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Phoenix Under Fire: A Zodiac Shifters Paranormal Romance: Aries

Page 4

by Crystal Dawn

  Witches were a mystery to him and probably to most of his people. All he knew about them was what he’d seen on TV, read about, or heard whispered as rumors by humans. He didn’t believe most of that stuff was true. It was impossible to imagine Annie riding around on a broom. Casting spells? He could imagine that, even with a wand. He was sure she had no warts and she was pretty and would never be called an old hag. Cam had even mentioned the females of her family were beautiful.

  “Tell me about witches, Annie.”

  “Tell me about your kind starting with what they are.”

  “Touché my Sweet, but you know I have to get permission. Your kind aren’t as secretive as mine. I’m not asking for any secrets, just the stuff most people know.”

  “Many witches have long lives, especially those from strong bloodlines like mine. Witches have a variety of skills and there are none that all witches have. We use many different ways to cast spells including potions and wands. Some witches can fly, but they don’t really need a broom. Anything you want to know in particular?”

  “Are witches matriarchal or patriarchal?”

  “Historically most families were run by women, but my father’s family has always been one of the few exceptions. Mom always likes to say it’s easier if she lets him think everything is his idea.”

  “I think I’m going to like your mom,” Ram observed.

  “I think she’ll like you, too. Dad’s stuffier and more formal. He always says sacrifices have to be made, but Mom always says there are usually better ways to get things done.”

  “I agree with her. Other means should at least be looked into and exhausted first.”

  “My father is sometimes dense.”

  “Is that why he missed the fact he was about to mate one daughter to another daughter’s fated mate?”

  “He never notices things like that. Mom always does. He’ll never notice now because Gertie avoids Darby like he has the plague.”

  “Because he’s a ladies’ man?”

  “That’s a generous way of putting it. I would have run away rather than mate him. The other guy wasn’t any better, only bad in a different way.”

  “So, did your dad ever tell you exactly what this danger he fears that’s on its way is?”

  “Our most reliable foreteller said dark times were ahead for all paranormals. She said alliances would save the day or bring about certain devastation. You do know prophesies are never clear, right?”

  “I can’t say we’ve ever had an apocalyptic prophesy among our people,” Ram admitted.

  “I believe it’s the first one we’ve ever had. Most prophecies are about mates or dangers involving one family. This doom and despair is unusual, but it should be taken seriously. I don’t agree with the actions my father has decided to take, but forming alliances is wise, just not this way.”

  “I suspect he intends to move forward with his plans. At least you won’t be included in them.”

  “He plans to negotiate our mating,” Annie warned.

  “I can’t imagine anything he’ll ask for that would be a problem.”

  “You don’t know my dad. He’ll want even more than he got out of Darby’s people.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  Annie shrugged. “You’ll just have to counter his requests with offers you can live with.”

  “I wish we knew more about this danger. Any way you can think of to get more information? Can’t you, I don’t know, cast a spell or something?”

  “Magic has its limits. The kind that looks or moves forward isn’t easy to do and has a price.”

  “You mean money?”

  “No, money would be easy. You don’t always know the price until it’s too late. My spell to find you cost a part of myself. I gave a drop of blood. That’s not so bad. It was a clear and limited cost. My grandmother cast a spell during a battle to turn the tide. It worked but her hair turned white. We still aren’t sure what that cost was. It may have taken years off her life by speeding up her aging. By the time we know for sure, it will be too late to counter it.”

  “I think I understand. Most of the spells you do regularly have a small cost. The spell you would need to discover the future has a high unknown cost. This magic stuff is far more complicated than I thought.”

  “If it was easy, everyone would be able to do it.”

  “I am happy being me and doing what comes naturally. If I need a spell, I’ll find a witch, if I need someone tracked, I’ll find a werewolf. No one can do everything, but anyone can find an expert to assist them.”

  “We will know something soon,” Annie assured.

  “What makes you think so?”

  “It’s part of the prophesy:

  When the hidden are revealed

  Secrets are unsealed

  The truth will see the light

  Then begins the fight”

  “What the hell does that mean and why do you think it has come to pass?”

  “I didn’t say it has happened, I said it is happening.”

  “So, you think my kind are the hidden?”

  “Are you not? I still don’t know what you are, but when the king comes to meet my father, it will be revealed.”

  “That makes some sense, but there are many secrets in the world. Why do you think she’s talking about this one?”

  “You as much as told my father that your kind are powerful. Powerful enough to make a difference in a fight.”

  “You’re right. I did and I believe we are. You think he’ll ask for protection?”

  “You have a security company. What do you think?”

  “That I gave him more information than I should have and that doesn’t bode well for me.”

  “I would suggest we just mate and forget about the deal, but my father will disown me. He can’t abide disloyalty and that’s how he would see it.”

  “He’s basically selling you and your sisters off. What does he call that?”

  “Doing the best he can for his people. He always says his responsibilities as a ruler come before anything.”

  “Nothing comes before family. But I can see your dad is not the warm loving kind.”

  “We’ve gotten off subject. All paranormals need to prepare for the fight.”

  “You realize most won’t take it seriously, right?”

  “If they won’t, all is lost.”

  “My people are always prepared for a fight. They were hunted by the universe itself it seems. Our numbers diminished to a fraction of what they once were. Have no fear, we are battle ready at a moment’s notice.”

  “Your kind is a rare and limited group. We need vampires, werewolves, mermen, and many others to be ready. Werewolves and vampires are probably the two kinds with the most population, followed by witches. What are your numbers?”

  “This is between the two of us?”

  “Of course.”

  “Rough number, ten thousand.”

  “More than I expected. How do you hide so well?”

  “You’ll see before long.”

  “Okay, I’ll accept that for now. I’d best get back home. I have work scheduled for tomorrow.”

  Ram pulled Annie into his arms and kissed her feverishly. “I hate to let you go.”

  “I’ll come by tomorrow after I get done. You’ll be here?”

  “I will. Let me walk you out.”

  He led Annie down the stairs and out the employee door. It didn’t feel right when she drove away. Once he’d found his mate, he’d always expected never to be apart again. Now here he was, spending another night alone like he had before she’d come into his life.

  “She left?” Cam asked.

  “Annie wants to get to know me before we bond. She also has a job and is working tomorrow.”

  “Does she know who you are?”

  “She knows I’m high in our company.”

  “She’ll be pissed that you didn’t tell her.”

  “I expect as much. If she doesn’t know, her father can’t bla
me her for not telling him.”

  “Ah, plausible deniability. She’s still going to be furious when she finds out.”

  “I’ll take my chances. Why don’t we have a drink and discuss the old days?” Ram asked.

  “Sounds like a plan. I have a full bar in the rec room.”

  “I expected no less.”

  Ram followed Cam deeper into the building. The rec room was nice and manly. It had pool tables, darts, card tables and a table of board games like chess. The bar was full and had mirrors on the back and side walls and on the ceiling over the bar. Glasses hung everywhere. Light hung low, casting the bar in shadows.

  “What do you want to drink?” Cam asked after he moved behind the bar.

  “Purple Passion?”

  “Going for the strong stuff. Let me see, yes, I have Everclear. Grape juice, orange juice, do you want ice?”

  “No, nothing that will dilute it.” Ram insisted.

  “Here you go.”

  “Keep it coming, Mr. Bartender.”

  “Of course, my friend. I hope my mating goes better someday.”

  “You truly don’t feel like you’ve met your mate?”

  “I thought I did, once. She had no interest so I must have been wrong.”

  “Was she one of our kind?”

  “Yes. Do you wish your mate had been one of us?”

  Cam clearly misunderstood Ram’s attempt to see if his sister was the one Cam had seen as a mate. “I would know more about her, but I figured out a long time ago my mate would be from outside our kind. Annie is smart and beautiful. I could ask for no one better.”

  “She is an exceptional female. I’m happy for you, friend.”

  “Fill it up,” Ram said as he slid his glass across the bar. Cam did exactly as he asked. “What are you drinking?” He asked as he observed Cam’s drink which was an orange color.

  “It’s a screwdriver or would be if I hadn’t used Everclear. I don’t want you to have all the fun.”

  “Heaven forbid! We’ll be a pair tonight.”

  “Want to shoot some pool?” Cam offered.

  “I don’t play often, but I’ll try if you promise not to tease me if I’m terrible.”

  “I promise. I’ll rack them up.” Cam set up the game and stepped aside. “Guests first.”

  Ram hit the balls hard and they scattered with several going in, both solids and stripes. “What rules are we using?”

  “Just playing for fun. Keep going.”

  “I’ll take solids since three went in and only two stripes.” Ram got two more in before he missed his shot.

  “My turn,” Cam said with a devilish smile.

  “Have you heard anything more about this danger to paranormals?”

  “Honestly?” Ram nodded. “In certain circles, it’s all they talk about. You’ve heard the old stories about the two forces that existed before everything else did?”

  “There was one creature with equal parts of good and evil. The evil decided to break free, because its good side was holding it back. It turned out to be the other way around. Once freed, the good began to create life. It made planets, some for life and some empty. It made a vast assortment of living creatures and plants. Life radiated outward and multiplied, but evil was trapped in the vacuum and couldn’t get out without the good.”

  “That one exactly. Some believe evil has been leaking out into the universe for some time now. It is gathering and growing. When the time is right, it wants to rule everything the good created.”

  “Isn’t that silly superstition?” Ram asked.

  “You mean like humans think shifters and vampires are?”

  “Point taken. What do you believe?”

  “It’s possible. Evil and good exist, everyone knows that. It’s present in everyone in certain amounts. There’s a balance and we will always have to deal with evil, but what if the balance is upset and tilted toward evil? What do we do then?”

  “You believe that some evil force is plotting to take over the world? It wants to wipe out paranormals because they’re strong? Then what? It’ll rule a purely human world? There are humans who can and would fight too.”

  “True. But who wants to rule an empty world? Power means nothing without someone to use it on.”

  “Evil wants company? Your theory is really out there, Bro.”

  “What’s your theory?” Cam asked.

  “If you assume the prophecy is real, maybe there is just an evil badass out there biding his time until he’s ready to try to take over the paranormal world. That’s far more likely and has been attempted numerous times. Power corrupts and all that. Maybe the leader of one of our groups, or a powerful contender who was knocked out of the running and is ready to make a play for what he lost?”

  “So, a number two werewolf or vampire is running around trying to bring number one down and then take over all the other groups? I suppose that’s possible. We need background checks run on the leadership of all the groups we know about. If we can rule out some possibilities, it will bring us closer to whatever is going on.”

  “Do it. At least we are trying something.”

  “If we begin to find some of our mates in the other groups, we need to know about them anyway.” Cam pulled out his phone and began to type like an expert. He had mad phone skills that Ram didn’t. Back home cell phones were used, but not like they were in the outer world.

  Ram went to the bar and mixed himself another but used more Everclear. He really wanted to catch a buzz, but it was hard to do. Once the drink was ready, he downed it. Enough of this stuff could kill a human or so he’d heard.

  “Devlin has the request and he will be gathering information. Because of the broad scope of the information, it’ll take a few days.”

  “Then that’s what it takes. For now, we wait and listen for anything that fits what we’re looking to learn.”

  “You keep drinking that shit and you may manage to get drunk. You may not feel good tomorrow if you do.”

  “Annie will be back tomorrow after work.”

  “Where will you take her?”

  “Take her?”

  “You want to get to know her, you need to take her on a date.”

  “What do you suggest? You’ve been around witches.”

  “I’d take her to the zoo. There’s one not far from here. Witches like animals.”

  “Do witches have familiars?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ve never seen any of the ones that come here with an animal. You should ask Annie.”

  “I have a lot to ask Annie but I can’t tell her anything until I’m given the go ahead.”

  “I bet that goes over well,” Cam chuckled.

  “Remember how much you’re laughing at me when your time comes.”

  “I’ll be too happy to have my mate to care.”

  Cam had a point. Just finding his mate was the best news a male could have. Nothing else should be able to take away from that, not even the end of the world. Ram knew his father would figure this out. He was the smartest, strongest, and most capable Phoenix there was and someday, Ram hoped to be just like him. There was also the matter of finding a mate just like his mom and while Annie was different, she was the same in all the ways that mattered.

  “Unlike you, my good friend, I must work in the morning. Looks like it’s time for us to turn in.”

  “When did you become such a pussy?”

  “Ha ha. Easy to say when you can sleep all day. I’m the one that will be helping arrange your parent’s trip here. That requires focus, thank you very much. You can stay up, but I’m going to bed.”

  “Good night, old man.”

  “Good night to you too,” Cam said as he put his glass in the dishwasher and headed out of the room.

  Ram should feel guilty because his presence had added to Cam’s workload, but he didn’t. Cam had an assistant and a secretary. He should have a personal assistant too, but he was too anal to let someone else have that much control over his schedule. That was
n’t true of Ram, he had all three and used them to ease his load. That’s why he was here, but everything was still running smoothly back home.

  He fixed himself one more drink and drank it down. Rinsing out his glass, he put it in the dishwasher. Ram turned off everything leaving the half-played game alone. There was a lot to think about with what he and Cam had discussed. Regardless of what he said, he had a great deal of respect for Cam. Never would he tell him because it might cause his already big head to swell.

  It didn’t really matter the source of the evil anyway, what mattered is where it was and what it was doing. Power plays could be tracked and so could attacks on paranormals. One thing Ram knew was that evil never just sat there waiting. It kept its claws in the game, hurting those it could and using whoever it found available. Perhaps that was the way to track it.

  Ram was aware that every place had its human law enforcement out in the open, but it also had its supernatural crime agencies hidden in the shadows. Those were the people who would know if things had changed. He decided in the morning, he would discuss that with Cam. Leaving the rec room, he headed up to his room for the night.

  Once he was inside, he decided on a relaxing hot bath. There was a jetted tub in his room and he might as well take advantage of it. He liked it hot and as the tub filled, steam drifted on the air. The mirrors were covered with condensation and nothing could be seen in them. It didn’t matter since he was alone. Once the tub was full, he turned the water off and stripped, slipping into the hot water. He turned a knob and the jets were on high.

  Ram leaned back and relaxed as water swirled all around hitting tired muscles and making him feel sleepy. He rarely took the time to relax in this way. What little effect the alcohol may have had was now completely gone. If he felt tired, it was just all the activity and little sleep finally catching up to him.

  He hadn’t expected to fall asleep in the tub or he would have gotten out sooner. Ram hated to wake up in ice cold water. Moaning and shaking from the cold, he willed his body temperature to rise and it did immediately. Pulling up the drain so the tub would empty, he then got out and dried off.


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