Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)

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Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1) Page 22

by Pixie Moon

  Shame adds to the heat burning my face up. “I’m sorry, Din Zar.”

  “You’re forgiven. There have been a few cases of zaphinians and humans having children. Our history shows that is hasn’t happened much.” His brows draw together as if he’s thinking hard. “Since we’ve only interacted with humans for about fifty years, we really don’t have a lot of data to go by. That’s because most of the humans here on Zaphin are playthings who get birth control shots. All of our playthings have had the shot.”

  He pauses and a pulse of light flashes through his eyes. “Would you like a child someday, seema?”

  “I never thought about it before.” I look around the thriving business and then out the window into the lush landscape. My gaze moves back to his. “Here, I wouldn’t mind having a child.” I swallow hard as I realize he might not want a child with a seema. “What about you?” I ask a bit nervously. My stomach dips and then flips. I could already be pregnant. Please don’t hate babies, I silently beg him.

  He inhales and then soothes his big hand down my back. “At my age, I wouldn’t mind if it were to happen.” His gaze softens. “The chance is slim though. We’re going to live a day at a time and see what the future has in store for us. I’m content with having you as my seema.”

  Joy sparks a rainbow of satisfied bliss through me. “I’m happy to be with you too.” I feel like leaping up and down. I have enough excited energy to climb the tallest tree on Zaphin ten times in a row.

  The arrival of our food brings the conversation to a quick halt. I don’t mind though because he’s already told me how he feels. Another zing of joy bursts through me.

  I slide off Zar’s lap and into the chair next to his. I miss his warm embrace but my angry stomach demands I pay full attention to filling it up.

  My nayhew steak is flavorful in a way I haven’t mastered at home yet. I look at Zar and watch him eat for a moment. Zaphinians can really tuck some food away. Granted they are eating enough for a whole day. Still, the amount they can eat at one time never ceases to amaze me.

  When Zar slows down, I ask, “Do you think Din Tymor or Din Zima would tell us the spices they use on their steaks if we asked?”

  Rich laughter comes from behind me. I turn to see Tymor cleaning the table behind ours. “Not on your life, little human.”

  Zima walks over and frowns at Tymor. “I would give it to them if her life was at risk.”

  “No, you wouldn’t because I’d stop you,” Tymor firmly states as he finishes cleaning the table.

  “Humph. You could try,” Zima says as she scowls at her husband.

  I feel like crap for unintentionally starting a fight between the couple. Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut? Restaurant owners don’t give recipes away. I hate being so slow at fully understanding things.

  I turn to them hoping the aroma of food doesn’t totally cover my scent of regret. “I didn’t mean to start a fight.” Trying to butter them up, I say, “I’ll just come here when I want to eat the best steak on the planet.”

  Zima winks at me. “That’s sweet, little human.” Her gaze hardens when it turns back to her husband. “You are not so sweet. You’d let Din Zar’s seema be killed. For that you must be punished.”

  I watch in horror as the couple fight all the way back to the kitchen. Each determined to punish the other. Covertly, I look over and up at Zar to see what he thinks about me starting a fight between his friends.

  With a bite of steak on his fork, he looks at me and shrugs. “Don’t feel bad, seema. They love to fight.” A sexy grin transforms his face. “From what I understand, the make-up sex between them is explosive.” As fire stings my face, Pretty Eyes laughs heartily. “You just did them a favor.”

  When Zar goes back to eating, I follow suit. Obviously, I still have a lot to learn about zaphinians. Covertly, I look around at the beings in the restaurant.

  Most of the patrons are zaphinians but I do see a few of the pink petrokians at one table and two female mewmosians at another. A sense of normalcy washes over me when I notice that a few of the people are very slender and others are plump.

  Now I know I’m not the only person on the planet that doesn’t work out all the time. Come to think of it, a few people at the club aren’t totally muscle bound either. I can fit in here.

  The people are dressed in all kinds of clothing. Some look as though they’ve come from the battle field and others are dressed in comfortable jeans and shirts. There are a few females clothed in sheer dresses that are patterned to cover their girly parts.

  Music is lightly playing in the background. The gleaming wooden tables are in different shades of tan, green, and blue. The varying hues add charm to the place. The stone floors are clean even where potted plants are placed near the floor to ceiling windows.

  A few older zaphinian males are playing some kind of game at a table in the corner. Every so often they laugh or growl at each other. A young couple is whispering to one another at a table in a corner. The place seems homey. The owners can be heard fighting through the kitchen doors. None of the waiters or other patrons seem to care. Yep, this place is very homey—from the laughter to the fighting—I like it.

  My stomach is full and happy for the moment. I eyeball the last piclot muffin on my plate. Food should never be wasted. My right hand automatically goes to the pocket on my new cargo pants.

  The clearing of a throat has me looking up at Zar. His gaze moves to the muffin and then to my hand which has just finished unfastening my pocket. “No, seema. Leave it. You don’t have to worry about it being wasted. They feed the leftover food to their nayhew herd.”

  A flush stings my cheeks. How did he know what I was planning?

  Zar sniffs and then chuckles. “I’m a warrior. It’s my job to be alert.” He gently traces a finger down my cheek. “Especially, where you’re concerned, little seema.”

  A waiter comes to the table and I watch as Zar orders something called blisbom. I wonder what that is. Zar turns and smiles down at me. My stomach does a tiny flip and sparks fire through my veins. He’s so handsome when he smiles like that.

  With a sparkle in his eyes, Zar says, “I think you’re going to like blisbom. It’s a dessert that’s sweet and creamy.”

  I lick my lips as I think of how sweet and creamy he is.

  Zar’s eyes close as he inhales. I watch his eyes open and roam me with appreciation. “After I pay, we have one more thing to do and then I’ll see to your needs, seema.”

  The ever present fire in my cheeks flares to a hotter level. I can’t hide anything from my warrior. He takes a box from the waiter and then pays for our food. As he leads me toward the door, he greets a few males but doesn’t stop to talk.

  With my state of arousal, I’m glad he doesn’t stop to chat.



  ~ Hallie ~


  We head straight to the parking lot and get in his vehicle. The smell coming from the box is delicious. I want to take a peek but knowing how fast this vehicle can go, I strap in and firmly hold the box in my lap instead.

  That he even thought to bring something new home for me to try proves once again how caring my zaphinian warrior is. He’s a sweet lover and friend. I think I’ll keep the sweet part to myself. Nothing good can come from riling the tough warrior within him.

  The trip home is much faster than the one to the restaurant. I guess he thinks I’ve seen it all now. Obviously, Zar is not a stop and smell the flowers kind of guy.

  Shortly after we arrive home, he has me put the dessert on the counter and follow him to his office. My curiosity is aroused. What’s he up to?

  I watch him turn on his computer. After he presses a few keys he has me place my hand on a black pad. My handprint shows up on the computer screen.

  “You can now open and close the doors leading outside, seema.” Zar’s teal and silver eyes darken. “Never go deep into the jungle. It’s dangerous out there. Don’t open the door to strangers. Do you un
derstand me, seema?”

  “Yes, Din Zar. Thank you.” My heart feels like it’s about to burst. Zar trusts me enough to let me come and go as I please. Not that I can go far, but at least now I can spend time on the back patio and in the backyard. Excitement flows through me. Now I can hang out with all the plants lining our yard. They are so interesting and beautiful.

  “You’re welcome, little seema. Now let’s see what you think about blisbom. It’s a specialty dessert here on Zaphin. Din Zima makes some of the best blisbom on the planet.” He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. The scar on his hand reminds me of how tough he is.

  “You called her Din Zima. Did she go through the same training as you and the other warriors?” I still can’t get over how tough the female zaphinians are. There were a few tall, muscular females on Earth but here all of the females seem to be tall and stout. Are they all warriors?

  “Yes, she’s an accomplished warrior. Worthy of the title Din,” Zar answers as though it’s a normal thing.

  “Are all female zaphinians warriors?” I still can’t fathom how all the females here can be so tough. It makes me feel quite weak. Not a good feeling.

  I watch him open the box and pull out the dessert. The red berries covering the top of the cake looking dessert are mouth wateringly pretty. Zar cuts a slice and then plates it.

  As he slides it over to me, he answers, “Many of our females are warriors but not all of them. As on all planets, we have a group of people, males and females, who don’t want to work for anything. Most of them live out in the jungle. There are also a few rare zaphinian females that are submissive.”

  Zar gestures toward my plate, “Go on, try it.”

  The aroma coming from the dessert is heavenly. I slide my fork through the berries, creamy frosting, and on through the cake to the pudding in the center of the dessert, and then through the bottom layer of cake.

  Bliss sinks into my tongue the second I put the confection in my mouth. Creamy sweet goodness. I recognize a nutty bananaish flavor and a vanilla flavor but I can’t figure out the other one. It’s a spicy yet sweet something. I moan as I chew the deliciousness.

  On my third bite, I hear a low growl and look up to see Din Zar’s eyes glowing lightly. His vents and nostrils are flared and his fangs are peeking out through his slightly parted lips. I look down and see the outline of his erection pressing against his pants.

  Lust instantly spikes through my core. With my eyes staring into his pretty teal and silver ones, I moan as I take another bite of sweet perfection. His seed is another form of sweet perfection. My clit comes to life as I think about all the ways he uses that massive erection to bring me pleasure. I can’t wait to feel it invading my body in a delicious way.

  His claws come out as he starts taking his clothes off. I shiver as I remember how good his claws feel as they lightly score my skin. I take another bite and moan long and low.

  “Strip, seema,” he commands in that growly tone that causes fire to lick at my veins.

  I put my fork down and quickly do as I’m told. Naked, I stand with my feet just past shoulder width apart as he taught me. With a predatory gleam in his glowing eyes, Zar circles me.

  A shiver dances up my spine when he comes up behind me and growls softly as he kisses my neck. I feel his hard shaft settle between my cheeks. Desire swirls through me and pulses between my legs.

  His hands slide around my body. He hugs me for a long moment. As I enjoy the feel of being in his strong embrace, I wait to see what he’ll do next. Moisture drips from my heated core and slides down my thighs. Anticipation has me holding my breath.

  I cry out as his cock shifts and then easily tunnels into my aching pussy. His teeth barely break the skin on my shoulder. The small amount of serum that comes from his sharp fangs has me teetering on the edge ecstasy. His hips rock gently and his hands cup my breasts. I long for him to play with my clit and give me a bigger dose of the bliss inducing serum that his fangs carnally provide.

  Arching my back, I rotate my hips and try to hitch my shoulder up to make his fangs sink in deeper. He growls and removes his teeth from my skin. His claws lightly score my breasts as he continues to rock his hips.

  “Your little show of dominance is going to cost you, seema,” he whispers into my ear.

  Need has me trembling in his arms. “I’m sorry, Din. I was just teasing you.” I rotate my hips and reach for my clit.

  He growls and pins my hands to my lower back with one of his. He bends me over and places his free hand on my belly as he thrusts harder into me. I long for his hand to move lower. The desperate pearl between my legs is crying out for attention.

  He inhales and lightly rakes his claws over my belly. I shiver and struggle to free my hands so I can relieve some of the pressure between my legs. He growls and then chuckles.

  “You’ll have your pleasure when I choose to give it to you, little seema.” The hand on my belly inches down and pulls back. I feel the skin tighten around my clit. I shiver and whimper.

  “That is a beautiful sound, seema. I want to hear it again.”

  When his finger slides forward and over my sensitive bud, I cry out and rock my hips to get more pressure where I need it. A dark chuckle comes from Zar as he presses into my clit and then slides his hand back pulling the skin tight over my hot knot of nerves.

  Lust rages out of control. I whimper and beg, “Please, Din.”

  In a quick move, he grips my hair and pulls me up. The sweet tug on my scalp sends a fresh wave of lust spiraling through me. I whimper as my world narrows and focuses only on my fierce desire to come.

  He inhales and then guides me to the wall. “Hands on the wall, seema.”

  His commanding tone has me quickly doing his bidding. I moan when he tugs on my hair and slides a finger over my pulsing clit. His hips pump faster as he works my body into a frenzied ball a lust.

  I gasp when he pulls out of me and spins me around. With passion glowing in his eyes, he lifts me and impales my pussy in a breathtaking move. My back hits the wall as he sinks in deep. I shudder when his base bulge tunnels through my swollen folds and hits my aching clit.

  Wrapping my legs around his lean waist, I grip his powerful shoulders and wish my nails were tough enough to score his skin. I’d love to leave my mark on him. He growls and shallowly thrusts into my pussy over and over. Each kiss of his base bulge to my clit drives me closer to paradise.

  “Please, Din,” I beg without shame. I tighten my inner muscles and glory in the feel of his thick length sliding in and out of my hot core.

  A sexy growl vibrates through his chest and the glow in his eyes brightens. He bares his fangs and thrusts hard into me as he sinks his fangs into my shoulder. Ecstasy floods my whole being. Stars flare before my eyes as I scream and shudder in his arms.

  He pumps his hips twice more and stiffens as he cries out. His hot seed bursts from his cock and coats my walls. A tremor goes through me as he moans and gently rocks his hips. I shiver and groan as little waves of pleasure consume me.

  Staying buried deep inside me, Zar wraps his muscular arms around me and begins heading for the bedroom. Each step he takes shifts his cock and brings me pleasure. I press my face into his chest and lick his nipple. He growls a warning but I don’t heed it. Instead, I suck his taut peak into my mouth and flick my tongue over the sensitive flesh. His shaft hardens as he enters our bedroom.

  I smile as I realize how much power I have. Marking his soul is better than marking his skin.

  He growls another warning. My smile slips when he tosses me on the bed face down. Zar raises my hips and enters me. His big cock feels good but there’s no base bulge pleasure. I remember my time in the Punishment Room at Club Release. Fuck!

  A dark chuckle comes from him. “That’s right, seema. I’m the one in control here. It’s time to remind you of your place.”


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