imagine the tattoos run up the length of her arms, but her worn leather biker jacket is concealing them. What it doesn’t conceal is her tall, gravity-defying punk-rock Mohawk. It’s painted bright red. Around her neck, a chain-link dog collar. Timeless punker fashion. Standing directly before her is an old woman, and in front of her, an entire group of Japanese tourists of all ages. Doesn’t take me long to figure out they’re all a part of the same tour group.

  I feel the weight of the automatic hanging on my shoulder, and I know that I have to figure out a way to smuggle it in with me. Over my shoulder, I watch the people coming and going inside the open square. Some are sitting for the painters who have set up easels at various positions throughout the cobbled square. In between them, uniformed police casually walk from one end of the square to the other, their sunglass-shielded eyes peeled for security breaches, big or small. Wasn’t that long ago a terrorist cell exploded an IED here, killing half a dozen innocent bystanders and wounding another two dozen.

  The line moves.

  The Japanese are granted access, two by two, by a pair of armed guards manning the entrance. The tourists are giddy, happy and excited, their beaming, ear-to-ear smiles reflected in the safety-glass doors as they enter into the building and approach security.

  When it’s time for me to enter, I’m not smiling. I’m walking a fine line, hiding my face in a way that enables me to avoid making eye contact with the two burly guards without se
eming to be hiding it. I don’t want them to see the stress and strain that must surely paint my face. I walk the line, I guess, because I’m allowed inside.

  So far so good.

  Then I see the airport-like security operation they have going here. A full-body scanner and baggage X-ray machine.

  So far not so good.

  I tell myself to think quick or face almost certain police arrest.

  That’s when the not-so-nice idea comes to me.

  The Japanese tourists are packed together tightly, even though they don’t require packing together tightly, far as I can see. Must be a cultural thing. Conditions couldn’t be better suited for what I’m about to do.

  Sticking out my booted left foot, I trip the punk rocker as she attempts to move forward.

  She doesn’t drop so much as she careens into the old woman in front of her. They both fall, their bags and the contents they contain scattering loudly all about the stone floor.

  Chaos ensues, and the guard operating the body scanner starts shouting, “Stop! Stop!” in accented English.

  The old lady is wailing something and at the same time trying to gather her things, which have dispersed even beyond the body scanner. That’s when I go to work.

  I drop my pack and computer case onto the belted baggage scanner, then move ahead in the line and drop to one knee, offering my help to the old lady. The punk rocker whom I tripped is also trying to help her. I dip down almost flat to the tile, as though reaching to gather the poor lady’s things. As the old woman sniffles painful tears and the punk rocker tries to assist her, I slip my automatic from its holster and slide it under one of the two cloth bags that lie on the floor. Then I push it beyond the body scanner.

  All apologies and bumbling, stumbling helpfulness, I stand and cut the line, stepping on through the body scanner. The buzzer-like alarm goes off. I smile and offer an apology to the guard, who by now is more annoyed with all the commotion than concerned about imminent danger. I also offer a heartfelt apology to the little Japanese man whom I cut in front of.

  “So sorry,” I say.

  But he just issues me a smirk. Rude line cutting must also be standard operating procedure in Japan.

  The guard uses his electronic paddle to give me a full up and down body scan. It doesn’t register anything until it comes to my head.

  “I have this condition,” I tell the guard. “There’s a piece of bullet lodged in my brain.”

  He looks at me like I possess two of the aforementioned heads instead of one. But he’s so annoyed he just waves me on. I grab my pack and my computer bag, and then I quickly bend down and pretend I’m retrieving the old lady’s bag for her when in fact I’m picking up my automatic and shoving it into my leather coat.

  I hand her the bag.

  I’m happy to see she’s stopped crying and hasn’t broken anything like a hand or a hip. I gaze into the young Japanese punker’s eyes. Rather, she gazes into mine, with eyes rimmed by black mascara. She nods, her red-painted lips tight.

  “Sorry,” I mouth.

  She makes like a toy pistol with her right hand and mouths, “Bang! Bang!”

  Oh shit.

  I make my way over to baggage check, praying to God the punk rocker isn’t a tattletale.

  My pack and computer securely checked, I head up four long flights of worn marble steps, eyes in the back of my head. When I come to the top, I hand the ticket taker my ticket stub and enter into the narrow but ornate first corridor. The ceilings are painted with scenes from Renaissance Florence’s history. Palaces and cathedrals under construction, residents dressed in the formal, colorful garb of the day, gathering in piazzas that still look the same six hundred years later. The tops of the walls are framed in gold leaf. Below that can be found the hundreds of portraits of dignitaries who have come and gone throughout the centuries. Adventurers from distant lands like China and Africa, military men, bankers, artists, writers, scientists, and, of course, the hooked-nosed faces of all the Medicis, the people who financed the Renaissance with cash, greed, and blood.

  I walk, trying to blend in with the hordes of people coming and going from the galleries to my left. I enter into the first room, come upon a giant painting of a chubby Madonna holding an even chubbier baby Jesus. Next to it, a graphic depiction of an adult Jesus hanging from a wood cross, metal nails pounded through his palms and joined feet. What a lot of people don’t know is that he could not have been crucified that way. The soft tissue of the palms would have torn and he would have dropped from the cross. The more likely scenario is that Christ was crucified through the bones of the wrists to support his entire body weight. He would then have died from exposure and slow asphyxiation. Displayed directly beside the crucifixion painting, the freshly decapitated head of John the Baptist set on a silver platter. The Bible sure is pleasant.

  I feel the hard steel of a pistol barrel press up against my lower spine.

  “Don’t say any words, Mr. Moonlight. Or I shoot your balls off.”

  The voice is deep and guttural. English spoken with a harsh Russian accent. How the hell did he get a hand cannon past security so easily? Maybe the Russians have friends on the inside. Maybe Italian security can be bribed. Too bad I didn’t think of that. Would have prevented a whole lot of pain and confusion for some innocent Japanese tourists, an old lady among them.

  “Not a great place for a cold-blooded killing, is it, Boris?” I say, my eyes still staring at John the Baptist’s head and the blood dripping down from the hacked-away flesh on the neck, drop by thick red drop.

  “I’ve killed in worse place. More public place, da?”

  I’m looking at the black-leather-jacketed goon’s reflection in the painting’s glass frame. It’s definitely Boris. The one whose knee I shot off almost one year ago while he lay in the backseat of my best pal Georgie’s vintage orange Volkswagen Beetle. Why did he choose to lose his knee? Because he chose not to reveal the whereabouts of Lola, when I asked him so politely. Through the glass I can see that he has trouble standing still, and that he leans desperately to his right side.

  “Knee still giving you trouble, Boris?” I say.

  “I have been fitted with new knee,” he answers. “It is plastic kneecap.”

  “You can’t kill me, Boris,” I say. “For one, the guards in this place would be on you like flies on borscht. And for two, you need me to bring you to the fleshy box, remember?”

  “You are out of job, yes?” he snarls. “We know fleshy drive will be handed to Iranian buyers perhaps tomorrow afternoon. You are no longer needed alive. You are now nothing but dead fowl.”

  “Dead duck, Boris,” I say. “Dead. Fucking. Duck. Get your fucking idioms right. And ducks aren’t fowl. They’re aquatic birds. My boy, Harrison, loves ducks. His bedroom walls were covered with them. I know about ducks, asshole. Alive ones. Not dead ones.”

  My eyes still gazing into John the Baptist’s steel-blue eyes. Eyes that peer out at me like I am the last thing he will ever see before death overtakes him. Little known fact about sudden decapitation: the head lives for about thirty seconds, or until the oxygen runs out. I get the feeling the artist was well aware of this detail. You can see it in the eyes.

  The pistol barrel pressed against my spine reminds me I have to think quick. I do it.

  “There isn’t going to be an exchange or a drop, Boris,” I lie. “I thought you knew that.”

  “No drop. How can that be? My sources never wrong, da?”

  “I don’t know anything about your sources, but they missed the fucking boat on this one. The Iranians are out because they can’t come up with the cash our three amigos are greedily insisting upon.” Me, exhaling, staring into the eyes of a two-thousand-year-old dead man. “But you know what, Boris? I know where the flash drive is. I. Know. Where. It. Is. In fact, I’m working on getting ahold of it.”

  “We will work together, then, da? You and me, Mr. Moonlight, we will make the peace, stop all the senseless bang bang shooting and work on th
is together. Like Apollo/Soyuz. Like glasnost. Like Reagan and Gorby.”

  I laugh. “Yeah, something like that, Boris. I’m sure you’re suddenly more trustworthy than my long-departed mom. Maybe you tried to pry some unconditional trust out of my friend Francesco before you hung him up in the shower and sliced his neck?”

  “My sincerest apologies. He give us much trouble. He had nuclear-sized gun pointed at us. Quite dangerous and lethal, da?”

  “Bet you’re not really sorry, Boris. Bet you’re lying.”

  “An unavoidable casual of wear Mr. Moonlight. Even you have killed in the heat of battle. You are no stranger to taking life.”

  In John the Baptist’s eyes I see my future. Inside the bottom level of hell.

  “No. God. No. Boris. In America, there’s casualties of war and then there’s casual wear. See what I’m saying? Get the difference?”

  A couple of people try to get by. I have no choice but to stand my ground while Boris has the barrel of a pistol jammed against my spine. But when I look closer, I can see that it’s the punk-rock Japanese girl from downstairs. The one who saw me pocket my automatic while trying to hand the bag back to the old lady.

  I smile at her.

  She smiles back, mouthing the words, “Bang, bang.”

  “Bang, bang,” I mouth while cocking my head at Boris behind me.

  She looks at him and then at me again. “Bad man?” she whispers with furrowed brow.

  I close my eyes, nod slowly, as if to say, Yes. Molto. Bad. Man.

  That’s when I lift my right foot up and come down hard onto the foot attached to Boris’s bad leg. I immediately shift to the right and go down onto my side as the silenced round makes a hole in John the Baptist’s head.

  Alarms sound.

  Boris tries to back step, but his gimp leg seems to be planted in place. Gives me just enough time to pull out my .9 mm, roll over, rear both legs back, thighs against chest, and kick him in the bad knee.

  He lets out a scream and drops to the floor, firing another round in my direction. The round drills a hole in the wood floor not six inches from my head.


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