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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

Page 14

by Pixie Moon

  My eyebrows shoot up causing the large male to laugh. I grin as I realize he’s a flirt.

  Din Zar clears his throat again and I jump as I realize the nod means I’m supposed to move on. Sheesh, how am I supposed to keep up with all of these rules? Living in the woods was never this difficult. I hurry to the kitchen and set the tray down.

  When I return to the living room, the men have already started talking. My male is sitting on the couch next to his brother, while the other two are sitting in chairs across from the couch. I go to the blue chair close to a window and sink down into it. My emotions are starting to crash. I’ve gone from content, to frightened, to confused, to relieved in a very short amount of time.

  I sink deeper into the large chair I’m curled up in. From the corner of my eye, I see the yellow petals of the purrdot plant move closer to me. I hold out my hand so several of the flowers can get a good whiff of my skin. I’m now used to the plant and enjoy giving it the small pleasure of smelling me. I like giving Din Zar pleasure too. A shiver runs through me at that thought.

  A chuckle from Din Von draws my attention to the men. Covertly, I check our guests out. They all emanate power and confidence. My fingers worry the hem of my sheer clothing. A touch of fire blooms across my cheeks as I realize I was standing in front of them the whole time in this scrap of material.

  It dawns on me that I hadn’t seen lust in any of their eyes. Relief runs through my veins as I acknowledge that Din Zar was right. These men are used to seeing females dressed the way I am. Feeling a bit bolder, I glance at our guests through the strands of my hair.

  All of them are around seven feet tall. I feel like an ant compared to them. Even the female zaphinian that came over and talked to Din Zar was their height. I’m definitely an ant.

  Yeah, but what if the ants here on Zaphin are so well cared for that they live long, happy, healthy lives? my logical side asks.

  Hmm, I’ll have to ponder that later. As I watch them, I realize that Din Lor is the male that crowded me the day I arrived. He’s also the one that quickly stepped back and apologized for scaring me. Damn, he must have smelled my fear that day. That was sweet of him to back out of my personal space and to apologize. Din Lor has a length of cord attached to his pants. I wonder what he needs that for. Since he’s nice it’s probably used for something good.

  I rub my thumb over my lower lip as I think about how I’ve been treated by the zaphinians. They do have some strange ways. My sheer clothing is proof of that. But they are also kind. Then I remember the way Din Zar orders me around. Okay, they’re also dominating.

  Not in a mean way, my heart whispers. That’s a fact. The beings that took Megan and Gayle were horrible creatures. I shiver as I remember them. Not wanting to go there, I push the memories to the back of my mind. After three tries, the memory stays in a shadowy corner.

  My male laughs at something Din Ryk says. I like the way his laughter slides over my nerves. The word Din stands out in my mind. If they are all called Din but not blood related, what does the word mean? Is it some kind of status thing? I need to ask Din Zar about it later.

  I enjoy listening to the murmur of their masculine voices. I’m no longer trying to keep up with what they’re talking about. As time slips by my eyelids feel heavier and heavier. It’s getting later and my emotions were highly tested tonight.

  Through my drooping lids, I look at Din Zar and smile when I see how relaxed and happy he is. Contentment soothes my soul. With good feelings circling through me, I close my eyes and snuggle deeper into my chair.

  ~ Zar ~

  I’m sure my draw to Hallie is stronger than the moon’s need to circle Zaphin.

  My heart almost bursts from relief when I see that she’s fallen asleep. In her resting pose, she’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. The only thing that tops the sight of her right now, is the sight of her flushed and calling my name as I make her come.

  The mere thought of pressing my base bulge into the pink jewel between her legs has my cock twitching. She shifts causing her uniform to rise up exposing the luscious curve of her ass. I love the soft curves of her body. My gaze travels up to her plump breasts. They move slightly with every inhale and exhale.

  Lor’s voice draws my attention back to my friends. I turn to see all three of them standing. Smiling, I stand as well. I’m not embarrassed to be caught staring at my seema. I’ve already told them that she intrigues me as no other has.

  “Thanks for coming over and helping with her training.” I look back at her sleeping form and then back at each of them. “Tonight was successful.”

  Von smiles as he looks Hallie over. “That it was.” My brother looks back at me with curiosity in his silver eyes. “Are you going to bring her to the club soon?”

  “In about a week. I want to give her more time to adjust to being here on Zaphin.” I’m not quite ready to share her with the club members just yet.

  “The club should be an interesting place to her. I look forward to seeing it through her eyes,” Lor says.

  Ryk shakes his head. “The first time she goes, I don’t know if she’ll see the club as a good or a bad kind of interesting.”

  “I know. I plan on going easy on her the first time she’s there.” I look over her sleeping body and hope she instantly loves Club Release.

  “That’s good. She’s a skittish one,” Von says before he drinks the last of his stros.

  I wave a hand in her direction. Her sleeping form looks peaceful. “At least we know she’s adaptable.”

  “True,” Ryk agrees.

  “We better head out. Some of us have to train early in the morning.” Lor’s gaze roams over Hallie and then comes back to mine. “And I don’t mean the fun kind.”

  “She has been interesting to teach,” I confess. “I’ll be back there with you guys soon enough. Thanks again for coming over and helping me out.” I walk them to the door and then close it quietly when they’re gone.

  I walk over to Hallie and look down at her slumbering form. Pride in her progress sinks into my bones. That she’s able to let her guard down enough to fall asleep in front of me and my friends is wonderful. She’s only been her for two weeks and she’s grown a lot.

  A grin curls my lips as I look at the purrdot flowers leaning in as close to Hallie as they can. I silently agree with them. Her scent is unique and wonderful. I take a deep breath and just enjoy the feel of being one with her essence.

  I gently pick her up and carry her to my room. As I place her on the bed, she mumbles something but doesn’t wake up. I shed my clothes, climb in beside her, and then cover us up.

  When she shifts and puts her leg on mine, I know I’m in trouble. It only gets worse when she adorably snuggles closer to me and presses her face to my chest. With her soft breaths caressing my skin and warm body cuddling to mine, I bravely acknowledge that she’s just stolen a big piece of my heart.



  ~ Hallie ~


  My mouth drops open as Din Zar leads me to Club Release.

  Two kind of mean looking zaphinian males are guarding the entrance to the club. They make me feel safe and anxious at the same time.

  Din Zar looks at the one on the right. He has a white scar through is right eyebrow and one along his left cheek. His sharp features make him look a little scary. To top it off, the male has to be close to seven and a half feet tall.

  Din Zar nods to the male. “Din Grof.” The male grunts and then nods back.

  Din Zar tilts his head toward the other male. “Din Dran.” After the male nods back. He leads me into the club.

  Din Dran’s gold and silver eyes had spooked me a little. The male was almost has tall as Din Grof. Both seemed gruff and unfriendly. Now I know not all zaphinians are friendly.

  Guards aren’t supposed to be friendly. They are supposed to scare people into behaving, my logical side wisely points out. She’s right.

  The guards blur to the back of m
y mind a few seconds after we pass them. The huge place is teeming with people. I draw in closer to Din Zar. I don’t think I’m going to like it here. I see a few beings that are not zaphinians and shudder at the thought of how other beings treat humans.

  Din Zar rubs my shoulder and looks down at me. “Don’t be afraid, seema. No one here will hurt you.” He leads us through a mass of people and up to a smooth stone bar where he orders two drinks.

  I reach out and touch the cool silver metal that edges the bar. Blue lights catch in the metal. They add an extra touch of life to the area. I also notice that there are no stools or chairs by the bar. This keeps the people coming and going. I covertly watch the bartender fluidly get our drinks. The graceful way he moves makes me think of a dancer I met years ago. Beautiful.

  The bartender looks at the cuffs that are connecting us together. “Is she a new live-sex-plaything, Din Zar?”

  I watch wide eyed as Din Zar hands me a drink and shakes his head at the man. “Not now. Maybe later, Din Soja.”

  My stomach drops. I don’t want to leave my male’s home.

  Din Zar leans down and sniffs. “You have nothing to fear. This club is all about having fun and a good time. Relax and enjoy yourself.”

  To make him happy, I smile and try to do as he says. I lift the purple drink and take a sip. Spicy heat blazes a path down to my stomach. I look into the cup. It looks like stros but its way different.

  A chuckle comes from my pretty eyed male. “It’s stros with a kick. Enjoy it while you can. After that one you’re getting straight stros.”

  I feel the warming affects all the way down to my toes.

  While I take another sip of my drink the most amazing being flies up to the bar and grabs a large mug of stros from the end where I notice a number of mugs are filled and waiting. The cute little thing can’t be more than a foot tall.

  Her multi-colored wings are so pretty. Each wing is a little wider than her purple body. Her tiny silver colored shorts and top make me smile. Where does she get clothes that small from?

  I watch in wonder as she flies away with the heavy mug. She doesn’t seem to be struggling at all which is impressive since the mug is as tall as she is and probably weighs more than she does.

  I look over to see that Pretty Eyes is watching me with a smile. “Her name is Lo. She’s a brewmar. They are great at serving drinks and putting on a show as they do it. The customers love them.” His eyes harden. “Nobody is allowed to mess with them.” His eyes soften as he looks me over. “Or you.”

  His tone makes me feel good. I believe he’d defend me if he had to. I just hope it doesn’t come to that. If I stay quiet all should be well.

  A male comes over and starts talking to Din Zar. As they converse, I covertly watch another bartender slip behind the bar and start taking drink orders. I watch in amazement as the new blue eyed male smoothly fills orders.

  On certain drinks the new male and Din Soja toss the mixing containers in the air and twirl them. They put on a good show. I soon learn that the new male’s name is Din Lok. They are a good team. I could watch them for a long time and never get bored.

  I stare in wonder as a pink being with short black hair walks up to me. Her small glittering yellow top and tiny skirt look good on her. She looks down at me from a good six feet up and smiles. “Hi. I’m Tling By. I’m a petrokian. What’s your name, little human?”

  “I’m Hallie Mead. It’s nice to meet you.” She seems nice enough for me to truly mean it.

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” Her white eyes glance at the metal cuffing me to my male. “I see you’re with Din Zar. He’s a nice guy.”

  I’m glad to know others feel the same way about him. She’s proof that he’s not just kind to me. My trust in him grows a little more.

  Tling By’s gaze moves to Din Soja and takes him in. “That’s a nice shirt, Din Soja. It looks expensive. I bet it feels great on,” she compliments the bartender.

  His purple and silver eyes light up. He smiles and a deep dimple appears in his right cheek. Din Soja winks at Tling By. “I have to look good for the females.”

  As Tling By laughs and then leans forward to tell him something secretly, another female comes over and stands next to me. Her small purple top and skirt complement her tan skin. She’s got pretty grass green eyes and interesting purple hair.

  A cute smile curls her lips. “Hello. I’m Rosda. What’s your name?”

  “Hallie Mead. It’s nice to meet you.” Since she seems nice like Tling By, I start to relax a bit.

  “It’s nice to meet you too.” Her gaze lands on several of the people around us. “Has anyone seen Stiza Hy?”

  “No,” Tling By answers.

  Din Lok shakes his head.

  “I heard her say she was going home for a while because her mom was sick,” Din Soja says as he mixes a drink.

  Rosda frowns for a few seconds. “Thanks, Din Soja. I hate to hear that. Maybe her mom will get better soon so Stiza Hy can come back quickly. I miss her.”

  As I watch the exchange, I learn that aliens have feelings too. This is good to know and calms my nerves a little. I know I can’t get too careless though. Some aliens are purely mean. Gayle’s and Megan’s situation is proof of that.

  Pretty Eyes turns to me as the male he’d been talking to leaves. He takes my hand and leads me in a different direction through the club. A part of me wants to leave because crowds are dangerous. Another part wants to see everything. At the pace he’s going, I don’t have much time to look around.

  The pulsing beat of music breaths energy throughout the club. I glance to my right and just barely get a glimpse of people on a dance floor. I’m a little shocked to see several naked human females and males. The blue and silver lights pulsing to the beat makes the gyrating people seem to glow.

  The crowd shifts blocking my view of the dancers. Being over a foot shorter then everyone here hinders my view greatly. My eyebrows shoot up in shock when we near a swimming pool. Din Zar greets a few people but doesn’t slow down. As I stare at naked beings swimming in the pool, he leads me down some stone steps. I gape in wonder as I realize that the side of the pool is made of glass.

  At the bottom of the stairs is a large seating area with foam cushion lined lounge chairs as well as an area with low stone tables and stone chairs that are lined with the same high-quality looking tan foam cushioning. In one corner there are a few long couches facing each other. All of the furniture is huge and comfortable looking.

  I’m led to a table with chairs. Din Von is already there with a female sitting in his lap. When he sees us he says something in the green being’s ear. I watch disappointment cross her pretty face. With Din Von’s help, she stands and leaves the area.

  I can’t help but watch her walk away. Her dark green tail swishes back and forth. I stare at her until she’s out of sight. Her tail never stops moving. I’m impressed with the way her body flows from where her tail connects to her lower back and then rounds into a curvy butt.

  “It’s not nice to stare, seema,” Din Zar whispers into my ear.

  I snap out of my shock and look up at him. “She is amazing. What is she?”

  Din Zar sits in one of the armless chairs and then pulls me into his lap. I like the feel of his soft jeans touching my bare thighs. He efficiently removes the cuffs binding us. I feel a little bare without the metal around my wrist.

  I set my drink on the low table and admire the purple lights reflecting in the gleaming table top. I then look at him. Without glancing down, I tug on my skirt. After seeing so many naked beings, I’m lucky to have on a skimpy top that barely covers my boobs and this too short shimmery skirt.


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