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Phoenix Under Fire: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Aries

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by Crystal Dawn

  “Darby is from the leading vampire family. An alliance with them would give us much support.”

  “Yes, yes and Gregor is from the oldest werewolf family and you like that too. Both of them are nitwits. You’re not the one that has to spend the rest of your life with them. What if Annie’s children take after their father? Are you willing to deal with that?”

  An arranged marriage? That was unheard of these days. What was her father thinking? Darby was a weasel, he’d slept with every female that would have him and often bragged that once married, he’d continue with his behavior because no woman could satisfy his needs.

  Gregor wasn’t like that, but he was a fool. Completely full of himself, he made decisions without much thought and his family had to clean up after him all the time. She couldn’t bear the thought of being stuck with either of them. She wanted her fated mate. A simple spell would have uncovered him, but her father must be afraid he wouldn’t add value to their family. Why was her mother going along with this? She had always told them about the wonder of finding their fated mate. Now she was allowing this?

  There was a knock on the door so she cast a quick spell to hide her distraught appearance. “Come in.”

  “Annie?” It was her mom. “I know you overheard and I’m sorry. I’ve been holding him off as best I can, but the only way to end this, is to find your fated one.”

  Her fated one? Was it possible?

  “You know what you must do?” Her mother said before she left and closed the door.

  Annie was stunned. It was a major spell her mom had just encouraged her to cast and one she’d always been discouraged to use before. The common thought was that once the time was right, a fated mate would present themselves. Clearly, in her case this wasn’t true.

  Now, here she stood in the swamps miles from home. All the necessary items had been gathered except for a drop of her blood that would be added last. Adrenaline rushed through her blood making her a little dizzy. Annie wasn’t sure exactly what the result of this spell would be. It said once done, the spell would bring your mate in contact with you soon. It better be damn soon or her goose was cooked.

  If anyone happened by, they might think they were watching a scene from a modern witch movie. She was deep in the swamp with a fire blazing. Her big black kettle was centered over it and steam rose from the boiling contents cooking inside. Annie hesitated, right now it was an amalgamation of ingredients with no magic running through it. A drop of her blood would change everything.

  Holding the needle in one hand, she stared at the finger she intended to prick. It was now or never. “For my fated one,” she whispered as she poked her finger and held it over the kettle. A drop formed and rolled off the side of her finger and hit the boiling brew.

  She whispered the incantation and the contents of the pot exploded. It was all gone and the fire had gone out. What now? Annie had no idea, but it needed to happen fast. With a wave of her wand, her kettle was gone somewhere in magical storage waiting for the next time she would need it. One more wave and she reappeared in her bedroom, wondering if the spell had even been successful.

  Her bed called, there was no point in denying herself a good night’s sleep. She drifted into dreamland immediately and saw a handsome man who she chased in her dreams. As if she would ever chase a man. He was handsome and compelling, but still, she would never want someone who didn’t want her. It was early in the morning when she woke and she knew from experience once she was wide awake like this, she might as well get up.

  Magic was the family business and all the members of her family worked at Wicked Witch. They had an enormous internet presence with small stores in many tourist locations. Many of them were privately owned, but the owners paid to use their name, bought products from them, and followed certain rules to continue to do business with them. Much like a franchise, only they usually only devoted a section of their stores to Wicked Witch products.

  They had a large factory just outside of Orlando where they manufactured magical products and ingredients for witches to use in their spells. There was also a large business in taking on private clients. Sometimes this was rich people who wanted spells cast to find love, more success in their business, or cure certain illnesses. They wouldn’t cast magic to do harm. It wasn’t that they couldn’t, they chose not to.

  Annie went to breakfast ahead of most of the household. That was why she was the one that was given a special request. Phoenix International had a need for a witch. The company represented some kind of paranormal creature or creatures, but they were close mouthed and never gave away a thing. She saw that it said it was urgent.

  She put her name on the sheet next to the call out for a witch number. Once she was done eating, she would head down to Phoenix Rising Bar. That was their contact point. At least the assignments there were usually interesting. Some of the assignments she was sent on were ridiculous or even disgusting at times. The stories she could tell if they weren’t a confidential service.

  A bowl of oatmeal and two cups of coffee later, she headed out to her car. Normally she had a big breakfast, but today she just didn’t feel like it. Maybe it was the worry about finding her mate. Where was he? Annie just didn’t know. She had an SUV for when she went out of town or off-road, but for trips like this she liked her seventy Mustang, fire engine red. There were benefits to being a rich witch and this was one of them.

  She headed down the road cruising with her radio blasting. Her destination was the other side of Orlando so it would be a thirty-minute drive give or take and it also depended on traffic. Annie tried to clear her head so her magic would be strong. Distractions could cause problems, but most things she was called on to do were easy for her. Both her parents were from strong witch bloodlines.

  They weren’t technically immortal, but they didn’t know how long they might live if violence or magic didn’t end them. Once they reached their twenties, they stopped aging. An exception was sometimes casting a spell beyond one’s abilities could cause aging. A magical attack from another witch could also have the same effect.

  Her grandmother’s hair had turned silver in a witch war several hundred years ago, but she was still alive and other than her hair, looked not a day over twenty. The women in her family tended to be gorgeous and the men handsome. It was a supernatural beauty that was common among paranormals. Her sister Gertrude, called Gertie by friends and family, took after their father’s side. She was tall, blonde and blue-eyed.

  Annie took after her maternal grandma, being petite with red hair and whiskey colored eyes. She always wished to look like Gertie, but she had to be happy with what she got. Her envy of Gertie had disappeared when she’d begun to believe Darby was her fated one. Poor Gertie. It was like Gertie and Darby competed to see who could have the most lovers. Gertie was winning. That was one more reason not to mate Darby.

  Her youngest sister, Prudence, took after their mom with hair as black as pitch and eyes an emerald green. It was funny that three sisters could look so different, but all be powerful witches. They were also surprisingly close even though they were born a generation apart. At least twenty years divided them each.

  Annie took a turn and was nearly to her destination. Another turn and she was on the driveway. A weird feeling hit her, this was going to be big. She’d been here before so she knew to park around the back and enter the employee’s entrance. Cam’s secretary knew her and would send her back as soon as he was available.

  Once she was in the office, she nodded at Sandy who was talking on the phone. Annie sat in one of the chairs in the waiting area and looked around the office. Nothing had changed since last time. The only thing truly eye-catching was a grouping of pictures of a tropical island. Annie was always drawn to the beauty represented in those pictures. There were some kind of monkeys swinging in trees, brightly feathered birds in another, and the most beautiful flower she’d ever seen in the third. She always wondered where that island was because she would love to go there sometime.

  Sandy got off the phone and motioned to her. “Thanks for waiting. You can just go on back now. Cam is waiting for you.”

  “Thanks, Sandy,” Annie replied then walked back to Cam’s office. The door was open and she knocked on the doorway.

  “Come in, Annie,” Cam urged her.

  “Hello. What will you be needing today?” Annie asked as she made a B-line for the seat across from him. At the last moment, she realized someone else was also in the room. “Who is this joining us?” She asked as she took her usual seat.

  “Annie, this is Ram. Ram, this is Annie.”

  She felt an awareness that told her this man meant something to her. “Pleased to meet you,” She said and held out her hand. Ram gripped it and a shock went through her whole body. Her eyes widened in surprise and so did his.

  “Is it hot in here or is it just me?” Cam asked with a nervous chuckle.

  “Cam, excuse us for a moment and shut the door on your way out,” Ram instructed.

  Annie thought that it was weird for Ram to throw Cam out of his office like that. She heard the door close and now they were alone. Ram used her hand to pull her up against him and his arms wrapped around her. His lips dropped to hers and he kissed her gently. “You feel it too, don’t you?” He asked.

  She nodded. This man was hers. It seemed her spell had worked after all. Whatever the spell had done, had probably caused him to be here. How would he feel when he found out what she had done? It couldn’t be too bad if it had led them to each other, right?

  He kissed her again, except this time it wasn’t sweet or gentle. It was a claiming kiss that left her in no doubt as to who she belonged to or what he wanted. It left her feeling raw and needy. It also made her wish they were alone in bed anywhere they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “I woke up this morning nude on a beach. Do you know anything about that?” He asked.

  “My father wants to arrange my mating. There are two front contenders. One is a male whore who has said many times he will not change for a mate. I also suspect he is my sister’s fated one. The other is a fool. My mother suggested I take action if I didn’t want to lose a chance to get my fated one. I took a chance last night and cast a spell to find my fated one. And here you are.”

  “Why would your father do that to you?” Ram asked.

  “He believes he’s logical and putting our people first. Some witches have prophetic dreams. One such witch sees a threat to the supernatural world as a whole. She urged witches to form strong alliances with other groups. Marriages are still considered the strongest glue to hold alliances together. I’m the oldest, so he wants to negotiate my mating first. Gertie would be second and Pru would be last. My mother has delayed him, but at some point, he will reach an agreement and my fate would have been sealed.”

  “You did the right thing. I have searched for you for so long. Had I known a spell would find you, that’s what I would’ve had done. Now that we’ve found each other, no one will ever separate us again.”

  “I’m so happy that I found you. The thought of a life without my true love was terrifying.”

  “How does a witch pursue their claim?”

  “A fated one can’t be denied by a family, according to witch law. You must contact my father and make your claim.”

  “Hm, can’t we just do the deed and tell him it’s done?” Ram suggested.

  “We could, but your relationship with my father would never be good.”

  “And that matters because?”

  “He’s the grandfather of your children.”

  “Ah, yes. That’s true. How do I contact him?”

  “You could come home with me?”

  “I could do that. Do you want to go now?”

  “Let’s go. Hopefully, he’ll realize that it’s a done deal.” Annie led the way out of the office throwing the door open. Cam sat in the waiting area looking up with wide eyes.

  “Anything you two want to share?” Cam asked.

  Ram looked over at Sandy. “Why don’t you walk out with us and we can talk?”

  “Sure. Lead the way.”

  Once they were outside, Ram began to talk. “We’re fated mates. I’m going to tell her father to stop him from arranging a mating for her.”

  “Are you sure that’s the wisest thing to do? Royal Worthington has a reputation for being brutal. He may not take your message well,” Cam advised. “Remember, we don’t know what he can do.”

  “You know I’m going to see him. Wouldn’t that make him cautious?”

  “I don’t know. I only know the man is feared by other men who are considered bloodthirsty. What does that tell you?”

  “I have to go. Annie is mine.”

  Cam stood there and watched them as Annie drove away. She glanced into her rearview mirror until he was a small speck in the distance. Was he right? Would her father do something to Ram if he had the chance? She hated to believe it was possible, but there was a time she would have never believed he’d arrange a mating for anyone.

  “How far is your dad?” Ram asked.

  “If he’s home, a half hour or so.”

  “If he’s not?”

  “We leave a message and have him get a hold of us,” Annie suggested.

  “That’s a plan I can live with,” Ram said as they hit the main road. “I like your car.”

  “I also have a big SUV for off-roading.”

  “You’ll have to take me sometime. I’ve never been.”

  “Where do you live?”

  “My people have a tropical island that’s not on any maps.”

  “Are those pictures on the wall from there?”

  “They are. I can’t wait to take you home with me. It’s beautiful and my people will all love you.”

  “My mother and sisters will love you.”

  Silence fell as she concentrated on driving and Ram seemed lost in thought. It occurred to her she didn’t even know what he was, only that he was a paranormal of some kind. Maybe a bird shifter since they used the Phoenix symbol. She wanted to ask, but it would be better if he chose to tell her.

  She turned off the main road onto the secondary road that led to her driveway. A few miles and she turned onto the driveway following it until the house came into sight. “That’s a big house,” Ram observed.

  “Several generations and some staff live here.”

  “I live in a large house with lots of people too.” He almost cringed at calling the castle a house, but he had to speak to his dad before he could share anything with Annie.

  “I guess we have similar backgrounds,” Annie observed. She pulled into her parking spot at the back of the house. Her father’s car sat in its parking spot. “It looks like he’s home.”

  “Then we’ll get this over with,” Ram declared.

  They got out and she led the way to the back door, opened it, and led him in. The house was always full of people and today was no exception. The kitchen had a cook and an assistant constantly fixing one meal or the next. They looked up as they passed, but other than that, they ignored them.

  It was a beautiful gourmet kitchen full of stainless steel appliances and black granite countertops. Cabinets of light wood were on the walls and the room was well lit with large windows and plenty of lighting. This was one of her favorite rooms. Annie was proud of the house she had lived in all her life.

  The next room was a formal dining room. There was a large china cabinet on one side of the table that seated twenty and a buffet on the other side, all made of oak. Again, this room, like all the others, had many windows and good lighting. Throughout the house, there were plants known to bring good luck and magical balance.

  Instead of going to the living room, she led Ram down the hall to her father’s office. The door was open and she started to knock on the door frame. “Come in, child.” A deep male voice called. Annie went in and Ram followed her. “Who is this and why did you bring him here?”

  “This is Ram and he needs to talk to you.” Annie kept it

  “Annie is my fated one,” Ram said.

  Royal Worthington was a large man, nearly as large as Ram himself. He resembled a Viking with the long blonde hair and deep blue eyes with the berserker stare included too. Ram wasn’t intimidated and he refused to back down.

  “I’m sorry, but you’re too late. Annie has been promised to Darby Darknight. They will wed in a few months’ time,” Royal informed them.

  “Nothing trumps fated mates. There is no agreement or even marriage that is more sacred,” Ram countered.

  “What do you want in order to turn your back on this? Money? Power? Women? Tell me and I’ll make it yours,” Royal promised.

  “You undervalue your daughter and insult me. She is worth more to me than anything,” Ram insisted.

  “So, you want to play hard ball and hold out for more?” Royal assumed.

  “Perhaps it would be better if I explained to you that my family has billions of dollars and wide holdings of land around the world? There is nothing you can offer me that I don’t already have. We are the majority stockholders in Phoenix enterprises. I believe an alliance with us would offer you more than an alliance with vampires or werewolves,” Ram explained.

  He knew how to speak Royal’s language. It was better to get along with Annie’s father than to fight every step of the way. “Money isn’t the issue. Trouble is brewing and we need powerful allies.”

  “We are not without those kinds of resources ourselves. There are intelligence resources as well as security personnel.”

  “Phoenix Guardians is owned by your people?” Royal asked making the connection.

  “It is,” Ram acknowledged.

  “I’ll admit that is impressive. That is the largest security company in the world and employs both humans and supernaturals,” Royal admitted.

  “That’s true.”

  “What are you exactly?”

  “A secret, but a powerful one. We aren’t allowed to divulge that without permission from our king. To do so is a death sentence,” Ram admitted.

  “Your people have managed to keep that secret well, but you must realize if you mate outside of your kind, your secret will be out,” Royal pointed out.


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